Arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens

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Arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens
region Occitania
Department Haute-Garonne
Sub-prefecture Saint-Gaudens
Residents 77,452 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 36 inhabitants / km²
surface 2,145.43 km²
Communities 235
INSEE code 312

Location of the Arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens
in the Occitanie region

The Arrondissement Saint-Gaudens is an administrative unit of the French department Haute-Garonne within the Occitania region . The main town (seat of the sub-prefecture ) is Saint-Gaudens .

There are three constituencies ( cantons ) and 235 communes in the arrondissement .



The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens are:

1. Agassac (31001) 2. Alan (31005) 3. Ambax (31007) 4. Anan (31008)
5. Antichan-de-Frontignes (31009) 6. Antignac (31010) 7. Arbas (31011) 8. Arbon (31012)
9. Ardiège (31013) 10. Arguenos (31014) 11. Argut Lingerie (31015) 12. Arlos (31017)
13. Arnaud-Guilhem (31018) 14. Artigue (31019) 15. Aspet (31020) 16. Aspret-Sarrat (31021)
17. Aulon (31023) 18. Aurignac (31028) 19. Ausseing (31030) 20. Ausson (31031)
21. Auzas (31034) 22. Bachas (31039) 23. Bachos (31040) 24. Bagiry (31041)
25. Bagneres -de-Luchon (31042) 26. Balesta (31043) 27. Barbazan (31045) 28. Baren (31046)
29. Beauchalot (31050) 30. Belbèze-en-Comminges (31059) 31. Benque (31063) 32. Benque lingerie et-Dessus (31064)
33. Bezins-Garraux (31067) 34. Billière (31068) 35. Binos (31590) 36. Blajan (31070)
37. Boissède (31072) 38. Bordes-de-Rivière (31076) 39. Boudrac (31078) 40. Boulogne-sur-Gesse (31080)
41. Bourg-d'Oueil (31081) 42. Boussan (31083) 43. Boutx (31085) 44. Bouzin (31086)
45. Burgalays (31092) 46. Cabanac-Cazaux (31095) 47. Cardeilhac (31108) 48. Cassagnabère-Tournas (31109)
49. Cassagne (31110) 50. Castagnède (31112) 51. Castelbiague (31114) 52. Castelgaillard (31115)
53. Castéra-Vignoles (31121) 54. Castillon-de-Larboust (31123) 55. Castillon-de-Saint-Martory (31124) 56. Cathervielle (31125)
57. Caubous (31127) 58. Cazac (31593) 59. Cazarilh-Laspènes (31129) 60. Cazaril-Tambourès (31130)
61. Cazaunous (31131) 62. Cazaux-Layrisse (31132) 63. Cazeaux-de-Larboust (31133) 64. Cazeneuve-Montaut (31134)
65. Charlas (31138) 66. Chaum (31139) 67. Chein-Dessus (31140) 68. Ciadoux (31141)
69. Cier-de-Luchon (31142) 70. Cier-de-Rivière (31143) 71. Cierp-Gaud (31144) 72. Cirès (31146)
73. Clarac (31147) 74. Coueilles (31152) 75. Couret (31155) 76. Cuguron (31158)
77. Encausse-les-Thermes (31167) 78. Eoux (31168) 79. Escanecrabe (31170) 80. Escoulis (31591)
81. Esparron (31172) 82. Estadens (31174) 83. Estancarbon (31175) 84. Esténos (31176)
85. Eup (31177) 86. Fabas (31178) 87. Figarol (31183) 88. Fos (31190)
89. Fougaron (31191) 90. Francazal (31195) 91. Franquevielle (31197) 92. Fronsac (31199)
93. Frontignan-de-Comminges (31200) 94. Frontignan-Savès (31201) 95. Galié (31207) 96. Ganties (31208)
97. Garin (31213) 98. Génos (31217) 99. Gensac-de-Boulogne (31218) 100. Gouaux-de-Larboust (31221)
101. Gouaux-de-Luchon (31222) 102. Goudex (31223) 103. Gourdan-Polignan (31224) 104. Guran (31235)
105. Herran (31236) 106. His (31237) 107. Huos (31238) 108. Izaut-de-l'Hôtel (31241)
