Ellsworth Foote

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Ellsworth Bishop Foote (born January 12, 1898 in North Branford , Connecticut , †  January 18, 1977 in Guilford , Connecticut) was an American politician . Between 1947 and 1949 he represented the third constituency of the state of Connecticut in the US House of Representatives .


Ellsworth Foote attended public schools in his home country and then Yale Business College until 1916 . After studying law at George Washington University and being admitted to the bar in 1924, he began working in his new profession in New Haven . Between 1924 and 1946 he was the legal financial advisor to the City of North Branford, and from 1934 he was chairman of the local finance committee. Between 1925 and 1926 Foote worked for the Federal Ministry of Justice . From 1938 to 1946 he was also a judge on the probate court in North Branford. From 1942 to 1946, Foote also served as the district attorney in New Haven County .

Foote was a member of the Republican Party . In the 1946 congressional elections, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the third district of Connecticut . There he stepped on January 3, 1947 to succeed the Democrat James P. Geelan , whom he had defeated in the election. But since he was defeated by the Democrat John A. McGuire in the 1948 elections, Foote could only serve one term in Congress until January 3, 1949 .

Between 1949 and 1960, Foote was again District Attorney in New Haven County. He was also back as financial advisor to North Branford City. He also worked as a lawyer again. Ellsworth Foote died on January 18, 1977 in Guilford and was buried in North Branford.

Web links

  • Ellsworth Foote in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)