Dnepr basin

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Catchment area of ​​the Dnepr
  • Belarusian part
  • Russian part
  • ukrainian part
  • The Dnepr Basin is the catchment area of the Dnieper River with an area of ​​531,817 km².

    The catchment area of ​​the Dnepr borders in the northeast on the Volga Basin , in the east on the Donets Basin (not to be confused with the industrial region Donets Basin / Donbas), which belongs to the Don Basin , and in the southeast on several small catchment areas whose flowing waters are in the Sea of ​​Azov flow into it. The southern edge of the catchment area borders on other small catchment areas whose rivers flow into the Black Sea. In the south of the catchment area, the main river Dnieper runs into a point west of the city of Kherson and runs over the Dnepr-Bug-Liman - estuary with which the river flows into the Black Sea . In the southwest the catchment area of ​​the Dnepr borders on the Bug Basin (Ukrainian Piwdenny Buh , Russian Juschni Bug) , which laterally adjoins the catchment area of ​​the Dnieper. In the west there is a small border to the Dniester basin and the Vistula basin . In the northwest, the Dnepr catchment area borders the Memel Basin and the Daugava Basin .

    The most striking rivers in the catchment area are the Dnepr with a length of 2201 km and the Desna with a length of 1130 km.

    Geomorphological classification

    Map of the landscapes of the Eastern European Plain.png
    dark background:
    the Eastern European level 1
    Ukraine geology.png
  • 1. Ukrainian shield
  • 6. Dnepr-Donets rift zone or Dnepr-Donets rift valley
  • 9. Black Sea Depression
  • Physiographic regions of Belarus.svg
  • Byelorussian Ridge
    I) Central District of the Byelorussian Ridge
    II) Poniemnie 2
    III) Southwestern district of the Byelorussian Ridge
  • Prepolesian Plain 3
    I) Western Prepolesien
    II) Eastern Prepolesien
  • Polesia hist. Landscape 4
    I) Brest Polesia
    II) Pripjat Polesia
    III) Mozyr Polesia
    IV) Gomel Polesia
  • Eastern Belarus
    I) Dnepr river landscape (headwaters)

  • 1 also called Eastern European lowlands 2 see Poniemnie in the Polish Wikipedia
    3 German also Prepalessje 4 German also Palessje

    The catchment area of ​​the Dnepr belongs to a geomorphological area, the Eastern European lowlands .

    Landscapes around the catchment area

    The catchment area is surrounded by the following landscapes:

    The Dnepr flows around it

    Geological structure


    “Geologically speaking, the upper Dnieper basin is located in the western part of the old western European plain, which has a two-tier structure. The lower level consists of a crystalline basis of an earlier Archaic-Proterozoic age, which consists of metamorphic and igneous rocks. Above the foundation there is a level made up of different sedimentary rocks.

    In terms of material composition , the bottom at Vitebsk consists of a granite block (in the northern and northeastern part of the basin), a volcanic rock belt at Osnitsa-Mikashevichi (in the central part of the basin in front of Mahiljou ) and at Bragintsy of granite blocks (in the southern and western part of the basin from a granite-gneiss zone).

    In the northern and northeastern parts of the basin and above the cover of the crystalline bedrock is the ' Orsha Vug' extension. To the south it forms the Schlobin Hill and flows into the Pripyat Valley. The basin area near Homel and Dobrusch belongs to the Voronezh Anteklise. The extreme southern part of the basin belongs to the Brahin - Lojeu plateau .

    In Orscha Vug the foundation is up to 1.8 km deep. Riphean, Vendian, and Devonian formations dominate the top of the plain around the Vug. Thin deposits from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods emerge between the mass of Devonian rocks and the Quaternary sediments.

    The Shlobin Elevation divides the Pripyat River and the Orsha Vug. It is 0.4 to 0.7 km deep. Most of the surface cover consists of upper Proterozoic and Devonian rocks, covered with sediments from the Jurassic and younger sediments.

    In the Pripyat River drains into a depth of 1.5-6 km. For the most part, these are Devonian and coal formations, covered with coal age formations and Permian, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments.

    The Voronezh Anteklise comprises 0.5-1 km thick Upper Proterozoic, Devonian, Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations. In the Brahin Loyev Elevation, the foundation lies at a depth of 0.5-2 km and it is covered by Devonian, coal and younger sediments. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.2. Natural conditions 1.2.1. Geology and topography Section: Belarus pages 12 and 13 - accessed at : http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)


    “From the town of Lojeu to the Kiev reservoir , the Dnepr flows in a very wide valley, the slopes of which gradually merge with the surrounding terrain. In the northern part of the Kiev reservoir, the width of the valley reaches several tens of kilometers and merges with the surrounding moors and the Pripyat valley. The Dnepr valley narrows further; but its slopes are not noticeable. At the village Lyutish and further down the right slope has a height of 30-50 m, and the river valley only narrows: at the town Vyshhorod and Meschyhirja the right slope comes close to the reservoir. Below the mouth of the Desna River, the Dnepr Valley is very wide.

