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Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Osjorsk
Earlier names Gudwallen (until 1947)
population 586 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 227 807 001
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 24 ′  N , 21 ° 58 ′  E Coordinates: 54 ° 24 ′ 0 ″  N , 21 ° 58 ′ 0 ″  E
Lvovskoye (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Lvovskoye (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Lwowskoje ( Russian Львовское , German Gudwallen ) is a place in the southeast of the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad in Osjorsk Rajon . The place belongs to the municipal self-government unit of the Osjorsk district .

Geographical location

Lwowskoje is four kilometers west of the Rajons capital Osjorsk ( Darkehmen , 1938-1946 Angerapp ) on the Russian trunk road R 508 , which runs from Gussew ( Gumbinnen ) via Osjorsk to Znamensk ( Wehlau ). A railway connection no longer exists since the railway line from Insterburg (today in Russian: Tschernjachowsk) via Darkehmen / Angerapp to Lyck (today in Polish: Ełk), which existed until 1945, was no longer activated.


In 1818 the former Gudwallen manor village had 114 inhabitants, the number of which had increased to 249 by 1863. At that time and until 1945 the place belonged to the district of Darkehmen (1938–1946 Angerapp ) in the administrative district of Gumbinnen in the Prussian province of East Prussia .

In 1910 there were 423 people in Gudwallen. In 1925 their number was already 542, in 1933 only 468 and in 1939 already 560.

As a result of the Second World War , Gudwallen came under Soviet administration and was renamed Lvovskoye in 1947. At the same time, the place was classified in the village soviet Otradnowski selski Sowet in Osjorsk Raion . From 1963 to 2008, the place was the administrative seat of a village soviet or village district. From 2008 to 2014 Lvovskoye belonged to the rural municipality of Krasnoyarskoye selskoje posselenije and since then to the Osjorsk district.

Gudwallen district

Between 1874 and 1945 Gudwallen was the seat and eponymous place of an administrative district . On May 6, 1874, the Gudwallen district was formed from 14 rural communities and manor districts:

Name (until 1938) Name (1938-1946) Name (from 1946) Remarks
Rural communities :
Old Thalau Old Thalau Meshdulessye
Awiszen - - 1927 incorporated into the municipality of
Klein Pelledauen Cross stone Fastowo
Naujeningken Kleingudwallen - 1929 incorporated into the rural community of
Naujoken Kleinauerfluss - 1928 incorporated into the rural community of
New Thalau New Thalau - 1936 incorporated into the municipality of
Schunkarinn Close Dorozhnoye
(Ksp. Darkehmen)
(since 1923)
Konewo 1928 incorporated into the rural community of
Manor districts :
Rough - - 1928 incorporated into the rural community of
Klein Beynuhnen
Floodplain Floodplain Meshdurechye since 1928 rural community
Gudwallen Gudwallen Lvovskoye since 1929 rural community
Small Bretschkehmen Small boards Chelyuskino
Menzelswalde - - 1929 incorporated into the rural community of
Mikalbude Mickelau Suchkovo

Lwowski selski Sowet / okrug 1963-2008

The village soviet Lwowski selski Sowet (ru. Львовсий сельский Совет) was established in 1963. It consisted mainly of places that had previously belonged to the village soviets Novostrojewski selski Sowet , Otradnowski selski Sowet and Tschistopolski selski Sowet . After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the administrative unit existed as the village district Lwowski selski okrug (ru. Львовсий сельский округ). In 2008 the remaining places in the village district, with the exception of Nagornoje , which came to the rural municipality of Novostrojewskoje selskoje posselenije , were incorporated into the newly formed rural municipality of Krasnoyarskoye selskoje posselenije .