109. Jurvielle (31242) 110. Juzet-d'Izaut (31245) 111. Juzet-de-Luchon (31244) 112. L'Isle-en-Dodon (31239)
113. Labarthe-Inard (31246) 114. Labarthe-Rivière (31247) 115. Labastide-Paumès (31251) 116. Labroquère (31255)
117. Laffite-Toupière (31260) 118. Lalouret-Laffiteau (31268) 119. Landorthe (31270) 120. Larcan (31274)
121. Larroque (31276) 122. Latoue (31278) 123. Le Cuing (31159) 124. Le Fréchet (31198)
125. Lécussan (31289) 126. Lège (31290) 127. Les Tourreilles (31556) 128. Lespiteau (31294)
129. Lespugue (31295) 130. Lstelle-de-Saint-Martory (31296) 131. Lieoux (31300) 132. Lilhac (31301)
133. Lodes (31302) 134. Loudet (31305) 135. Lourde (31306) 136. Luscan (31308)
137. Mallowia (31313) 138. Mancioux (31314) 139. Mane (31315) 140. Marignac (31316)
141. Marsoulas (31321) 142. Martisserre (31322) 143. Martres-de-Rivière (31323) 144. Mauvezin (31333)
145. Mayrègne (31335) 146. Mazères-sur-Salat (31336) 147. Melles (31337) 148. Milhas (31342)
149. Mirambeau (31343) 150. Miramont-de-Comminges (31344) 151. Molas (31347) 152. Moncaup (31348)
153. Mondilhan (31350) 154. Montastruc-de-Salies (31357) 155. Montauban-de-Luchon (31360) 156. Montbernard (31363)
157. Mont-de-Galié (31369) 158. Montespan (31372) 159. Montesquieu-Guittaut (31373) 160. Montgaillard-de-Salies (31376)
161. Montgaillard-sur-Save (31378) 162. Montmaurin (31385) 163. Montoulieu-Saint-Bernard (31386) 164. Montréjeau (31390)
165. Montsaunès (31391) 166. Moustajon (31394) 167. Nenigan (31397) 168. Nizan-Gesse (31398)
169. (31404) 170. Ore (31405) 171. Payssous (31408) 172. Péguilhan (31412)
173. Peyrissas (31414) 174. Peyrouzet (31415) 175. Pointis-de-Rivière (31426) 176. Pointis-Inard (31427)
177. Ponlat-Taillebourg (31430) 178. Portet-d'Aspet (31431) 179. Portet-de-Luchon (31432) 180. Poubeau (31434)
181. Proupiary (31440) 182. Puymaurin (31443) 183. Razecueillé (31447) 184. Regades (31449)
185. Rieucazé (31452) 186. Riolas (31456) 187. Roquefort-sur-Garonne (31457) 188. Rouède (31461)
189. Saccourvielle (31465) 190. Saint-André (31468) 191. Saint-Aventine (31470) 192. Saint-Béat-Lez (31471)
193. Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (31472) 194. Saint-Elix-Séglan (31477) 195. Saint-Ferréol-de-Comminges (31479) 196. Saint-Frajou (31482)
197. Saint-Gaudens (31483) 198. Saint-Ignan (31487) 199. Saint-Lary-Boujean (31493) 200. Saint-Laurent (31494)
201. Saint-Loup-en-Comminges (31498) 202. Saint-Mamet (31500) 203. Saint-Marcet (31502) 204. Saint-Martory (31503)
205. Saint-Médard (31504) 206. Saint-Paul-d'Oueil (31508) 207. Saint-Pé-d'Ardet (31509) 208. Saint-Pé-Delbosc (31510)
209. Saint-Plancard (31513) 210. Saleich (31521) 211. Salerm (31522) 212. Salies-du-Salat (31523)
213. Salles-et-Pratviel (31524) 214. Saman (31528) 215. Samouillan (31529) 216. Sarrecave (31531)
217. Sarremezan (31532) 218. Sauveterre-de-Comminges (31535) 219. Saux-et-Pomarède (31536) 220. Savarthès (31537)
221. Sédeilhac (31539) 222. Saffron (31542) 223. Sengouagnet (31544) 224. Sepx (31545)
225. Signac (31548) 226. Sode (31549) 227. Soueich (31550) 228. Terrebasse (31552)
229. Touille (31554) 230. Trébons-de-Luchon (31559) 231. Urau (31562) 232. Valcabrère (31564)
233. Valentine (31565) 234. Villeneuve-de-Rivière (31585) 235. Villeneuve-Lécussan (31586)

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons

until 2018: Saint-Béat , Lez

until 2016: Lunax , Péguilhan (Péguilhan)