Parian Chronicle

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Copy of the middle fragment in the Museum of Paros
Original of the lower fragment in the Museum of Paros

The Parian Chronicle (also called Parian marble , marble Parium or Chronicon Parium , common abbreviation Marm. Par. ) Is a Greek chronicle carved in marble , dating back to 1582/1581 BC. Until 299/298 BC Includes. The chronicle itself was probably written in 264/263 BC. Because the dates of the recorded events refer to this year as the basis. It comes from the island of Paros and has been preserved in two fragments (each with 50 and 27 entries); a third part (30 entries) was lost, but the text of it is still known, so that a total of 107 entries come together. The larger preserved part is in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford , the smaller part remained at its place of discovery on Paros.

The entries start with mythical persons (e.g. King Kekrops I ) and encompass cultural rather than political or military events, such as the life dates of poets, the introduction of certain religious ceremonies, and the origins of various forms of music and poetry. By 313 BC Various periods of time were combined to form epochs, from 313 BC onwards. Chr. Is listed individually each year. The chronicle shows great interest in all events connected with Athens . The Panhellenic festivals are also taken into account in detail. Remarkably, however , the Olympics are skipped. Events in local Parian history are hardly mentioned.

Discovery and Exploration

In 1627, Samson (Sampso) bought the upper fragment of the Parish Chronicle as an agent of Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc in Smyrna, today's Izmir . When he was arrested, William Petty acquired the inscription plaque and sent it to England to his employer, Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel . John Selden examined the blackboard, made copies, and translated them. He named the tablet after its owner Marmora Arundeliana . Since the location of the Parish Chronicle was unknown, there was speculation about its origin. Their authenticity has been questioned in part.

Thomas Howard had the plaque set up in the garden of Arundel House, his London townhouse on the Thames. However, during the English Civil War (1642–1649) the stone was damaged and parts stolen. A fragment is said to have even been used to repair the mansion's chimney. In 1667, Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk , Thomas Howard's grandson, gave the remaining fragment to the University of Oxford at the instigation of John Evelyn . It was therefore called Marmora Oxoniensia . It was included in August Boeckh's collection of Greek inscriptions Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum in 1828 . In 1897 a further fragment of the lower part of the Parian Chronicle was discovered in the south of Parikia on the Greek island of Paros. In 1904 Felix Jacoby published a translation of the known text.

The upper part of the first fragment is lost today and only the content in the copy by John Selden has been preserved. The lower part is in the Ashmolean Museum and is called the Oxford Fragment. The last fragment discovered, the so-called Paros fragment, is in the Archaeological Museum of Parikia.


