COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine

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Number of confirmed cases per region:
  • 150+ confirmed cases
  • 70-149 confirmed cases
  • 30-69 confirmed cases
  • 10–29 confirmed cases
  • 4-9 confirmed cases
  • 1-3 confirmed cases
  • The 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic has been shown to have reached Ukraine when the first case was confirmed in a clinic in Chernivtsi Oblast on March 3, 2020.

    In response to the spread of the coronavirus in Ukraine on 20 March 2020, the oblasts Kiev , Chernivtsi , Zhytomyr , Dnipropetrovsk , Ivano-Frankivsk and the city of Kiev the state of emergency proclaimed.


    The COVID-19 pandemic began in the People's Republic of China in December 2019 . The novel respiratory disease COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the Coronaviridae group . On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the event as a global pandemic .


    Personnel monitor the body temperature of passengers aboard an aircraft at
    Kiev-Boryspil International Airport

    On January 27, 2020, SkyUp, a low-cost Ukrainian charter airline, announced that it would suspend flights to Sanya in China's Hainan Province until March.

    On February 4th, Ukraine International Airlines suspended its charter flights to Sanya Airport in Hainan. Initially, the suspension should last until February 24th, although the airline had not yet announced that it would resume its flights.

    On February 24, Kiev-Boryspil Airport and Kiev-Zhulianany Airport were scheduled to introduce thermal control procedures for travelers from Italy, but staff either lacked thermal cameras or ignored the protocol.

    On March 3, Ukraine announced its first confirmed SARS-CoV-2 case. It was a man who had traveled by plane from Italy to Romania and then arrived in Ukraine by car.

    On March 12, two more SARS-CoV-2 cases were confirmed in Ukraine. The diagnosis was confirmed in a man in Chernivtsi Oblast whose wife had recently arrived from Italy and an elderly woman in Zhytomyr Oblast who returned from Poland on March 1. The 71-year-old woman from Radomyshl , Zhytomyr Oblast, died on March 13, becoming the first fatal case in the country.

    On March 16, two new cases were confirmed in Chernivtsi Oblast and two more in Kiev. In Kiev, one of the people affected was a student who had contacted the infected woman in the Zhytomyr region while the other woman had returned from France.

    On March 17, six more cases were confirmed in Chernivtsi Oblast, all of which had contact with the previously known case, including the 33-year-old woman who had died. The first cases of infected children have been reported. One case has been confirmed in Kiev Oblast. It was a man who had recently come from abroad and who later turned out to be the representative of the people of Ukraine.

    On March 18, the Ukrainian MP Serhiy Shakhov declared that he was SARS-CoV-2 positive after denying it the day before. The Kyiv Post counted Schachow among a total of 14 people in Ukraine with laboratory confirmations of positive testing for SARS-CoV-2.

    As of 18 March, the rail, air and bus transport as well as passenger and remote traffic was stopped in Ukraine, and in Kharkiv , Dnipro and Kiev have been subways closed.

    Two new cases were reported later that day: the second for Kiev Oblast (the wife of the previously reported man) and the first for Donetsk Oblast (a 52-year-old man who had visited Egypt).

    On March 19, the third case was confirmed in Kiev for a person returning from Switzerland, and the second case in Zhytomyr Oblast for a 56-year-old man from Zhytomyr who had returned from Austria . On the same day, the first cases were reported in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast and Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, and 5 new cases were reported in Chernivtsi Oblast, bringing the total number of people infected in Ukraine to 26.

    On March 20, the first case of recovery from COVID-19 was reported in a man in Chernivtsi , who was the first person infected in the country. On the same day, 15 new positive tests for COVID-19 were confirmed across Ukraine: Chernivtsi Oblast (10 more cases), Lviv Oblast (59-year-old doctor who returned from Germany), Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (1 case), Kharkiv Oblast (1 case), Kiev Oblast (1 case), Ternopil Oblast (1 case). The total number of COVID-19 cases in Ukraine increased to 41 (the case from Kharkiv Oblast, in which a woman was diagnosed and treated in Kiev, was moved from statistics for Kharkiv to statistics for Kiev on March 21 transfer).

    As of March 21, the number of confirmed cases in Ukraine was 47, according to the Ministry of Health. In Kiev, six or seven new cases were confirmed, bringing the total to ten (eight of which were infected abroad). The first case of coronavirus was registered in Donetsk Oblast and a state of emergency was declared in the Oblast. The first patient in Lutsk and the occupied Crimea was confirmed. At the end of the day, there were 417 people suspected of having the coronavirus in occupied Crimea and Sevastopol .

    At 10:00 a.m. on March 23, there were 73 confirmed cases in Ukraine. 26 new cases had been confirmed in the previous 24 hours.

    By March 24 at 10:00 am, 11 new cases had been confirmed in Ukraine in the previous 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 84. That number was later increased to 97 confirmed cases. The head of the state administration of Chernivtsi Oblast Serhiy Osachuk said that 13 new cases of the disease had been confirmed in Chernivtsi Oblast. There are currently 38 infected people in the Ukrainian part of Bukovina .

    At 10:00 a.m. on March 25, the Ministry of Health announced that 29 new cases had been confirmed in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 113. These included the first case in Volyn Oblast , the first two cases in Zaporizhia Oblast , two more cases in Kiev, seven more in Kiev Oblast, the first case in Luhansk Oblast , the first case in Odessa Oblast , two more Cases in Ternopil Oblast and the 13 new cases in Chernivtsi Oblast reported in the media the day before. One person died of the disease in Ternopil Oblast.

