List of German noble families / R

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Surname Period Remarks coat of arms
Raabs before 1084 to 1191 Franconian nobility with headquarters in Lower Austria ( Raabs an der Thaya )
Coat of arms Burgraves of Nuremberg (House Raas) .svg
Ravens since 1320 old Mecklenburg noble family, 1734 Danish count, 1787 name and coat of arms association with the v. Lewetzow, 1881 renewed Danish recognition of the count status
Rabenau since 1235 Meissen nobility. There are still two families with the same name and the same or similar coat of arms, which go back to illegitimate ancestry and were ennobled in 1779 and 1912 respectively.
Raven von Pappenheim since 1106 Westphalian-English noble family, tribal with the Lords of Canstein ; 1811 Westphalian count class
Rabe von Pappenheim-Wappen.png
Rabenstein 1188-1742 extinct Franconian noble family
Rabensteiner from Wirsberg ? Franconian noble family
Siebmacher108-Rabensteiner from Wirsperg.jpg
Rabensteiner zu Döhlau ? until 1643 extinct Franconian noble family
Rabenswalde 1160-1312 extinct family that came from the family of the Counts of Kevernburg
Coat of arms of the von Rabenswalde.png
Raboisen before 1200 to 14th century extinct old Holstein noble family, related to the knights of Barmstede
Coat of arms v Barmstede.jpg
Rackel since 1331 Upper Lusatian noble family
Coat of arms Rackel.jpeg
Racknitz since 1224 Primeval noble family from Styria; 1553 imperial baron status
Racknitz coat of arms.png
Radeck since 1247 important ministers of the archbishops in the bishopric of Salzburg
Coat of arms of the Lords of Radeck.png
Rademacher since 1264 noble barons of the imperial nobility, coming from Holland u. a. settled in Hessen, 1549 & 1766 recognition / renewal diplomas
Radolin since 1397 Polish primeval nobility of the Koszucki tribe, 1836 Prussian count, 1888 Prussian prince (primogenitur)
POL COA Leszczyc.svg
Radowitz since 1569 Hungarian-German noble family -
Radziwiłł since 1398 originally Lithuanian, later also Polish and Prussian noble families; 1515 imperial count; 1547 confirmation of imperial prince status
POL COA Radziwiłł Książę Ia.svg
Raesfeld / Raesfeldt Raesfeldt 1253, Raesfeld 1547 two different Westphalian noble families (the Raesfeldt are extinct); 1757 Imperial Barons for Raesfeld, 1841 Bavarian Barons for Raesfeldt.
Raesfeld coat of arms LD.png
Rahden since 1219 Noble-free sex from the Archbishopric of Bremen, 1620 enrolled in the Courland knighthood, 1862 Russian baron
Rahna ? Saxon and Thuringian noble families
Rahna coat of arms Sm.png
Rainer to Rain since 13th century Lower Bavarian noble family -
Reason since 1787 German-Baltic noble family
Raitenau 14.-17. century old southern German noble family from the Lake Constance area
Raitenbach since 1252 Franconian and Vogtland noble families
Raitenbuch since approx. 1126 Ministerial sex of the Hochstift Regensburg
Raitz from Frentz since 948 family belonging to the oldest Cologne families of lay judges and knights; 1635 Imperial barons for the Kendenich line ; 1650 the same for the Schlenderhan line
Raitz von Frentz-Wappen.png
Ramdohr since 1377 old Central German and Brunswick-Hanover noble family; 1716 knightly imperial nobility confirmation
Ramel since 1256 Pomeranian nobility, extinct in Germany, 1584 Danish nobility naturalization, 1664 Swedish nobility naturalization, 1770 Swedish baron
Ramelstein since 12th century Bavarian noble family
Ramin since 1280 Pomeranian nobility
Ramming ? Noble family from the Kraichgau
Ramung Coat of Arms.png
Junk bag 1265-1854 extinct Thurgau prehistoric nobility; Barons
Ramstadt since 1190 appear from 1354 as Lords of Wallbrunn ; Imperial Knighthood, Hessian and Rhineland nobility; Headquarters initially in Nieder-Ramstadt, later Ernsthofen Castle in the Modautal and Partenheim near Mainz; Bohemian barons 1724, extension to the entire family in 1726
Ramstein 12-14 century medieval noble family -
Ramung von Kammerstein 1212-1313 Middle Franconian noble family -
Randeck 13th century - 1537 Palatine noble family
Randeck coat of arms Sm.png
Randersacker ? until 1541 initially the lower nobility ministerial family in the service of the Würzburg bishops, later represented in several knightly cantons
Randow since 1236 Uradel of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg. ––– A family of Randow ennobled in 1804, to whom the same coat of arms was granted, has again become extinct in the male line.
