Justus-Liebig university of Giessen

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Justus-Liebig university of Giessen
motto New ways. Since 1607
founding 1607
Sponsorship state
place Coat of arms Gießen.svg to water
state HesseHesse Hesse
country GermanyGermany Germany
president Joybrato Mukherjee
Students 27,927 (WS 2019/20)

(62.3% female)

Employee around 5,600
including professors around 400 (April 2019)
Annual budget 386.7 million euros (2015)
Networks AQUAS ,

Uni-assist , CLIB 2021, CCHH, DeGEval, DFG , DGWF , DAAD , DJH , DZIF , DZL , Corporacion CEMarin, Instituto CAPAZ, Ehrenamt Gießen, EUA Council for Doctoral Education, EAIE, EUA , Freundesverein Hessen-Wisconsin, GATE-Germany , HIS , HRK , HoE, HOLM , House of Pharma & Healthcare Flexnow, INVEMAR, Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen, Santander Universities, Scholars at Risk Network, SGroup European Universities Network, Stud.IP , UniNetzPE, DFN-Verein , Association of Chancellors of the Universities in Germany, WUS , ZWM

Website www.uni-giessen.de
Main building of the JLU since 1879
Charter of the University of 1607
Seal of the Ludoviciana, 1607
Seal of the Medical Faculty from 1607
College building from 1615
University anniversary 1957: Liebig's laboratory building on a German postage stamp

The Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is the second largest university in Hesse with around 28,000 enrolled students . The university in Giessen was founded in 1607 and was called Ludwigs-Universität ( Latinized Ludoviciana ) after its founder until 1945 . After the Second World War , it initially continued to exist as a college for soil culture and veterinary medicine . To build on the tradition of its predecessor, it named itself after its most famous scientist, the chemist Justus von Liebig . In 1957 it regained university status. It is the second oldest full university in its current state and has continuously been a state university .


The university is one of the old high schools in the German-speaking area. It emerged in the second great founding age of the Central European universities, the denominational, which was initiated by the Protestant University of Marburg , which was established in 1527 .

Founded in 1607 - State University of the Landgraviate of Hesse

After the University of Marburg, which was initially considered a Hessian integrated university after the partition of Hesse, became Calvinist in 1605 , Landgrave Ludwig V of Hessen-Darmstadt founded his own high school in Gießen, which as a Lutheran institution primarily ensures the training of pastors and civil servants should. Equipped with a privilege from Emperor Rudolf II , granted on May 19, 1607, she was able to start teaching in October 1607. During the Thirty Years' War , when Hessen-Darmstadt was able to temporarily take possession of the area around Marburg for itself, the university in Gießen was closed and moved to the more traditional location of Marburg (1624/25). The Peace of Westphalia restored the old conditions and in 1650 brought about the return of the university to Giessen .

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Ludoviciana was a typical small state university with the then usual four faculties (theology, law, medicine and philosophy). The teaching was manageable, about 20 to 25 professors taught several hundred students, the latter were mostly "children of the country". In the 18th century, largely influenced by the lordly court in Darmstadt , there was a gradual modernization of teaching content and reforms in teaching. The two “model universities of the Enlightenment”, the University of Halle founded in 1694 and even more the Georgia Augusta built in Göttingen in 1734/37 were the models for the reform measures initiated . However, all reform efforts were limited from the outset by the tight finances of the sponsoring state Hessen-Darmstadt. The remarkable establishment of an economics faculty, which existed from 1777 to 1785, was ultimately born out of necessity. It brought together new, practical subjects (veterinary medicine, agriculture and forestry, camera science ) that were supposed to make the university “useful” and “profitable”. After the early end of this faculty, some of these young disciplines still struggling for recognition were able to continue in the medical and philosophical faculties. They established the unusually diverse subject profile of the University of Giessen that still exists today.

