List of works in the Tusculum Collection

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This is a list of works in the Tusculum Collection . The Tusculum Collection was formerly known as the Tusculum Library.




  • Babrios : Fables, Ed. Niklas Holzberg, 2019
  • Biblia Sacra Vulgata : 5 volumes, edited by Michael von Fieger, Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers, Andreas Beriger, 2018
  • Boethius : Consolation of Philosophy / Consolatio philosophiae, Hrsg./Übers. Ernst Gegenenschatz, Olof Gigon


  • C. Julius Caesar : Bellum Gallicum / Der Gallische Krieg, Ed. Otto Schönberger , 4th edition 2000
  • C. Julius Caesar: The civil war, Ed. Georg Dorminger
  • Caesar: Civil War / Bellum Civile, Ed. Otto Schönberger
  • Caesar: The Gallic War / Bellum Gallicum, Ed. Otto Schönberger
  • Cato : Vom Landbau / Frage, Ed. Otto Schönberger
  • Catullus : Gedichte, Ed. Werner Eisenhut , 11th edition, 2000
  • Catullus: Poems, Ed. Niklas Holzberg
  • Catullus: Complete poems, adapted from Theodor Heyse and others by Wilhelm Schöne , 1925
  • Aulus Cornelius Celsus : Celsus and ancient science, Ed. Werner Albert von Golder, 2018
  • Cicero , Marcus Tullius: Brutus, ed. Bernhard Kytzler , 5th edition 2000
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Cato Maior de senectude, About age. Laelius de amicitia, About friendship, trans. Max Faltner , Ed. Rainer Nickel, Akademie Verlag 2011 (previously in individual editions, Ed. Max Faltner)
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: De finibus bonorum et malorum / The highest good and the worst evil, transl. Alexander Kabza 1960
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: De legibus, Paradoxa Stoicorum / About the Laws, Stoic Paradoxes, Eds / Overs. Rainer Nickel
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Der Staat / De re publica, Hrsg./Übers. Rainer Nickel
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Der Staat / De re publica, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Büchner , 5th edition 1993
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Die Reden gegen Verres / In C. Verrem, Ed. Manfred Fuhrmann, Volume 1, 1995
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Hortensius, eds. Laila Straume-Zimmermann , Ferdinand Broemser , Olof Gigon
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Orator, Hrsg./Übers. Bernhard Kytzler
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Rhetoric in Question and Answer / Partitiones oratoriae, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Bayer and Gertrud Bayer
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Topica, Ed. Karl Bayer
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: About the goals of human action / De finibus bonorum et malorum, Ed. Olof Gigon, Laila Straume-Zimmermann
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius: From the essence of the gods / De natura deorum, Hrsg./Übers. Olof Gigon, Laila Straume-Zimmermann
  • Cicero: To Brother Quintus, Ed / Overs. Helmut Kasten 1965
  • Cicero: To his friends / Epistulae ad familiares, Hrsg./Übers. Helmut Kasten, 6th edition 2004
  • Cicero: Atticus-Briefe / Epistulae ad Atticum, Hrsg./Übers. Helmut Kasten 1959
  • Cicero: Die Philippischen Reden / Philippica, transl. Manfred Fuhrmann, ed., Revised by Rainer Nickel
  • Cicero: The political speeches, 3 volumes, Hrsg./Übers. Manfred Fuhrmann, Volume 1 1993
  • Cicero: The Trial Speeches, 2 volumes, Hrsg./über. Manfred Fuhrmann
  • Cicero: Conversations in Tusculum / Tusculanae disputationes, re-edited with detailed comments by Olof Gigon, Artemis and Winkler 1992, 7th edition 1998
  • Cicero: Master speeches, selection / translation by Heinz Horn , collaboration with Heinz Siegert , Heimeran 1942
  • Cicero: Timaeus, Hrsg./über. Karl Bayer and Gertrud Bayer
  • Cicero: About the fate / De fato, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Bayer
  • Cicero: About the fate, Hrsg./Übers. Hermann Weidemann 2019
  • Cicero: About the speaker / De Oratore, Hrsg./Übers. Theodor Nüßlein
  • Cicero: About the discovery of the substance / De inventione, Ed. Theodor Nüßlein
  • Cicero: About fortune telling / De divinatione, Ed. Christoph Schäublin
  • Cicero: From dutiful action / De officiis, Hrsg./Übers. Rainer Nickel
  • Cicero: From right action / De officiis, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Büchner
  • Claudius Claudianus (Claudian): Political Poems, Ed. Philipp von Weiß, Claudia Wiener 2020
  • Columella : Twelve books on agriculture · Book of a stranger on tree breeding .., Book of a stranger on tree breeding, 3 volumes, Hrsg./Übers. Will Richter (Volume 1 1981)
  • Corpus iuris , Ed. Rudolf Düll 1939
  • Curtius Rufus, Quintus : History of Alexander the Great, Hrsg./Übers. Konrad Müller , Herbert Schönfeld , 1954



