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Habicht: Godfather for the Habichtswaldsteig marker
Habicht : Godfather for the Habichtswaldsteig marker
length Route : 85.0 km
Extra tours : 115.5 km
Total: 200.5 kmdep1
location District of Kassel ,
independent city of Kassel ,
Schwalm-Eder district ,
district of Waldeck-Frankenberg ;
North Hesse ( Germany )
Markers Route ( Habicht ): Extra tours ( H1 - H8 ): -
Habichtswaldsteig Logo.svg

Habichtswaldsteig-Extra Tour-1.svgHabichtswaldsteig-Extra Tour-8.svg
Starting point Zierenberg (market square)
51 ° 22 ′ 7 ″  N , 9 ° 18 ′ 5.7 ″  E
Target point Edersee (dam),
(village square at the Aquapark)
51 ° 10 ′ 53.6 ″  N , 9 ° 3 ′ 29.1 ″  E
The highest point Route :
  Hoher Dörnberg
   (E 1 ; approx.  578.7  m above sea  level ) ,
extra tours :
  Hohes Gras
    ( H3 ; 614.8  m above sea level )
Lowest point Route :
  Edersee dam
   (carriageway, upper edge)
   (E 4 ; about  247  m above sea level.  NN ) ,
extra trips :
  at Igelsbett
   (ESE path Telle of
   Good Sieber Hausen )

   ( H1 ; 220  . M above sea level )
Level of difficulty easy, normal
season all year round
Viewpoints u. a. Hoher Dörnberg , Herkules , Hohes Gras (H3) , Schauenburger Burgberg , Niedensteiner Kopf (H5) , Warte , Weidelsburg (H8) , Uhrenkopf
particularities named after the Habichtwald Bergland (mostly just called Habichtswald )
Town hall on the market square in Zierenberg
View from the Bärenberg tower to the Hohen Dörnberg ; behind the Kaufungen forest
Schauenburger Burgberg with the forest on the right on the Kleiner Schönberg
Center of Naumburg
View from the watch head viewpoint u. a. to the Edersee dam
Tall grass : mountain restaurant and observation tower
Martinstein : Basalt rocks in the
Martinhagen district of Schauenburg
Niedensteiner Kopf : Hessenturm ( AT )

The Habichtswaldsteig (Auf den Schwingen des Habicht ) with its signposts Habicht (Leitweg) and H1 to H8 (extra tours ) is a hiking trail in northern Hesse in the Kassel district , in forest areas of the independent city of Kassel , in the Schwalm-Eder district and in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district . The premium hiking trail runs from Zierenberg through the Habichtswälder Bergland , the Ostwaldecker Randsenken , the Waldecker Wald and the Kellerwald to Hemfurth-Edersee am Edersee . The trail, which was opened in 2011, is named after the Habichtswälder Bergland , which is mostly just called Habichtswald . The route (85.0 km) with four main stages and the extra tours (115.5 km) with eight secondary stages are together 200.5 km long.

History and interesting facts

The Habichtswaldsteig was developed by the AG Habichtswaldsteig (eleven municipalities along the climb). Its opening took place on September 18, 2011.

The trail leads in particular through the Habichtswald and Kellerwald-Edersee nature parks , through nature reserves and landscape protection areas, many stream and river valleys, over mountains and elevations and through forests, fields and meadows. As part of Leitweg and extra tours , it connects these eleven cities and communities: Breuna , Zierenberg , Habichtswald , Kassel , Schauenburg , Niedenstein , Bad Emstal , Naumburg , Wolfhagen , Waldeck and Edertal . The path passes many geological and prehistoric testimonies and formations. As a cultural and historical hiking trail, it runs through a cultural landscape with numerous sights as well as through the fairytale Grimm Heimat in Northern Hesse . Many waypoints can be reached by public transport, especially since there are numerous stops of the North Hessian Transport Association (NVV) on or near the path .

In many places there are panoramic and far-reaching views in the Habichtswälder Bergland and, among others, to the Eggegebirge , Weserbergland , Reinhardswald , Harz , Kaufunger Wald , Söhre , Hohen Meißner , Thuringian Forest , Knüll , Langenberge , Kellerwald , Waldecker Land and Rothaargebirge . With the help of many display boards along the path you can find out about interesting things in the respective regions.


