Ford Mondeo VN

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Ford Mondeo VN
Production period: since 2009
Class : Upper class
Body versions :
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Empty weight :

Ford Mondeo UN is a passenger car model of the upper class of the car manufacturer Ford , which in the Asian market from its joint venture Ford Vietnam is offered. Overall, the model would not differ much from the Ford Mondeo .

With a new assembly line , Ford Vietnam decided not to import the Ford Mondeo any more, but to produce its own model. This would help Ford get a competitive price.

The internal Mondeo has some new functions such as an automatic lighting system that extends the projection angle by 15 degrees when cornering, 17-inch aluminum rims , roof doors, leather fittings and a two-zone air conditioning system .

The official start of sales was announced for the end of May 2009 at a price of around US $ 49,000  - around US $ 4,000 below that of the imported Ford Mondeo.

Web links

  • Giadinh: Ford Mondeo VN giá khoảng 49,000 USD. Theo dự kiến, Ford Mondeo sẽ chính thức ra mắt vào cuối tháng 5 với mức giá khá mềm khoảng 49,000 USD. In: giadinh, May 1, 2009, p. 5 , accessed November 29, 2019 (Vietnamese).
  • Hanoimoi: Ford Mondeo VN giá khoảng 49,000 USD. (HNM) - Theo dự kiến, Ford Mondeo sẽ chính thức ra mắt vào cuối tháng 5 với mức giá khá mềm khoảng 49,000 USD. In: Hanoimoi, May 3, 2009, p. 10 , accessed November 29, 2019 (Vietnamese).
  • VietBao: Ford Mondeo VN gia khoang 49,000 USD. Theo du kien, Ford Mondeo se chinh thuc ra mat vao cuoi thang 5 voi muc gia kha mem khoang 49,000 USD. In: VietBao, 2008, p. 3 , accessed November 29, 2019 (Vietnamese).
  • Xaluan: Ford Mondeo VN giá khoảng 49,000 USD. Theo dự kiến, Ford Mondeo sẽ chính thức ra mắt vào cuối tháng 5 với mức giá khá mềm khoảng 49,000 USD. In: Xaluan, April 30, 2009, p. 5 , accessed November 29, 2019 (Vietnamese).