COVID-19 pandemic in Belize

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The COVID-19 pandemic occurs in Belize since March 2020 as part of the global COVID-19 pandemic , which took place in December 2019 in China originated. The pandemic affects the novel disease COVID-19 . This is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the Coronaviridae group and belongs to the group of respiratory diseases . From March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the outbreak of the novel coronavirus as a global pandemic.

Course and measures

The first COVID-19 disease was confirmed in Belize on March 23, 2020. It was a Belizean woman who was returning to San Pedro Town from Los Angeles, California. This case first appeared in the WHO situation report on March 24, 2020.

In light of recent events, Prime Minister Dean Barrow declared a state of emergency for San Pedro in March 2020. Ambergris Caye residents have been quarantined. Only certain workers were authorized to perform the most essential tasks. At this point, the Ministry of Health is tracking every citizen who has had contact with the Belizan woman who tested positive for COVID-19.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow had closed the schools on March 20. These should initially resume operations on April 20, if the situation had eased by then. In addition, the Prime Minister banned public gatherings of more than 25 people and closed all borders. All flights to and from Belize were suspended with effect from March 23rd. Only necessary freight could cross the air borders or land by sea. Belizeans are still allowed to return to Belize, but residents are only allowed to leave the country if it is an emergency.

The second case was confirmed on March 25th and had contact with the first case. The third case in Belize was reported on March 29th. It was a traveler returning to Belize City from New York City. The fifth case was confirmed in early April 2020 in a Belizean student returning to Belize from Florida, USA. He was sent into self-isolation in a quarantine facility and showed no symptoms.

On March 30, a nationwide state of emergency and a curfew between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. was announced.

In early April, the government announced that the borders would be closed to all travelers, including Belizean nationals, with the exception of emergency situations. Other travel restrictions, including quarantines, were introduced back in March.

On April 7, 2020, a COVID-19-related death in Belize appeared in the WHO Situation Report for the first time. As of April 23, 2020, the WHO has confirmed 18 cases of COVID-19 and two COVID-19-related deaths in Belize.

On May 5, 2020, the last active case of COVID-19 in Belize got healthy. As of May 13, 2020, the country is the fourth next to Suriname , Papua New Guinea and Mauritius to have no active case of COVID-19 after confirmed infections.


The number of cases developed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belize as follows:


Confirmed infections (cumulative) in Belize
according to
WHO data

New infections in Belize
according to
WHO data


Confirmed deaths (cumulative) in Belize
according to
WHO data

Confirmed deaths (daily) in Belize
according to
WHO data


  1. In the meantime, no active infections were reported in Mauritania, Saint Lucia and Yemen, but there were new infections.
  2. a b c d Cases reported to WHO by national authorities are listed here. Since the situation is very dynamic, there may be discrepancies or delays between the cases of the WHO and the data of national authorities as well as the information provided by other bodies, such as the Johns Hopkins University (CSSE).

See also

Web links

Commons : COVID-19 Pandemic in Belize  - Pictures, Videos and Audio Files Collection

Individual evidence

  1. Pulmonologists on the net: Covid-19 »What is Covid-19? “Pulmonologists-on-the-Net. In: Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  2. Tagesschau: "Deeply concerned": WHO speaks of corona pandemic. In: Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  3. ^ Ministry of Health Announces First Case of COVID-19 . In: Ministry of Health (Belize) . March 23, 2020.
  4. Belize confirms first case of coronavirus, Cuban doctors arriving to help . March 23, 2020. Accessed March 23, 2020.
  5. First Covid-19 patient in Belize is San Pedro resident . In: Breaking Belize News , March 23, 2020. Retrieved March 24, 2020. 
  6. a b World Health Organization (WHO): Situation reports. In: Retrieved April 23, 2020 (English).
  7. ^ State of Emergency declared for San Pedro; residents placed under mandatory quarantine . March 23, 2020.
  8. ^ Government issues reminder of border closures . March 23, 2020.
  9. Immigration officials: 'Belizeans will be allowed to come home' . March 23, 2020.
  10. ^ BBN Staff: Ministry of Health confirms 2nd covid-19 positive case; awaiting results of more tests . In: Breaking Belize News , March 25, 2020. 
  11. BBN Staff: Minister of Health confirms third Covid-19 case is in Belize City and imported from New York . In: Breaking Belize News , March 29, 2020. 
  12. Fifth Case of COVID-19 Confirmed in Belize ( en ) April 5, 2020. Accessed April 6, 2020.
  13. ^ Prime Minister Dean Barrow announces countrywide state of emergency . In: Breaking Belize News , March 30, 2020. 
  14. Belize is now on war footing; PM Barrow announces closure of borders to national . In: Breaking Belize News-The Leading Online News Source of Belize , April 3, 2020. Retrieved April 6, 2020. 
  15. All borders closed to the entry of Belizean nationals . In: Breaking Belize News-The Leading Online News Source of Belize , April 5, 2020. Retrieved April 6, 2020. 
  16. ^ Government issues reminder of border closures . In: Breaking Belize News-The Leading Online News Source of Belize , March 22, 2020. Retrieved April 6, 2020. 
  17. COVID-19 dashboard. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  18. a b c d Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. WHO, accessed June 3, 2020 .