Boxberg (Baden)

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Boxberg
Boxberg (Baden)
Map of Germany, position of the city Boxberg highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 29 '  N , 9 ° 39'  E

Basic data
State : Baden-Württemberg
Administrative region : Stuttgart
County : Main-Tauber district
Height : 269 ​​m above sea level NHN
Area : 101.81 km 2
Residents: 6664 (Dec. 31, 2018)
Population density : 65 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 97944
Area code : 07930
License plate : TBB, MGH
Community key : 08 1 28 014

City administration address :
Kurpfalzstrasse 29
97944 Boxberg
Website :
Mayor : Christian Kremer
Location of the town of Boxberg in the Main-Tauber district
Ahorn Assamstadt Bad Mergentheim Boxberg Creglingen Freudenberg Großrinderfeld Grünsfeld Igersheim Igersheim Königheim Külsheim Lauda-Königshofen Niederstetten Tauberbischofsheim Weikersheim Werbach Wertheim Wittighausenmap
About this picture
View of Boxberg

Boxberg is a town in the Main-Tauber district in the Franconian north-east of Baden-Württemberg .



Nestled in the Umpfertal and the Schüpfer Grund, Boxberg with its twelve districts is located in the building land at an altitude of 150 to 400 meters above sea ​​level .

Precipitation diagram


The annual precipitation is 626 mm. The precipitation is in the lower third of the measuring points of the German Weather Service . 25% indicate lower values. The driest month is February; it rains most in June. In the wettest month there is around 1.9 times more rain than in the driest month. The seasonal fluctuations in precipitation are in the lower third. In 27% of all places, the monthly precipitation fluctuates less.

Protected areas

There are three nature reserves in Boxberg :

In addition, there are a total of 34 protected natural monuments in the area of ​​the City of Boxberg .

The FFH area Westlicher Taubergrund lies partly on the Boxberg district. In addition, there are five water protection areas on the Boxberger district.

City structure

Area and location of the city of Boxberg (Baden)

Boxberg, with the formerly independent communities Angeltürn , Bobstadt , Epplingen , Kupprichhausen , Lengenrieden , Oberschüpf , Schwabhausen , Schweigern , Uiffingen , Unterschüpf , Windischbuch and Wölchingen, includes around 20 other villages, hamlets, farms and houses in addition to Boxberg.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of the places of the city Boxberg: OSM

  • The village of Angeltürn ( ) and the lost village of Brechelberg belong to the former municipality of Angeltürn .
  • The former community of Bobstadt includes the village of Bobstadt ( ) and the residential areas Börzel ( ), Heßbach ( ) and Talmühle ( ) as well as the abandoned villages of Sole and Schuckhof.
  • The town of Boxberg within the boundaries of June 30, 1971, includes the town of Boxberg ( ) and the town of Wanshowen ( ), which was dissolved in Boxberg .
  • The village of Epplingen ( ) and the Aussiedlerhöfe Wanne ( ) residential area belong to the former municipality of Epplingen .
  • The village of Kupprichhausen ( ) and the Ahornhof ( ) residential area as well as the abandoned villages of Dietenhausen, Goldberg, Meisenheim and Weildorf belong to the former municipality of Kupprichhausen .
  • The village of Lengenrieden ( ) belongs to the former municipality of Lengenrieden .
  • The village of Oberschüpf ( ) belongs to the former municipality of Oberschüpf .
  • The village Schwabhausen ( ) and the residential area Aussiedlerhöfe Hofgrund ( ) belong to the former municipality of Schwabhausen .
  • The village of Schweigern ( ) and the residential areas Lärchenweg ( ), Mühlheide ( ), Nickelstein ( ), Planken ( ), Steinbusch ( ) and Ziegeleiapparatebau ( ) as well as the localities of Kailstadt and Wingelstadt belong to the former municipality of Schweigern .
  • The former municipality of Uiffingen includes the village of Uiffingen ( ), the hamlet of Gräffingen (Hof) ( ) and the residential areas Aussiedlerhof Eubigheimerweg ( ), Aussiedlerhof Götzenbrunnen ( ), Hagenmühle ( ), Mittelmühle ( ) and Obermühle ( ) as well as the abandoned villages of Hachtel, Niederweiler and Rieden.
  • The village of Unterschüpf ( ) and the residential area Talhof ( ) belong to the former community of Unterschüpf .
  • The former municipality Windischbuch include the village Windischbuch ( ), the homestead Seehof ( ) and the living spaces relocated farms Brücklein ( ), Gewerbegebiet Am Seehof ( ) and Scholl Höferstraße ( ).
  • The village of Wölchingen ( ) and the residential area Waldhaus ( ) and possibly the lost village of Giffinger Grund belong to the former municipality of Wölchingen .