19th century in the Grand Duchy of Hesse

The Ludoviciana survived the transition from the 18th to the 19th century unscathed; it was still the only university in a state that had now grown larger, the Grand Duchy of Hesse . In addition to Jena , Giessen was the prototype of the politicized Vormärz University, the " Giessen Blacks " with Karl Follen and Georg Büchner mark the revolutionary spirit of these decades. With the appointment of the 21-year-old Justus Liebig by the Grand Duke in 1824 - against the will of the university on the recommendation of Alexander von Humboldt - a new era began in the natural sciences, not only in Giessen. Young, promising scientists generated new impulses in their respective fields of knowledge; The Germanist Otto Behaghel , the lawyer Rudolf von Jhering , the theologian Adolf von Harnack , the physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , the psychiatrist Robert Sommer , the psychologist Kurt Koffka and the classical scholar Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker should be mentioned here .

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the expansion of the Ludoviciana into a modern university began, the new human and veterinary medicine clinics were built and the university library received its first functional building. With the construction of the main university building (inaugurated in 1880) and the adjoining new buildings for chemistry and physics, a new center was created on the edge of what was then the city. The main sponsor of these building projects was the last Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig , to whom the university awarded the honorable title of "Rector Magnificentissimus" out of gratitude. In 1902 the number of students passed the one thousand mark for the first time. The students now also included women who had been admitted as interns from 1900 and from 1908 to regular studies at the University of Giessen.

New beginnings and crises from 1918 to after 1945

With the end of the First World War , there were also new beginnings and opportunities in the Ludoviciana. More women flocked to the university. In 1929 the renowned journalist and later resistance fighter Dora Fabian received her doctorate at the Ludoviciana. At the same time, the years of the Weimar Republic were also a time of crises. Under difficult conditions in the People's State of Hesse since 1919, the university had to fear more and more for its existence. This situation intensified during the Nazi regime , when the sovereign rights that had initially remained with the federal states were transferred to the Reich in 1934 and a uniform university administration began to be set up. The intention of the Reich government to reduce the number of universities, which was declared soon after the seizure of power , threatened the smaller universities in particular from being cut into shape. In order to avert a possible closure, the professors and lecturers of the Ludwigs-Universität - partly out of conviction, often out of opportunism - tried particularly hard to accommodate the National Socialist rulers. Book burning , the expulsion of professors from office, the marginalization of Jewish students, a rector in uniform, the revocation of doctoral degrees - all of these resulted in a shameful disregard for academic values. In the course of the political “cleansing” of the university between 1933 and 1945, 27 university professors were dismissed (13.8% of the teaching staff). The sharp decline in the number of students and extreme redeployment, which gave preference to individual faculties contrary to the university's basic idea, put the continued existence of Ludwig University in question before the city and university of Giessen were largely destroyed by bombing in December 1944 .

In lengthy negotiations with the government of the new state of Greater Hesse and the university officer of the American occupying power, the end of Ludwigs University became apparent in the first months after the war. In its place the "Justus Liebig University of joined in May 1946 Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine " in the agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine initially only those survived disciplines that were not represented at the other Hessian universities.

Growth from 1957

In 1957, with the reintegration of the subjects lost in 1946 in the humanities and social sciences as well as in law and economics, university status was restored and the Justus Liebig University was renamed Justus Liebig University . An unprecedented growth phase began in which the number of professors increased tenfold and the number of students increased twentyfold. The full integration of teacher training for elementary, secondary and secondary schools, which only took place in the independent college for education from 1960, also made a significant contribution in 1967. Mainly because of this, the number of female students rose sharply from the 1960s (today the proportion of female students in Giessen is around 66%). From 1974 the Justus Liebig University grew to become the second largest university in Hesse.

A nationwide wave of protests began in autumn 1997 from the Justus Liebig University : the 1997 student strike , known as the Lucky Strike . The closure of the university for several weeks, during which the main building, among other things, was occupied, was accompanied by demonstrations and protests that lasted until the beginning of spring 1998. The reasons for the strike included a. the low financial resources of the universities and overcrowded events.

In the tradition of the Antoniterkloster Grünberg, the Justus Liebig University has an Antonius cross in its logo .

Development of student numbers

Below is the development of the number of students

In the 2014/15 winter semester, the total of 28,000 students and around 7,000 freshmen were exceeded for the first time.