  • Epiktet / Teles / Musonius Rufus, Gaius : Selected writings, Hrsg./Übers. Rainer Nickel, 1994
  • Epictetus: Instructions for a happy life / Encheiridion, Ed. Rainer Nickel, 2006
  • Epicurus : Paths to happiness, ed. Rainer Nickel, 3rd edition 2011
  • Euripides : Medea, ed. Georg Lange
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume I Alkestis • Medeia • Hippolytos, ed. Gustav Adolf Seeck , transl. Ernst Buschor , Heimeran Verlag 1972
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume II The Children of Heracles · Hekabe · Andromache, Buschor / Seeck 1972
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume III The pleading mothers • The madness of Heracles • The Trojans • Elektra, Buschor / Seeck 1972
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume IV Iphigenia in the Taurerland. Helena • Ion • The Phoenicians, Buschor / Seeck 1972
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume V Orestes • Iphigenie in Aulis • The Maenads, transl. Buschor, ed. Seeck 1977
  • Euripides: The Complete Tragedies and Fragments. Volume VI Fragments • The Cyclops • Rhesos, 1981, transl. Seeck, JJC Donner, W. Binder
  • Euripides: Tragedies, 2 volumes, Ed. Bernhard Zimmermann , Translator Dietrich Ebener , 1979, 2010
  • Das Evangelium, ed. Kurt Aland 1940






  • Latin Fables of the Middle Ages, Ed. Harry C. Schnur 1979
  • Latin poems in the original text with the most beautiful translations of German poets, published by Horst Rüdiger 1937
  • Lives and Opinions of the Seven Wise Men , ed. Bruno Snell, 4th edition 1971
  • Libanios : Briefe, eds. Georgios Fatouros , Tilman Krischer 1979
  • Livy : Roman history. Volume 1 Book 1–3, 4th edition 2007, complete edition in 11 volumes, published by Hans Jürgen Hillen
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 10 Book 42-44, 3rd edition 2008
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 11 Book 45
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 2 Book 4–6
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 3 Book 7-10. Contents and fragments from book 11–20
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 4 Book 21-23
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 5 Book 24-26
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 6 Book 27-30
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 7 Book 31-34
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 8 Book 35-38
  • Livy: Roman history. Volume 9, Book 39-41, 3rd edition 2007
  • Longos : Shepherd Stories by Daphnis and Chloe, Eds / Overs. Otto Schönberger 1998
  • Lucanus : Bellum civile / The Civil War, Eds / Overs. Wilhelm Ehlers 1973
  • Lukian : The main works of Lukian, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Mras , Heimeran 1954
  • Lukian: Talks with hetaires, Ed. Wilhelm Plankl, Heimeran 1946
  • Lukian: Death of Peregrinos, transl. Wilhelm Nestle 1925
  • Lucretius : Von der Natur / De rerum natura, Hrsg./über. Hermann Diels , introduction and explanations by Ernst Günther Schmidt, preface Albert Einstein , 3rd edition 2013