Division of space

According to data from the State Statistical Office , as of 2014.


middle Ages

Boxberg was probably founded around the year 600. Finds from the Merovingian period bear witness to the first settlement activities. In the first written sources the place was called Wanshofen. By Euboko, a follower of King Conrad I , which was Castle Boxberg built over the site. The noblemen of Boxberg came to the castle around 1144. Boxberg was probably given town and market rights as early as 1250. During the time of the tribal duchies Boxberg belonged to the Duchy of Franconia .

City, castle and dominion Boxberg went in 1287 to the St John of Wölchingen that here a major subsidiary ( Coming had). The Würzburg bishop Berthold II von Sternberg exchanged this fiefdom for Burg Schweinberg . In the period that followed, the order moved the leadership of its commander (Komtur's seat) to Boxberg. In 1381 the Johanniter sold their Boxberger property to the Knights of Rosenberg .

1470 allied Palatinate , Electoral Mainz and the Bishopric of Wurzburg against the "predatory" Rosenberger and destroyed their castles, the Boxberg. Later, the Rosenbergs received the Boxberger property back as a Palatinate fief.

Modern times

Destruction of Boxberg Castle in 1523. Woodcut by Hans Wandereisen
Boxberg around 1645. Engraving by Matthäus Merian

In 1523, in the fight against the outlawed Melchior von Boxberg, the castle was destroyed for the second time by the Swabian Federation . The property fell again to the Palatinate. Knight Albrecht von Rosenberg came into possession of Boxberg again in 1548 in order to finally sell it to the Palatinate in 1561. Boxberg was reigned for a long time by the Electoral Palatinate (1561 to 1802), interrupted by pledges to the Würzburg Monastery (1691 to 1732) and the German Order in Mergentheim (1732 to 1740).

In 1802/03 Boxberg fell to the Principality of Leiningen , and in 1806 to the Grand Duchy of Baden . In the years 1470 to 1477 and 1523 to 1547 the city was the official seat. From 1561 to 1691 and from 1740 to 1802 Boxberg was able to call itself a Palatinate official city. From 1802 to 1924 (with interruptions 1857–1864 and 1872–1898) Boxberg was again an official town. With the dissolution of the office in 1924, the city became part of the Tauberbischofsheim district office , from which the Tauberbischofsheim district emerged in 1938 . After the Second World War , Boxberg was initially added to the new federal state of Württemberg-Baden , with which the city was dissolved in Baden-Württemberg in 1952 . There Boxberg, like the entire district of Tauberbischofsheim, initially belonged to the administrative district of North Baden .

The present-day town of Boxberg was rebuilt from 13 formerly independent communities in the course of the 1972/73 administrative reform . Boxberg used to be the official seat of most parts of the city, so that they all share a common history and tradition over centuries. At the same time on January 1, 1973, the district boundaries were reorganized and Boxberg came to the new Tauber district , which since 1974 Main-Tauber-Kreis is.

In the 1980s, Boxberg became known throughout Germany through the Bundschuh citizens' initiative (named after the historic Bundschuh movement ), which opposed a test track planned by the Daimler-Benz group . Dora Flinner , who was elected deputy chairwoman of the Bundschuh cooperative in 1979, was the first female farmer to move into the German Bundestag for Die Grünen in 1987 . The test track was ultimately not built because the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe in 1987 declared the expropriations necessary for it to be inadmissible. A smaller version is now operated by the Bosch Group.

Community reform

  • On July 1, 1971, Kupprichhausen and Unterschüpf were incorporated into Boxberg.
  • On December 1, 1972 Boxberg merged with Schweigern and Wölchingen to form the new town of Boxberg.
  • On January 1, 1973, Angeltürn, Bobstadt, Epplingen, Lengenrieden, Schwabhausen, Uiffingen and Windischbuch were incorporated into Boxberg.
  • On August 1, 1974, Oberschüpf was incorporated.