The sign of the Habichtswaldsteig consists of a white, double-edged circle with a white hawk symbol in the middle on a dark purple background. Those of the extra tours show the letter H on the same background with numbers 1 to 8 behind it .



The route of the Habichtswaldsteig runs as follows with four main stages as a route:

Route , stage 1 (Zierenberg → Firnsbachtal; 23 km) :
The route begins in the Habichtswald Nature Park in Zierenberg on the market square and from there, after crossing the warmth flowing through the village , leads north-east across the
blue stones
basalt scree and steeply up to the Schreckenberg tower (approx.  460  m ), which stands on the Großer Schreckenberg . It then runs over the high elevations of the mountain in order to cross the Zierenberg tunnel of the Volkmarsen – Vellmar-Obervellmar railway line in a south-easterly direction and then, together with the Alpine path , to circling the Kleine Dörnberg ( 481.6  m ) to the west. The path in the Dörnberg nature reserve passes the bare basalt rock Wichtelkirche , which resembles a church; Blumenstein Castle was once located there . Then it runs north to the Habichtswald Nature Park Center and then, crossing the Dörnberg airfield ( Dörnberg glider airfield) and for the first time the Märchenlandweg , past the basalt rocks of Helfensteine ( 509.8  m ) and the former Immelburg steeply up to the Hohen Dörnberg ( 578.7  m ), on which there is a large ring wall ; In the area of ​​the Wichtelkirche and the descent from Hohen Dörnberg , the trail partly runs together with the Eco Path Archäologie Dörnberg .

The trail then leads down the steep Dörnberg southern flank into the Dörnbergpass natural area , in the valley of which, after passing the Hohlestein ( 476.6  m ) to the southwest , east of the Habichtswald district of Dörnberg, it crosses the Lubach tributary Kressenborn (approx.  360  m ) . After crossing the federal road 251 , it runs, partly together with the Kassel-Steig and passing the Igelsburg castle ruins ( 466  m ), in the Hohen Habichtswald up to the Silbersee (approx.  485  m ), a residual open pit lake that emerged from basalt mining . Afterwards, the climb leads, some after going around a basalt quarry that is still in operation, and directly after crossing the Ahna , together with Kassel-Steig , Märchenlandweg and student path up to Hercules (approx.  515  m ), the symbol of the city in the Kassel area stands on the eastern ridge of the Hohen Habichtswald in Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe . The Hercules Trail crosses there . Then, passing the Herkules visitor center , it runs south through New Holland down into the Drusel valley. Beyond this, the path leads, passing the warrior memorial Habichtspiel ( 532  m ) north and the Ziegenkopf ( 564.7  m ) south and again crossing the Märchenlandweg in between , to the forest restaurant Herbsthäuschen (approx.  480  m ), which is in the valley of the Firnbach . In the gorge-like valley it runs down to the Schauenburger local situation Firnsbachtal where the stage ends.

Leitweg , stage 2 (Firnsbachtal → Bad Emstal; 18 km) :
From the Firnsbachtal location , the trail leads westwards to the federal motorway 44 and after crossing it - together with the Kassel-Steig - in the Hoofer Pforte through the Schauenburg district of Hoof , where the Kassel – Naumburg railway line , on which the Hessencourrier , among others , travels, first crosses under and then crosses (level crossing). In the village, where the Baunapfad and Hercules Trail cross, it first crosses the Rear and then the Front Bauna ( Bauna -Quellbach). Also together with the Kassel-Steig , the climb runs steeply up to the Schauenburger Burgberg ( 499.9  m ), on which the remains of the Schauenburg ruins are located. From there, both paths lead steeply down to the Hoof train station , where they cross the Kassel – Naumburg railway line (level crossing) and shortly afterwards the Herkulesweg and Märchenlandweg .