Randow coat of arms.png
Rantzau (Ranzow) since 1226 Original noble family based in Schleswig-Holstein, 1650 imperial count for one line
Rappach since around 1360 Noble family from Styria, which is also part of the rural nobility in Lower Austria or one of the twelve Apostle families of Austria
A - R panels GDZ.png
Black 1543-1752 Prussian-Courland family
Black coat of arms I.png
Rapperswil until 1283 Eastern Swiss aristocratic family, which can be assigned to the imperial direct high nobility
Rapperswiler CoA.svg
Rappoltstein 1038-1673 Noble family from Alsace
Rabenstain coat of arms ZW.png
Raron 12th to 15th century Swiss noble family in Valais
Raron Scheibler163ps.jpg
Ras 12./13. Century Noble family in the area around the Rosental in southern Carinthia -
Quick look 1224 to after 1857 extinct, Saxon, Rhuringian and Hessian noble families
Raschau coat of arms Sbm.png
Rastenberg since 1252 Thuringian noble family -
Rau von Holzhausen since 1146 Hessian noble family
Rau von Holzhausen Siebmacher.jpg
Robber since 1370 old Croatian noble family, which also settled in Lower Austria in the 14th century
Rauber-St-Wappen Sm.png
smoke since 1777 Prussian noble family that goes back to Major General Bonaventura von Rauch
Smoke head since 1308 Meissnian nobility in the Saalekreis
Raugrafen 1148-1457 extinct noble family who had their main possession in the former Nahegau
Armoiries Raugraf 1.svg
Spacer since 1590 noble family from the Upper Palatinate
Raumer coat of arms Sm.PNG
Get out of Rausenbach since 1251 Swabian aristocratic family that originated in the Kirchheim unter Teck area
Out of Rausenbach 1755.jpg
Rauschner ? Franconian noble family -
Raussendorf since 1240 Silesian noble family
Rautenberg before 1249 Old nobility in the Diocese of Hildesheim, vassals of the Counts of Stolberg
Rautenberg coat of arms Sm 1605.png
Rautter 1454-1792 extinct, Prussian noble family
Raven since 1235 Uckermark nobility
Raven coat of arms.png
Ravensberg 1144-1609 dead medieval noble family
Ravensberg wapen.svg
Ravensburg from 1178 Lower Franconian noble family -
Vine since 1239 Strasbourg patrician and aristocratic family
Rebstock coat of arms Sm.png
Rechberg and Rothenlöwen since 1179 Swabian nobility; 1577 imperial baron status; 1607 Count estate
Rechenberg (Franconia) ? extinct Franconian noble family with ancestral seat at Rechenberg Castle near Stimpfach
Rechenberg (Silesia) since 1270 Meissen nobility; 1534 Imperial Barons; 1703 Count estate
Haugwitz coat of arms schlesien.jpg
Rechteren-Limpurg 1236 Geldern nobility; 1705 Imperial Count for the younger branch of the older line
Horizontal bar since 1627 patrician family from Goslar, imperial nobility on August 12, 1627, one line raised to the Baden baron status on November 11, 1882, not related to von der Recke or side lines
2 Reck family arms, Grass Vol. II, 6 Plate 41 - Siebmacher, Heidelberg University Library digital.tif
von der Recke incl. Recke von der Horst since 1265 Westphalian nobility; Imperial barons for members of the lines or branch lines Reck 1623, Kurl 1653, Horst 1677, Uentrop 1677, Witten 1708, Wenge-Offenberg 1709 and Steinfurt 1717; The branch Stockhausen acquired the Prussian count status in 1817.