Entrance side of the Audimax (2005, before renovation)
Main entrance of the old university library
Branch library in Philosophikum II
The open-air lecture hall, inaugurated in 2007 for the 400th anniversary, in the Law and Economics campus area


Since the restructuring in 1999, there have been eleven departments:

  1. Jurisprudence
  2. Economics
  3. Social and cultural studies
  4. History and cultural studies
  5. Language , literature and culture
  6. Psychology and Sports Science
  7. Mathematics and computer science , physics , geography
  8. Biology and chemistry
  9. Agricultural sciences , nutritional science and environmental management
  10. Veterinary medicine
  11. medicine

Scientific centers

The JLU has established a number of focal centers in which scientists from various departments work together:

  • GCSC - International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture
  • GGK - Gießen Graduate Center for Cultural Studies
  • GGL - Gießen Graduate Center Life Sciences / International Giessen Graduate Center for the Life Sciences
  • GGS - Gießen Graduate Center for Social, Economic and Legal Sciences
  • GiZo - Giessen Center for Eastern Europe
  • iFZ - Interdisciplinary Research Center
  • ZfM / LaMa - Center for Materials Research
  • BFS - Biomedical Research Center Seltersberg
  • Icar3R - Interdisciplinary Center for 3Rs in Animal Research, 3R Center JLU Giessen
  • ZEU - Center for International Development and Environmental Research
  • ZfL - Center for Teacher Education
  • ZfbK - Center for foreign language and professional field-oriented skills
  • ZMI - Center for Media and Interactivity

Affiliated institutes

The university has the following affiliated institutes :

  • since 1961: Institute for Rural Cooperatives at JLU Gießen e. V.
  • since 1974: Wildlife Biology Working Group at JLU Gießen e. V.
  • since 1988: Institute for Psychobiology and Behavioral Medicine at JLU Gießen e. V. (IPV)
  • 1998-2010: Institute for Brand and Communication Research at JLU Gießen e. V.

Course offer

As a full university, the JLU offers more than 150 partly international courses / combinations, almost all of which have been modularized and converted to graduated Bachelor / Master degrees. The range of courses includes the classical natural sciences, psychology, law and economics as well as the humanities, cultural and social sciences. With medicine and veterinary medicine, agricultural sciences as well as household and nutritional sciences and biology, the university has a focus in the subject area “People - Nutrition - Environment”. The teacher training courses complement the offer. All departments at JLU also offer the opportunity to do a doctorate. The largest courses of study at JLU are, in the order given, the courses in human medicine, law, economics (B.Sc.), veterinary medicine, teaching mathematics and German (see also: Gießen model of teacher training ), ecotrophology (B.Sc.), business administration (M .Sc.) And Social Sciences (BA).


In April 2016, the Giessen chemists Richard Göttlich (Institute for Organic Chemistry), Siegfried Schindler (Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry) and Nicole Graulich (Institute for Chemistry Didactics) received the " Ars-legendi " faculty award for mathematics and natural sciences in the category Chemistry preserved. The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft , the Society of German Chemists , the German Mathematicians Association , the German Physical Society and the Association of Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine in Germany award the prize annually for excellent university teaching . The team also won over the jury because of its innovative course design. The award winners developed new modules that give students the freedom to work and study independently, thus promoting creativity and establishing a connection to their later everyday work.

In 2014, the medical historian Michael Knipper from the Institute for History at JLU received the highly endowed “ Ars-legendi ” Faculty Prize Medicine from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft and the Medical Faculty Day. Since 2010, the “Ars legendi” prize has been awarded for excellent and innovative achievements in teaching, testing, advice and support at medical faculties. Michael Knipper convinced the jury because of his innovative and new orientation of the doctor's image. Above all, he was in charge of the conception of the “Global Health” curriculum - an initiative that creates interdisciplinary connection fields for the topic of nutrition and health and which has now established itself as a teaching project in the medicine course. As early as 2013, the focus curriculum “Global Health”, as well as the interdisciplinary seminar “Pharmaceutical Economics” of the Faculties of Law and Medicine, received praise from the Hessian University Prize for Excellence in Teaching from the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art (HMWK).