After crossing the state road  3215 (former federal highway 520 ) and shortly afterwards leaving the Kassel-Steig , the climb runs westwards in the northwestern foothills of the Langenberge (max.  556.7  m ) immediately south past the Breitenbach district of Schauenburg . Then he passes the nature reserve Langenberger Hute near Breitenbach (with hikers' parking lot ) and the former forester's house near Elmshagen . After passing through the former quarries (with walker parking place) of the riser leads to the Herkulesweg east of Eder -Zuflusses Ems in the rear Habicht forests peaks in the southwest of the mountains Falkenstein ( 461.9  m ; with the Falkenstein Castle ) and Altenburg ( 450.7  m ; with the Altenburg ). Then it runs together with the Herkulesweg and also a piece with the Ederseeweg west-northwest over the south and south-west flanks of the Altenburg and then, again laid out on its own, after crossing the Ems, crossing the Märchenlandweg again and crossing under the Kassel – Naumburg railway past Bad Emstal . The stage ends north of the village and thus south of Erzeberg ( 436.7  m ) near the Erzeberg hikers' car park at Lauseküppel ( 375.7  m ) .

Route , stage 3 (Bad Emstal → Naumburg; 22.5 km) :
From the Bad Emstal area, the trail runs, after leaving the Hinterhabichtswälder peaks and crosses of the federal highway 450 , directly north of the Elberberger heights westwards along the Elbe tributary Spolebach , whereby he first crosses the Kassel – Naumburg railway line and then crosses it. It then leads north-west to the
Altenstädter Warte ( 346  m ) between Naumburg in the south and its Altenstädt district in the north-east , where the Volkmarser Weg crosses. A little after crossing the Eder tributary Elbe, it runs with the Bonifatiusweg , Märchenlandweg and student path uphill to Weidelsburg on the Weidelsberg ( 492.3  m ). Then it leads in the Waldecker Wald at least in sections together with the aforementioned paths first south and then eastwards to and into the Naumburg core city, where, for example, the Ederseeweg , Herkulesweg and Volkmarser Weg intersect and the stage ends.

Route , stage 4 (Naumburg → Edersee / Hemfurth-Edersee; 21.5 km) :
From Naumburg, where the path leads along the Elbe, it runs southwest through the Waldecker Wald and reaches beyond its main ridge, on the he leaves the Habichtswald nature park, into the valley of the Eder tributary Böhner Bach (also called Kißbach there), which he crosses a little north of Böhne . A little after you have crossed the Sengelsberg (approx.  400  m ), the trail, crossing the Herkulesweg , descends into the valley of the Eder tributary Netze , which it crosses directly before crossing the federal highway 485 . On the road he enters the Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park .

Then, after crossing under the Ederseebahn cycle path , the climb leads up to and then through the Waldeck located above the Edersee (district of the town of the same name ), where Waldeck Castle stands a little above the village and off the climb . From now on it runs partly together with the Kellerwaldsteig , Student Path and Urwaldsteig Edersee east above the Edersee to the south over the Kanzel ( 399.3  m ) to the Uhrenkopf (approx.  405  m ). From a vantage point there ( 343.1  m ) with a view of the Edersee dam, the path leads down to and then over the wall, after which the stage and thus the route to the village square by the Aquapark in the village of Edersee in the Edertal district of Hemfurth- Edersee ends.

Extra tours

The eight extra tours of the Habichtswaldsteig run as circular stages with the exception of the east and south sections of the H1 exclusively in the Habichtswald Nature Park :

Extra tour , H1 (near Breuna; "Around the mountain of the fairy" ; 10 km) :
This circular route begins and ends near Oberlistingen at the car park east-southeast of the village near the
Oberlistingen grill hut and is the only extra tour that does not branch off from the main route or on it meets. It runs around and through the forest area located on the Hedgehog Bed ( 373.8  m ), which is between the Ruhrbach with Niederlistingen in the north, the Warme with Obermeiser in the east, the Zierenberger Gut Sieberhausen in the south and the Malsburg Forest , to which the Hedgehog Bed belongs. lies in the southwest; to the west of the hedgehog bed it partly runs together with the Märchenlandweg . Approximately in a south-easterly direction, there is a connection ( access ) to the route at the Schreckenberg tower via the Fulda-Diemel-Weg past the Schartenberg castle ruins .