Reckrodt since 1253 Hessian-Thuringian noble family
COA Reckerodt col.png
Reckow since 1517 Pomeranian noble family
Coa reckow.jpg
Talk since 1191 Lower Saxon nobility; 1786 Prussian counts; 1894 prevalence and 1894 confirmation of the baron title for another line.
To speak (Rödern) since 1155 Brandenburg nobility; House Perg: May 2, 1646, hereditary-Austrian barons, May 20, 1646, Bohemian counts; House Schwante: 1757 Prussian counts.
Coat of arms of the von Redern.jpg
Redwitz (Redwitz an der Rodach) since 1116 Franconian nobility; 1816 Baron status
Redwitz coat of arms Hdb.png
Redwitz (Marktredwitz) ? extinct Franconian knighthood
Regensberg 1044-1331 important extinct Swiss noble family in the former Zurichgau
Regensperg coat of arms ZW.png
Regenstein 1162-1599 extinct Lower Saxon counts, also called Reinstein
Reginbodones 11th century until? Middle Rhine-Franconian noble family -
Deer since 1456 Baltic aristocratic family, 1620 enrollment in the Courland knighthood, 1668 Swedish aristocratic naturalization, 1680 Swedish baron, 1746 enrollment in the Estonian knighthood, 1747 (and 1798) enrollment in the Livonian knighthood, 1786 Imperial Count (1840 Finnish recognition), 1818 Finnish counts
Rehbinder COA.png
Rehekampff since 1542 Baltic lines of the Riesenkampff (Risenkamp) patrician family from the Hildesheim monastery
Giant deer fight BWB.png
Rehlingen (I) / Rehlingen (II) since 1320 Bavarian-Salzburg noble family; 1665 Imperial barons for the Horgau line; 1909 Bavarian barons for the Holdberg line.
Rehlingen coat of arms Hdb.png
Rehren since 1675 Baltic-Swedish noble family
Rehreni suguvõsa aadlivapp.jpg
Reibnitz since 1288 Silesian nobility, 1637 imperial prince (ad person), 1724 Bohemian baron, 1757 and 1857 Prussian recognition of the baron
Empire of Reichenstein since 1166/79 Swiss knight family; Owned in the Basel area, Sundgau and southern Black Forest
Reich von Reichenstein CoA.jpg
Count of Reichenbach 1089-1279 extinct Hessian counts -
Reichenbach since 1258 Silesian nobility; 1665 Bohemian barons, 1678 Bohemian gentry, 1730 Bohemian counts
Reichlin from Meldegg ? South German, baronial noble family
Coat of arms of the barons Reichlin von Medegg.png
Reifenberg until 1686 extinct German noble family
COA Reifenberg2.jpg
Reifferscheid since the end of the 12th century Aristocratic family from the Eifel, named Salm-Reifferscheidt from the 15th century
Reinach since 1210 Aargau ministerial family. 1635 imperial barons, 1718 French counts
Reinach coat of arms ZW.png
Reineck ? Thuringian noble family -
Reinken since about 1300 Baltic, Prussian and Russian noble families
Reinken Kippe coat of arms restored.jpg
Reinsberg since 1291 noble family of Silesia and Lower Lusatia
Reinsberg coat of arms Hdb.png
Reinstein 13-16 century extinct Franconian noble family
Reinstein coat of arms.jpg
Reipitzsch 1269-1704 Merseburg ministerial family -
Reischach since 1191 Swabian nobility; 1724 herbländisch Austrian baron class; 1810 Württemberg counts.