The population of the city of Boxberg (1961 and 1970 excluding the districts) developed as follows:

year population
1961 1021
1970 1146
1991 6827
1995 7303
2005 7249
2010 7027
2015 6630

Sources: Directory of municipalities and information from the State Statistical Office



The Catholic churches are part of the Boxberg-Ahorn pastoral care unit in the Tauberbischofsheim deanery of the Archdiocese of Freiburg .


The former Jewish community of Angeltürn had a synagogue .


Municipal council

The parish council usually has 22 honorary members who are elected for five years. The number of members can be increased by compensating seats (total 2019: 24 seats; 2014: 23). In addition, the mayor acts as the municipal council chairman with voting rights.

The guaranteed Loggerhead part of local election the districts a set number of seats: from Boxberg and Schweigern come at least three from Bobstadt, Schwabhausen, Uiffingen, Unterschüpf and Wölchingen at least two councilors from Angeltürn, Epplingen, Kupprichhausen, Lengenfelder vineyards, Oberschüpf and Windischbuch comes one council each.

The 2019 local elections led to the following result (in brackets: difference to 2014):

Municipal Council 2019
Party / list Share of votes Seats
FWV Boxberg 58.6% (−6.6) 14 (−1)
Citizen List 41.4% (+6.6) 10 (+2)
Turnout: 64.8% (+6.9)


In the mayoral election in February 2013, Christian Kremer was confirmed in office with 60.1 percent of the votes.

See also: List of Mayors of the City of Boxberg

coat of arms

The blazon of the coat of arms reads: "In gold on a green three-mountain an upright black goat."

Administrative community

The city of Boxberg and the municipality of Ahorn form the agreed administrative community Boxberg for the purpose of carrying out their administrative business together .

Town twinning

The partner community is Boxberg (Upper Lusatia) of the same name in Saxony .

Culture and sights

Buildings and monuments

Boxberg Castle

The castle Boxberg is preserved only in fragments on the Schlossberg.

City parish church of St. Aquilinus

Kurpfalzstrasse in Boxberg with St. Aquilinus

The baroque Catholic parish church of St. Aquilinus in Boxberg was built in the years 1709–1712 according to plans by Balthasar Neumann .

Electoral Palatinate Office House

The Kurpfälzisches Amtshaus has been used by the city administration as a town hall since the 1970s.

Frankendom Wölchingen

View of the district of Wölchingen with Frankendom

The Protestant church in the Wölchingen district is known as the so-called Frankendom . The church was probably built by the Order of St. John from 1220 onwards . The three-aisled pillar basilica was only given a tower in 1878/79.

At the foot of the Schlossberg, a free-standing belfry is a reminder of the Protestant church that was there in Boxberg until the 19th century.

Ficksches castle with St. Josef

In the district of Angeltürn is the former Ficksche Castle , which is now used as the Church of St. Joseph and Parish.

Fortified church Oberschüpf

The oldest fortified church in Baden from the 12th century is located on the Schüpfbach in the Oberschüpf district . It is worth mentioning that the early Gothic wall paintings (around 1290) have been almost completely preserved there. The New Castle in the center of the village is one of the other sights of the district . There used to be an old castle in Oberschüpf with the former Schüpf Castle .

Unterschüpf Castle

In the district of Unterschüpf there is the Unterschüpf Castle, a former moated castle that was owned by various nobles and has been home to a language therapy school since 1982.

Half-timbered houses

In many districts there are picturesque and in some cases very old half-timbered houses.


Well-developed and marked hiking trails lead into varied mixed forests. The cultivation of spelled and the production of wood- fired green kernels should be emphasized as an agricultural specialty .

In the district of Unterschüpf there has been a Kneipp facility at the end of the village in the direction of B 292 in Umpfertal since 2015 .


The local history museum in the old town hall from 1610 shows farm equipment (focus: green spelled production), a collection of weapons, Art Nouveau furniture, capitals from the Boxberg castle ruins, rooms from the property of local history researcher Karl Hoffmann u. a.

The Boxberg Heimatverein looks after the collection in the Old Town Hall, which has been built up since 1911, annually publishes the Boxberger Heimathefte with scientific standards and organizes an annual special exhibition during the May Fair. He is also responsible for the maintenance and further scientific research of the castle ruins.

Biking and hiking trails

Boxberg is located on the Umpfertal cycle path or the Liebliches Taubertal cycle path - the sporty one .