Extra tour , H2 (near Zierenberg; "In a mysterious mountain world" ; 16.5 km) :
This circular route, which is connected to the Leitweg (E 1 ), starts and ends, for example, at one of the hikers ' car
parks in Friedrichstein , Nordbruch or Dörnberg . It runs through the natural area Dörnberg and Schreckenberge . From the last-mentioned parking lot, which is located between Zierenberg and Ehrsten on the dead-end street that  branches off from state road 3214 and leads to the Dörnberg plateau , it runs along with the route and alpine path first west around the Kleine Dörnberg ( 481.6  m ) and then past it Wichtelkirche and Habichtswald Nature Park Center as well as over the Dörnberg airfield , crossing the Märchenlandweg , past the Helfensteinen ( 509.8  m ) and then past the former Immelburg on the Hohen Dörnberg ( 578.7  m ). On its high plateau, he leaves the route for the time being. Then the circular route runs down to the neighboring Zierenberg hamlets of Friedrichstein and Heilerbach with the parking lot there and over the Jägerpfad running below the Alpine path again around the Kleiner Dörnberg , after passing the Nordbruch parking lot near Zierenberg , again laid out along with the route in Grace Berger tunnel extending railway Volkmarsen-Vellmar-Obervellmar to cross. Then it leads, first without and then with the route , along the northern outskirts of Zierenberg and over the blue stones to the Schreckenberg tower (approx.  460  m ). Then it runs over the high elevations of the Großer Schreckenberg and, leaving the route again, crossing the L 3214 at the pass ( 363.2  m ) at the Galgenberg , back to the Dörnberg hikers' car park .

Extra tour , H3 (in the Hohen Habichtswald; "In the shine of Hercules" ; 13 km) :
This circular route, which is also connected to the route (E 1 ), starts and ends, for example, at one of the hikers' parking lots at
Hohes Gras , Essigberg , Roter Stollen and cross-country ski runs , which are located in the Hohen Habichtswald , or at the Horstweg hikers' car park , which is south of the village of Dörnberg . It leads to the Hohe Gras (highest mountain in the Habichtswälder Bergland ) and circles the Essigberg ( 597.5  m ), Großer Steinhaufen ( 597  m ) and Wuhlhagen (approx.  565  m ). From the parking lot on Horstweg , which can be reached on this Dorfstraße branching off from the B 251 in Dörnberg, the circular path leads eastwards to the Silbersee , where it meets the Leitweg and from now on with this and also with the Märchenlandweg east of the Wuhlhagen , partly with a view of the nearby Hercules (approx.  515  m ), leading to the Ahna . After crossing it, it runs alone to the east, past the Großer Steinhaufen with the trail house and trail parking lot and then past the Rote Stollen up to the Hohe Gras with the observation tower of the same name and mountain restaurant as well as winter sports area; there the Hercules way crosses . The circular route then leads to the Essigberg on which the 186 m high Habichtswald telecommunications tower ( 594.2  m ) is located. After circumnavigating its crest to the west, it ultimately runs east above the Laubach down to Höllchen , a residual open pit lake. The circular path, which leads a little further down from there, ends at the Horstweg hikers' car park .

Extra tour , H4 (near Schauenburg; "On the throne of the landscape" ; 17 km) :
This circular route, which is connected to the Leitweg (E 2 ), starts and ends, for example, at one of the hikers' parking spaces at the
Martinsweiher leisure complex near Martinhagen , Steinbrüche , Langenberger Hute (both near / near Breitenbach ) or Hoof train station . It runs through the mountainous area in the western Schauenburg municipality. From the train station parking lot, the circular route leads with the Leitweg , the Kassel – Naumburg railway line (level crossing) and shortly afterwards crossing the Märchenlandweg , along the Langenberge, past the Breitenbach district of Schauenburg and then on to the quarries . From there it runs along the Löwenweg , after crossing the Ems and crossing the L  3220 (Breitenbach - Sand ), along the northeast and north flanks of the Remmenhausen head ( 427.6  m ) to and then approximately northwards through Martinhagen. There, next to the village church, it leads past the basalt rock Martinstein , the landmark of the Schauenburg district.