  • Martial : Epigramme, Hrsg./Übers. Paul Barié Winfried Schindler , 3rd edition 2013
  • Martial: epistles, selection and partly new Germanized Horst Rüdiger
  • Menander : Dyskolos, ed. Max Treu
  • Musaios : Hero and Leander and the other ancient testimonies, Ed. Hans Färber 1961


  • Nepos, Cornelius : Famous Men / De viris illustribus, Hrsg./Übers. Michaela Pfeiffer, Rainer Nickel, Patmos 2006
  • Nepos, Cornelius: Short biographies and fragments, Ed. Hans Färber 1952


  • Ovid : Letters from Exile / Tristia. Epistulae ex Ponto, transl. Wilhelm Willige , Ed. Niklas Holzberg, 5th edition 2011
  • Ovid: Letters of Passion / Heroides, Ed. Wolfgang Gerlach 1952
  • Ovid: Fasti / Festkalender Roms, based on the edition by Wolfgang Gerlach Hrsg./Übers. Niklas Holzberg, 4th edition 2012
  • Ovid: Liebesbriefe / Heroides, Hrsg./Übers. Bruno W. Häuptli
  • Ovid: Liebesgedichte / Amores, Ed. Niklas Holzberg 1999
  • Ovid: Liebeskunst, revised new edition of the translation by Niklas Holzberg
  • Ovid: Liebeskunst / Ars amatoria, based on a translation by W. Hertzberg, edited by Franz Burger, 1969, 14th edition 1980
  • Ovidius Naso, Publius: Ibis, Fragmente Ovidiana, Ed. Bruno W. Häuptli 1996
  • Ovidius Naso, Publius: Liebesgedichte / Amores, Hrsg./Übers. Niklas Holzberg 1999
  • Ovidius Naso, Publius: Metamorphosen, Ed. Gerhard Fink, 2004
  • Ovid: Metamorphosen, Ed. Niklas Holzberg 2017