Lost fragment

entry translation year
(Of all records and reports) I have given (the past time), starting with Kekrops , the first king of Athens, until (____) uanax was Archon in Paros, and Diognetus in Athens. 264/3 BC Chr.
1 Since Kekrops became king of Athens and the place was called Kekropia, previously named after the native Aktaion Aktika, 1318 years. 1582/1 BC Chr.
2 1310 years since Deucalion became king of Lycoreia on Parnassus , while Kekrops was king of Athens. 1574/3 BC Chr.
3 When there were disputes between Ares and Poseidon over Halirrhothius, the son of Poseidon, and the place was called Areshügel , 1268 years when Kranaos was king of Athens. 1532/1 BC Chr.
4th Since there was a flood in the time of Deucalion and Deucalion fled the floods from Lycoreia to Athens to [Kranaos] and founded (the Temple of Olympian ) Zeu (s) for his redemption, 1265 years when Kranaos was king of Athens . 1529/8 BC Chr.
5 (Since) Amphictyon , the son of Deucalion, became king of Thermopylae and brought together the people living around the (Temple) pel and called them amphictyons and (sacrificed for them), where the amphictyons still offer sacrifices today, 1258 years, as an amphictyon Was king of Athens. 1522/1 BC Chr.
6th Since Hellen , (the son) of Deuk (alion), became king of Phthiotis and those who were previously called Greeks were now called Hellenes and (the Panath__ games___), 1257 years when Amphictyon was king of Athens. 1521/0 v. Chr.
7th Since Kadmos , the son of Agenor, came to Thebes (____ and) who established Kadmeia , 1255 years, when Amphictyon was king of Athens. 1519/8 BC Chr.
8th Since ( Kilix and Phoinix , the sons of Agenor) became kings in ( Cilicia and) Phenicia , 1252 years when Amphictyon was king of Athens. 1516/5 BC Chr.
9 Since (the first) ship (with fifty oars, prepared by Danaos ) sailed from Egypt to Greece and was called the fifty oarser and the daughters of Danaos, _____ and _____ and Helike and Archedike were chosen by lot from the rest, (founded the temple of Athena Lindos) and made sacrifices on the beach of Lindos in Rhodes , 1247 years (when Erichthonios ) was king of Athens. 1511/0 v. Chr.
10 (Since) at the first Panathenaic , (Erich) thonios had a chariot harnessed and showed how to drive and the Athenians (gave her name and ____) the mother of the gods was revealed in Cybele and Hyagnis , the Phrygian invented the flute in _____ and played first (the key) called Phrygian and other styles of Mother, Dionysus , Pan and _____, 1242 years when Erichthonios was King of Athens. 1506/5 BC Chr.
11 Since Minos (who became the first king of Crete and Apollo) founded onia and the iron in the Ida mountains was discovered by Kelmis (and Damameneus) of the Idean dactyls , 1 (___) years when Pandion was king of Athens. between 1462 and 1423 BC Chr.
12 Since Demeter came to Athens and (invented) the seeds and the (first festival of plowing under the direction of T) riptolemos , the son of Keleos and Neaira, was celebrated 1146 years, when Erechtheus was king of Athens. 1410/09 BC Chr.
