List of members of the Berlin House of Representatives (1st electoral term)

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This list contains all members of the Berlin House of Representatives in the 1st legislative period (1951–1955). The election took place on December 3, 1950, the electoral term lasted from January 11, 1951 to January 11, 1955. For the Senate in this legislative period, see Senate Reuter , from October 22, 1953 Senate Schreiber .

Presidium of the House of Representatives



Surname Life dates Political party Remarks
Franz Amrehn 1912-1981 CDU
Kurt Arnold 1905-1960 SPD Retired on June 9, 1951, successor: Helene Gehse
Gerhard Ausner 1909-1974 SPD
Otto Friedrich Bach 1899-1981 SPD Senator for Social Affairs
Ella Barowsky 1912-2007 FDP
Fritz Barthelmann 1892-1962 SPD
Johann Bartsch 1904-1972 FDP
Willy Bartsch 1905-1988 SPD
Ottomar Batzel 1900-1971 CDU
Paul Bayer 1893-1958 SPD
Hans-Jürgen Behrendt 1917-2009 CDU Retired on February 1, 1952, successor: Margarete Ehlert
Wilhelm Benecke 1883-1962 FDP
Wilhelm Birnbaum 1895-1980 SPD Resigned on March 20, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Willi Hübner
Werner Bloch 1890-1973 SPD June 7, 1951 Helmut Mattis nachgerückt
Georg Blume 1895-1974 CDU
Josef Bossick 1889-1967 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Willy Brandt 1913-1992 SPD
Otto Burgemeister 1883-1957 SPD
Roman Chwalek 1898-1974 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Walter Conrad 1892-1970 FDP Senator for Health Care
resigned on October 29, 1954, successor: Josef Rautberg
Alexander Dehms 1904-1979 SPD April 19, 1951 William Urban nachgerückt
Erich Deutsch 1899-1969 SPD
Konrad Dickhardt 1899-1961 SPD
Erich Dieter 1896-1960 SPD December 7, 1953 Gustav Pietsch nachgerückt
Hermann Drewitz 1887-1955 CDU
on November 9, 1954 announcement of resignation from the party, from then on guest of the CDU parliamentary group
Heinrich Droms 1887-1965 SPD
Rudolf Dümchen 1920-2017 CDU March 21, 1951 Karl Theodor Schmitz nachgerückt
on March 28, 1951 resigned (then district office )
Margarete Ehlert 1886-1962 CDU on 7 February 1952. Hans-Jürgen Behrendt nachgerückt
Sally Fritz Engelbert 1886-1958 FDP March 2, 1954 Friedrich Kruspi nachgerückt
Peter Even 1889-1958 CDU
Kurt Exner 1901-1996 SPD Retired on March 20, 1951 (afterwards district office ), successor: Arthur Sadina
Ernst Fenske 1890-1979 CDU
John's feast 1889-1960 CDU
Hermann Fischer 1900-1983 FDP Senator for the Interior (from November 24, 1953)
Reta Friebel 1918-2014 SPD
Ferdinand Friedensburg 1886-1972 CDU Resigned on February 14, 1952 (then member of the Bundestag ), successor: Adalbert Schneider
Fritz Friedrich 1922-1981 CDU March 19, 1953 William Laverrenz nachgerückt
Hildegard von der Gablentz 1901-1961 CDU
Franz Ganschow 1908-1969 SPD
Helene Gehse 1902-1982 SPD June 21, 1951 Kurt Arnold nachgerückt
Ottomar gifts 1882-1957 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Fritz Grantze 1893-1966 CDU March 29, 1951 Karl Theodor Schmitz nachgerückt
Fritz Grassmann 1913-1969 SPD
Wilhelm Gries 1896-1957 CDU March 30, 1954 Else Ulbrich nachgerückt
Otto Grigoleit 1893-1965 FDP
Alfred Gunzel 1901-1973 FDP
Walter Haak 1906-1966 FDP
Edfrid Hänicke 1912-1982 FDP
Helma Hager 1894-1988 CDU
Paul Hahn 1885-1960 FDP
Ruth Hahn from Dorsche 1905-1975 FDP
Ferdinand Hannemann 1905-1987 SPD January 31, 1952. Walter Nicklitz nachgerückt
Fritz Hausberg 1880-1959 FDP
Margarete Heise 1911-1981 SPD retired on September 28, 1953 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Horst Simanowski
Lucia Helbig 1893-1981 CDU
Willy Henneberg 1898-1961 SPD
Franz Hirschfeld 1893-1979 SPD Retired on September 18, 1954, successor: Emil Much
Karl Johannes Hoffmann 1898-1964 FDP
Hugo Holthöfer 1883-1958 FDP November 6, 1952. Hans L. Menzel nachgerückt
Alfred Homeyer 1888-1962 FDP
Hans-Günter Hoppe 1922-2000 FDP on 7 February 1952. Friederike Mulert nachgerückt
Albert Horlitz 1882-1972 SPD
Volker Hucklenbroich 1925-2004 FDP
Karl Huebner 1897-1965 FDP Resigned on February 11, 1952 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Kurt Meyerhof
Willi Huebner 1896-1979 SPD March 29, 1951 Wilhelm Birnbaum nachgerückt
August Janchen 1892-1983 FDP
Emil Jermis 1896-1973 SPD from July 5, 1951, representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Lydia Wedge 1907-1985 SPD
Peter Kerp 1919-1997 CDU March 29, 1951 Erich Steinbeck nachgerückt
Peter Kiefer 1884-1953 FDP Died on September 24, 1953, successor: Max Miericke
Karl Kleikamp 1894-1952 SPD Retired on March 24, 1952, successor: Katharina Klingelhöfer
Gustav Klingelhöfer 1888-1961 SPD Resigned on September 28, 1953 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Gerhard Schlegel
Katharina Klingelhöfer 1889-1977 SPD on April 3, 1952. Karl Kleikamp nachgerückt
Fritz Kranz 1888-1971 SPD on April 5 for Georg Ramin nachgerückt
Edith Krappe 1909-2006 SPD
Willy Kressmann 1907-1986 SPD
Max Kreuziger 1880-1953 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Rudolf Krohn 1917-1995 CDU on May 4, 1951 Charles Schmidt nachgerückt
Lucia Kruger 1901-1986 CDU
Friedrich Kruspi 1898-1965 FDP Retired on February 22, 1954, successor: Sally Fritz Engelbert
Walter Kunze 1884-1972 CDU on 12 June 1952. Joachim Tiburtius nachgerückt
Kurt Landsberg 1892-1964 SPD
Max Lange 1905-1952 SPD On April 19, 1951 representative of the circles prevented from voting
died in an advisory capacity on March 1, 1952
Wilhelm Laverrenz 1879-1955 CDU Retired
on March 16, 1953, successor: Fritz Friedrich
Georg Lehmann 1896-1956 FDP retired on December 18, 1950
Ernst Lemmer 1898-1970 CDU
Joseph Lenz 1889-1969 SPD
Arno Lippert 1904-1975 CDU
Joachim Lipschitz 1918-1961 SPD
Bruno Lösche 1898-1963 SPD Resigned on April 20, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Martin Mährlein
Friedrich-Wilhelm Lucht 1905-1975 SPD
Hilde Lucht-Perske 1902-1973 SPD
Erich Lück 1907-1959 SPD
Bruno gap 1907-1962 CDU
Alfons Lüke 1909-1989 CDU on February 1, 1952. Hans Schmiljan nachgerückt
on February 6, 1953 excreted substitutes: Kurt neck
Martin Mährlein 1892-1973 SPD on May 4, 1951 Bruno Delete nachgerückt
Karl Marron 1903-1975 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Hildegard Marx 1912-1992 SPD from April 19, 1951 representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Hans Matthee 1899-1969 CDU
Kurt Mattick 1908-1986 SPD Resigned on September 29, 1953 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Erich Walter
Helmut Mattis 1905-1987 SPD Retired on May 28, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Werner Bloch
Agnes Katharina Maxsein 1904-1991 CDU Resigned on January 31, 1952 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Joachim Tiburtius
Hans L. Menzel 1896-1962 FDP Retired on October 24, 1952, successor: Hugo Holthöfer
Franz Karl Meyer 1906-1983 SPD
Georg Meyer 1889-1968 SPD December 3, 1953 Susanne wheel Grossmann nachgerückt
Kurt Meyerhof 1908-1987 FDP on 14 February 1952. Karl Hübner nachgerückt
Max Miericke 1893-1958 FDP October 1, 1953 Peter Kiefer nachgerückt
Karl Minning 1889-1972 SPD on May 4, 1951 Walter Wüst nachgerückt
Emil Much 1904-1982 SPD September 30, 1954 Franz Hirschfeld nachgerückt
Gertrud Müller 1911-1992 SPD
Johannes Muller 1905-1992 CDU
Rudolf Müller 1910-1961 SPD
Friederike Mulert 1896-1991 FDP on September 27, 1951 for Hans Reif moved up
, retired on February 1, 1952 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Hans-Günter Hoppe
Kurt Neck 1908-1964 CDU February 15, 1953 Alfons Lüke nachgerückt
Anna Nemitz 1873-1962 SPD from April 19, 1951 representative of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Franz Neumann 1904-1974 SPD Group leader
Walter Nicklitz 1911-1989 SPD Retired on January 14, 1952 (then district office ), successor: Ferdinand Hannemann
Herbert Ohning 1906-1959 SPD January 21, 1954 Horst Simanowski nachgerückt
Meta Omankowsky 1902-1984 SPD
Wilhelm Padberg 1908-1988 CDU
Anni Partzsch 1905-1973 SPD on 7 February 1952. Louise Schroeder nachgerückt
Horst Peschke 1914-1991 FDP
Bruno Pflamm 1900-1955 CDU
Gustav Pietsch 1891-1956 SPD January 31, 1952. Peter Rosenzweig nachgerückt
on December 4, 1953 excreted substitutes: Erich Dieter
Wilhelm Pomezny 1887-1958 SPD from April 19, 1951 representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Robert von Radetzky 1899-1989 CDU
Max Radziejewski 1897-1988 SPD on May 4, 1951, Heinz-Kurt Stein fight nachgerückt
Susanne Wheels-Grossmann 1901-1971 SPD on October 22, 1953 for Ernst Reuter, stepped down
on November 28, 1953, successor: Georg Meyer
Georg Ramin 1899-1957 SPD Retired on March 29, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Fritz Kranz
Josef Rautberg 1884-1966 FDP November 4, 1954 Walter Conrad nachgerückt
Hans Reif 1899-1984 FDP Resigned on September 17, 1951 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Friederike Mulert
Maria Rentmeister 1905-1996 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Ernst Reuter 1889-1953 SPD Governing Mayor, Senate Reuter ,
died on September 29, 1953, successor: Susanneräder-Großmann
Charlotte Rieken 1909-1996 SPD
Walter Röber 1894-1964 SPD Retired on April 21, 1951 (afterwards district office ), successor: Gertrud Utpott
Alfred Rojek 1897-1975 CDU
Paul Ronge 1901-1965 FDP
Hermann Rosenstein 1893-1960 CDU
Peter Rosenzweig 1890-1952 SPD Died on January 18, 1952, successor: Gustav Pietsch
Werner Rudiger 1901-1966 SPD from April 19, 1951 representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Arthur Sadina 1881-1971 SPD March 29, 1951 Kurt Exner nachgerückt
Karl Wilhelm Schaeler 1901-1986 FDP
Christian Schaible 1892-1968 FDP
Paul Scheffler 1895-1985 FDP
Julius Schellin 1880-1962 CDU
Gerhard Schlegel 1903-1983 SPD October 1, 1953 Gustav Klingelhöfer nachgerückt
Charles Schmidt 1906-1971 CDU Retired on April 30, 1951 (afterwards district office ), successor: Rudolf Krohn
Elli Schmidt 1908-1980 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Waldemar Schmidt 1909-1975 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Hans Schmiljan 1901-1961 CDU Retired on February 1, 1952 (afterwards district office ), successor: Alfons Lüke
Karl Theodor Schmitz 1905-1969 CDU Retired on March 21, 1951 (afterwards district office ), successor: Fritz Grantze
Adalbert Schneider 1905-1979 CDU February 21, 1952. Ferdinand Friedensburg nachgerückt
Annaliese Schönau 1907-1977 SPD
Walther Schreiber 1884-1958 CDU Governing Mayor
Senate Schreiber
Louise Schroeder 1887-1957 SPD Resigned on February 1, 1952 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Anni Partzsch
Magda Schroedter 1888-1962 FDP
Gerda von Schütz 1893-1982 CDU
Carl-Hubert Schwennicke 1906-1992 FDP
Paul Seidler 1902-1962 SPD June 7, 1951 Georg Stücklen nachgerückt
Horst Simanowski 1919-1994 SPD on October 22, 1953 for Margarete Heise moved up
, retired on January 8, 1954, successor: Herbert Ohning
Erich Steinbeck 1892-1960 CDU Retired on March 22, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Peter Kerp
Rudolf Steinig 1895-1972 CDU from April 19, 1951 representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Heinz-Kurt Steinkampf 1915-1983 SPD Resigned on April 21, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Max Radziejewski
Viktor Stolzmann 1882-1959 CDU from July 5, 1951, representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote
Richard Straube 1897-1969 SPD February 7, 1952. Jeanette Wolff nachgerückt
Georg Stücklen 1890-1974 SPD Retired on May 25, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Paul Seidler
Otto Suhr 1894-1957 SPD President of the House of Representatives
Curt Swolinzky 1887-1967 SPD
Luise Sydow 1885-1972 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Herbert Theis 1906-1972 SPD
Joachim Tiburtius 1889-1967 CDU Senator for popular education
on February 7, 1952 for Agnes Katharina Maxsein, stepped down
on June 4, 1952, successor: Walter Kunze
Karl Trucksaess 1880-1961 FDP
Else Ulbrich 1891-1954 CDU Died on March 26, 1954, successor: Wilhelm Gries
Heinz Ullmann 1886-1968 FDP Senator for Transport and Business
Wilhelm Urban 1908-1973 SPD Retired on April 6, 1951 (then district office ), successor: Alexander Dehms
Gertrud Utpott 1891-1976 SPD on May 4, 1951 Walter Röber nachgerückt
Alexander Voelker 1913-2001 SPD
Fritz Votava 1906-1989 SPD
Erich Walter 1906-1993 SPD October 1, 1953 Kurt Mattick nachgerückt
Erich Weber 1901-1972 FDP
Friedrich Weigelt 1899-1986 SPD
Hermann Wiederhold 1899-1968 FDP
Lothar Wille 1908-1992 CDU
Otto winemaker 1902-1975 SED official representative of the circles prevented from voting in an advisory capacity.
Mandate not accepted
Rudolf Wissell 1902-1985 SPD
Ida Wolff 1893-1966 SPD
Jeanette Wolff 1888-1976 SPD resigned on January 31, 1952 (afterwards member of the Bundestag ), successor: Richard Straube
Walter Wüst 1896-1965 SPD Retired on April 21, 1951 (afterwards district office ), successor: Karl Minning
Adolf Wuschick 1870-1955 SPD from April 19, 1951 representatives of the circles prevented from voting with an advisory vote


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s "Law on representation of those who were prevented from voting in the House of Representatives of March 27, 1951" (GVBl. P. 297)
  2. Rüdiger, however, was unable to exercise his mandate due to his conviction and serving his sentence in the GDR