Reischach Scheibler107ps.jpg
Reitzenstein since 1318 Vogtland nobility; 1759 recognition of the baron status. There is a homonymous nobility of the same name.
Remchingen 1160-1779 extinct, south German noble family from Kraichgau
Remchingen Scheibler325ps.jpg
Renauld (nobles of Kellenbach) until the beginning of the 20th century Originally from Lorraine, later in Bavaria resident post-nobility family, which became extinct in the male line at the beginning of the 20th century
Renauld Coat of Arms.jpg
Rennberg approx. 1217-1585 extinct noble family from the Middle Rhine and imperial knights
COA Rennenberg - Fahne.png
Rennkampff since 1563 Baltic noble family; 1728 Imperial knighthood
Rennkampff coat of arms 1728.gif
Renteln since 1297 Hanover and Lübeck council families
Rintelen coat of arms Westphalia panel 263 3rd png
Renz ? Swabian noble family -
Repke (Rohbeck) since 1491 Kashubian noble family from Lauenburg, later also flourishing in Poland and Prussia, 1786 Prussian nobility confirmation
POL COA Rohbeck.svg
Restorff (Retzdorff) since 1226 Mecklenburg nobility
Reuland 1128-1313 medieval noble family in what is now Wallonia -
Reuschenberg since 1278 Rhineland noble family
Reuschenberg, Johann von (1447) .png
Reuss since 1122 Princely house in Thuringia; it was later divided into numerous houses ( Reuss older line , Reuss middle line , Reuss younger line , Reuss-Gera , Reuss-Schleiz , Reuss-Lobenstein , Reuss-Ebersdorf ) - there are also six noble families with the name Reuss, all of them dem Belong to letter nobility and have different coats of arms and origins.
Reuters since 1691 German-Baltic family originating in Lübeck; 1691 Swedish nobility, 1890 Russian counts (†)
Reutern 15-6.jpg
Reventlow since 1223 Holstein-Mecklenburg primitive nobility; 1673 or 1767 Danish counts
Reventlow Coat of Arms.png
Revertera-Salandra since 1771 Austrian noble family that originally came from Catalonia and immigrated to Austria from the Neapolitan Salandra in 1771 -
Rex 1186/1190 Upper Saxon nobility; 1741 or 1764 imperial count status;
Rhade since 1316 repugnant-Pomeranian gender; Expansion to Denmark, Mecklenburg and Brandenburg, 1836 baron title ad pers. For Hermann von Rhaden
Rhäzüns 1137-1458 Swiss noble family in the Graubünden Alpine region
Sogn Gieri coat of arms.jpg
To the Rhine (lat .: de Reno) since 1164 Upper Rhine ministerial sex
Siebmacher197 Rhin.jpg
Rheinbaben since 1272 Silesian nobility; 1736 imperial baron status
Rheingrafen (Wild and Rheingrafen) 12th century to? Noble family of the high Middle Ages; In 1623 a line was raised to the rank of imperial prince
Armoiries de Salm 6.svg
Rhemen to Barensfeld since 1281 Westphalian noble family
Rhemen coat of arms 262 2.png
Ribbeck since 1237 Brandenburg nobility;
Ribbentrop since 1547 Lippian nobility; 1823 Prussian nobility.
Judge since 1569 German-Baltic noble family
Richthofen (Praetorius von Richthofen) since 1515 old mail nobility; 1661 knighthood with von Richthofen; 1735 Bohemian barons; 1846 Prussian counts
Ricdag from the 8th century Noble family from the tribal duchy of Saxony -
Rubbed 1237 to? Mecklenburg primeval nobility, 1840 Prussian barons
Riedemann since 1917 Aristocratic Prussian and Bavarian family from the Emsland -
Riederer by couple since 1368 old Bavarian nobility; 1692 electoral Bavarian baron class
Riedern 1206-1588 extinct noble family, named after the Lower Franconian Riedern
Riedesel since 1226 hessian nobility; 1680 imperial baron status.