13 Since Tripto (lemos harvested the grain) he had sown the Rharian fields called Eleusis , 1 (1) 45 years when (Erechtheus) was king of Athens. 1409/8 BC Chr.
14th (Since Orpheus ____) published his own poetry, The Rape of the Kore and the Search of Demeter and (the germ that it brought forth and the) multitude that received the grain, 1135 years when Erechtheus was king of Athens. 1399/8 BC Chr.
15th (Since Eumolpos ____) directed the mysteries of Eleusis and published the poems of his (father M) ousaios, (11__ years when Erechthe) us, the son of Pandion, (was king of Athens). between 1398 and 1373 BC Chr.
16 Since the first purification _____, (106) 2 (years) when Pandion the son of Cecrops was king of Athens. 1326/5 BC Chr.
17th Since at Eleusis sport (competitions) ____________ the feast of Zeus Lykaion in Arcadia was celebrated and _____ of Lykaon was given to the Hellenes (____ years), was as Pandion, the son of Cecrops, king of Athens. between 1325 and 1308 BC Chr.
18th Since _________ Heracles ______, (____ years), when Aigeus was king of Athens. between 1307 and 1296 BC Chr.
19th Since the mistake in Athens and the Athenians consulted the oracle. (Apo) llon replied that they should accept the (punishment) that Minos thought was right, 1031 years when Aigeus was king of Athens. 1295/4 BC Chr.
20th Since Theseus (king) of Athens (became), who united twelve cities and gave them a constitution and democracy, ______ of Athens and after he killed Sinis introduced the Isthmian Games , 995 years. 1259/8 BC Chr.
21st Since (the invasion of) the Amazons (in Attica, 99) 2 (years) when Theseus was king of Athens. 1256/5 BC Chr.
22nd Since the Argives went to war with Adras (tos against Thebes) and (because of Archemoros ) founded the Nemean Games , 987 years when Theseus was king of Athens. 1251/0 v. Chr.
23 Since the (Hellen) nen marched against Troy, 954 years, the 13th year in which Menestheus was king of Athens. 1218/7 BC Chr.
24 Since Troy was conquered, 945 years, in the (2) 2 year in which (Menesthe) us was king of Athens, on the seventh day before the end of the month Th (argelio) n . 1209/8 BC Chr.
25th Since Orestes , the son of ( Agamemnon and Erigone ,) the daughter of Aegisthus before the Areopagus (because of Ai) gisthos and Kly (Taimnestra moved) and Orestes won the trial (since the vote was a draw), (9) 44 years, when Demophon was King of Athens. 1208/7 BC Chr.
26th Since Teukros founded Salamis in Cyprus , 938 years when Demophon was king of Athens. 1202/1 BC Chr.
27 Since Neleus ( Miletus and the rest of Ionia ), Ephesus , Erythrai , Klazomenai , Priene , Lebedos , Teos , Colophon , Myus , ( Phokaia ), Samos , Chios founded and the Panionic Games took place, (81) 3 years, in the 13th year in which Medon (king) of Athens was. 1077/6 BC Chr.
28 Since the poet ( Hesiod ) lived 67 (3) years when (Megacles) was King of Athens. 937/6 BC Chr.
29 Since the poet Homer lived 643 years, when Diognetus was King of Athens. 907/6 BC Chr.
30th Since Pheidon of Argos (dimensions and) 895/4 BC Chr.