    Geologically, the upper Dnieper basin in Ukraine is located in the Ukrainian crystalline shield and also in the Dnepr-Donets vug. The connection of these two tectonic structures complicates and changes the geological structure and lithological composition of the basin.

    Regionally (horizontally) the long Dnieper is a contiguous tectonic zone that connects the border between the northwestern Ukrainian crystalline shield slopes and the northwestern side of the Dnieper-Donets-Vug. In other words, the Dnieper divides the basin into two geologically / geomorphologically separate parts: a smaller right and a larger left.

    Edge fractures can be found along the long Dnepr tectonic zone between the southwestern part of the shield and the central Dnepr-Donets block. The divisions are the largest and earliest in terms of deposition and occur in Darnytsia , Kiev , Worsel , Bojarka , Yadlovka-Traktemirovka.

    The division of the Dnepr extends over 150 km to the northwest, it crosses the entire area in its central part and extends far beyond it. In the lower Paleozoic in particular, there were several expansions when the Dnepr-Donets block began to be deposited. Individual breaks occur in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era.

    Lithologically (vertically) there are two clearly separated structural levels. The lower tier consists of intricately displaced and metamorphologically altered rocks of the Archean-Proterozoic.

    In the upper Dnepr basin there are neogene red, brown and colored clays and some paleogene deposits (in Poltava , Kharkiv and Kiev) which are covered with a thickness (over 100 m) of aquatic and alluvial deposits. Poor drainage of this area (0-2.3 m) and a widespread occurrence of neogene clays lead to a high water table (0 to 2-3 m). "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.2. Natural conditions 1.2.1. Geology and topography Section: Ukraine Pages 13 and 14 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)


    Headwaters of the Dnieper north-east of Smolensk

    Along with the Desna, the Dnepr is one of the two formative rivers of the catchment area.


    The source of the Dnepr lies northeast of Smolensk, on the southwestern edge of the Valdai Heights near the sources of Daugava and Volga .

    After the source, the river flows through Smolensk , from Mogilev to Kiev from north to south. From Kiev to Dnipro from northwest to southeast. Then from northeast to southwest where it flows into the sea.

    “The Dnepr is the largest river in Belarus and the largest river in Belarus in terms of water content. The main tributaries of the Dnepr are: on the left - the Sosh (648 km long) and on the right - the Drut (266 km long), the Bjaresina (561 km long) and Prypiat (761 km long).

    Almost everywhere in Belarus, from the border with Russia to the Pripyat estuary, the floodplain is bilateral. It has a width of 0.1-1 km near the city of Mahiljou , 3-6 km near Shlobin and 8-10 km in Homel in Polesia . The course of the river meanders with gentle curves and plenty of ridges and shallows. 9 km upstream from Orsha , the river cuts through a ridge of Devonian limestone to form the so-called Kobeljaky rapids near Prydnjaprouje ( Belarusian Прыдняпроўе , Rajon Orsha ). The width of the Dnieper is 60–120 m between the village of Gatkovshchina and the city of Orsha (up to 1.3 km), 0.2–0.6 km between the ridges of Bjaresina and Sosh, 0.8–1.5 km downstream and 3–5 km within the reservoir at the Kiev dam.

    The Dnepr freezes in late November - early December and opens in late March - early April. The maximum ice thickness is 60–80 cm (beginning of March). The spring ice drift lasts 4-9 days. The average water temperature in summer is 19–22 ° C. The highest temperature (28 ° С) was recorded in July 1954.

    The average annual discharge rates are 123 m³ / s near Orsha , 139 m³ / s near Mahiljou and 364 m³ / s near Retschyza . In Orsha the maximum discharge rate is 2000 m³ / s (1931) and the minimum 8 m³ / s (1892). At Retschyza the maximum value is 4970 m³ / s (1958) and the minimum value 36 m³ / s (1921).

    About 25% of the catchment area is occupied by unevenly distributed forest areas. In the catchment areas of the right tributaries to the Dnepr (Bjaresina, Drut) there are extensive forest areas. The left bank area is covered by forests to a much lesser extent. Forests form small patches here, especially in Sosch's short range. Forests are mixed and dominated by pine, fir and oak.

