Europastrasse 81

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / EU-E
Europastrasse 81
Sign of the European route 81
History map of the E81
Basic data
Overall length: 930 km

States :


The European route 81 (short: E 81 ) is part of the international road network . The 930-  kilometer- long European road , which runs mostly through Romania in north-south direction , leads (according to various statements) from Uzhhorod ( Ukrainian Uzhgorod ) or from Mukachevo (38 km southeast of Uzhhorod) in the Ukraine to Constanța in Romania .

Location and length of the sections on the E 81

The road passes through the following places: Ужгород ( Uzhhorod ) - Мукачево ( Mukachevo ) - Берегове ( Berehove [of Mukachevo 31km away]) - Ukrainian-Romanian border (41 km) - Halmeu - Satu Mare (35 km) - Zalau (92 km) - Cluj-Napoca (86 km) - Turda (31 km) - Aiud (36 km) - Alba Iulia (27 km) - Sebeş (17 km) - Sibiu (56 km) - Râmnicu Vâlcea (98 km) - Piteşti (56 km) - Bucharest (113 km) - Feteşti (138 km) - Cernavodă (14 km) - Constanța (59 km).


According to a 2004 report by the UNECE ( United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ), the route of the E 81 from Bucharest to Constanța will be extended. This section of the European route runs on the Romanian A2 , the so-called Autostrada Soarelui ("Sun Highway").

The longest section of the E 81 has the character of a country road . According to Google Maps , the European route 81 between Uzhhorod - the capital of the Transcarpathian Oblast - and Mukachevo has the same route as the E 50 and E 58 and with the latter to Livada ( Wiesenhaid ), a small town in the Satu Mare district . From the municipality of Zimbor ( Hungarian Magyarzsombor ) in the Sălaj district to the area of ​​the municipality Gârbău (Hungarian Magyargorbó ) in the Cluj district , the road runs not far from the Romanian A3 . From the small town of Sebeş ( Mühlbach ) in the Sibiu district , the E 81 to the village of Veştem ( west ) has the same route as the European route 68 . In the direction of Râmnicu Vâlcea, the road leads over the Red Tower Pass . In addition, the E 81 runs from Piteşti to Bucharest on the section of the A1 , the first Romanian motorway.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b ADAC AutoAtlas Germany Europe 2006/2007, ADAC Verlag, ISBN 3-8264-1510-8
  2. a b c The E 81 on Google maps (from Gagarina street of the place called Uzhgorod ), accessed on January 5, 2011
  3. a b c Report of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on the European roads 2004, p. 13, on (English; PDF; 102 kB)

Web links

Commons : E81  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files