Arrondissement of Carcassonne

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Arrondissement of Carcassonne
region Occitania
Department Aude
prefecture Carcassonne
Residents 160,466 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 69 inhabitants / km²
surface 2,310.45 km²
Communities 186
INSEE code 111

Location of the Arrondissement of Carcassonne
in the Occitanie region

The Arrondissement of Carcassonne is an administrative unit of the Aude département in the French region of Occitania . The main town (seat of the prefecture ) is Carcassonne .

There are nine constituencies ( cantons ) and 186 municipalities in the arrondissement .



The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Carcassonne are:

1. Aigues-Vives (11001) 2. Airoux (11002) 3. Alairac (11005) 4. Alzonne (11009)
5. Aragon (11011) 6. Arquettes-en-Val (11016) 7. Arzens (11018) 8. Azille (11022)
9. Bathing (11023) 10. Bagnoles (11025) 11. Baraigne (11026) 12. Barbaira (11027)
13. Belflou (11030) 14. Belpech (11033) 15. Berriac (11037) 16. Blomac (11042)
17. Bouilhonnac (11043) 18. Bram (11049) 19. Brézilhac (11051) 20. Brousses-et-Villaret (11052)
21. Cabrespine (11056) 22. Cahuzac (11057) 23. Capendu (11068) 24. Carcassonne (11069)
25. Carlipa (11070) 26. Castans (11075) 27. Castelnaudary (11076) 28. Caudebronde (11079)
29. Caunes-Minervois (11081) 30. Caunettes-en-Val (11083) 31. Caux-et-Sauzens (11084) 32. Cavanac (11085)
33. Cazalrenoux (11087) 34. Cazilhac (11088) 35. Cenne-Monestiés (11089) 36. Citou (11092)
37. Comigne (11095) 38. Conques-sur-Orbiel (11099) 39. Couffoulens (11102) 40. Cumies (11114)
41. Cuxac-Cabardès (11115) 42. Douzens (11122) 43. Fajac-en-Val (11133) 44. Fajac-la-Relenque (11134)
45. Fanjeaux (11136) 46. Fendeille (11138) 47. Fenouillet-du-Razès (11139) 48. Ferran (11141)
49. Floure (11146) 50. Fonters-du-Razès (11149) 51. Fontiers-Cabardès (11150) 52. Fontiès-d'Aude (11151)
53. Fournes-Cabardès (11154) 54. Fraisse-Cabardès (11156) 55. Gaja-la-Selve (11159) 56. Generville (11162)
57. Gourvieille (11166) 58. Hounoux (11173) 59. Issel (11175) 60. La Cassaigne (11072)
61. La Force (11153) 62. La Louvière-Lauragais (11208) 63. La Pomarède (11292) 64. La Redorte (11190)
65. La Tourette-Cabardès (11391) 66. Labastide-d'Anjou (11178) 67. Labastide-en-Val (11179) 68. Labastide-Esparbairenque (11180)
69. Labécède-Lauragais (11181) 70. Lacombe (11182) 71. Lafage (11184) 72. Laprade (11189)
73. Lasbordes (11192) 74. Lasserre-de-Prouille (11193) 75. Lastours (11194) 76. Laurabuc (11195)
77. Laurac (11196) 78. Laure-Minervois (11198) 79. Lavalette (11199) 80. Les Brunels (11054)
81. Les Cassés (11074) 82. Les Ilhes (11174) 83. Les Martys (11221) 84. Lespinassière (11200)
85. Leuc (11201) 86. Limousis (11205) 87. Malves-en-Minervois (11215) 88. Marquis (11218)
89. Marseillette (11220) 90. Mas-Cabardès (11222) 91st Mas-des-Cours (11223) 92. Mas-Saintes-Puelles (11225)
93. Mayreville (11226) 94. Mayronnes (11227) 95. Mezerville (11231) 96. Miraval-Cabardès (11232)
97. Mireval-Lauragais (11234) 98. Molandier (11236) 99. Molleville (11238) 100. Montauriol (11239)
101. Montclar (11242) 102. Montferrand (11243) 103rd Montirat (11248) 104. Montmaur (11252)
105. Montolieu (11253) 106. Montréal (11254) 107. Monze (11257) 108. Moussoulens (11259)
109. Orsans (11268) 110. Palaja (11272) 111. Payra-sur-l'Hers (11275) 112. Pécharic-et-le-Py (11277)
113. bad luck (11278) 114. Pennautier (11279) 115. Pépieux (11280) 116. Pexiora (11281)
117. Peyrefitte-sur-l'Hers (11283) 118. Peyrens (11284) 119. Peyriac-Minervois (11286) 120. Pezens (11288)
121. Plaigne (11290) 122. Plavilla (11291) 123. Pradelles-Cabardès (11297) 124. Preixan (11299)
125. Puginier (11300) 126. Puichéric (11301) 127. Raissac-sur-Lampy (11308) 128. Ribouisse (11312)
129. Ricaud (11313) 130. Rieux-en-Val (11314) 131. Rieux-Minervois (11315) 132. Roquefère (11319)
133. Rouffiac-d'Aude (11325) 134. Roullens (11327) 135. Rustiques (11330) 136. Saint-Amans (11331)
137. Saint-Denis (11339) 138.Sainte -Camelle (11334) 139. Sainte-Eulalie (11340) 140. Saint-Frichoux (11342)
141. Saint-Gaudéric (11343) 142. Saint-Julien-de-Briola (11348) 143. Saint-Martin-Lalande (11356) 144. Saint-Martin-le-Vieil (11357)
145. Saint-Michel-de-Lanès (11359) 146. Saint-Papoul (11361) 147. Saint-Paulet (11362) 148. Saint-Sernin (11365)
149. Saissac (11367) 150. Sallèles-Cabardès (11368) 151. Salles-sur-l'Hers (11371) 152. Salsigne (11372)
153. Serviès-en-Val (11378) 154. Souilhanels (11382) 155. Souilhe (11383) 156. Soupex (11385)
157. Taurize (11387) 158. Trassanel (11395) 159. Trausse (11396) 160. Trèbes (11397)
161. Tréville (11399) 162. Val-de-Dagne (11251) 163. Ventenac-Cabardès (11404) 164. Verdun-en-Lauragais (11407)
165. Verzeille (11408) 166. Villalier (11410) 167. Villanière (11411) 168. Villardonnel (11413)
169. Villar-en-Val (11414) 170. Villarzel-Cabardès (11416) 171. Villasavary (11418) 172. Villautou (11419)
173. Villedubert (11422) 174. Villefloure (11423) 175. Villegailhenc (11425) 176. Villegly (11426)
177. Villemagne (11428) 178. Villemoustaussou (11429) 179. Villeneuve-la-Comptal (11430) 180. Villeneuve-lès-Montréal (11432)
181. Villeneuve-Minervois (11433) 182. Villepinte (11434) 183. Villesèquelande (11437) 184. Villesiscle (11438)
185. Villespy (11439) 186. Villetritouls (11440)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the Arrondissement of Carcassonne became the area of ​​the 27 municipalities Albières , Auriac , Bouisse , Davejean , Dernacueillette , Félines-Termenès , Lagrasse , Lairière , Lanet , Laroque-de-Fa , Massac , Montjoi , Mouthoumet , Moux , Palairac , Ribaute , Roquecourbe-Minervois , Saint-Couat-d'Aude , Saint-Martin-des-Puits , Saint-Pierre-des-Champs , Salza , Soulatgé , Talairan , Termes , Tournissan , Vignevieille and Villerouge-Termenès dem Assigned to the arrondissement of Narbonne .

Instead , the area of ​​the seven municipalities of Brézilhac , Fenouillet-du-Razès , Ferran , Hounoux , Lasserre-de-Prouille , Verzeille and Villefloure changed from the Arrondissement Limoux to the Arrondissement Carcassonne.

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons

until 2018: Montlaur , Pradelles-en-Val