    The share of lakes in the water catchment area is low (less than 1%). Mostly there are small lakes and man-made water bodies, including larger water storage reservoirs: e.g. B. Saslauje - Assipowitschy (on the Swislatsch ), Solihorsk (on the Slutsch ) and Tschyhyryn (on the Drut ).

    Improvement work (drainage) in the water catchment area of ​​the Dnepr affected around 14% of the basin area. 38,500 km of open drainage canals have been in operation since 2006. Another improvement has been achieved in the basins at tributaries, e.g. Drut (11%), Dobysna (28%), Bjaresina (15%), Vedrich (25%), Sosch (11%).

    The river regime was examined at 18 hydrological stations. There are currently 6 hydrological stations in operation: Loyev, Retschyza, Svhlobin, Mahiljou, Solovyovo and Orscha. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3 Hydrological characteristics 1.3.1 Surface water resources Section: Belarus pages 27 and 28 - accessed at: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en / pilot-basins / upper-dnieper-river-basin)


    Dnieper Basin (Kherson Oblast)
    Mouth of the Dnieper
    Mouth of the Dnieper
    Mouth of the bow
    Mouth of the bow
  • Mouth of the Dnieper into the delta
  • Mouth of the Bug in the Delta
  • Photography of the Dnepr Delta

    The Dnepr flows into a delta which, united with the Bug , connects to the Black Sea. It is the second largest delta in Ukraine after the Danube Delta. In contrast to the latter, the Dnepr Delta does not have a clearly pronounced triangular shape. It has a square outline. Its average width is 10–12 km, in some places up to 17 km.

    The delta begins about 50 km after the Konka flows into the Dnieper. The Konka is an arm of the Dnieper in the delta. In the south the delta borders on the Oleschky sands . The area of ​​the Dnepr Delta is about 350 km². It is characterized by numerous straits, lakes and still waters, wetlands and some small alluvial islands.

    The floodplains, wetlands and alluvial island of the regions form a unique natural ecosystem known as the Dnieper Marshes, reminiscent of alluvial forests in Central Asia. Precipitation in the Dnepr delta is very low and the water requirement of the delta is almost entirely borne by the water of the river. Esturas are the Konka , Bakaj , Rwatsch , Koschowa and Lytwynka rivers .

    Catchment area of ​​the Pripyat

    Belarusian Polesia

    The Pripyat with a catchment area of 114,300 square kilometers of the larger sub-basins. It empties into the Dnepr, which is dammed into the Kiev reservoir . The catchment area is mostly in the Ukrainian and Belarusian Polesie.

    “As the right tributary of the Dnepr, the Pripyat is the largest tributary in terms of water volume. Its source is in the Ukraine area, it then runs through the Belarus area and returns to the Ukraine area at the end of its course. [..] In the years 1882–2011, the Pripyat discharged 393 m³ / s the "Mozyr" measuring station. (A catchment area of ​​101,000 km² was observed). At the mouth there was a discharge of 450–451 m³ / s (after it had picked up the relatively large Ush). The highest discharge is measured in April, the lowest discharge in September. The highest discharge ever was measured on April 24, 1895 at 5670 m³ / s at the "Mozyr" station. In Ukraine, the Horyn (with its tributary Slutsch ) is the largest tributary of the Pripyat. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine ) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Ukraine / Tributaries - Prypiat page 36 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins / upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    Amount of water in the Dnieper during the year (Kiev) .png

    The river has a total length of 755 km. Its source is located in the extreme northwest of Ukraine, turns first to the northeast in a major turn, crosses the border with Belarus and finally goes back to the Ukraine after the city of Mazyr in the southeast, shortly before the city of Pripyat . The Pripyat flows from Pinsk to its mouth through a swampy landscape that extends up to 6 km on both sides of the river.

    The Pripyat is part of the Dnepr-Bug Canal , which begins on the Polish border near the city of Brest ; here the muchawez also flows into the bow . Over the canalized Pina , which flows into the Pripyat in the city of Pinsk , the Dnieper-Bug Canal runs to the Dnieper, which leads to the Black Sea.

    Catchment area of ​​the Horyn

    The catchment area of ​​the Horyn and Slutsch

    The catchment area of ​​the Horyn has a catchment area of ​​22,700 km² and is the largest right-hand area of ​​the Pripyat and is located in the southwest of the Eastern European Plain . The Horyn has a length of 659 km and reaches a maximum width of 80 m and a maximum depth of 16 m. The Slutsch is an important tributary .