Riedheim since 1294 Swabian nobility; 1590 imperial baron status
Strap ? Lower Saxon noble family
Siebmacher 1701-1705 B124 (belt) .jpg
Rieneck Late 11th century to 1559 extinct medieval Frankish counts
Giant mountain 1167-1720 extinct catholic noble family in Bohemia -
Giant castle 1293 to the 16th century old Bohemian noble family that died out in the 16th century -
Riesenkampff called Rehekampff since 1542 Baltic lines of the Riesenkampff (Risenkamp) patrician family from the Hildesheim monastery
Giant deer fight BWB.png
Advised 12th century to? Noble family in the southern Palatinate -
Rietberg ? Westphalian counts
Rietberg coat of arms 262 4.png
Rieter von Kornburg 1361-1502 extinct patrician family of the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg
Rieter Siebmacher205 - Nuremberg.jpg
Riexingen until 1560 extinct, Swabian noble family
Riexingen Scheibler57ps.jpg
Beef mouth since 1191 Franconian-Styrian noble family
Ringg from Baldenstein ? Noble family from Graubünden from Sils in Domleschg in the Viamala region of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland
Ringg-Baldenstein-coat of arms Hdb.png
Ringgenberg since 13th century Alemannic noble family
Ringenberg coat of arms ZW.png
Rintelen since 1303 Herford councilors
Rintelen coat of arms Westphalia panel 263 1.png
Ripperda ( Cosijn von Ripperda ) since 1057 East Frisian nobility; 1474 and 1676 imperial barons
Ripperda coat of arms WWB plate 263.jpg
Ritschl from Hartenbach since 1581 Bohemian mail nobility
Rittberg since 1405 Westphalian noble family; 1717 Prussian nobility recognition in the form of a renewal of the nobility, 1751 Prussian counts
Rittberg-St-Wappen 255 8.png
Ritz ? Tyrolean-Salzburg noble family with Jewish roots
COA Ritzi sw.png
Robertiner / Rupertiner 7-11 century medieval Frankish noble family -
Rochow since 1238 Old Markian nobility; 1640 Imperial barons for the Königstein family
Rockenthien since 1792 Saxon, Thuringian and Prussian noble families -
Rockhausen since 1273 Thuringian nobility
Rodde since 1528 Lübeck merchant family from Münster ; 1806 Imperial nobility and barons
COA Rodde.png
Rode approx. 13th century to 1599 Nassau-Hessian nobility
Coat of arms of the Rode (von Roden) .jpg
Rodemach since 932 Lorraine noble family
Blason Rodemack 57.png
Clearing 1120 / 24-1553 Counts of Lower Saxony -
Rodenstein 1080-1671 Original Hessian nobility from Crumbach or from Rodenstein Castle
Coat of arms of the Lords of Rodenstein (Rotenstein) .jpg
Roeder since 1561 Silesian noble family
Roeder coat of arms SWB.png
Roeder since 1333 Vogtland noble family
Roeder coat of arms Hdb.png
Roeder von Diersburg since 1197 Uradel from the Ortenau; 1773 French recognition of the baronate, 1911 Grand Ducal Baden confirmation of the baron title for the entire family
Röhrenfurth since 1182 Althessian noble family -
Roëll (Röhl) since 1647 Westphalian family, in Dortmund in 1573, who transferred to the landed gentry in 1647 with possession of the Dölberg manor; 1798 Prussian recognition of the old nobility (for then presumed tribal members), from the 18th century also wealthy in Silesia, as well as in the Netherlands, where nobility recognitions were made in 1817, 1818, 1836, 1886 and 1892; Dutch baronate (primogenitur) 1819 and 1874. Roell-Wappen-265 6.png
Romans since 1401 family from the margraviate of Meissen, which passed into the nobility in the 16th century; 1470 imperial coat of arms letter. There is a Livonian family of the same name with a similar coat of arms
Romans Meissen.jpg
Ronne ? Originating from the Duchy of Bremen, from the first half of the 15th century in Livonia, Courland and later also in Samogitia resident noble family
Roenne COA.png
Rossing since 1132 Uradel from southern Lower Saxony.
