Drum national 59A

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Template: Infobox high-level road / maintenance / RO-DN
Drum național DN59A in Romania
Drum national 59A
Course of the DN 59A
Basic data
Operator: CNAIR
Start of the street: Timișoara
( 45 ° 46 ′  N , 21 ° 13 ′  E )
End of street: Jimbolia
( 45 ° 45 ′  N , 20 ° 42 ′  E )
Overall length: 47.873 km

Jewțe ( circles ):

Requirement for use: Rovignette
Course of the road
Locality Timișoara DN59
Locality Timișoara E70
Locality Cărpiniș DN59B
Locality Jimbolia DN59C
EU border crossing Border crossing
Serbia Continue on Srpska Crnja

The Drum național 59A ( Romanian for “National Road 59A”, DN59A for short ) is a main road in Romania .


The road branches off in Timișoara (Temeschburg) from Drum național 59 ( European route 70 ) to the west and runs via Cărpiniș (Gertianosch) , where the Drum național 59B branches off to the south, to Jimbolia (Hatzfeld) . This is where the Drum național 59C coming from Sânnicolau Mare (Great Saint Nicholas) joins . The DN59A leads further south to the Romanian-Serbian border around 5 km away , behind which it continues as Serbian road no. 7 via Srpska Crnja (Српска Црња) to Zrenjanin and Novi Sad .

The length of the road is 47.873 kilometers.

Individual evidence

  1. Information on national roads on the website of the Society for Road Infrastructure (CNAIR)
  2. România, Atlas rutier și turistic 1: 300,000, Budapest 2015, CARTOGRAPHIA Kft., ISBN 978-963-352-646-0 .