Radějovice u Netonic

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Radějovice u Netonic (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihočeský kraj
District : Strakonice
Area : 225 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 11 '  N , 14 ° 2'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 11 '9 "  N , 14 ° 1' 33"  E
Height: 521  m nm
Residents : 44 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 387 73
License plate : C.
Street: Drahonice - Kváskovice
Next international airport : České Budějovice Airport
Status: local community
Districts: 1
Mayor : Michal Sekyra (as of 2018)
Address: Radějovice 10
387 73 Bavorov
Municipality number: 536423
Website : pootavi.cz/radejovice/
Chapel of the Virgin Mary

Radějovice [ ˈˈraɟɛjɔvɪt͡sɛ ] (German Radejowitz ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located 14 kilometers northwest of Vodňany in South Bohemia and belongs to the Okres Strakonice .


Geographical location

Radějovice lies on a plateau in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest in the basin of the Radějovický creek. To the northeast rise the Radovec (635 m) and the Knížecí kámen (622 m), in the southeast the Kyše (564 m) and southwest the Kváskovická hůrka (571 m).

Community structure

No districts are shown for the municipality of Radějovice.

Neighboring communities

Neighboring towns are Cehnice in the north, Dunovice, Sedliště and Drahonice in the Northeast, Albrechtice and Skočice the east, Netonice, Chrást and Bílsko the southeast, Záluží and Měkynec in the south, Jiřetice, Čepřovice , Ovčín, Střítež and Skály in the southwest, Kváskovice the west and Paračov , Třešovice and Jinín in the north-west.


The first written mention of Radějovice took place in 1334. Later, the Lords Cehnice von Říčany acquired the village and added it to the Cehnice manor , which was united by Mikuláš Cehnice from Říčany with his uncle's Stiekna manor before 1475 . After Heralt Kavka von Říčany's death, the Cehnice estate was separated from Stiekna again in 1563 when the rule was divided. The fortress Cehnice became the seat of his son Jan Kavka from Říčany, who in addition to the farm and the town of Cehnice also owned Radějovice and nine other villages. His son of the same name sold the estate in 1602 to the guardians of Zdeněk Jan Říčanský von Říčany, who reunited Cehnice with Stiekna. From 1610 on there were several changes of ownership; After the Battle of White Mountain , the Stiekna estate belonging to Jan Malovec von Malovice was confiscated and later sold to Ursula von Kolowrat . 1648 immigrant from Switzerland to Bohemia nobles acquired in January Anton Losy of Losinthal the rule with the associated villages Řepice , Mladějovice, Přešťovice , Čejetice , Droužetice , Přeborovice, Brusy, Cehnice, Dunovice, Netonice, Radějovice, Paračov , Kurimany , Sudkovice and Černěkov by Johann Anton Fürst von Eggenberg . After his death in 1682 his son Johann Baptist inherited the Stiekna estate. He died in 1683 and his brother Johann Anton Losy von Losinthal took over the inheritance . In 1720 he handed over his property Stiekna to his son Adam Philipp . After Adam Philipp Count Losy von Losinthal died on April 21, 1781 in Vienna without heirs, his widow Ernestine Countess Fuchs von Bimbach inherited the rule. In the same year she sold the property to Joseph-Niklas zu Windisch-Graetz . He was followed in 1802 by his children Alfred , Veriand, Eulalia and Adelheid. In the following year, Alfred zu Windisch-Graetz also acquired the Stiekna estate from his siblings in the Family Fideikommiss Tachau .

In 1840 Radiegowitz or Radowitz consisted of 20 houses with 124 inhabitants. 15 of the houses belonged to Stiekna and five to Mladiegowitz. The parish was Parachev . Until the middle of the 19th century, the village of the allodial rule Stiekna and the Mladiegowitz estate remained subject.

After the abolition of patrimonial formed Radějovice / Radejowitz 1850 a district of the municipality Netonice in the district administration and the judicial district Strakonice. On April 1, 1976 Radějovice was incorporated together with Netonice to Bílsko. After a referendum, Radějovice broke away from Bílsko on November 24, 1990 and formed its own municipality for the first time in its history.

Culture and sights

  • Chapel of the Virgin Mary on the village square, built in the 19th century
  • Niche chapel of the Virgin Mary at homestead No. 18, it was built in the 19th century

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 0.8 MiB)
  2. Johann Gottfried Sommer : The Kingdom of Bohemia. Represented statistically and topographically. Volume 8: Prachiner Circle. Calve, Prague 1840, p. 113.

Web links

Commons : Radějovice u Netonic  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files