Rogalla von Bieberstein since 1599 old East Prussian noble family named Rogalla; 1750 adoption of the current name
Rogalla vB-Wappen.png
Roggenbach since 1132 Alemannic nobility
Roggendorf 15-19 century knight family from Styria; later imperial count
Roggendorf coat of arms Siebmacher 126.jpg
Roggwil 13th to 17th century Swiss knight family; named after the village of Roggwil in Thurgau
Roggwil TG-coat of arms.svg
pipe since 1033 Originally from Bavaria, later from the Brandenburg aristocratic family
Pipe and stone since 1277 Silesian nobility
Rohr Siebmacher072 - Silesia.jpg
Rohrbach until 1350 Bavarian nobility -
Roll since 1432 noble Swiss patrician family in Solothurn
Roll to Bernau-PS221.jpg
Rollingen ? until 1740 extinct Luxembourg dynasty
Coat of arms rollingen.jpg
Rolsberg 1419 Noble family from the Rhineland, Hungarian baronate 1734, Austrian barons 1781
Coat of arms of the Barons Putz von Rolsberg - copy.jpg
Romberg since 1249 Westphalian nobility; 1874 Prussian baron class
Ronow since 1211 old Bohemian noble family; 1670 Imperial Count as von Ronow and Biberstein -
Ronsberg since 982 extinct Allgäu nobility; 1147 Count; 1182 Margrave
CCI03052014 00003 edited-2.jpg
Ropp since 1221 Lower Saxon-Baltic nobility; the authorization to use the title of baron took place on the basis of the enrollment with the Courland Knighthood according to the Knight Bank's decision of 1620
Rorer since 1272 old Franconian noble family
Rosdorf 11th to early 16th century extinct noble family of Lower Saxony
Rostorf coat of arms Sm rg.png
Roses since 1282 old Baltic noble family, 1693 imperial baron, 1731 Swedish baron, 1751 Swedish count. 3 other families of the same name: Rosen, Vorpommern (1617); Rosen, Liege (1680); Rosen adH Kaiserlitz, Stralsund (1662)
Rosenau from the 2nd half of the 14th century Franconian and Thuringian noble families
Rosenbach ? until 1806 extinct Central German noble family. There is still a gentry of the same name who was ennobled in 1643.
Rosenberg before and after the 16th century extinct Franconian-Swabian noble family in the knightly canton of Odenwald
Rosenberg (Witigonen) 1225-1611 The extinct family of the Rosenbergs (Czech z Rožmberka) came from the family of the Witigones. There are eight other genders of the name Rosenberg.