After passing the Martinsweiher leisure facility on the northern edge of Martinhagen , where the circular route leaves the Löwenweg , after crossing the Warme and crossing the L 3220 (Breitenbach– Ehlen ) again, it leads east over the southern highlands of the Lindenberg ( 485.9  m ) to and over the Großer Schönberg ( 482.8  m ) and there through the northern part of the Großer Schönberg nature reserve near Breitenbach . After that, after passing the Kleiner Schönberg (approx.  442  m ) , the circular route runs up to the Schauenburg ruins on the Schauenburg Castle Hill ( 499.9  m ), where it meets the Kassel-Steig again. With this it leads steeply down to the hikers' parking lot Bahnhof Hoof , where the circular route ends.

Extra tour , H5 (near Niedenstein; "Im Bann der Chatten" ; 16 km) :
This circular route, which is connected to the Leitweg (E 2 ), starts and ends, for example, in Niedenstein or at one of the Altenburg and Niedensteiner Kopf car parks . In the former settlement area of ​​the Chatten it runs in the Hinterhabichtswälder peaks around Niedenstein and its district Wichdorf . From the parking lot mentioned last, the circular route first leads east around Niedenstein and then south and west around Wichdorf, making a detour through the last-mentioned town and crossing the Wiehoff tributary for the first time . Then it passes west of Niedenstein on the east face of Emser Bergs ( 446.5  m ) to the north to south face of the mountain Altenburg ( 450.7  m ; with the Altenburg ) where it for a short distance along with the route and the Extratour H6 applied is. From now on, the circular route leads north of Niedenstein, crossing the Wiehoff again, over to the Sengelsberg ( 449  m ) and then south to and on the Niedensteiner Kopf ( 475  m ), on which the Hessenturm observation
tower is located. Ultimately, it runs south down to the parking lot on the mountain, where the circular route ends.

Extra tour , H6 (near Bad Emstal; "In the valley of the sources" ; 13 km) :
This circular route, which is connected to the route (E 2 and E 3 ), begins and ends, for example, in Bad Emstal , in Niedenstein or at one the Altenburg and Erzeberg car parks . It leads in the Hinterhabichtswälder peaks around and through Bad Emstal. From the last-mentioned parking lot, where the route leads past, the circular route first runs northeast along the eastern flank of the Erzeberg ( 436.7  m ) to the southern flank of the Remmenhausener Kopf ( 427.6  m ), where it bends to the east. After crossing the L  3220 and the Kassel – Naumburg railway line and shortly afterwards crossing the Ems, it turns, laid out along the Märchenlandweg , to the south-east up to Altenburg ( 450.7  m ), where it meets the route . On the descent from there, it is laid out together with the Leitweg and for a short stretch also together with the extra tour H5 , where it also meets the Ederseeweg . Part together with this path and with the Herkulesweg it extends along the north and northwest edge of Emser Bergs ( 446.5  m ) westward to and then through Bad Emstal where he only repeatedly crosses the Ems and then, the railway line Kassel-Naumburg Crossing it , leads alone to the northwest through Bad Emstal. Ultimately, it runs together with the route , but against the direction of Zierenberg – Edersee , to the Erzeberg car park , where the circular route ends.

Extra tour , H7 (near Wolfhagen; "In the land of the giants" ; 15 km) :
This circular route, which is connected to the Leitweg (E 3 ), begins and ends, for example, in the village of Ippinghausen or at one of the hikers' car parks at Hasenmühle , Heller Platz , Stock pond and Weidelsburg . Near Ippinghausen, it leads through the Waldecker Forest, among other places . From the last-mentioned parking lot, which is also where the route leads past, the circular path initially runs below the Weidelsburg along the northern flank of the Weidelsberg ( 492.3  m ), crossing the Elbe , to the Hasenmühle parking lot . Then it crosses the B 251 , after which it runs in sections together with the Bonifatiusweg through the Waldecker Wald. This route leaves the trail just before the Elbe tributary George digging standing castle Höhnscheid (about  365  meters ) from where he turns to the north. It leads in the forest along the Dusebach tributary Siegenbach past the Stöcketeich with the Stöcketeich parking lot
there . From there it runs to the nearby Heller Platz car park , which is a little south of the Stöckberg ( 344.8  m ). The circular route then leads along with the Märchenlandweg and the student path along the western edge of the Waldecker Wald past Leckringhausen to Ippinghausen, and after crossing the Elbe again and crossing the B 251 again, it ends at the Weidelsburg hikers' car park , where it meets the route again.

