Literature year 1857

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Overview of the literary years
Further events

Literature year 1857
The late summer, first printed in 1857
Adalbert Stifter publishes
the three-volume educational novel Der Nachsommer .



Title page of the first edition
  • February 7th : Gustave Flaubert is acquitted in a criminal trial by a Parisian court of having violated morality and religion with descriptions in the novel Madame Bovary .
  • Madame Bovary is appearing for the first time in book form, after it had already been published in sequels in the features section of the Revue de Paris last year .
O Guarany , cover page of the first edition


Edition of Fleurs du Mal from 1857, proof of title page with notes by Baudelaire
  • June 25th : The first edition of the volume of poetry Les Fleurs du Mal by the French poet Charles Baudelaire appears. On July 7th, the public prosecutor initiated criminal prosecution for blasphemy and insulting public morality.
  • August 20 : Charles Baudelaire is sentenced to a fine of 300 francs for “insulting public morality and good manners”. His preferred publisher Auguste Poulet-Malassis also received a fine . Six incriminated poems - Lesbos , Femmes damnées , Le Lèthe , À celle qui est trop gaie , Les Bijoux and Les Métamorphoses du vampire - must also be removed from the Fleurs du Mal and no longer published. At the end of the year, Baudelaire starts working on a second edition.



Scientific works



the grave of Joseph von Eichendorff in the Jerusalem cemetery in Neisse-Nysa in Poland

See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Web links

Commons : Books 1857  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Magazine 1857  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files
Commons : Newspapers 1857  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Gazebo (1857)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files