In the 2016 CHE university ranking, JLU received several very good results; The subject chemistry achieved the top group for several criteria. The areas of study situation overall, studyability, study organization, laboratory internships, study entry phase and degrees in a reasonable time were rated very good in the ranking. The subject of biology was also placed in the top group in the categories of examinations, teaching of specialist content, excursions and degrees in a reasonable time. The subject of psychology was completed in a reasonable time and offered before the start of the course. The subjects of education, German, English and Romance studies also scored points in the qualifications category within a reasonable time.

When CHE university ranking 2015 JLU also received very good results: The trade geography peaked at nine criteria, the top group. The areas of study situation as a whole, relation to professional practice, international orientation, study entry, course offerings, lecturers, professional reference, IT infrastructure and school practice for student teachers received a very good rating in the ranking. The undergraduate degree in mathematics was also placed in the top group in the categories of offers at the beginning of the course and degrees in a reasonable time. In the case of mathematics teacher training students, overall very good grades were awarded for the entry into the course, the supervision by the teachers, the lecturers, the studyability, the school practice, the IT infrastructure and the study situation. Physics also made it into the top group with the criterion of completion in a reasonable time. The start of the course, the contact with students, the rooms, the library equipment and the IT infrastructure were also rated as very good. Sports science scored well in the introductory phase and in the qualifications category within a reasonable time.


Biomedical Research Center Seltersberg

The strength of the JLU lies in the balance between basic and application-oriented research in the profile areas of cultural and life sciences.

Research profile natural and life sciences

The interdisciplinary canon of subjects in the natural and life sciences offers great scientific potential for solving important future questions. The successful research through the establishment of three special research areas and three research groups of the German Research Foundation as well as a number of internationally networked research projects is systematically supported by a newly structured, research-oriented graduate education in the Giessen Graduate Center for Life Sciences (GGL). The formation of scientific centers such as the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Bioscientific Fundamentals of Environmental Protection (IFZ Gießen), the Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) and the Biomedical Research Center Seltersberg, established in 2012, also support this process in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, the excellence cluster Cardiopulmonary System (ECCPS) of the Universities of Giessen and Frankfurt and the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments, combines basic research with clinical research on all aspects of heart and lung diseases .

Research profile humanities and cultural studies

Neighing stallion in front of Philosophikum I, bronze picture , created by Gerhard Marcks

The International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture , also funded until 2017 as part of the Excellence Initiative, has been providing doctoral students in cultural studies with a structured doctoral program since 2006. His interdisciplinary and international perspective on cultural studies is based on the experience and infrastructure of the Gießen Graduate Center for Cultural Studies (GGK) founded in 2001 and the International Doctoral Program for Literature and Cultural Studies (IPP) founded in 2002. The Gießen Graduate Center for Social, Economic and Legal Sciences (GGS), which was newly opened in 2012, supports the formation of scientific centers such as the Gießen Center for Eastern Europe (GiZo), the Center for Media and Interactivity (ZMI) and the Center for Management Studies (CMS) also in these areas the process of profile sharpening in a sustainable way.

Third-party funding

The JLU was able to increase its third-party funding, in 2013 around € 67 million was raised in all subject areas, around € 24 million of which came from grants from the German Research Foundation (DFG) . The advanced networking with the other universities in Central Hesse strengthens the chance of attracting large collaborative research projects. The JLU places its funding focus on young academics and further internationalization.

DFG Funding Atlas

Central Hesse's university medicine occupies seventh place in the funding atlas of the German Research Foundation. In its ranking list, the DFG summarizes the medical departments of the Justus Liebig University of Gießen (JLU) and the Philipps University of Marburg (UMR) with the University Hospital Gießen and Marburg (UKGM). JLU also ranks 35th out of 105 universities. In the field of humanities and social sciences, JLU is in 17th place, in the field of humanities 13th. In the field of life sciences, it ranks 19th and holds its own in the field of veterinary medicine, agricultural and forestry sciences nationwide first four universities.