Oxford fragment

entry translation year
30 (continued) (Weights) and minted silver coins on Aegina , as the eleventh of the line of descent of Heracles, 631 years when Pherekles was king of Athens. 895/4 BC Chr.
31 Since Archias , son of Euagetus, as the tenth of the line of descent of Temenos , led the emigration from Corinth (and) Syracuse (founded, ____ years), in the 21st year in which Aeschylus was king of Athens. around 766 BC Chr.
32 420 years since the annual archonate began. 684/3 BC Chr.
33 Since _________, 418 years, when Lysiades Archon was in Athens. 682/1 BC Chr.
34 Since Terpandros of Lesbos , the son of Derdenes, who ( revolutionized the game of kithara ) _____ and changed the earlier style of music, 381 years, when Dropides was Archon in Athens. 645/4 BC Chr.
35 Since ( Alyattes ) became king of the Lydians , (3) 41 years when Aristocles was Archon in Athens. 605/4 BC Chr.
36 Since Sappho sailed from Mytilini to Sicily , ______ (335 years) fled when the first Kritias Archon was in Athens and the landowners ruled in Syracuse. 599/8 BC Chr.
37 (Since) the Amphictyons sacrificed after repelling Kyrrha and holding a sporting competition for prize money from the booty, (32) 7 years when Simon was Archon of Athens. 591/0 v. Chr.
38 Since the competition (for the laurel wreath ) was reintroduced in Delfi , 318 years when the second Damasias Archon was in Athens. 582/1 BC Chr.
39 Since the ( chorus of) comedies (actors) was introduced in Athens , which the Icarians (first introduced) and Susarion invented and the prize was first a basket ( Arsichos = a unit of measurement) figs and a meter of wine, (______ years, when _____ Archon in Athens.) _____. around 580 BC Chr.
40 Since Peisistratos became tyrant of Athens, 297 years when Komeas was Archon (in Athens). 561/0 BC Chr.
41 Since Croesus (sent) Asia (to) Delphi, (29) 2 years, when Euthydemos Archon was in Athens. 556/5 BC Chr.
42 Since Cyrus , the king of the Persians , took Sardis and Croesus ____, (277 years when _____ was archon in Athens and) Hipponax also lived at this time. 541/0 v. Chr.
43 Since the poet Thespis published a play in the city in which first (was spoken in dialogues) and a goat was introduced as (price), 2 (7__) years when the former ____naios (possibly Phrynaios) archon was in Athens. 536/5 BC BC (Phrynaios)
44 Since after the death of lean ( Gaumata ) Darius king of the Persians (2) was 56 years old and worked as _____ Archon in Athens. 520/19 BC Chr.
45 Since Harmodios and Aristogeiton ( Hipparchus the successor) killed Peisistratos and the Athenians banished the Peisistratids outside the Pelasgian Wall , 248 years, when Harpaktides was Archon in Athens. 512/1 v. Chr.
46 Since male choirs first competed and the coach Hypodikos the Chalkidian won, 246 years when Lysagoras Archon was in Athens. 510/09 v. Chr.
47 Since Melanippides of ( Milos ) in Athens (won), 231 years, when Pythokritos Archon was in Athens. 495/4 BC Chr.
48 Since the Athenians fought at Marathon against the Persians and ( Artaphernes , the) nephew of Darius and Datis , the general, and Athens won the battle, 227 years, when the second Phainippides Archon was in Athens. The 35-year-old poet Aeschylus fought in this battle. 491/0 v. Chr.
49 Since Simonides , the grandfather of the poet Simonides , who was also a poet, won the prize in Athens and Darius died and Xerxes , his son, became king, (2) 26 years when Aristeides was Archon in Athens. 490/89 BC Chr.
50 Since the poet Aeschylus first won with a tragedy and the poet Euripides was born and the poet Stesichoros (came) to Greece, 222 years when Philocrates was Archon in Athens. 486/5 BC Chr.
51 Since Xerxes opened the bridge on the Hellespont and dug through Athos and the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Salamis of the Hellenes against the Persians took place, in which the Hellenes were victorious, 217 years when Calliades was Archon in Athens. 481/0 v. Chr.
52 Since the battle of Plataiai the Athenians took place against Mardonios , the general of Xerxes, which the Athenians won and Mardonios fell in battle and breathed Etna in Sicily , 216 years when Xanthippus was Archon in Athens. 480/79 BC Chr.