  • Palladius : Das Bauernjahr, Ed. Kai Brodersen 2016
  • The papyrus by Derveni , edited by Mirjam Kotwick based on a Greek text by Richard Janko 2017
  • Parmenides : The Fragments, ed. Ernst Heitsch , 2nd edition 1991
  • Parthenios : Liebesleiden, Ed. Wilhelm Plankl 1947
  • Paulos Silentiarios / Prokop: Works. 5 buildings. Description of Hagia Sophia, transl. Otto Veh, Archäolog. Comment by W. Pülhorn 1977
  • Persius : Die Satiren des Persius, Ed. Otto Seel , 1950, 2nd edition 1974
  • Petronius : The Banquet of Trimalchio, Hrsg./über. Carl Hoffmann 1937
  • Petronius: Satiricon, Ed. Carl Hoffmann 1948
  • Petronius: The Banquet of the Trimalchio, Ed. Carl Hoffmann 1937
  • Petronius: Satyrica - Schelmenszenen, Hrsg./Übers. Konrad Müller, Wilhelm Ehlers, 1983, Bibliography Niklas Holzberg
  • Petronius: Satyrical stories, Ed. Niklas Holzberg
  • Phaedrus : Fables, Ed / Overs. Eberhard Oberg 1996
  • Phaedrus: Fables, Ed. Niklas Holzberg, 2018
  • Philostratos : The life of Apollonios von Tyana, Ed. Vroni Mumprecht 1983
  • Philostratos: Die Bilder, Ed. Otto Schönberger, based on preliminary work by Ernst Kalinka 1968
  • Pindar : Victory Songs and Fragments, Eds / Overs. Oskar Werner
  • Pindar: Siegeslieder, Hrsg./über. Dieter Bremer 1991, 2nd edition 2003
  • Plato : Phaidros (2014) ed. V. Wolfgang Buchwald 1964
  • Plato: Briefe, Ed. Willy Neumann , edited by Jula Kerschensteiner 1967
  • Plato: Der Staat / Politeia, transl. Rudolf Rufener , Ed. Thomas A. Szlezák 2000
  • Plato: Ion, ed. Hellmut Flashar , 1963
  • Plato: Menon, ed. Theodor Ebert , 2019
  • Plato: Phaidon, Ed. Franz Dirlmeier , 2nd edition 1959
  • Plato: Protagoras / Beginnings of Political Education, Hrsg./Übers. Karl Bayer and Gertrud Bayer 2008
  • Plato: Symposion, Ed / Overs. Franz Boll , revised by Wolfgang Buchwald, Artemis 1989
  • Plato: Symposium, transl. Rudolf Rufener , introduction and explanations Thomas Szlezák 2002
  • Plautus : Komödien, Eds / Overs. Alfred Klotz , 1954
  • Pliny the Younger : Letters / Epistularum libri decem, Hrsg./Übers. Helmut Kasten , 7th edition 1995
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder : Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII . Book XXI / XXII Medicine and Pharmacology: Medicines from the Plant Kingdom
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book V Geography: Africa and Asia
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book VI Geography. Edited by Kai Brodersen 1996
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book IX Zoology: Aquatic Animals
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Books XII / XIII Botany: Trees
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXVI / XXVII Medicine and Pharmacology: Medicines from the Plant Kingdom
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXI Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from the Water
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XIX Botany: Garden plants and medicines obtained from them
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book I preface. Table of contents of the complete work. Fragments - testimonies, transl. Roderich König , Gerhard Winkler , 2nd edition 1997
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXVI The stones
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book VIII Zoology: Land Animals
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XI Zoology: Insects: Comparative Anatomy
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXIII Metallurgy
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXVII stones: precious stones, gems, amber
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Complete register, published 2004
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book VII Natural History: Anthropology
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXIV Metallurgy
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XVI Botany: Forest Trees
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXV Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from wild plants
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXV colors. Painting. plastic
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXIV Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from Wild Plants
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book X Zoology: Birds
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXVIII Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from the Animal Kingdom
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book II cosmology
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XX Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from the garden plants
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Books XIV / XV Botany: Fruit Trees
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XVII Botany: Useful Trees
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Books III / IV Geography: Europe
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXXII Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from the Water
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XVIII Botany: Agriculture
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Book XXIII Medicine and Pharmacology: Medicines from Cultivated Plants
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Books XXIX / XXX Medicine and Pharmacology: Remedies from the Animal Kingdom
  • Pliny Secundus the Elder: Naturkunde / Naturalis historia libri XXXVII. Complete register by Kai Brodersen and Karl Bayer 2004
  • Plutarch : Drei Religionsphilosophische Schriften, Hrsg./Übers. Herwig Görgemanns , with the collaboration of Reinhard Feldmeier and Jan Assmann, 2003, 2nd edition 2009
  • Plutarch: Five double biographies, 2 parts, trans. Konrat Ziegler , Walter Wuhrmann , selection by Manfred Fuhrmann, remarks / introduction by Konrat Ziegler, 2nd edition 2001
  • Plutarch: Kinderzucht, 2nd edition 1947
  • Plutarch: About love and marriage (selection from the Moralia), Ed. Wilhelm Sieveking
  • Polyainos : Strategika, Ed. Kai Brodersen 2017
  • Pompeian wall inscriptions, published by Hieronymus Geist, collaboration with Werner Krenkel , 2nd edition 1960
  • Pompeian wall inscriptions, Ed. Rudolf Wachter , 2019
  • Prokop : Anekdota / Secret History of the Imperial Court of Byzantium, Eds / Overs. Otto Veh , explanations by Mischa Meier , Hartmut Leppin 2005
  • Prokop: works. 2 Gothic Wars, transl. Otto Veh and Albert Veh, 1966
  • Prokop: works. 3 Persian Wars, transl. Otto Veh 1970
  • Prokop: works. 4 vandal wars, transl. Otto Veh 1971
  • Properz / Tibullus : strategies of love. Carmina, re-edited and translated by Georg Luck , 1964
  • Properz: Elegien, Ed. Wilhelm Willige , 2nd edition 1960
  • Psellos, Michael : Life of the Byzantine Emperors (976-1075), Hrsg./über. Diether Roderich Reinsch in collaboration with Ljuba H. Reinsch-Werner, De Gruyter 2015
  • Publilius Syrus : Die Sprüche, Ed. Hermann Beckby 1969




