List of personalities of the city of Trondheim

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The following list contains people who were born in Trondheim , Norway , as well as those who lived and worked there from time to time, in chronological order according to the year of birth. The list does not claim to be complete.

Personalities born in Trondheim

Peter Wessel
Ludvig Mathias Lindeman
Jo Benkow
Martin Schanche (left)
Erlend Loe
Torger Nergård
Eskil Ervik
Marit Bjørgen
Emil Hegle Svendsen
Per Ciljan Skjelbred

Until 1800

1801 to 1850

1851 to 1900

1901 to 1950

From 1951

People related to Trondheim

Liv Ullmann

In addition, the jazz-rock band Dadafon , the rock band Motorpsycho , the EDM duo SeeB and the metal band Lumsk come from Trondheim.

See also