53 Since Gelon , son of Deinomenes, became the tyrant of Syracuse, 215 years when Timosthenes was Archon in Athens. 479/8 BC Chr.
54 Since Simonides von Keos , the son of Leoprepes who invented mnemonics , trained actors and won a prize in Athens and the statues of Harmodios and Aristogeiton were erected, 21 (3) years when Adeimantos was Archon in Athens. 477/6 BC Chr.
55 Since Hieron became tyrant of Syracuse, 208 years when Chares was Archon in Athens. The poet Epicharmos also lived at this time. 472/1 BC Chr.
56 Since Sophocles of Colonus , son of Sophillos, won at the age of 28 years with a tragedy, 206 years when Apsephion Archon in Athens was. 470/69 BC Chr.
57 Since a meteorite fell in the Aigos Potamoi river and the poet Simonides died at the age of 90, 205 years when Theagenides Archon was in Athens. 469/8 BC Chr.
58 Since Alexander died and his son Perdiccas became King of Macedon , 19 (9) years when Euthippus Archon was in Athens. 463/2 BC Chr.
59 Since the poet Aeschylus died when he was 69 years old in Gela , Sicily, 193 years when Callias was Archon in Athens. 457/6 BC Chr.
60 The first time Euripides won with tragedy at the age of 44, 1 (79) years when Diphilus Archon was in Athens. Socrates and Anaxagoras lived at the time of Euripides. 443/2 BC Chr.
61 Since Archelaus became king of the Macedonians after the death of Perdiccas, 1 (57) years when Astyphilos was Archon in Athens. 421/0 v. Chr.
62 Since Dionysius became tyrant of Syracuse, 12 (7) years when Euctemon Archon was in Athens. 411/0 v. Chr.
63 Since Euripides died (after living 78 years), 145 years when Antigenes Archon was in Athens. 409/8 BC Chr.
64 Since the poet Sophocles died after living 92 years and Cyrus turned inland (143 years) when Callias Archon was in Athens. 407/6 BC Chr.
65 Since Telestes of Selenus won in Athens, 139 years when Mikon (Archon) was in Athens. 403/2 BC Chr.
66 Since (the Hellenes who) moved inland (with) Cyrus (came to the coast) and the philosopher Socrates died at the age of 70, 137 years when Lache's Archon was in Athens. 401/0 v. Chr.
67 Since Ar (i) sto (nous _____) in Athens (won), 135 years when Aristocrates was Archon in Athens. 399/8 BC Chr.
68 Since Polyidos from Selymbria won with a dithyramb in Athens, 1 (___) years, (when _____ Archon was in Athens.)
69 Ever since the dithyramb poet Philoxenos died at the age of 55 when Pytheas Archon was in Athens. 380/79 BC Chr.
70 Since (the comedy poet ) Anaxandrides (won in Athens, 113 years) when Kalleas (Archon) (was) in Athens. 377/6 BC Chr.
71 Since Astydamas won in Athens, 109 years when Asteios Archon was in Athens. At that time too (the temple in Delphi burned down.) 373/2 BC Chr.
72 (Since the Battle of Leuctra ) took place between the Thebans and Lacedaemonians , who won the Thebans, 107 years when Phrasikleides was archon in Athens and Amyntas died and his son Alexander became king of Macedon. 371/0 v. Chr.
73 Since Stesichoros the Second of Himera won in Athens and Megalopolis (in Arcadia) was built, 10_ years, when ______ Archon was in Athens.
74 Since Dionysius of Sicily died and his son Dionysius became a tyrant and after Alexander (died, Ptolemy of Aloros ) became king of the Macedonians, 104 years when Nausigenes was Archon in Athens. 368/7 BC Chr.
75 Since the Phoci (the oracle) in Delphi (robbed _____, 102 years), when Kephisodorus (Archon of Athens) was. 366/5 BC Chr.
76 Since Timotheus died at the age of 90, (_____ years when ______ was Archon in Athens.)
77 (Since Amyntas , son of Perdiccas ) became king of the Macedonians and Artaxerxes died and his son Ochos (became king ____ years when the Eucharist was Archon in Athens.) 359/8 BC Chr.
78 (Since _____ in Athens) won 93 years when Agathocles was Archon in Athens. 357/6 BC Chr.
79 (Since ______ occurred), 91 years old, as a callist (ratos) Archon in Athens _____ wise ______ of this. 355/4 BC Chr.
80 Since _____, ____ (years) when _____ was Archon (in Athens).