  • Sallust : The Conspiracy of Catiline, Ed. Wilhelm Schöne, 1941
  • Sallust: Works / Opera, Eds / Overs. Werner Eisenhut , Josef Lindauer , 2nd edition 1994
  • Sallust: Works and writings, Ed. Wilhelm Schöne, cooperation Eisenhut, 6th edition 1980
  • Sappho : Poems, Eds / Overs. Andreas Bagordo 2009
  • Sappho: Lieder, Ed. Max Treu, 8th edition 1991
  • Sappho: Sappho, Ed. Hans Rupé, 2nd edition 1945
  • Seneca : Apokolokyntosis / The shortening of the emperor Claudius, ed. Gerhard Binder 1999
  • Seneca: Apokolokyntosis, Ed. Wilhelm Schöne 1957
  • Seneca: Epistulae morales ad Lucilium / Letters to Lucilius. Volume II, publisher / trans. Rainer Nickel 2009
  • Seneca: Epistulae morales ad Lucilium / Letters to Lucilius. Volume I, publisher / trans. Gerhard Fink 2007
  • Seneca: Writings on ethics, The small dialogues, Hrsg./Übers. Gerhard Fink 2008
  • Sibylline Prophecies , Ed. Alfons Kurfess 1951
  • Sibylline prophecies, based on the edition by Alfons Kurfeß Hrsg./Übers. by Jörg-Dieter Gauger
  • Simonides / Bakchylides: Poems, Ed. Oskar Werner 1969
  • Solon : Seals, Ed / Overs. Eberhard Preime , 3rd edition 1945
  • Sophocles : Antigone, transl. Ludwig Friedrich Barthel 1926
  • Sophocles: Dramas, Eds / Overs. Wilhelm Willige, revision by Karl Bayer, introduction and notes by Bernhard Zimmermann 2003
  • Stoa and Stoics , 2 volumes, Hrsg./Übers. Rainer Nickel 2008
  • Suetonius : The imperial servants. Famous men / De vita Caesarum. De viris illustribus, publisher / translator. Hans Martinet , 4th edition, De Gruyter 2014


  • Tacitus , Cornelius: Tiberius, transl. Ludwig Maenner 1923
  • Tacitus: Annalen, Ed. Carl Hoffmann 1954
  • Tacitus: Annalen, Hrsg./Übers. Erich Heller , Einf. Manfred Fuhrmann, 6th edition 2010
  • Tacitus: The conversation about the speakers / Dialogus de Oratoribus, Hrsg./Übers. Hans Volkmer , 4th edition 1998
  • Tacitus: The Romans in England, Ed. Wilhelm Sieveking , 2nd edition 1943
  • Tacitus: Germania and the most important ancient places about Germany, Ed. Herbert Ronge , 1944
  • Tacitus: Historien / Historiae, Hrsg./Übers. Joseph Borst (1886–1960), 7th edition 2010
  • Theocritus : Poems, ed. Bernd Effe 2014
  • Theokrit: Gedichte, Ed. FP Fritz 1970
  • Theophrastus : Characters, Ed. Wilhelm Plankl, 3rd edition 1944
  • Thucydides : The Peloponnesian War, Ed. Michael Weißenberger 2017
  • Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War, Hrsg./Übers. Georg Peter Landmann , 2 volumes 1993
  • Tibull : Elegien, Ed. Werner Fraustadt 1940
  • Tibullus: Liebeselegien / Carmina, Hrsg./Übers. Niklas Holzberg 2011
  • Tibull: Tibull und seine Kreis, Ed. Wilhelm Willige 1966


