Europastrasse 603

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / EU-E
Europastrasse 603
Sign of the European route 603
no card available
Basic data
Start of the street: Saintes
End of street: Limoges
Overall length: 180 km

States :

Course of the road
Department of Charente-Maritime
Locality Saintes D 137 (formerly N 137 )
D 150 (formerly N 138 & N 150 ) / D 728 (formerly N 728 )
department Charente
Locality Saint-Laurent-de-Cognac
The start of the expressway Beginning of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality cognac
Locality Jarnac
Locality Triac soundtrack
Expressway end End of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality Hereac
The start of the expressway Beginning of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality Angoulême
Locality La Rochefoucauld
Locality Taponnat fleurignac
Locality Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure
Expressway end End of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality Suaux
Locality Roumazières-Loubert
Locality La Péruse
Locality Chabanais
Locality Etagnac D 948 (formerly N 148 )
Department Haute-Vienne
The start of the expressway Beginning of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality Saint-Junien
Expressway end End of the expressway ("Voie express")
Locality Limoges

The European route 603 is a total of around 180 kilometers long European route of the intermediate network, which connects the cities of Saintes and Limoges in France via Angoulême .


The road runs from west to east; It begins in Saintes on the Autoroute A10 ( European route 5 ) and from there follows the Route nationale 141 , which is partially developed as a two-lane expressway, via Cognac and Angoulême, La Rochefoucauld and Saint-Junien to Limoges, where it joins the Autoroute A20 ( Europastraße 9 ) ends.

See also

Web links