List of right-wing extremist parties and organizations

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The list of right-wing extremist parties and organizations includes historical and existing right-wing extremist groups, sorted alphabetically by state. Subgroups are indented. The list does not claim to be complete.

In the case of prohibited parties, the year of termination is highlighted in yellow .



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Balli Kombëtar organization 1942 1945 "National Front". Nationalist, anti-communist organization that both fought against the occupation of the Axis powers and worked with them.
Partia Balli Kombëtar Political party 1989 consists "National Front Party". Far right party.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Partido del Nuevo Triunfo Political party 1990 2009 Small right-wing extremist party, was banned by the Supreme Court in 2009.
Partido Popular de la Reconstrucción Political party 1996 consists Nationalist small party


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Australian League of Rights Movement / party 1946/1960 consists Anti-Semitic Party
Australia First Party Political party 1996 consists Nationalist to right-wing extremist small party. The party's policies were mainly directed against migration and multiculturalism.
Australian National Socialist Party Political party 1962 1968 Small neo-Nazi party, absorbed into the National Socialist Party of Australia
National Socialist Party of Australia Political party 1967 1972 Small neo-Nazi party
National Action (Australia) Move 1982 1991 White Supremacy Militant Group
Patriotic Youth League Youth organization 2002 consists Australia First Party youth organization


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Démocratie Nationale (DN) Political party 1985 2012 "National Democratic Party". Until 2012: Front National. Probelgish, Walloon party, represented in the Chamber of Deputies from 1991 to 2010.
Parti Communautaire National-Européen Political party 1965 consists represents a multi-ethnic nationalism and elements of Maoism
REX  Political party  1936  0  National Socialist Walloon Party and helpers during the German occupation.
Vlaams Belang (VB) Political party 1979 consists "Flemish Interests". The party (formerly Vlaams Blok) is classified as right-wing extremist or right-wing populist. It represents völkisch-nationalist separatist Flemish positions.
Vlaamse Jongeren Mechelen (VJM) organization 1995 2005  neo-Nazi youth organization with ties to Blood & Honor.
Vrij Historically Onderzoek  organization  1985  2002  "Free Historical Research Foundation". Publishing house that has distributed holocaust-denying literature across Europe.


  • Ação Integralista Brasileira (Party of Integralists )
  • Carecas do ABC
  • Kombat RAC
  • Partido Nacional-Socialista Brasileiro


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Ataka Political party 2005 consists Bulgarian Партия Атака / Partija Ataka 'attack'. Campaigns against Roma and the Turkish minority.
Union of Bulgarian National Legions organization 1930 1943 fascist organization, collaborated with German National Socialists.
Patriotic front Political party 2014 2017 Bulgarian: Патриотичен фронт. Nationalist party alliance, u. a. from the National Front for the Rescue of Bulgaria (NFSB) and IMRO - Bulgarian National Movement (IMRO-BNB) with links to extreme right.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Arbejderparti Political party 1930 1945   Danish National Socialist Workers' Party
Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Bevægelse (DNSB) Political party 1991 consists "Danish National Socialist Movement". Is regarded as the successor to the Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Arbejderparti.
Stop Islamizing Af Danmark Party / organization 2005 consists  xenophobic, Islamophobic organization. Also party until 2010.
Danmarks National Front organization 2007 consists  nationalist, racist, Islamophobic organization
The Nordiske Modstandsbevægelse Move 2013/2017 consists  Danish branch of Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen .
Stram course Political party 2017 consists  right-wing extremist and Islamophobic