    The Horyn rises in the Podolian Plate in the Ukrainian Oblast Ternopil (south of Kremenez and north of Ternopil ). In its course it flows on through the Ukrainian oblasts Khmelnyzkyj and Rivne and the Belarusian Breszkaja Woblasz , where it flows into the Pripyat. The average amount of water in the area of ​​the estuary is 110 m³ / s. The average slope of the area is 0.1 ‰.

    The tributaries of the Horyn are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Styr

    The catchment area of ​​the Styr has a catchment area of ​​12,900 km² and a length of 494 km and is the second largest right-hand area of ​​the Pripyat. The Styr has an average water volume in the area of ​​the mouth of 49.5 m³ / s. The average slope of the area is 0.25 ‰.

    The area is regularly flooded. Floods in the lower reaches begin in March. When the tide is low, the river freezes to depths of 1.3 to 1.5 m from the end of December to January, sometimes well into March.

    Catchment area of ​​the Pzitsch

    Dnepr basin (Belarus)
    Source of the Pzitsch with its mouth in Pripyat

    The catchment area of ​​the Pzitsch with a catchment area of ​​9,470 km² is the third largest left-hand sub-catchment area of ​​the Prypiat.

    Tributaries of the Pzitsch are:

    The Grebёnka with a catchment area of ​​87 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pzitsch.

    Dnepr basin (Belarus)
    Source of the Aressa with its mouth in Pripyat

    The Aressa with a catchment area of ​​3,580 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pzitsch. It is one of the largest tributaries. The Osvitsa is a right-hand tributary of the Aressa.

    Tributaries of the Aressa are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Usch

    Catchment area of ​​the Usch

    The Ush has a catchment area of ​​8,080 km² and a length of 256 km is the fourth largest right-hand catchment area of ​​the Pripyat. The Ush is mainly fed by the snowmelt . The mean discharge 16 km above the mouth is 24.7 m³ / s. The river usually freezes between November and the first half of February. It becomes ice-free again between March and mid-April. The slope of the river is 0.47 m / km.

    (Usch) | Losnyzja]], Radytsch , Nertsch , Kraschewnja , Mohyljanka , Hnyluscha , Kruhlyk , Kremna , Oktassuwaka , Schesten , Scherew , Besimenna , Noryn , Hreslja and Illja

    Catchment area of ​​the Jasselda

    Dnepr basin (Belarus)
    Source of the Jasselda with its mouth in Pripyat
    Headwaters of the Jasselda south of the Volkovyssk Heights

    The catchment area of ​​the Jasselda with a catchment area of ​​7,790 km² and a length of 242 km is the fifth largest right-hand catchment area of ​​the Pripyat. The average amount of water in the area of ​​the estuary is 35.8 m³ / s. In the course there is a waterfall with a drop height of 37.5 meters. The average slope of the area is 0.15 ‰.

    Tributaries of the Jaselda are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Ubort

    Dnepr basin (Belarus)
    Relief map Ukraine.png
    Large map: Belarus (mouth of Ubort in Pripyat)
    Small map: Ukraine (source)

    The Ubort with a catchment area of ​​5,820 km² and a length of 292 km is the sixth largest right-hand catchment area of ​​the Pripyat. The Ubort rises in the upper reaches of the river in the hill country near the village of Symony. The width of the river is 10–15 m, in the lower reaches 50–60 m; the current is slow, the gradient of the river is 0.34 m / km. The valley is uneven in its structure. The floodplain is bilateral, mostly heavily saturated with water. The river has generous windings, meanders form in the lower stream and there are isolated islands. The main supply of water comes from snow and rain. The spring flood, which accounts for up to 50% of the annual runoff, is characteristic.

    Tributaries of the Ubort are the Korostynka and Svidovets a right-hand tributary of the Ubort with a catchment area of ​​852 km².

    Catchment area of ​​the Szwiha

    The catchment area of ​​the Szwiha with a catchment area of ​​5,300 km² is the seventh largest catchment area of ​​the Pripyat and a right-hand tributary of the Pripyat.

    • The Mostva with a catchment area of ​​2,400 km² is a left-hand tributary of the Szwiha and thus a defining sub-catchment area.

    Other rivers in the Pripyat catchment area

    The Slutsch (Pripyat) is with a catchment area of ​​5,260 km² or 5470 km² and a length of 197 km a left tributary of the Pripyat. It forms the eighth largest catchment area in the area of ​​the Pripyat catchment area. The average amount of water in the mouth area is 22.4 m³ / s. The slope of the area is 0.24 ‰. There are 2 lakes in the area.

    The Moratsch has a catchment area of ​​2,030 km². The average amount of water in the mouth area is 8.7 m³ / s. The flowing water flows into the Schlutsch from the right side. The slope of the area is 0.5%. There are two lakes in the area. The catchment area of ​​the Moratsch is a left-hand tributary.

    The Stochid with a catchment area of ​​3,150 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pripyat and thus the ninth largest catchment area within the Pripyat.

    The Turija with a catchment area of ​​2,900 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pripyat and thus the tenth largest catchment area within the Pripyat.

    The Brahinka has a catchment area of ​​2,778 km² and is a left-hand tributary of the Pripyat and thus the eleventh largest catchment area within the Pripyat. “The Brahinka does not flow directly into the Pripyat either, but directly into the Kiev Sea. It is 179 km long. The river has the following peculiarities: (1) it crosses a state border - its source is in Belarus, its mouth in Ukraine; (2) significant measures have been taken to improve water quality and the river course has been significantly straightened; and (3) after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , it had a high level of radioactive contamination. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Ukraine / Tributaries - Brahinka page 37 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/ upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    The Slavechna with a catchment area of ​​2,670 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pripyat and thus the twelfth largest catchment area within the Pripyat.

    The Pina has a catchment area of ​​2,460 km² with a length of 40 km. The average amount of water in the mouth area is 8.6 m³ / s. The slope of the area is 0.1 ‰. There are 5 lakes in the area. The Pina is a left tributary of the Pripyat and thus the thirteenth largest catchment area.

    • The Neslucha with a catchment area of ​​1,130 km² is a dominant sub-catchment area of ​​the Pinas. The Nelucha is a left tributary of the Pina.

    The Lan with a catchment area of ​​2,190 km². At the mouth the river has an average water volume of 11.3 m³ / s, the source of the river is located near the Kapylskaja hrada ridge , which lies in the south of the Belarusian ridge . The Lan is a left-hand tributary of the Pripyat and the fourteenth largest catchment area.

    • The Babka is a left tributary of the Lan with a length of 8 km.
    • The Nacha has a catchment area of ​​360 km². The average amount of water in the mouth area is approx. 2 m³ / s. The flowing water flows into the Lan from the right side.
    • The Tsepra has a catchment area of ​​123 km² and flows into the Lan on the left. The river is 21 km long, the catchment area has an elevation of 1.7 m / km. The source is located near the place Gabruny (Belarus. Габруны), on the other side there is the source of the river Vynja (Belarus. Выня) which flows into the Memel.

    The Zna is a river with a catchment area of ​​1,130 km² and is a left-hand tributary of the Pripyat.

    The Wýschiwka with a catchment area of ​​1,272 km² is a right-hand tributary of the Pripyat. The Wýschiwka is a left-hand tributary of the Prypiat.

    The Ipa with a catchment area of ​​1,010 km² and a length of 109 km. The average amount of water at the mouth is 5.9 m³ / s. The average slope of the area is 0.3 ‰. The Ipa is a left-hand tributary of the Pripyat.

    The Mereya is a river with a catchment area of ​​662 km². Tributaries of the Mereya are:

    • Lupe with a catchment area of ​​185 km², flows from the right into the Mereya, and the Bobryk 1 (no area information), also from the right into the Mereya. The Wiślica flows from the left into the Bobryk.

    The Skrypіtsa with a catchment area of ​​360 km², as well as the Gnilitsa with a catchment area of ​​285 km², which flows into the Skrypіtsa from the left.

    All direct tributaries of the Pripyat:

    Striking landscape

    The most striking landscape in the Pripyat catchment area are the Pripyat Marshes .

    Sewer system

    The Dnepr-Bug Canal is conceptually misleading because it connects the Pina (which flows into the Pripyat) with the (western) Bug .

    There is also the Oginsky Canal System . The Oginsky Canal itself is 58 km long. Construction began in 1776 by the hetman Michael Kasimir Oginski. The canal system was completed in 1804.

    Desna catchment area

    Dnepr Basin (European Russia)
    Source of the Desna with its mouth in Dnieper
    The catchment area of ​​the Desna

    The Desna has a catchment area of ​​88,900 km² and a length of 1130 km. “[She] is the left tributary and the longest tributary of the Dnieper. Its source is in the Russian Rajon Smolensk and flows through the Rajon Kaniv on the outskirts of Kiev in Ukraine. The largest tributaries of the Desna are the Sejm and the Snow , both of which are cross-border rivers.

    For the period 1973–2011 the average water volume of the Desna is 354 m³ / s at the measuring station »Letki« (the catchment area is given as 88.5 km²). The highest discharges are observed in May and the lowest in September. The highest level ever measured was recorded on April 19, 1979 at the "Letki" station at 2400 m³ / s. Long-term data measurements at the »Tschernigow« measuring station achieved a discharge of 8,000 m³ / s from the Desna. This indicates that the total discharges of Desna could be much higher [...]. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences ( Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Ukraine / Tributaries - Desna page 37 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot- basins / upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    Catchment area of ​​the Snow

    The Snow has a length of 253 km and a catchment area of ​​8,705 km². The valley of the Snow has a width of 1.5 to 4 km and the right-hand tributary of the Desna.

    Tributaries of the Snow (from the source to the mouth) are:

    Catchment area of ​​the south-east

    The south-east has a length of 208 km and a catchment area of ​​approx. 6,000 km² and the right-hand tributary of the Desna.

    Tributaries of the Southeast are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Nerussa

    The Nerussa has a length of 161 km and a catchment area of ​​5,630 km² and the left tributary of the Desna. The catchment area is located on the western flank of the Central Russian Plate .

    Tributaries of the Nerussa are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Bolwa

    The Bolwa has a length of 213 km and a catchment area of ​​4,340 km² and the left tributary of the Desna. The catchment area is located on the southern side of the Smolensk Highlands .

    Tributaries of the Bolwa are:

    Catchment area of ​​the easter


    The Оster is a left tributary of the Desna with a length of 199 km and a catchment area of ​​2,950 km²

    Catchment area of ​​the Seim

    The Seim has a catchment area of ​​27,500 km² and is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 711 km (according to other sources: 748 km, 696 km).

    Catchment area of ​​the Navlya

    The Navlya is a left tributary of the Desna with a length of 126 km and a catchment area of ​​2,242 km². The most important tributaries are: Juschkowka, Kalachwa, Murawka (also: Murawelnik), Aleschnja (also: Aleschenka), Lopuznja, Krapiwna, Gben, Serb , Rechitsa, Tschidowka, Kharpach, Brodets, Schablykinka, Wodocha, Podlawa, Peresopka, Tscheleznaya and Drugije.

    Other rivers in the Desna catchment area

    The Vetma is a left tributary of the Desna with a length of 112 km and a catchment area of ​​1,456 km²

    The wick is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 58 km and a catchment area of ​​1,407 km²

    The Ivotka is a left side tributary of the Desna with a length of 81 km and a catchment area of ​​1,370 km²

    The Ubid is a right-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 106 km and a catchment area of ​​1,310 km². The headwaters are determined by swamps. The area is criss-crossed by meadows and meadows. The area is rather flat. Tributaries of the Ubid are: Вербка or Багачка, Волынка, Бернацкая, Булдиж, Кистер, Кобилка, Люта, Сядринка and Хребетна.

    The Znobovka is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 75 km and a catchment area of ​​780 km²

    The Veresochy is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 39 km and a catchment area of ​​780 km². The Mena is a right-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 70 km and a catchment area of ​​775 km²

    The Belous is a right-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 55 km and a catchment area of ​​657 km²

    The Zamglaij is a right-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 26 km and a catchment area of ​​492 km².

    The Schostka is a left tributary of the Desna with a length of 56 km and a catchment area of ​​412 km²

    The Lower Smolyanka is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 40 km and a catchment area of ​​398 km².

    The Prismara is a left tributary of the Desna with a length of 41 km and a catchment area of ​​330 km².

    The Strischen is a right-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 24 km and a catchment area of ​​168 km²

    The Sneschety is a left-hand tributary of the Desna with a length of 80 km.

    As well as the Ljubic brooks and the Sviga and Upper Smolyanka streams on the left.

    As well as the Boldachevka, Gabia and Sechscha brooks on the right.

    Catchment area of ​​the Sosch

    The Sosh

    The catchment area of ​​the Sosch has a size of 42,100 km², of which 21,500 km² is in Belarus. “[He] is the second longest and most water-bearing tributary [in the catchment area] of the Dnieper after the Pripyat.

    It starts on Russian territory, 12 km south of Smolensk. It flows on the left into the Dneper, near Loyev , in the Homel district , in Belarus. Its total length is 648 km, of which 155 km are in the upper reaches of Russia. [According to other sources] the entire catchment area has an area of ​​42,140 km², 21,700 km² of it in Belarus. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Belarus / First order tributaries - Sosch pages 29 and 30 - retrieved from: http: // blacksea-riverbasins. net / en / pilot-basins / upper-dnieper-river-basin) The average annual runoff of water in the estuary is 219 m³ / s. The average gradient of the water surface is 0.17 ‰.

    The main tributaries of the Sosch in Belarus (W) and Russia (R) are: Total length (G)

    • on the right: Vichra 159 km (G) of which 40 km (W), Čornaja Natapa 49 km (G, B), Volchas 80 km (G, B), Pronya 172 km (G, B), Uza 76 (G , B), Chechora 56 km (G, B), Dobrich 36 km (G, B)
    • on the left: Ostjor 274 km (G) thereof ~ 50 km (W), Bessed 261 km (G) thereof 185 km (W), Iput 437 km (G) thereof 64 km (W), Uts 75 km (G , W), Kamenka 16 km (G, W), Hudabychka 15 km (G, W), Avsovina 18 km (G, W), Nomanka 26 km (G, W)

    Landscape and river bed

    “The width of the Soschstal in its lower course is 230 m and the bed reaches a depth of 5-6 m. The water flowing through can reach a speed of over 1.5 m / s. The stream is mixed with meltwater, which can dominate it. Of the annual runoff, 56% come from the summer-autumn low water period and 54% from the winter low water period. The water level begins to rise in the third 10-day period (10-15 days in the upper course and 20-25 days in the lower course). The average water height at the lowest watercourse is 4-5 m and the highest water height is 6-7.5 m. The summer-autumn low water period (May-June) is often disturbed by floods that exceed the water level by 1-2 m for 25-35 days. Compared to the summer levels, the winter levels are 10-20 cm higher, sometimes up to 2.5 m higher (1939), due to the warm weather in the lower area.

    The river freezes in early December and the ice dissolves in late March - early April, from the mouth to the upper reaches. Along the course of the river in Belarus, the maximum thickness of the ice cover is 62-65 cm (most common in March). The spring ice drift lasts 3-5 days. The average water temperature in June – August is 19–21 ° С and the highest temperature is found in July (28 ° С).

    A special feature of the river regime is its strong variation in discharge. The average annual discharge rates are 105 m³ / s in Slavgorod, 200 m³ / s in Gomel and 219 m³ / s at the river mouth. In Slavgorod the maximum flow rate is 4770 m³ / s (1907) and the minimum 11.1 m³ / s (1900). In Gomel the maximum discharge rate is 6600 m³ / s (1931) and the minimum 16.4 m³ / s (1900). The average long-term discharge rates are between 96.9 m³ / s (1925) and 407 m³ / s (1933).

    The catchment area is covered by about 25% of the forest, especially on the left bank in the middle and lower reaches (characterized by fire and pine forests). There are only a few lakes (less than 1% of the catchment area): individual bodies of water with a water surface of less than 1.0 km². The tributaries include Pronya (11%), Chechera (14%), Besed (10%), Iput (13%) and Uza (27%). "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Belarus / First order tributaries - Sosch, page 29 and 30 - accessed at: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    Catchment area of ​​the Iput

    Catchment area of ​​the Iput

    In the catchment area of ​​the Sosch, the Iput is the most formative river in the system with a length of 437 km and a catchment area of ​​10,900 km². The catchment area of ​​the Iput is the largest catchment area of ​​the second order in the catchment area of ​​the Sosch. “[He] is a left tributary of the Sosch. In the area of ​​Belarus it flows through the Mahiljouskaja Woblasz , here through the Rajon Klimawitschy and the Homelskaja Woblasz , here the Rajon Dobrusch and the Rajon Mahiljou and in the area of ​​Russia through the Smolensk Oblast and the Bryansk Oblast . Its source is in Mahiljouskaja Woblasz , its mouth is near Homel . The total length of the river is 437 km, 64 km in the Belarusian territory. The river valley is trapezoidal. In the headwaters, the valley is 1-1.5 km wide and downstream 2.5-3.5 km wide. The floodplains are on both sides, in the upper course they are 1.5-12 m wide, in the rest of the course 20-50 m. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center for Environmental and Water Projects of Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Iput page 31 - retrieved from: http: // blacksea- riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    Catchment area of ​​the Bessed

    The Bessed has a catchment area of ​​5,460 km² and a length of 261 km. The catchment area of ​​the Bessed is thus the second largest catchment area in the Sosch area. “[He] is the second largest and most water-rich tributary of the Sosch. [The] main right tributaries of the Bessed are Yelenka , Surov , Zhadunka, and Derazhnya , and Alshovka , Zhadun, and Stolbunka on the left.