Place name Name until 1947/50 Remarks
Andrejewka (Андреевка) Lengwetschen, 1938–1945:  "Tiefenhagen" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Sadowski village soviet . It was left before 1988.
Antonovka (Антоновка) Adamischken The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet.
Bagrjanowo (Багряново) Kuddern, 1938–1945:  "Kudern" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Pskovsky village soviet . It was abandoned before 1975.
Bogdanowo (Богданово) Emmahof The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Brjusowo (Брюсово) Bream The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was probably connected to Antonovka before 1988.
Dorozhnoye (Дорожное) Schunkarinn, 1938–1945:  "Schlieben" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was probably connected to Lvovskoye before 1988.
Fastowo (Фастово) Klein Pelledauen, 1938–1945:  "Kreuzstein" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was left before 1988.
Ilyino (Ильино) New Gudwallen The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. Before 1975 it was connected to Lvovskoye.
Juchowo (Юхово) Ramberg The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was abandoned before 1975.
Karamsino (Карамзино) Klein Ragauen The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. Before 1975 it was connected to the Voronovo village.
Kedrowo (Кедрово) Eszergallen / Eschergallen, 1938–1945:  "Seehügel" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. Before 1975 it was connected to the Voronovo village.
Konewo (Конево) Szameitschen, 1938–1945:  "Waldhorst" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Krestjanskoje (Крестьянское) Fritzendorf The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was abandoned before 1975.
Lebedewo (Лебедево) Potkehmen, 1938–1945:  "Puttkammer" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. It was abandoned before 1975.
Lesnitschje (Лесничье) Dairy stall The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Lesnoje (Лесное) Endruschen, 1938–1945:  "Maiden" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Sadowski village soviet . It was left before 1988.
Lvovskoye (Львовское) Gudwallen The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. Administrative headquarters
Maiskoje (Майское) Christiankehmen The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was left before 1988.
Meschdulessje (Междулесье) Old Thalau The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Mezhdureche (Междуречье) Floodplain The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Minskoye (Минское) Pelled meadows The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Nagornoje (Нагорное) Alt Ragaischen, 1938–1945:  "Konradshof" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski.
Oneschino (Онежино) Oszeningken / Oscheningken, 1938–1945:  "Hasenbrück" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was probably connected to Rubinowka before 1988.
Otpor (Отпор) Osznagorren / Oschnagorren, 1938–1945:  "Adlermark" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was abandoned before 1975.
Peski (Пески) Bagdohnen, 1938–1945:  "Kleinsausreppen" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was abandoned before 1975.
Pyatidorozhnoe (Пятидорожное) Klein Kandszen /
Klein Kandschen, 1938–1945:  "Kanden"
The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. It was left before 1988.
Rogachevka I (Рогачёвка) Great Ragauen The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. It was probably connected to Nagornoje before 1988.
Rogachevka II (Рогачёвка) Ragoszen / Ragoschen, 1938–1945:  "Ragen" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. Before 1975 it was connected to Andrejewka.
Rubinovka (Рубиновка) Rob The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Sapolje (Заполье) Friedrichsfelde The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet.
Zarechye (Заречье) Stumbrakehmen, 1938–1945:  "Ursfelde" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was probably connected to Chistopolje before 1988.
Shishkovo (Шишково) Kundszicken / Kundschicken, 1938–1945:  "Sandeck" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was abandoned before 1975.
Zverevo (Зверево) Gotthardsthal The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet.
Timofejewka (Тимофеевка) Puikwallen, 1938–1945:  "Schönwall" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was left before 1988.
Chelyuskino (Челюскино) Klein Bretschkehmen, 1938–1945:  "Kleinbrettken" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski. It was probably connected to Lvovskoye before 1988.
Chistopolje (Чистопоље) Jodzinn / Jodschinn, 1938–1945:  "Sausreppen" The place was renamed in 1947 and was initially the administrative seat of the Chistopolski village soviet.
Vyoschenskaya (Вёшенская) Wantischken, 1938–1945:  "Grünsiedel" The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the Chistopolski village soviet. It was probably connected to Antonovka before 1988.
Wolnoe (Вольное) Wollhlen The place was renamed in 1947 and initially belonged to the village soviet Otradnowski.
Voronowo (Вороново) Groß Bretschkehmen, 1938–1945:  "Brettken" The place was renamed in 1950 and initially belonged to the village Soviet Novostrojewski. It was left before 1988.


Was Gudwallen before 1945 no Kirchdorf, but belonged with his predominantly Protestant population of the parish Darkehmen (1938 to 1946 Angerapp ) in the same church district in the ecclesiastical province of East Prussia the Prussian Union of churches . The last German clergy were Pastors Johannes Gremmel and Helmut Passauer .

During the time of the Soviet Union , all church life was forced to come to a standstill. It was not until the 1990s that a new Protestant community was formed in the neighboring village of Gawrilowo ( Gawaiten , 1938-1946 Herzogsrode ), which was assigned to the - also newly founded - provost of Kaliningrad in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia . The responsible pastors are those of the Salzburg Church in Gussew ( Gumbinnen ).

Sons and daughters of the church

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. Jürgen Schlusnus, Gudwallen
  3. Uli Schubert, municipality directory
  4. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Darkehmen district. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  5. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 17 ноября 1947 г. “О переименовании населённых пунктов Калининградской области” (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of November 17, 1947: On the renaming of the places of Kaliningrad Oblast)
  6. ^ Rolf Jehke, Gudwallen District
  7. Information on
  8. again in 1950
  9. probably wrongly in Meshretschje
  10. Apparently the individual farms to the west of the Angerapp belonging to Klein Pelledauen (Kreuzstein) (?).
  11. Ev.-luth. Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /