COVID-19 pandemic in Niger

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The COVID-19 pandemic occurs in Niger since March 2020 as part of the global COVID-19 pandemic , which took place in December 2019 in China originated. The pandemic affects the novel disease COVID-19 . This is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the Coronaviridae group and belongs to the group of respiratory diseases . From March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the outbreak of the novel coronavirus as a global pandemic.


The first COVID-19 case in Niger was confirmed on March 19, 2020. It was a Nigerian employee of an international transport company. The first death was reported on March 27, 2020. According to WHO data , the limit of 100 confirmed infections was exceeded on April 5, 2020, and that of 500 infections on April 13, 2020. By far the most infections were confirmed in the capital Niamey : on April 17, 2020 there were 582 from across the country 609. Mohamed Ben Omar , a member of the government, died on May 3, 2020 as a result of a COVID-19 illness. Ben Omar was Minister of Labor and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD-Bassira).


The number of cases developed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Niger as follows:


Confirmed infections (cumulative) in Niger
according to
WHO data

New infections in Niger
according to
WHO data


Confirmed deaths (cumulative) in Niger
according to
WHO data

Confirmed deaths (daily) in Niger
according to
WHO data


  1. a b c d Cases reported to WHO by national authorities are listed here. Since the situation is very dynamic, there may be discrepancies or delays between the cases of the WHO and the data of national authorities as well as the information provided by other bodies, such as the Johns Hopkins University (CSSE).

Reactions and actions

President Mahamadou Issoufou

Even before the first confirmed COVID-19 case in Niger, the Council of Ministers under President Mahamadou Issoufou decided on the first preventive measures on March 13, 2020. All international events in the country have been canceled. A fortnightly quarantine has been ordered for travelers from a country with a COVID-19 outbreak . All gatherings that could have at least 1,000 people were banned. On the same day, chaired by Prime Minister Brigi Rafini , an inter-ministerial committee to fight the COVID-19 pandemic began its work.

A demonstration on March 15, 2020 in the capital Niamey , aimed against corruption and waste of public money, as well as in support of the defense and security forces and prohibited on the basis of the new gathering restrictions, resulted in serious clashes between demonstrators and security forces. The Tabataki market caught fire for an unknown reason. The fire resulted in at least three deaths, several injuries and major property damage. 15 representatives of civil society organizations were arrested on charges of participating in a prohibited demonstration and aiding and abetting arson.

On March 17, 2020, the Council of Ministers passed resolutions on stricter precautions. Meetings with more than 50 people were banned. A minimum distance of one meter between people in markets, restaurants, shops, airport areas and public places was arranged. All bars, nightclubs, cinemas and entertainment venues should close at midnight on March 18, 2020. The land borders were closed with effect from March 19, 2020. The transport of goods was excluded from this. International flights other than cargo, ambulance and military flights via Niamey Airport and Zinder Airport also had to be suspended from March 19, 2020. All kindergartens, schools and universities were closed with effect from March 20, 2020. Diagnosing and treating potential COVID-19 patients should be free.

On March 20, 2020, one day after the confirmation of the first COVID-19 case in Niger, the government banned weddings, christenings and funerals, closed bus terminals and ceased public transport by land starting March 21, 2020 Set midnight.

The Council of Ministers decided on a number of further measures on March 27, 2020. At the time, there were ten confirmed COVID-19 cases in Niger. A state of emergency was declared throughout the national territory . For the public health sector, 1500 new hires were decided. In addition, there were several simplifications in the tax system. For example, tax collections for travel agencies, bars and restaurants as well as in the sports and leisure sector were suspended until the end of May and June, respectively, and VAT was waived for the duration of the suspension of their activities. In the public sector, working hours were limited to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the use of vacations was enforced, all training courses canceled and meetings limited to the most necessary. In a speech to the nation on March 27, 2020, President Issoufou announced that he would pardon 1,540 prisoners as part of the fight against the virus. Among them was his longtime political rival Hama Amadou .

On March 28, 2020, one of the first international COVID-19 aid deliveries arrived in Niger: 20,000 diagnostic kits, 100,000 protective masks and 1,000 protective suits. It was a gift from the Chinese billionaire Jack Ma . The capital Niamey was put on a night curfew on March 28, 2020 and isolated from other parts of the country on March 29, 2020. The governor of Niamey was satisfied with the discipline of the population in compliance with the curfew after the first night of curfew and in which there were 43 arrests.

President of Parliament Ousséini Tinni

Parliament's President Ousséini Tinni had already called the Constitutional Court on March 25, 2020 to receive guidelines on a possible restriction of parliamentary work during the state of emergency. The Constitutional Court ruled on March 30, 2020 that restrictions are possible, for example by limiting the number of MPs present in the National Assembly . Finance Minister Mamadou Diop announced on March 31, 2020 that he had funding commitments from partners totaling 127 billion CFA francs to cope with the state's falling revenues and rising spending. Trade Minister Sadou Seydou announced on April 6, 2020 the introduction of price caps for primary consumer products and countered rumors of a closure of the country's markets. On the initiative of the national film center Center national de la cinématographie du Niger (CNCN) under its general director Sani Magori , contracts were signed on the same day with which Nigerien filmmakers left over one hundred of their films to state and private television stations for free broadcast in order to keep the population at home encourage.