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Eesti Iseseisvus Party (EIP) Political party 1993 consists anti-Russian, nationalist, for denial of citizenship for non-ethnic Estonians.
Russian National Unity (RNE) organization 1996 0 Estonian branch. Orthodox Russian nationalism, National Socialist based on the German model, anti-Semitism.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Suomen vastarintaliike Move 2008 2018 Finnish offshoot of Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen . Banned by the Supreme Court in 2018.
Soldiers of Odin organization 2015 consists militant vigilante groups, personal overlaps and cooperation with Suomen vastarintaliike.
Kohti Vapautta! Move 2019 consists “Towards freedom!”, Successor to the Suomen vastarintaliike.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Action française organization 1898 consists right-wing, nationalist and monarchist political grouping.
Blood and Honor Hexagon organization 2012  consists  French branch of the Blood and Honor network. Prohibition announced in 2019.
Croix de Feu organization 1927 1936 fascist organization.
Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilization européenne (GRECE) organization 1969 consists Right-wing extremist theory circle that founded the Nouvelle Droite (New Right).
Groupe Union Défense (GUD) organization 1968 2017 far-right, violent. Was inactive every now and then. Successor organization: Bastion Social.
Jeunesses nationalistes organization 2011 2013  Nationalist youth, neo-Nazi.
Jeunesses nationalistes révolutionnaires (JNR) organization 1987 2013  "Revolutionary nationalist youth", ready to use violence, neo-Nazi.
Les identitaires Movement / party 2002/2009 consists  previously: Bloc identitaire. Successor organization to Unité Radicale. Born as a movement, a party since 2009. Nationalist, xenophobic, Islamophobic.
L'Œuvre Française Move 1968 2013 "The French work", xenophobic, anti-Semitic, racist.
Mouvement national republicain Political party 1999 consists  "National Republican Movement". Splitting off of the Front National.
Organization de l'armée secrète (OAS) organization 1961 1962  Right-wing terrorist underground organization in the Algerian war .
Parti des forces nouvelles (PFN) Political party 1974 1986  "New Forces Party". Splitting off of the Front National.
Parti de la France Political party 2008 consists  "Mixture of ultra-conservative former FN members, Catholic fundamentalists and neo-fascists"
Parti populaire français Political party 1936 1945  fascist mass movement and party.
Rassemblement National Political party 1972 consists "National Collection Movement". Until 2018: Front National (National Front). Right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic.
Troisième Voie organization 1985 2013  "Third way", violent, neo-Nazi.
Unité radicale organization 1998 2002  "Radical unity", neo-Nazi, violent.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Chrysi Avgi Movement / party 1983/1993 consists "Golden Dawn", neo-Nazi, militant, anti-democratic.
Ethniki Enosis Ellados (EEE) organization 1927 1944 "National Union of Greece". Anti-Semitic, anti-communist, militant.
Ethniki Politiki Enosis (EPEN) Political party 1984 1996 "National political union", positive reference to the Greek military dictatorship . Has influenced the emergence of new right-wing extremist parties.
Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos (LAOS) Political party 2000 consists “People's Orthodox gathering movement”, nationalistic, xenophobic, militaristic, anti-Semitic.

Great Britain

organization Type founding resolution annotation
Blood and Honor organization 1987 consists neo-Nazi skinheads, direct reference to National Socialism. International network through right-wing rock concerts. Combat 18 is the self-proclaimed armed arm.
British National Party (BNP) Political party 1982 consists formerly racist, anti-Semitic. Now right-wing populist and xenophobic. Break away from the National Front.
British Union of Fascists (BUF) Political party 1932 1940 was based on Italian fascism
Combat 18 organization 1992 consists right-wing terrorist association.
English Defense League (EDL) Movement / organization 2009 0 Islamophobic, anti-immigrant movement that emerged from the hooligan scene.
Imperial Fascist League organization 1928 1939 based on German National Socialism.
National Action organization 2013 2016 Right-wing terrorist group with National Socialist ideology.
National Front (NF) Political party 1967 consists major racist party in the 1970s / 80s.


