Alexander Stewart (politician, 1829)

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Alexander Stewart

Alexander Stewart (born September 12, 1829 in Fredericton , Canada , †  May 24, 1912 in Washington, DC ) was an American politician of Canadian origin. Between 1895 and 1901 he represented the state of Wisconsin in the US House of Representatives .


Alexander Stewart attended public schools in New Brunswick . In 1849 he moved to Marathon County , Wisconsin, where he settled near what is now the city of Wausau . In his new home, Stewart worked in the wood industry. He also began a political career as a member of the Republican Party . In 1884 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Chicago , where James G. Blaine was nominated as a presidential candidate.

In the congressional election of 1894 , Stewart was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington in the ninth constituency of Wisconsin, where he succeeded Democrat Thomas Lynch on March 4, 1895 . After two re-elections, he was able to complete three legislative terms in Congress by March 3, 1901 . During this time the Spanish-American War of 1898 fell .

In 1900, Alexander Stewart renounced another candidacy for Congress. But he stayed in the federal capital Washington. He died there on May 24, 1912. He was then buried in Wausau.

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