Rosenberg-Gruszczynski circa 1430 Polish, later Prussian noble family
POL COA Poraj.svg
Rosenbusch in Notzing since 1537 Munich patrician family, which in the course of being linked to other families of the lower nobility in 1537 was ennobled
COA Rosenbusch zu Notzing col.png
Rosenegg until 1480 Swabian noble family
Coat of arms Rielasingen.png
Rosenkampff since approx. 18th century German-Baltic noble family; related to the noble family Rehekampff (Riesenkampff called Rehekampff) or Riesenkampf
POL COA Rozenkampf.svg
Rosenschantz 1652-1818 1652 Swedish nobility, expansion in Mecklenburg and Silesia
Rosenschantz coat of arms Sm.png
Rose stem since around 1500 originally Alsatian, later Prussian noble family -
Rossau 1139-1619 extinct, originally Franconian noble family
Wp Rossau.jpg
Rosswag 1148 to the middle of the 14th century. Noble, Swabian noble family, which had its ancestral seat in the Roßwag community of the same name
Coat of arms Rosswag.svg
Rotberg since 1277 Swiss nobility; 1773 French recognition of the baronate
Rietberg coat of arms ZW.png
Rotenhan since 1229 Franconian nobility; 1771 Imperial Barons; 1774 imperial count status
Red mouth 1249-1711 extinct Rügisches noble family
Roth von Schreckenstein since 1237 patrician family from Ulm; has held the title of baron since 1684
Siebmacher117-Rothen von Schreckenstein.jpg
Rothenburg 12th Century Widely branched, southern German aristocratic family, which, after Gebwin, descended from the Robertinians and named itself with the Hohenstaufen kitchen master Heinrich towards the end of the 12th century after Rothenburg ob der Tauber Castle
Family coat of arms of Rothenburg.JPG.png
Rothenstein 1280 to 16th century extinct Swabian noble family
Rothenstein Scheibler38ps.jpg
Rothkirch since 1302 Silesian nobility; 1830 Finnish barons. The Rothkirch and Panthen line received the Austrian count status in 1826 and the Prussian baron status in 1839; the Rothkirch and Trach line received the Prussian baron status in 1757 and the Prussian count status in 1861
Rothschild since 1500 Banking family of Jewish origin; 1816 Austrian nobility; 1822 Austrian baron class
Rotschilds arms.jpg
Rottal ? until 1762 extinct old Bohemian noble family
COA Rotthal.png
Rubella 1103-1316 extinct noble family based in the Basel area
Coat of arms of Rötteln.jpg
Rottenburg ? until 1411 extinct noble family with headquarters in the lower Inn Valley -
Rotterdam since 1560 German-Bohemian gender; 1560 imperial nobility diploma, 1609 Polish indigenous people; 1783 kuk counts; 1862 Russian indigenous community; Spread to Volhynia, Galicia and Belgium, flourishes in Poland
POL COA Rotermund.svg
Return 1135 to around 1666 medieval noble family in Hessen
Rüdenberg ? until 1515 medieval noble family in Westphalia
Rüdenberg coat of arms 270 5th png
Rudigheim 1222 to 1655 medieval noble family in Hessen -
Rüdt von Collenberg since 1134 Immediate Frankish noble family. Baden line: 1816 enrolled in Bavaria with the baron class, 1877 Baden counts. Bavarian line: 1723 electoral Bavarian barons
Rühle von Lilienstern since 1743 German family raised to the nobility by Emperor Karl VII in 1743 -
Rümlang 1143-1528 Aristocratic family from Rümlang in the canton of Zurich in Switzerland and in southern Baden
Rümlang coat of arms ZW.png
Rüxleben since 1235 Thuringian noble family
Rüxleben coat of arms Hdb.png
Rukavina from Morgenstern since 1845 Croatian-Austrian noble family
Coat of arms Rukavina von Morgenstern 1845.jpg
Hype since 1281 aristocratic families from Nuremberg, Upper Palatinate and Austria
Rummel Siebmacher206 - Nuremberg.jpg
Rumohr since 1220 Holstein nobility, same tribe and coat of arms with those of Ahlefeld (t)
Rumpenheim 1210-1531 extinct German noble family based in Rumpenheim -
Rundstedt since 1109 Old Markian nobility
Eichstedt coat of arms.png
Runkel since 1159 Hessian nobility
Coat of arms Runkel.svg
Sootworm 1349-1732 Franconian noble family; After the family died out, a name and coat of arms were combined with the von Gleichen zu von Gleichen-Rußwurm with the approval of the emperor
Coat of arms of the sootworm.jpg
Rusteberg 1143-1437 Eichsfelder and the Thuringian noble family
Rusteberg coat of arms Sm.png
Rymsza since 1785 German-Baltic-Polish-Lithuanian noble family
POL COA Gozdawa.svg
Rzewuski since 1541 Polish, later Prussian noble family; 1783 hereditary-Austrian counts
POL COA Krzywda.svg