  • Aryan League (National Socialist Aryan League, NSAL)



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Alternative social Political party 2003 2006 Alliance of right-wing extremist parties, u. a. Forza Nuova.
Associazione Nazionalista Italiana (ANI) Political party 1910 1923 "Italian Nationalist Association", fascist, monarchist.
Blocco Studentesco Move 2006 consists “Student Block”, part of the CasaPound movement.
CasaPound Move 2003 consists  neo-fascist, militant movement. Also active in party politics from 2012 to 2019.
Fasci di combattimento organization 1919 1943 "Fascist combat leagues", also: "black shirts", paramilitary militia.
Fiamma Tricolore Political party 1995 consists Spin-off from Alleanza Nazionale.
Forza Nuova Political party 1997 consists “New Force”, neo-fascist party.
La Destra Political party 2007 2017 "The right". Spin-off from Alleanza Nazionale.
Lega Political party 1989 consists until 2018: Lega Nord. Separatist party, linked to ethnopluralism, xenophobic.
Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) Political party 1946 1995 “Italian social movement”, (neo-) fascist. Merged with the Alleanza Nazionale , which appeared moderately nationalist.
Ordine Nuovo organization 1956 1973 “New order”, also: Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari. Right-wing terrorist organization.
Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNI) Political party 1921 1943  "National Fascist Party", state party of fascist Italy.
Unitalia Political party 1996 consists nationalistic, for the abolition of the autonomy of South Tyrol , xenophobic.


  • National Socialist Japanese Workers and Welfare Party



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP) Political party 1990 consists "Croatian Party of Law". Refers to the fascist Ustaša movement
Ustaša - Hrvatska revolucionarna organizacija (UHRO) organization 1929 1945 "The Insurgent - Croatian Revolutionary Organization". Oriented himself towards Italian fascism, National Socialism and autochthonous populist currents. Establishment of the Independent State of Croatia , which enacted racial laws and established concentration camps.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Pērkonkrusts Party / organization 1930/1995 consists "Thunder Cross". Paramilitary movement founded in 1930 with racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik, anti-German elements. Re-established in 1995. Representing ethnic-racist nationalism, anti-Semitic, violent.
Russian National Unity (RNE) organization 1998 0 Latvian branch. Militant, pro-Russian group.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Geležinis Vilkas ( Iron Wolf ) organization 1927 1930 fascist task force based on the model of the Italian black shirts .
Lietuvos nacionaldemokratų partija (LNDP) Political party 1999 2009 "National Democratic Party of Lithuania". 2001 merger with the "Union of National Social Unity of Lithuania". Rejecting the EU, anti-Russian, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Empire of Europe Political party 0 consists racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant content.


  • Organización por la Voluntad Nacional


  • Blue Mongolia
  • Dayar Mongol
  • Mongolian National Union
  • Tsagaan Khass

New Zealand


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Centrum Democrats Political party 1984 2002 xenophobic, chauvinistic, racist and partly anti-Semitic program.
Centrumpartij Political party 1980 1986 racist and xenophobic.
Centrumpartij 86 Political party 1986 1998 violent neo-Nazis. Banned as a "criminal organization".
National Socialist Movement (NSB) Political party 1931 1945 fascist party, the only party allowed during the German occupation.
Nederlandse Volks-Unie (NVU) Political party 1971 consists "Dutch People's Union", neo-fascist, xenophobic, racist. 1986-1996 inactive.
Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Political party 2006 consists right-wing populist to right-wing extremist.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Nasjonal Samling Political party 1933 1945 “National Association”, fascist party. The only party allowed during the German occupation .
Vigrid organization 1998 consists racist and violent organization.
Norske Motstandsbevegelsen Move 2003/2010 consists Norwegian branch of Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen .


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Action New Rights Organization / party 1970s 1988 neo-Nazi student group, ban due to National Socialist re-employment .
Anti-Semite Association organization 1919 1938 represented racist anti-Semitism, anticipated National Socialist positions.
Working Group for Democratic Politics (AFP) Organization / party 1963 consists neo-Nazi and revanchist tendencies.
League of free youth organization 2003 unknown Volkish, neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic cadre troops. Emerged from the youth organization of the working group for democratic politics.
The colorful ones Political party 2003 2010 excluded from election due to the risk of re-activation.
The Greens of Austria (DGÖ) Political party 1982 1988 neo-Nazi party, reference to the NDP. Not to be confused with Die Grünen - The Green Alternative .
Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) Political party 1955 consists at times liberal, right-wing populist, partly right-wing extremist party. German national attitudes, xenophobic, Islamophobic.
Identitarian Movement Austria (IBÖ) Move 2012 consists Action-oriented, new right-wing group, represents ethnopluralism . Personal overlaps with FPÖ.
National Democratic Party (NDP) Political party 1967 1988 Split from FPÖ. Prohibited because of National Socialist re-employment.
National People's Party (NVP) Political party 2007 unknown excluded from election due to the risk of re-activation.
Association of Independents (VdU) Political party 1949 1955 also: electoral party of the independents (WdU). Forerunner of the FPÖ. Former National Socialists.
Popular extra-parliamentary opposition (VAPO) organization 1986 1992 militant, neo-Nazi group. Offshoot of the New Front community of supporters .
Vienna Academic Fraternity Olympia organization 1859 consists German national, racist, anti-Semitic fraternity. Members also in the FPÖ and IBÖ.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Młodzież Wszechpolska (MW) organization 1989 consists “All-Polish Youth”. Violent, anti-Semitic. Refers to ND.
Narodowa Demokracja (ND) Move Late 19th century circa 1947 "National Democracy". Also: Endecja. Right-wing extremists after 1989/90 see themselves in the tradition of the nationalist organizations of the interwar period.
Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski (NOP) Political party 1981 consists “National Rebirth of Poland”. Strive for a "national revolution", violent, anti-Semitic, racist party.
Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny (ONR) Movement / organization 1993/2003 2009 "National Radical Camp". Refers to the party of the same name from 1934. Violent, anti-Semitic, neo-fascist.
Radio Maryja organization 1991 consists Radio station that spreads right-wing populist slogans, anti-Semitic messages and conspiracy theories.
Ruch Narodowy (RN) Political party 2012 consists "National Movement". Association of various right-wing extremist organizations, u. a. the MW and ONR.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Partido Nacional Renovador Political party 2000 consists anti-immigrant, anti-Islam agenda. Contacts with Hammerskins. Positive reference to the authoritarian Salazar regime .


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Legiunea Arhanghelul Mihail Movement / party 1927 1941 different names: Legionnaires' movement, Iron Guard (Garda de Fier), Group Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and Everything for the Fatherland (Totul pentru Ţară). Militant, (clerical) fascist and anti-Semitic movement or political party in the Kingdom of Romania.
Noua Dreaptă (ND) Political party 2000 consists "New rights". Nationalist, revanchinist tendencies, Christian-Orthodox, against sexual minorities. Sees himself as the successor to the Iron Guard.
Partidul România Mare (PRM) Political party 1991 consists " Greater Romania Party", extremist, xenophobic, authoritarian party.



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Vitt Ariskt Motstånd Move 1990s 1990s "White Aryan Resistance"
National Ungdom organization 1995 2006 "National Youth". Joined Svenska Motståndsrörelsen (SMR, Swedish Resistance Movement) before the dissolution.
Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen organization 1997 consists As Svenska Motståndsrörelsen, the organization established branches in Scandinavian countries. The SMR was renamed in 2016. Militant, action-oriented, Nazi organization
Nationalsocialistisk front Political party 1994 2008 "National Socialist Front", which passed into the Svenskarnas parti (Party of Sweden). A Nazi organization that focused on the cult around old Swedish Nazi groups.
Svenskarnas parti Political party 2008 2015 “Party of Sweden”, successor party of the Nationalsocialistisk front. Initially called Folk Fronten (People's Front).
Sverigedemokraterna Political party 1988 consists "Sweden Democrats" was founded by members of fascist and neo-Nazi-oriented movements. Xenophobic and Islamophobic. Is now also referred to as right-wing populist.
Nationaldemokraterna Political party 2001 2014 Splitting off of the Sverigedemokraterna. Nationalist, link to more extremist parties.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Nationally Oriented Swiss Party (PNOS) Political party 2000 consists  French: Parti nationaliste suisse (PNS), neo-Nazi, folk-racist.
Resistance Helvétique organization 2014 consists neo-Nazi, xenophobic, Islamophobic.
Swiss democrats Political party 1961 consists Nationalistic, xenophobic, nationalist-racist, nationalist nature, environmental protection, eco-nationalism.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Nacionalni stroj organization 0 2011 neo-Nazi organization
Obraz organization 1993 consists clerical-fascist organization referring to the 1930 / 1940s. Ban 2012, then re-established.
SNP Nasi organization 0 consists for a Greater Serbia , against rights for sexual minorities.
Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS) Political party 1991 consists Serbian: Српска радикална странка, "Serbian Radical Party".
Srpski narodni pokret 1389 organization 0 consists "Serbian People's Movement 1389", violent, against rights for sexual minorities.
ZBOR Movement / party 1935 1944 Oriented itself towards German National Socialism, worked with the occupiers and was allowed to set up its own combat formations.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Hlinkova garda organization 1938 1945 "Hlinka Guard". Paramilitary organization that was later subordinate to the SS and was involved in deportations to concentration camps.
Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana (HSĽS) Political party 1913 1945 "Hlinkas Slovak People's Party", fascist unity party from 1938 to 1945.
Kotlebovci - Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko (ĽSNS) Political party 2010 consists References to the Hlinka Guard, anti-Gypsy.
Slovenská národná strana (SNS) Political party 1990 consists “Slovak National Party”, a nationalist party that initially propagated extreme, anti-Gypsy and anti-Hungarian content. Is now also rated as nationally conservative.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Alianza Nacional (AN) Political party 2006 consists Successor party to the Alianza por la Unidad Nacional . Racial nationalism (self-designation).
Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa (CEDADE) organization 1967 1993 "Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe". Neo-Nazi organization with Holocaust deniers
Democracia Nacional (DN) Political party 1995 consists "National Democracy". Successor party to CEDADE, xenophobic, racist, hostile to immigrants.
Falange Movement / party 1933 1977 fascist movement. 1934 Association with the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista (JONS / Associations of the National Syndicalist Offensive). From 1936 state party under dictator Franco. Renamed Movimiento Nacional in 1970. Since its dissolution and free elections, there have been several Falangist splinter groups.

South Africa

organization Type founding resolution annotation
Afrikaner Broederbond (AB) organization 1918 1994 Secret society of nationalist Boers.
Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) Move 1973 consists "Resistance movement of the Boers", neo-Nazi, racist, militant movement.
Boeremag organization 0 2002 German: Burenmacht. Right-wing terrorist organization that carried out a series of bomb attacks.
Gesuiwerde National Party (GNP) Political party 1934 1939 English: Purified National Party, German: Pure National Party. Split from the National Party, later rejoined.
Herenigde Nasionale Party (HNP) Political party 1939 1948 English: Reunited National Party, German: United National Party. Merger of the GNP and parts of the NP. Renamed back to NP after election victory in 1948.
Seasonal Party (HNP) Political party 1969 consists for example: "Restored National Party". Split from the NP. Pro apartheid party.
National Party (NP) Political party 1914 2005 English: National Party. Governing party from 1948 to 1994 that established the apartheid state. Renamed New National Party in 1997, dissolved in 2005.
Ossewabrandwag (OB) Move 1938 1952 for example: "Ox wagon guard". Militant, African nationalist movement. Was initially supported by NP, later temporarily banned.



  • National Socialism Association

Czech Republic

organization Type founding resolution annotation
Bohemia Hammerskins organization  1993 1996  Branch of the neo-Nazi organization.
Blood and Honor Division Bohemia organization  1996  unknown Branch of the right-wing extremist organization. Organizer of international right rock concerts.
Dělnická strana (DS) Political party  2003 2010  neo-Nazi, anti-Gypsy. Cooperations with Národní odpor and Autonomous Nationalists. Ban 2010. Management and members switched to DSSS.
Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti (DSSS) Political party  2004 consists  "Workers 'Party of Social Justice", founded in 2004 as Strana občanů republiky České (Citizens' Party of the Czech Republic). Renamed to DSSS since 2008.
Národní odpor Move Late 1990s unknown  "National resistance", similar to the German Free Comradeships .
Národní strana Political party  2003 2013  violent, antigypsy, racist. Banned by the Czech Supreme Court in 2013.