Extra tour , H8 (near Naumburg; "In the valley of two castles" ; 15 km) :
This circular route, which - apart from the detour to the Naumburg desert in Immenhausen - is on the Naumburg Archeology Path , runs north, west and south on the Route (E 3 ). It starts and ends, for example, at the Weidelsburg and Burghain hikers' car
parks or in Ippinghausen and Naumburg. From the last-mentioned car park on the Weidelsberg ( 492.3  m ), the circular path with Bonifatiusweg , Leitweg , Märchenlandweg and student path leads uphill to Weidelsburg , after crossing the Weidelsberg in the Waldecker Wald, at least in sections together with the aforementioned paths, first south and then east to and in to run the Naumburg core city, where for example Ederseeweg , Herkulesweg and Volkmarser Weg cross. From Naumburg it leads a little west past the Naumburg train station ( Kassel – Naumburg railway line ), north upwards along the Elbe towards Ippinghausen, where the circular route ends at the Weidelsburg car park .

Stage overviews

The Habichtswaldsteig consists of 4 main stages (route) and 8 secondary circular hiking trails (extra tours) , which together are 200.5 km long:


from to length Duration info
E 1 Zierenberg Firnsbachtal ( Schauenburg ) 23 km, 0 6 h, 0 link
E 2 Firnsbachtal Bad Emstal 18 , 0km 5 , 0h link
E 3 Bad Emstal Naumburg 22.5 km 5.5 h link
E 4 Naumburg Edersee / Hemfurth-Edersee 21.5 km 5.5 h link
Total: 85.0 km 22.0 h

Extra tours

Position (at / in) length Duration info
H1 Breuna 10 km, 0 4 h, 00 link
H2 Zierenberg 16.5 km 5:45 h link
H3 Dörnberg / High Habichtswald 13 , 0km 5 , 00h link
H4 Schauenburg 17 , 0km 6 , 00h link
H5 Niedenstein 16 , 0km 5 , 00h link
H6 Bad Emstal 13 , 0km 4 , 00h link
H7 Wolfhagen 15 , 0km 5:45 h link
H8 Naumburg 15 , 0km 5 , 00h link
Total: 115.5 km 40:30 h

See also

References and comments

  1. a b c Total length of the Habichtswaldsteig ( route and extra tours ) according to the sum of both tables in stage overviews
  2. Distinctive structures and elevations, shallows , on wasserstand.edersee.de
  3. Subtitle Leitweg according to the homepage ( Memento from December 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) on habichtswaldsteig.de
  4. Opening date of the Habichtswaldsteig ( memento from January 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), on habichtswaldsteig.de
  5. Habichtswaldsteig , at GrimmHeimat NordHessen , on grimmheimat.de
  6. Eco path archeology Dörnberg , on eco-pfade.de
  7. a b c d e f g h subtitle Extratouren according to Extratouren , on naturpark-habichtswald.de
  8. Eco path Archeology Naumburg , on eco-pfade.de
  9. a b Length: approximate distance in kilometers (km)
  10. a b Duration: approximate walking time in hours (h)
  11. a b lengths, duration, directions, maps (etc.), on naturpark-habichtswald.de


  • Hiking guide: Habichtswaldsteig, hiking guide - stages and 8 extra tours ; 64 pages; 2011; Ed .: Cognitio ; ISBN 978-3-932583-37-7
  • Topographic map : cycling and hiking map of the Habichtswald Nature Park including Habichtswaldsteig with extra tours ; M  = 1: 35,000; 2 pages; 2011; Ed .: Kartographische Kommunale Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Nordhausen, ISBN 978-3-86973-031-8

Web links