German Centers for Health Research

On April 15, 2011, the BMBF decided on the funding of four new German Centers for Health Research, including the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), which is based in Giessen, and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) with a partner location in Giessen. JLU scientists are also involved in the Frankfurt am Main partner location of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK).

Success in the LOEWE program

The state offensive for the development of scientific and economic excellence (LOEWE) promotes outstanding scientific collaborative projects. JLU has successfully participated in the LOEWE program since the first funding series in 2008 and used it primarily as an instrument for targeted profile development through participation in the LOEWE centers and LOEWE focus areas:

LOEWE centers

The LOEWE Center Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center (UGMLC), which was set up in the second funding phase in 2010, is a project of the research alliance of the Universities of Gießen and Marburg and is used for both basic research and clinical research on inflammatory and hyperproliferative diseases of the lungs and the respiratory system of paramount importance. The LOEWE Center for Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (ZIB), in which the Technical University of Central Hesse and the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology Aachen (IME) are involved in addition to the JLU (lead management) , will have a first three-year funding period until 2016 at the JLU and is intended to support the establishment of a permanent Fraunhofer facility for bioresources in Central Hesse. At the LOEWE center " HIC for FAIR - Helmholtz International Center for FAIR" , in which JLU is a partner of the leading Goethe University in Frankfurt , 17 JLU researchers from the field of physics and their working groups are involved in the center's basic physical research .

LOEWE focus

In the fourth funding series, the JLU was awarded the LOEWE focus “Space Ion Operations” (RITSAT) and the focus “Non-neuronal cholinergic systems” , which deals with understanding the mechanisms of maintaining body barriers and integrity . Another major JLU project is funded as part of the fifth LOEWE season. This is the LOEWE focus “Store-E: Material storage in boundary layers” , which has been funded for three years since 2013 and is carried out together with partners from the University of Marburg and the THM. In the sixth LOEWE funding series, the JLU was awarded the LOEWE focus “FACE2FACE - Climate Change, Consequences, Adaptation and Avoidance by 2050” , which has been funded for three years since 2014. In addition to the JLU, the Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences , the University of Marburg and the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology are involved. Since 2015, the LOEWE focus "Medical RNomics - RNA-regulated networks in human diseases" has been funded by the Universities of Gießen and Marburg.

Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Prizes

The Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Prizes are sponsorship prizes endowed with 3,000 euros by the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, donated by the Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Foundation. The foundation was set up in 1998 by the Giessen bank director Herbert Stolzenberg.

According to the website of the University of Giessen, the award serves to “promote the scientific achievements of outstanding young scientists”. Only work by employees and members of the university can be awarded.

The prizes are awarded in the law, economics, chemistry and human medicine sections. Only theses can be awarded that entitle them to obtain a habilitation; dissertations are usually excluded from this. In addition, a "Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Prize for Cultural Studies Research", endowed with 2000 euros, will be awarded.

An example of outstanding research projects funded by the Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Prize is that of the physician Rajkumar Savai with the topic "Macrophage and cancer cell cross-talk via CCR2 and CX3CR1 is a fundamental mechanism driving lung cancer". In this research project, Savai and his team were able to demonstrate for the first time the signaling pathways that regulate communication between tumor cells and macrophages in lung cancer.

Structural development

Natural science institutes at Heinrich-Buff-Ring
Chemistry building on Heinrich-Buff-Ring

In 2007, the state of Hessen decided on the HEUREKA university investment program (university development and conversion program: complete renovation, concentration and expansion of research and teaching). From 2008 to 2025, € 4 billion will be invested in Hessian universities. The aim of the structural development of the Justus Liebig University Giessen as the second largest university in Hesse is the formation and concentration of three linked campus areas in the inner city structure:

Campus natural and life sciences

The natural and life sciences campus bundles the campus areas Seltersberg, Seltersberg / medicine and Seltersberg / veterinary medicine. The following major new construction projects have already been completed:

  • Construction of a new biomedical research center (BFS)
  • New construction of the chemistry institute and lecture hall

Some other projects are being implemented, including a .:

  • New building for the small animal and bird clinic
  • New construction of the medical research building
  • Conversion of the “old surgery” into a teaching and deanery building
  • Center of Infection and Genomics of the Lung

Further projects up to 2025 in the natural and life sciences campus include the structural development of veterinary medicine and dentistry as well as the technical concentration of biological subjects in the Seltersberg campus area. The aim is also to build a new cafeteria and a new branch library.