organization Type founding resolution annotation
All-Ukrainian Association Svoboda Political party 1991/1995 consists  ukrainophone far-right party. Before: Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU)
C14 organization 2010 consists  former youth organization of the Svoboda party. Nationalist, anti-Russian, anti-Semitic, anti-Gypsyist.
Prawyj sector Organization / party 2013 consists “Right Sector”, right-wing extremist and paramilitary organization. Ultra-national and skeptical of the EU.
Azov Regiment organization 2014 consists  paramilitary organization with right-wing extremists.


organization Type founding resolution annotation
Hatvannégy Vármegye Ifjúsági Mozgalom (HVIM) organization 2001 consists  "Youth Movement Sixty-Four Counties", right-wing extremist, nationalist, organizer of the right-wing rock festival.
Jobbik Political party 2003 consists   originally right-wing extremist party. Also referred to as right-wing populist and right-wing extremists.
Magyar Gárda organization 2007 2009  "Hungarian Guard", paramilitary unit of the Jobbik party.
Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja (MIÉP) Political party 1993 consists "Hungarian Truth and Life Party", right-wing extremist party.

United States



organization Type founding resolution annotation
Ethniko Laiko Metopo (ELAM) Political party 2008 consists "National Popular Front", neo-Nazi, racist, violent. Connections to the Greek Chrysi Avgi .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Luke Kelly: Overview of research on far right extremism in the Western Balkans. June 4, 2019. Accessed August 6, 2020.
  2. La Corte Suprema le negó la personería jurídica a un partido nazi. Clarín, March 17, 2009
  3. ^ Website of the Partido Popular de la Reconstrucción
  4. ^ David Harcourt: Everyone Wants to be Fuehrer: National Socialism in Australia and New Zealand, 1972, ISBN 0-207-12415-9 , pp. 6-13, digitized
  5. ^ David Harcourt: Everyone Wants to be Fuehrer: National Socialism in Australia and New Zealand, 1972, ISBN 0-207-12415-9 , pp. 25-26, digitized
  6. ^ Andrew West: No Apology For White Australia Policy, in: Sydney Morning Herald, February 29, 2004, online
  7. a b c Dirk Rochtus: Extremism in Belgium. In: Eckhard Jesse, Tom Thieme (ed.): Extremism in the EU countries. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-17065-7 , pp. 35-50.
  8. Dirk Rochtus: REX (Belgium) . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , pp. 538f.
  9. Dirk Rochtus: Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (Belgium) . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , pp. 538f.
  10. Michael Meznik, Tom Thieme: Against all Expectations - Right-Wing Extremism in Romania and Bulgaria, in: Uwe Backes, Patrick Moreau (eds.): The Extreme Right in Europe, 2012. ISBN 978-3-525-36922-7 .
  11. Yordan Kutiyski: The Achilles' Heel of Bulgaria's Patriotic Front, in: Maik Fielitz, Laura Lotte LALOIRE (eds.): Trouble on the Far Right. Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe, Bielefeld 2016.
  12. Researchkollektivet Redox, DNSB , accessed on May 19, 2020.
  13. Stop Islamisieringen Af Danmark, SIAD's politik , accessed on May 19, 2020.
  14. ^ Danmarks Nationale Front, Om DNF , accessed on 19 May 2020.
  15. a b c d Jacob Aasland Ravndal: Transnational Militancy in the Making, Oslo 2019, PDF
  16. Researchkollektivet Redox, Stram course , accessed on May 19, 2020.
  17. Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies AfD sub-organization “Der Flügel” as a certain right-wing extremist tendency. Press release of March 12, 2020. Retrieved June 26, 2020.
  18. BfV: Concentration on the observation of the suspected cases "Der Flügel" and "Junge Alternative". Press release of March 8, 2019. Accessed June 26, 2020.
  19. ^ BfV: Federal Minister of the Interior Seehofer forbids "North Eagle". News from June 23, 2020. Retrieved June 26, 2020.
  20. ^ A b Axel Reetz, Tom Thieme: Extremism in Estonia. In: Eckhard Jesse, Tom Thieme (ed.): Extremism in the EU countries. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-17065-7 , pp. 107-113.
  21. Øyvind Strømmen: Neo-Nazis in the North: The Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Hate Speech International, 2017.
  22. ^ Helsinki Police ban neo-Nazi demonstration on Independence Day. News of Finland, December 4, 2019
  23. , accessed May 17, 2020.
  24. ^ Dominique Trimbur: Action française . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , p. 2.
  25. ^ Die Zeit: Emmanuel Macron wants to break up neo-Nazi networks. February 21, 2019, accessed June 5, 2020.
  26. ^ A b c d Franz Greß, Hans-Gerd Jaschke, Klaus Schönekäs: New rights and right-wing extremism in Europe: Federal Republic, France, Great Britain, 2013. ISBN 978-3-531-11890-1 . Pp. 25-44.
  27. a b c Martin Langebach, Andreas Speit: European radical rights, Zurich 2013. ISBN 978-3-280-05483-3 . Pp. 83-102.
  28. France: Strike against the thugs. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . June 12, 2013, accessed June 5, 2020 .
  29. a b c d Der SPIEGEL: France bans further right-wing extremist groups. July 24, 2013, accessed June 5, 2020.
  30. ^ A b Jean-Ives Camus: The extreme right in France: It can be expected that the map will be redrawn, in: Nora Langenbacher, Britta Schellenberg (ed.), Europe on the "right" path? Right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in Europe, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011, ISBN 978-3-86872-684-8 . Pp. 85-103.
  31. ^ The Guardian: France's neo-Nazi breeding ground. July 20, 2002, accessed June 5, 2020.
  32. ^ The Guardian: France plans to outlaw far-right group of would-be assassin. July 30, 2002, accessed June 5, 2020.
  33. ^ Martin Langebach, Andreas Speit: Europe's radical rights, Zurich 2013. ISBN 978-3-280-05483-3 . Pp. 233-248.
  34. Stavros Tsiakalos, Giorgios Tsiakalos: The Rise of the Right-Wing Extremes in Greece. February 5, 2014. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  35. a b Vassiliki Georgiadou: Populism and Extremism on the Right Edge - The Rapid Rise of the Golden Dawn in Crisis Country Greece, in: Ralf Melzer, Sebastian Serafin (Ed.), Right-Wing Extremism in Europe, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2014, ISBN 978- 3-86498-939-1 . Pp. 79-106.
  36. a b c Martin Langebach, Andreas Speit: European radical rights, Zurich 2013. ISBN 978-3-280-05483-3 . Pp. 171-191.
  37. ^ Marleen Gambel: British Union of Fascists . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , pp. 75ff.
  38. Alex Carter: Right-Wing Terrorism and Hate Crime in the UK - A Historical Perspective, in: Maik Fielitz, Laura Lotte Laloire (eds.): Trouble on the Far Right. Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe, Bielefeld 2016. pp. 155–160.
  39. Magnus Brechtken: Imperial Fascist League . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , p. 323ff.
  40. Chris Allen: National Action: links between the far right, extremism and terrorism. August 2019. Retrieved June 26, 2020.
  41. ^ Marleen Gambel: National Front (Great Britain) . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027878-1 , p. 417ff.
  42. a b c d e f g h Martin Langebach, Andreas Speit: Europe's radical rights, Zurich 2013. ISBN 978-3-280-05483-3 . Pp. 149-170.
  43. Casa Pound Iannone: "Finita esperienza di partito, torniamo movimento". In: . June 27, 2019, accessed June 10, 2020 (Italian).
  44. a b Sandra Kampmann: Benito Mussolini. November 30, 2017. On: Retrieved June 10, 2020.
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