Economy and Infrastructure

Authorities, courts and institutions

Boxberg is the location of a NATO tank farm that is connected to the CEPS fuel pipeline network with a line to the tank farm in Untergruppenbach .

Established businesses

The headquarters of Hofmann Menü-Manufaktur GmbH (Hofmann-Menü), a major manufacturer of frozen and fresh meals for company canteens , hospitals, old people's homes and the like, which employs 1200 people in Germany and Austria, including around 800 in Boxberg, is located in the Schweigern district .

The education and knowledge center for pig husbandry and pig breeding (State Institute for Pig Breeding), previously located in Rheinstetten - Forchheim , moved into a new building costing 21 million euros on an area of ​​17 hectares in Boxberg in 2006.

The Robert Bosch GmbH has in the district Windischbuch over a 94-hectare test track in the industrial park Seehof.




Boxberg is located directly on the federal highway 81 ( Würzburg - Stuttgart ) with its own junction "Boxberg" (junction 5), which, however, strangely enough, is in the area of ​​Ahorn-Schillingstadt. The junction "Ahorn" (junction 4), on the other hand, is on the boundary of the Boxberg district of Kupprichhausen.

The Umpfertal is opened up by the B 292 ( Mosbach - Lauda-Königshofen ). A lack of bypasses, especially in Schweigern and Boxberg, leads to a high level of inner-city traffic and are clear limits to local development planning. The construction of the motorway slip road ( K 2877 ) from Bad Mergentheim to the A 81 brought considerable relief .


Between Boxberg and Wölchingen there is the Boxberg-Wölchingen station of the Frankenbahn Stuttgart-Würzburg. Regional trains to Würzburg and Osterburken stop there. Stopping points in the districts of Schweigern, Uiffingen and Unterschüpf no longer exist.


The Unterschüpf airfield is located west of Unterschüpf, a district of Boxberg.



  • Karl Diefenbacher: Ortssippenbuch Schweigern, Tauberbischofsheim district in Baden . Grafenhausen: Albert Köbele 1968 (= Badische Ortssippenbücher 40), processed period 1566–1967

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg - Population by nationality and gender on December 31, 2018 (CSV file) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ Main-Tauber-Kreis: Main-Tauber-Kreis: Cities and municipalities. Online at, accessed on October 25, 2014.
  3. Reinhard Wolf , Ulrike Kreh (ed.): The nature reserves in the Stuttgart administrative region . Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2007.
  4. ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume IV: Stuttgart district, Franconian and East Württemberg regional associations. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-17-005708-1 . Pp. 294-302
  5. State Statistical Office, area since 1988 according to actual use for Boxberg.
  6. , April 23, 2015: Still 2015
  7. a b Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality register for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 453 .
  8. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 481 .
  9. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 469 .
  10. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 .
  11. ^ Alemannia Judaica: Angeltürn (City of Boxberg, Main-Tauber district) Jewish history / prayer room / synagogue . Online at Retrieved December 3, 2015.
  12. cf. City of Boxberg: municipal council election 2019 ; accessed July 5, 2019.
  13. ^ State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg: Municipal elections 2019, City of Boxberg ; City of Boxberg: municipal council election 2019 ; FN-Web , May 26, 2019: Result of the 2019 municipal council election in Boxberg ; accessed July 5, 2019.
  14. Fishing turn., accessed on June 2, 2015 .
  15. ^ Church district Adelsheim-Boxberg: Church history Oberschüpf . Online at Retrieved December 29, 2019.
  16. Symbols of Power - Boxberg Castle - Oberschüpf Castle. Heimatverein Boxberg, accessed on May 29, 2015 .
  17. ^ Fränkische Nachrichten: The water treading facility is a popular meeting place . August 7, 2015. Online at Retrieved August 6, 2018.
  18. "The Sportive" - ​​Tourist Association Liebliches Taubertal. In: Retrieved August 3, 2020 .
  19. 3rd day stage - Külsheim to Boxberg - Liebliches Taubertal tourist office. In: Retrieved August 3, 2020 .
  20. Harald Fingerhut: Nationwide unique education and knowledge center (PDF; 73 kB). In: Fränkische Nachrichten of March 16, 2006, at
  21. LUBW: View of junction 5 Boxberg (permalink) at
  22. LUBW: View of junction 4 Ahorn (Permalink) at

Web links

Commons : Boxberg  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Boxberg (Baden)  - Sources and full texts
Wikivoyage: Boxberg (Baden)  - travel guide