Drum national 15

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Template: Infobox high-level road / maintenance / RO-DN
Drum național DN15 in Romania
Drum national 15
Course of the DN 15
Basic data
Operator: CNAIR
Start of the street: Turda
( 46 ° 34 ′  N , 23 ° 47 ′  E )
End of street: Bacau
( 46 ° 34 ′  N , 26 ° 55 ′  E )
Overall length: 376 km

Jewțe ( circles ):

Requirement for use: Rovignette
Toplita DN15 - 2.JPG
The street in Toplița

The Drum naţional 15 ( Romanian for "National Road 15," short DN15 ) is a main road in Romania . From Turda to Târgu Mureș , it forms part of European route 60 and to Toplița part of European route 578 .


The road branches off at Turda (Thorenburg) from Drum național 1 ( European route 81 ) to the east and leads via Câmpia Turzii (Jerischmarkt) , Luduş , Iernut (Radnuten) to Târgu Mureş (Neumarkt am Mieresch) . There she meets the drum național 13 and the drum național 15E . The road now follows the Mureș (Mieresch) to the northeast and runs through Reghin (Saxon rain) and Lunca Bradului and through the Mieresch Gorge to Toplița, where the Drum național 12 meets it. The road continues over the seaside resort of Borsec and Tulghes , meets at the northwest end of the lake Lacul Izvorul Muntelui on the drum naţional 17B and after crossing the Valley of Bistrita on the drum naţional 15B . It further follows the reservoir and leads through Bicaz , where it meets the Drum național 12C , follows the Bistrița downstream, crosses the cities of Piatra Neamț , where the Drum național 15C branches off to the north, Roznov and Buhuși and finally ends in the district capital Bacău am Drum național 2 ( European route 85 ).

The length of the road is around 376 kilometers.

Individual evidence

  1. Information on national roads on the website of the Society for Road Infrastructure (CNAIR)
  2. România, Atlas rutier și turistic 1: 300,000, Budapest 2015, CARTOGRAPHIA Kft., ISBN 978-963-352-646-0 .