  • Virgil : Aeneis, publisher / translator. Gerhard Fink 2005
  • Virgil: Aeneis, publisher / translator. Niklas Holzberg, with an essay by Markus Schauer , De Gruyter 2015
  • Virgil: Aeneis, ed. Johannes Götte with Maria Götte , epilogue Bernhard Kytzler, Artemis 8th edition 1994
  • Virgil: Bucolica, Georgica / Hirtengedichte, Landwirtschaft, Ed. Niklas Holzberg 2016
  • Vergil: Landleben / Catalepton, Bucolica, Georgica, Eds. Johannes and Maria Götte, Vergil-Viten, Eds. Karl Bayer, 6th edition Artemis 1995
  • The pre-Socratics , 3 volumes, ed. Laura Gemelli Marciano , Patmos 2007


  • Walthari . A German heroes and love song from the time of the Great Migration, Ed. Herbert Ronge 1934


  • Xenophanes : The Fragments, Ed. Ernst Heitsch 1983
  • Xenophon : Anabasis / The Train of Ten Thousands, Hrsg./über. Walter Müri
  • Xenophon: Der Zug der Zehntausend / Cyri Anabasis, Ed. Walter Müri, edited by Bernhard Zimmermann, 2002, 4th edition Artemis 2010
  • Xenophon: Memories of Socrates, Ed. Peter Jaerisch , 4th edition 1987
  • Xenophon: Hellenika, Hrsg./Übers. Gisela Strasburger , 2000, 4th edition 2005
  • Xenophon: Kynegetikos (book of the hunt) / Arrianos : Kynegetikos, Iulius Polydeukes (Pollux): Onomastikon 5 (excerpts), ed. Kai Brodersen 2018
  • Xenophon: Kyrupädie, Ed. Rainer Nickel 1992
  • Xenophon: Ross und Reiter (Hipparchikos, Peri hippikes), Ed. Kai Brodersen 2018
  • Xenophon / Arrianos : Jagd und Jagdhunde: Xenophon: Kynegetikos (book of the hunt) / Arrianos : Kynegetikos, Iulius Polydeukes (Pollux): Onomastikon 5 (excerpts), ed. Kai Brodersen 2018


See also

Web links


  1. Max Faltner was head of the Rottmayr grammar school in Laufen. He received his doctorate in Munich in 1955 (ideals of the Roman provincial administration according to Cicero and Pliny the Younger)
  2. ^ Theodor Kayser, 1829 to 1909, grammar school professor at the Karls-Gymnasium in Stuttgart. Released Horace.
  3. Ferdinand Otto von Nordenflycht, baron and Prussian civil servant, 1816 to 1901, most recently Upper President of the Province of Silesia
  4. ^ Paul Barié, born 1932, Director of Studies for Latin, Greek, Ethics, Philosophy at the Eduard-Spranger-Gymnasium in Landau, Head of Ancient Languages ​​for Rhineland-Palatinate. Lecturer in Hebrew at the University of Landau-Koblenz.
  5. Wolfgang Buchwald, 1911 to 1984, received his doctorate in Königsberg in 1939 (Studies on the Chronology of Attic Tragedy 455 to 431), also published writings by Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
  6. ^ Herbert Ronge, born in 1900, received his doctorate in Freiburg in 1924
  7. Johannes Götte, 1907 to 1994, pupil of Eduard Norden
  8. ^ Gisela Strasburger, June 1, 1929 in Stuttgart, née Pfleiderer, died November 26, 2014 Freiburg, received her doctorate in 1954 (The Little Fighters of the Iliad) in Frankfurt.