Paros fragment

entry translation year
1 (Since) ______ ( Philip died) and Alexander became king, 72 years old when Pythodelos Archon was in Athens. 336/5 BC Chr.
2 Since Alexander moved against the Triballians and the Illyrians and when the Thebans rose and defeated the occupiers. He returned, conquered and destroyed the city, 71 years when Euainetus Archon was in Athens. 335/4 BC Chr.
3 Since Alexander translated to Asia and the battle of Granicus took place and since the battle of Alexander against Darius on Issus , 70 years when Ktesikles was Archon in Athens. 334/3 BC Chr.
4th Since Alexander conquered Phenicia , Cyprus and Egypt , 69 years when Nicocrates was Archon in Athens. 333/2 BC Chr.
5 Since the battle of Alexander against Darius at Arbela , which Alexander won and Babylon was conquered and he drove out his enemies and Alexandria was founded, 68 years when Niketes was Archon in Athens. 332/1 v. Chr.
6th Since Callippos demonstrated his astronomy and Alexander captured Darius and hanged Bessus , 66 years when Aristophon Archon was in Athens. 330/29 BC Chr.
7th Since the comedy poet Philemon won, 64 years, when Euthykritos Archon was in Athens and the city of Hellenis was founded on the Tanais. 328/7 BC Chr.
8th Since the deaths of Alexander and Ptolemy the power over Egypt has been gained, 60 years when Hegesias was Archon in Athens. 324/3 BC Chr.
9 Since the war at Lamia in which the Athenians fought against Antipater and the sea ​​battle at Amorgos in which the Macedonians fought against the Athenians, who won the Macedonians, 59 years when Kephisodoros Archon was in Athens. 323/2 BC Chr.
10 58 years since Antipater conquered Athens and Ophellas , who took Cyrene on behalf of Ptolemy , when Philocles was Archon in Athens. 322/1 v. Chr.
11 Ever since Antigonus translated to Asia and Alexander was buried in Memphis and Perdiccas died after invading Egypt. Also Krateros and Aristotle , the Sophists both died at 50 years, 57 years, was as Archippos Archon in Athens and Ptolemy traveled to Cyrene. 321/0 v. Chr.
12 Since the death of Antipater and the retreat of Cassander from Macedonia and the siege of Cyzicus by Arrhidaios and since Ptolemy conquered Syria and Phenicia, 55 years when Apollodorus was Archon in Athens. In the same year the Syracusans elected Agathocles as commander in chief of the Sicilian Defense Forces. 319/8 BC Chr.
13 53 years since the sea ​​battle between Kleitos and Nikanor for the temple of the Chalcedonians and since Demetrios passed laws in Athens, when Demogenes was Archon in Athens. 317/6 BC Chr.
14th Since Cassander returned to Macedonia and Thebes was built and Olympias died and Kassandria was founded and Agathocles became tyrant of Syracuse, 52 years when Demokleides was Archon in Athens. The comedy poet Menander won the prize in Athens for the first time. 316/5 BC Chr.
15th Since the poet Sosiphanes died at 45 (years of age), 49 years when Theophrastus Archon was in Athens. 313/2 BC Chr.
16 Since the solar eclipse and when Ptolemy defended Demetrios in Gaza and sent Seleucus to Babylon, (4) 8 years when Polemon Archon was in Athens. 312/1 v. (Solar eclipse
August 15, 310 BC?)
17th Since Nikokreon died and Ptolemy took over the island, 47 years when Simonides Archon was in Athens. 311/0 v. Chr.
18th Since ( Alexander , the son of Alexander) and also the other, Heracles , who were born to a daughter of Artabazos , died and translated Agathocles to Carthage, (4) 6 (years), when Hieromnemon was Archon in Athens. 310/09 BC Chr.
19th Since the city of Lysimacheia was founded and Ophellas _____ after (Carthage, where he died) and his son Ptolemy was born in Kos and Cleopatra died in Sardis . (______, 45 years old, when D) emetrios (archon in) Athens (was). 309/8 BC Chr.
20th Since Demetrios, son of Antigonus, besieged and captured Piraeus (and Demetrios of Phaleron was banished from Athens for 44 years when) Kairimos (Archon) (was) in Athens. 308/7 BC Chr.
21st Since Demetrios destroyed Munychia and conquered Cyprus and Phill_____, (4) 3 (years) when Anaxikrates was Archon in Athens. 307/6 BC Chr.
22nd Since the poet Sosiphanes (born and ______, 42 years old when K) was oroibos (Archon in Athens.) 306/5 BC Chr.
23 Since the siege of Rhodes and since Ptolemy came to the throne (41 years when Euxenippos was Archon in Athens) 305/4 BC Chr.
24 Since the earthquake in Ionia and when Demetrios conquered Chalkida and ______ of Demetrius, 40 years when Pherekles Archon was in Athens. 304/3 BC Chr.
25th Since the (Comet) appeared and Lysimachus (translated to Asia, 39 years when Leostratos Archon was in Athens.) 303/2 BC Chr.
26th Since Kassander and Demetrios became enemies _____ Kassander _____ died, 38 (years) when Nikokles Archon was in Athens. 302/1 v. Chr.
27 Since _____ of Demetrios _____ appears in Chalkida and the Athenians _____ Kas (sander _____) Ptolemaios _____, 35 years old (when Euktemon Archon was in Athens.) 299/8 BC Chr.


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