Schönau (pass)

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Pass height below Hochhamm

Pass height below Hochhamm

Compass direction west east
Pass height 1066  m above sea level M.
Canton Canton of St. Gallen Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Watershed Necker , Thur Urnäsch , sitter
Valley locations Bächli SG Urnaesch
expansion Pass road
Mountains Appenzell Alps
Ø pitch 4.2% (212 m / 5 km) 7.8% (234 m / 3 km)
Map (Canton of St. Gallen)
Schönau (Pass) (Canton of St. Gallen)
Schönau (pass)
Coordinates 736 338  /  241426 coordinates: 47 ° 18 '35 "  N , 9 ° 14' 30"  O ; CH1903:  736338  /  241426

The Schönau pass (short: Schönau) is a pass in the Swiss canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in the municipality of Urnäsch between Urnäsch and Bächli canton of St. Gallen . It connects the Neckertal with the Urnäschtal .

The pass height is 1066  m above sea level. M. at the southern foot of the Hochhamm ( 1209  m above sea level ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Motorcycle and tours: Schönau
  2. Hochhamm
Schönau Pass with Hochhamm