Panic buying and the closure of the border with Nigeria caused prices to rise in Niger's grain markets. The hardest hit was millet , which was eight percent more expensive in the period from April 1 to 7, 2020 than in the same period of the previous year. On April 11, 2020, the National Assembly decided to extend the nationwide state of emergency until July 11, 2020. In Lazaret and other parts of the capital, violent riots broke out on the evening of April 19, 2020 after security forces tried to prevent a gathering in a mosque .

See also

Web links

Commons : COVID-19 Pandemic in Niger  - Pictures, Videos and Audio Files Collection

Individual evidence

  1. Pulmonologists on the net: Covid-19: Causes . Online at Retrieved April 5, 2020.
  2. WHO declares COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. WHO, March 12, 2020, accessed April 16, 2020 .
  3. Le Niger enregistre son premier cas de coronavirus (Officiel). Agence Nigérienne de Presse, March 19, 2020, accessed March 30, 2020 (French).
  4. a b c d e Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. WHO, accessed on August 9, 2020 .
  5. ^ Communiqué du Conseil des Ministres du vendredi 17 avril 2020. In: Le Sahel . April 17, 2020, accessed on April 18, 2020 (French).
  6. Niger: le ministre du Travail est mort du coronavirus. In: Le Figaro. May 4, 2020, accessed May 5, 2020 (French).
  7. Communiqué du Conseil des Ministres du vendredi 13 mars 2020. In: Le Sahel . March 13, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  8. Souleymane Yahaya: A La Primature: Installation Officielle Du Comité Interministériel De Lutte Contre L'épidémie A Coronavirus. In: Le Sahel . March 16, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  9. AYB: Niamey: au moins 3 morts dans l'incendie du marché de Tagabati, en colère les commerçants lancent une journée ville morte de 48h dès ce lundi. In: ActuNiger. March 15, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  10. Niger: Civil society organizations call on authorities to end harassment of human rights defenders. Amnesty International , March 24, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 .
  11. Souleymane Yahaya: Au Conseil Des Ministres: Dix Mesures Complémentaires Contre Le Coronavirus, Dont La Fermeture Des Aéroports Internationaux De Niamey Et De Zinder, Des Frontières Terrestres Et Des Établissements D'enseignement Préscolaire, Primaire, Secondaire Et Supérieur. In: Le Sahel . March 18, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  12. Souleymane Yahaya: A La Présidence De La République: Le Chef De L'Etat Rencontre Les Membres Du Comité Interministériel De Lutte Contre La Pandémie À Coronavirus (COVID 19). In: Le Sahel . March 23, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  13. a b Au Conseil Des Ministres: Plusieurs Mesures Prises Pour Faire Face À La Pandémie Du Covid-19. In: Le Sahel . March 28, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  14. Mahamadou Diallo: Lutte Contre Le Coronavirus: Le Président De La République Gracie 1540 Détenus Dont M. Hama Amadou. In: Le Sahel . April 2, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  15. Arrivée, Samedi Dernier À Niamey, D'un Des Premiers Soutiens Internationaux Pour La Lutte Contre COVID-19: 20,000 Kits De Diagnostics, 100,000 Masques, Et 1,000 Combinaisons Protectrices Octroyés À Notre Pays Par M. Jack Ma, Fondateur D'Alibaba. In: Le Sahel . March 31, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  16. ^ Yacine Hassane: Bilan De La Première Journée Du Couvre-Feu À Niamey: 43 Interpellations Malgré L'observation Du Couvre-Feu Par La Population. In: Le Sahel . March 31, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  17. ^ Cour Constitutionnelle: Selon L'avis De La Cour L'Assemblée Nationale Peut Prendre Des Mesures Adaptées Au Contexte Sanitaire Actuel. In: Le Sahel . April 2, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  18. Ismaël M. Chékaré: Conférence De Presse Au Ministère Des Finances Sur L'impact Économique De La Pandémie COVID19: Un Plan De 597 Milliards De FCFA Pour Riposter Contre La Crise Sanitaire Et Atténuer Ses Conséquences. In: Le Sahel . April 1, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  19. ^ Mahamadou Diallo: Point De Presse You Ministre Du Commerce Et De La Promotion Du Secteur Privé: M. Sadou Seydou Annonce Les Prix Plafonds Des Produits De 1ère Nécessité Et Dément Les Rumeurs Sur La Fermeture Des Marchés. In: Le Sahel . April 7, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  20. Aissa Abdoulaye Alfary: Lutte contre le Covid-19: Plus de 100 films cédés gratuitement aux télévisions publiques et privées par les cinéastes nigériens. In: Niger Diaspora. April 7, 2020, accessed April 7, 2020 (French).
  21. Marchés Agricoles: Bull Market Des Prix Des Céréales Par Rapport à La Semaine Précédente “Contexte Actuel De Coronavirus”. In: Le Sahel . April 16, 2020, accessed on April 13, 2020 (French).
  22. Les députés adoptent la loi portant prorogation de l'état d'urgence en République du Niger. In: April 12, 2020, accessed on April 21, 2020 (French).
  23. Coronavirus au Niger: violents heurts entre habitants et forces de l'ordre à Niamey. In: Le Figaro . April 20, 2020, accessed on April 21, 2020 (French).