    At 10:00 a.m. on March 26, the Ministry of Health announced that 43 new cases had been confirmed in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 156. A person in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast died of the disease. By the end of March 26, there were five confirmed cases in Sevastopol and nine in the rest of occupied Crimea; over 3,000 people were suspected of suffering from the disease and nearly 90 were isolated in hospitals in occupied Crimea (including Sevastopol).

    At 10:00 a.m. on March 27, the ministry announced that 62 more cases had been confirmed in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 218. Three other patients from Chernivtsi had recovered from the disease. This increased the number of convalescents to four: three adults and one child. Repeated laboratory tests showed no traces of the virus, and another polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test had shown negative reactions twice in a row.

    At 10:00 a.m. on March 28, the ministry announced that 93 more cases had been confirmed in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 311. Three more people died, bringing the total to eight. Another person had recovered, bringing the total to five (four adults and one child). Cases have been reported in all parts of Ukraine, with the exception of Kirovohrad Oblast .

    On April 4, there were 950 infected people and 23 fatalities.

    A curfew for people over 60 has been in effect since April 6. They are only allowed to leave the house if they live alone. They are not allowed to move more than 2 kilometers from their place of residence.

    On April 18, there were 5,106 infected and 133 fatalities.

    Special features in the statistics

    Although there are cases in Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , they have not yet been included in the daily updates from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.


    The number of cases developed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine as follows:


    Confirmed infections (cumulative) in Ukraine
    (April 16 to August 16, 2020) according to
    WHO data

    New infections in Ukraine
    (April 16 to August 16, 2020) according to
    WHO data


    Confirmed deaths (April 16 to August 16, 2020) in Ukraine
    (last four months) according to
    WHO data

    Confirmed deaths (daily) in Ukraine
    (April 16 to August 16, 2020) according to
    WHO data


    1. a b c d Since August 17, 2020, the WHO reports have only been published weekly, but contain additional information (around cases per million inhabitants). The last daily WHO report ( No. 209 , pdf) was published on August 16, 2020.
    2. a b c d Cases reported to WHO by national authorities are listed here. Since the situation is very dynamic, there may be discrepancies or delays between the cases of the WHO and the data of national authorities as well as the information provided by other bodies, such as the Johns Hopkins University (CSSE).

    See also

    Web links

    Commons : COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

    Individual evidence

    1. First coronavirus case identified in Ukraine | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice . In: KyivPost . March 3, 2020. Archived from the original on March 13, 2020. Retrieved on March 12, 2020.
    2. В еще одной области Украины объявили чрезвычайное положение из-за коронавируса - Украина - March 21, 2020, accessed March 28, 2020 .
    3. Pulmonologists on the net: Covid-19: Causes . Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
    4. Tagesschau: “Deeply worried”. WHO speaks of corona pandemic. March 11, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 6, 2020.
    5. a b Thomas Pallini: At least 73 airlines have canceled flights to China amid coronavirus fears - here's the full list . In: Business Insider Australia . January 30, 2020. Archived from the original on February 2, 2020. Retrieved on March 3, 2020.
    6. Туроператор Join UP . In: .
    7. Ukraine's last planned plane from China to arrive in Kiev . In: Reuters , February 4, 2020. Archived from the original on February 24, 2020. Retrieved on March 3, 2020. 
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    10. Ukraine reports first coronavirus case, in man who traveled from Italy . Reuters. March 3, 2020. Archived from the original on March 3, 2020. Retrieved on March 3, 2020.
    11. МОЗ повідомляє про два нових підтверджених випадки коронавірусу в Україні ( uk ) Ministry of Healthcare . March 12, 2020. Archived from the original on March 12, 2020. Retrieved on March 12, 2020.
    12. В Україні зафіксовано першу смерть людини, інфікованої коронавірусом COVID-19 ( uk ) Ministry of Healthcare . March 13, 2020. Archived from the original on March 16, 2020. Retrieved on March 13, 2020.
    13. Оперативна інформація про поширення коронавірусної інфекції COVID-19 . In: Ministry of Healthcare . March 16, 2020. Archived from the original on March 16, 2020.
    14. Студент і жінка, яка приїхала з Франції. Стали відомі подробиці про перших двох хворих на коронавірус у Києві (Ukrainian) . In: НВ , March 16, 2020. 
    15. a b В Україні зафіксовано 7 нових випадків інфікування на коронавірус . Ministry of Healthcare. March 17, 2020. Archived from the original on March 17, 2020. Retrieved on March 17, 2020.
    16. Міністерство охорони здоров'я повідомляє, що серед 14 офіційно зафіксованих випадків COVID-19 .
    17. Oleksiy Sorokin: Ukrainian lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19 . In: Kyiv Post , March 18, 2020. Archived from the original on March 18, 2020. 
    20. В Україні станом на вечір 03/18/2020 лабораторно підтверджено 16 випадків захворювання на COVID-19 . March 18, 2020. Archived from the original on March 18, 2020. Retrieved on March 18, 2020.
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    33. a b В Україні 97 випадків захворювання на коронавірус | Українська правда. March 24, 2020, accessed March 28, 2020 .
    34. Оперативна інформація про поширення коронавірусної інфекції 2019-nCoV. March 25, 2020, accessed March 28, 2020 .
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