Culture and humanities campus

University library in Philosophikum I

The Culture and Humanities campus consists of the two Philosophika, the Law and Economics campus and the Sports / Kugelberg campus. The structural measures here include the following, some of which have already been completed:

  • Sports science multifunctional building
  • New construction of the law and economics lecture hall

The central element of the further structural development will be the reconstruction and the linking of the two Philosophika in a "new center". The goal is u. a. to equip the central library with an extension and to relocate the central canteen, which is in need of renovation, to the new central campus square. The new building for the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture (GCSC) and the thorough renovation of the Audimax will also be completed by 2020. The start of the redesign of the Philosophikum campus area was the start of construction of a new teaching building. In addition, the fundamental modernization of the university's outdoor sports facilities is planned.

Campus downtown

Erwin Stein Building in Goethestrasse

The inner city campus consists of the two campus areas: the university center and the armory area with the botanical garden. The JLU already put the renovated Erwin Stein building in Goethestrasse into operation in 2009 for the student service and for administrative facilities. The two campus areas are being developed by JLU as an inner-city representation of the university that is mixed with public life and business, and the outdoor facilities are being redesigned. In addition to the existing functions, the establishment of a theater laboratory for theater studies is planned here. In addition, the botanical garden and the greenhouses there are to be further developed or renovated to secure research and teaching in the oldest botanical garden in Germany, which is still at its place of origin.

University library

The university library offers a collection of 3.7 million volumes, spread over 9 locations with 112 full-time equivalents. The basis for the library was the purchase of 1,000 volumes by Landgrave Ludwig V in 1610. The inventory was later expanded through donations. A card catalog was introduced for the first time in 1830, and seven years later a connection to interlibrary loan between Gießen and Darmstadt was introduced. In 1904 the university library was given its own building on Bismarckstrasse. Shortly before the end of World War II , the library already had half a million volumes. During the air raid on Gießen on December 6, 1944 , however, over 90% of the population was destroyed. The operation was temporarily continued in the ruins. A new building was inaugurated at the same location in 1959 (then Neue UB ). Due to the increased number of students, another new building was built between 1979 and 1983 on the humanities campus Philosophikum I at Otto-Behaghel-Straße 8. The building on Bismarckstrasse now serves as an institute and lecture hall building, while the storage tower is still used by the university library as an external storage facility.

Special events

Hacker attack - #JLUoffline

On December 9, 2019, the university was largely paralyzed by a hacker attack (presumably by Emotet and the ransomware Ryuk, more precise details were not officially announced "with regard to the ongoing investigations") on the Windows infrastructure. The event became known in the media under the hashtag #JLUoffline. All passwords were then reset and reassigned against proof of identity. It was not until December 20th that at least the email functionality was restored over the Christmas holidays, and regular operation was (largely) possible again in mid-January. Some of the affected Windows file services were only available again on February 19.

Partner universities


Hessian state partnerships

  • since 1998: Hessen-Wisconsin cooperation (USA)
  • since 2004: Hessen-Massachusetts cooperation (USA)
  • since 2004: Hessen-Queensland cooperation (Australia)

There are cooperation and exchange agreements with other universities. The JLU's collaborations relate to the specified subject areas and in some cases offer exchange opportunities for students and scientists.

In addition, JLU has around 210 ERASMUS partner universities and further exchange agreements with around 80 universities worldwide.

Around 2,300 international students and numerous doctoral students and visiting scholars teach, research and study there.

University policy

Rectors (until 1971) or Presidents (since 1971)


The Presidium manages the university in accordance with the provisions of the Hessian Higher Education Act (HHG) and is responsible for all matters that are not assigned to another body by the HHG. With the participation of the University Council and with the other bodies, the departments as well as the members and relatives, it promotes their timely internal and external development and reports annually to the Senate on the management. The President chairs the Presidium and has the authority to issue guidelines, is the superior of the staff and represents the university externally. The vice-presidents manage the university together with the president as part of their tasks. The Chancellor heads the university administration according to the guidelines of the Presidium and is responsible for the budget.

The presidium consists of


The Senate is the highest decision-making body that z. B. Appointments and positions as well as the budget. The meetings of the Senate are chaired by the President. The group of students is represented in the Senate with three of 17 members in a minority. In the elections in January 2015, the lists UniGrün , Jusos and Die StudentenUNION each gained one seat. Presidents and vice-presidents are elected in the “Extended Senate” with twice the number of members.

University Council

The University Council accompanies the development, articulates the expectations of the professional world of the university and promotes the use of scientific knowledge and artistic achievements. As the new Hessian Higher Education Act (HHG) gave the University Council additional powers, it was necessary to reconstitute it in 2010. The new university council members were appointed at the suggestion of the HMWK in consultation with the JLU. A representative of the HMWK has been taking part in the university council meetings in an advisory capacity since 2010.


  • 2001-2004: Christiane Ebel-Gabriel, Secretary General of the Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony, Hanover
  • 2004-2009: Reinhard Kurth , former President of the Robert Koch Institute
  • since 2009: Karl Starzacher , attorney and former Hessian finance minister. D.

Current Members:

Former members:

Student body

The student body is financed by a semester contribution, which from 2002 to 2020 was always between € 7.41 and € 8.50. In January, the elections for student representatives and annually student parliament held in which 33 students are in total represented. The voter turnout in the years 2005 to 2019 was always between 16.5% (2012) and 28.7% (2009).

College group Seats 2019
Jusos 9
UniGreen 13
RCDS - The Student Union 3
Die Linke.SDS 4th
Liberal university group LHG 2
Giessen Union for Tolerance 2
voter turnout 27.04%

General Student Committee (AStA)

The AStA is elected and controlled by the student parliament. The current AStA coalition has consisted of the university group UniGrün, Die Linke.SDS and the Giessen Union for Tolerance since October 2019.

Student associations


In addition to the eponymous Justus von Liebig , other personalities worked at the university. A list can be found under Personalities of the Justus Liebig University .

Nobel Prize Winner

The following Nobel Prize winners , among others, researched and taught at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen :

Honorary doctorates

See also


  • Horst Carl , Eva-Marie Felschow, Jürgen Reulecke , Volker Roelcke , Corina Sargk (eds.): Panorama 400 years of the University of Giessen. Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei, Frankfurt 2007, ISBN 978-3-7973-1038-5 .
  • Eva-Marie Felschow, Carsten Lind: A hochnutz, necessary and Christian Werck. The beginnings of the University of Giessen 400 years ago. Justus Liebig University, Giessen 2007, ISBN 978-3-87707-697-2 .
  • Eva-Marie Felschow, Carsten Lind, Neill Busse: War, Crisis, Consolidation. The “second foundation” of the University of Giessen after 1945. Justus Liebig University Giessen, Giessen 2008, ISBN 978-3-87707-737-5 .
  • Volker Roelcke: The Medical Faculty of the University of Giessen. From the re-establishment to the present. Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei, Frankfurt 2007, ISBN 978-3-7973-1063-7 .
  • Ludwig Brake, Heinrich Brinkmann (ed.): 800 years of Gießen history, 1197–1997. Gießener Anzeiger, Gießen 1997, ISBN 3-922300-55-3 .
  • Peter Moraw : Brief History of the University of Giessen. Ferber'sche Universitätsbuchhandlung, Giessen 1990, ISBN 3-927835-00-5 .
  • Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Hrsg.): Hessian universities and students through the ages. 1527-1986. Hessian Main State Archive, Wiesbaden 1986.
  • Norbert Werner (Ed.): 375 years of the University of Giessen 1607–1982. History and present. Verlag der Ferber'schen Universitätsbuchhandlung, Giessen 1982, ISBN 3-922730-22-1 .
  • Hans Georg Gundel , Peter Moraw, Volker Press (eds.): Gießen scholars in the first half of the 20th century. 2 volumes, NG Elwert Verlag, Marburg 1982, ISBN 3-7708-0724-3 and ISBN 3-7708-0723-5 .
  • Hans Georg Gundel: List of Rectors of the University of Giessen 1605 / 07–1971. Casting 1979.
  • Ludwig University, Justus Liebig University: 1607–1957; Festschrift for the 350th anniversary. Schmitz, Giessen 1957.
  • The University of Giessen from 1607–1907. Contributions to their history. Festschrift for the third century celebration. Töpelmann, Giessen 1907.
  • Front section university. The Giessen University under National Socialism. Anabas Verlag and Focus Verlag, Gießen 1982 (2nd edition 1983) (with contributions by Bruno W. Reimann and others).
  • Reimann, Bruno W .: Avant-garde of fascism. Student body and strong connections at the University of Giessen 1918-1937. Frankfurt a. M .: u. a .: Peter Lang 2007.
  • Anton Lutterbeck : The history of the Catholic theological faculty in Giessen. Ricker'sche Buchhandlung, Giessen 1860.
  • Eva-Marie Felschow, Irene Häderle: In the sights of state power. The University of Giessen as the center of revolution and repression from 1813 to 1848 , published on behalf of the President of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Giessen 2015, ISBN 978-3-87707-961-4 .

Web links

Commons : Justus Liebig University Giessen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: University History  - Sources and Full Texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Justus Liebig University Giessen: President. Retrieved May 13, 2020 .
  2. a b uni-giessen.de on the university website, accessed on January 30, 2020.
  3. a b Figures on the university website, accessed April 5, 2019.
  4. ^ Justus Liebig University Giessen: Further investments to improve the framework conditions at the University of Giessen . In: press release . No. 90 . Giessen June 1, 2016.
  5. Memberships on the university website, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  6. ^ History (accessed January 15, 2015).
  7. Fabian, Debora encyclopedia.com (accessed November 30, 2015);
    Anna Funder: Everything I am. S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2014.
  8. Michael Grüttner , Sven Kinas: The expulsion of scientists from German universities from 1933 to 1945. In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte . Issue 1, 2007, p. 140 ( [1] PDF).
  9. Source for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2007: The President of the Justus Liebig University of Gießen (Ed.): Report of the Presidium. February 2, 2005. For 2008-2015: ( Student statistics from JLU )
    For the summer of 1939: Ludwig Brake (Hrsg.): 800 years of Giessen history. Giessen 1997, p. 464.
  10. ↑ Course offerings at the University of Giessen.
  11. Newsboard of the IPP on the website of the University of Giessen ( memento from January 1, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 31, 2016.
  12. Information on the website of the University of Giessen, accessed on December 31, 2016.
  13. ^ Website of the German Center for Lung Research , accessed on December 31, 2016.
  14. ^ Website of the University of Giessen , accessed on December 31, 2016.
  15. Article in the Gießener Allgemeine , accessed on December 31, 2016.
  16. Report in the Gießener Zeitung , accessed on December 31, 2016.
  17. Lisa Dittrich: "A university for society and in society". Justus Liebig University Giessen, press release from November 25, 2016 from Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw-online.de), accessed on December 31, 2016.
  18. ^ History of the university library on the website of the University of Giessen , accessed on October 8, 2019.
  19. #JLUoffline: Current information on the consequences of the cyber attack on the JLU. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  20. 38,000 people are waiting for the password. December 17, 2019, accessed May 8, 2020 .
  21. Personal home drives are available again. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  22. Senate election results (PDF document; 13 kB).
  23. ^ Enlarged Senate
  24. List of all semester fees at JLU Gießen 2020 .
  25. a b JLU election committee: StuPa 2019 election results (PDF) Accessed on June 27, 2019 .
  26. Student electoral committee at JLU Giessen
  27. Christel Lauterbach: Honorary doctorate from the University of Giessen for Peter Härtling. Justus Liebig University Giessen, press release from January 19, 2001 at the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw-online.de), accessed on July 10, 2017.

Coordinates: 50 ° 34 ′ 49.3 "  N , 8 ° 40 ′ 38"  E