    The area is covered by lakes with less than 1%. The course of the water course meanders freely and has a large number of streams, lakes and heavily flooded sand islands. The vegetation is rich, the course is characterized by reefs and shallows. The river is mostly 30-40 m wide, near the village of Stariye Gromyki up to 120 m wide. The banks are steep and 0.3-2.0 m high. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1 Surface water resources Section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Besed page 31 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/ upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    The Pronja catchment area

    The Pronja has a catchment area of ​​4,910 km² and a length of 172 km. The catchment area of ​​the Pronja is thus the third largest catchment area of ​​the second order in the area and “is a right tributary of the Sosch. It begins near Smolensk in Khausy district, Mogilev region near the village of Lanenka and flows into the Sosh near Slavgorod. Its main tributaries are Golysha , Basya and Resta (on the right) and Porositsa , Bystraya , Werbowka and Koshanka (on the left). [..] The valley bed is characterized by gorges in the upper reaches which cut through the Orsha-Mogilev plain.

    Forests cover 22% of the catchment area. The Pronja valley is well defined and deeply cut. It has a width of 0.4-0.6 km in the upper reaches and is up to 1-2 km wide in the lower reaches. The floodplain is double-sided. It is 250-500 m wide and 800-1200 m at the mouth, the river is 80 m wide in some sections and up to 3800 m downstream from the Bystraya estuary.

    The course is meandering, the width is 15-20 m, in the lower area up to 40-50 m. The banks are mostly steep and swampy in the upper edges. In the upper area of ​​the river, about 74% of the annual runoff is due to the spring flood and less than 58% in the lower area. During the spring flood, the average level above the low water table is 2.8-3.8 m.

    The river freezes downstream around the end of November in the area of ​​the city of Gorky until the first 10 days of December. It opens again in late March to early April. In summer, rain floods are likely. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center for Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in“ River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper ” - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Pronja page 31 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    Pronja tributaries

    The Basya catchment area is a third-order river catchment area. “The Basya [flows as] a right tributary [into] the Pronja. It flows through the Dubrovnya district in the Vitebsk region and the Goretsk, Shklow and Chausy districts in the Mogilev region . The slope of the catchment area is 70.7 m. The main tributaries of the Basya are Limna , Avchosa and Ryuza on the right and Polna , Golubina , Chernitsa and Kasinka on the left.

    The valley has a width of 300-500 m. The banks are steep and 4-10 m high. The floodplains along the river are 150-300 m wide, with valleys on both sides and intersected with tributaries. Of the annual runoff water volume, 68% are in the spring period, 23% in the summer and autumn periods and 9% in the winter period. During the high water, the flood level is 0.3-1 m above the level of the low water and 1.5-2 m in some places in the lower reaches. The course is moderately meandering, richly forked, canalized for 28 km in the upper range and dredged in some sections. During the low tide the river is 2-4 m wide in the upper area and up to 10-15 m wide in the lower area. The banks are steep. The river freezes in early December and opens in the third 10-day period. […] "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in" River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper "- Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Basya page 32 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    The catchment area of ​​the Ostjor

    The Ostjor is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​3,370 km² and a length of 274 km.

    Podneprovye Province

    The Ostjor rises on the Smolensk Heights in the southern Smolensk Oblast. From there it first flows in a southerly direction through the intensely agricultural landscape. Shortly after the confluence of the Ostrik, it describes a wide right-hand bend into which the Bolshaya Nawlja joins from the left , and flows further to the west and finally to the northwest. He reached the city of Roslavl , which he passed on its eastern edge. After the confluence of the right tributary Stomet , the Ostjor turns again in a southerly direction. After the confluence of the left tributary Schumjatschka and the Nemka from the right, the river crosses the Russian-Belarusian border between Schumjatschi and Klimawitschy . For a few kilometers it now flows through Belarusian territory initially in a south-westerly direction, later turning to the west and north-west. It reaches the border again, which now follows the course of the river for the few remaining kilometers to its confluence with the Sosch.

    Catchment area of ​​the Vichra

    The Vichra has a catchment area of ​​2,230 km² and a length of 158 km. The catchment area of ​​the Vichra is thus the fifth largest catchment area of ​​the second order in the area of ​​the Sosch. “[He] is a right tributary of the Sosch. It begins in Krasnino Raion in the Smolensk Region (Russia) and flows through the Monastyrschtschinsky Raion (Russia) and the Mogilev Region (Belarus). Its total length is 158 km, 40 km of which on the territory of Belarus. The catchment area is 2,230 km², 360 km² of which is in Belarus. Its main tributaries are Trostjanka , Upokoi , Tscheleznyak and Velnyanka (on the left), and Rufa , Malakhovka , Gorodnya , Knyaginya and Chornaya (on the right).

    The valley is not particularly pronounced in the upper reaches. The width of the valley is 1.5-2 km. The floodplain is bilateral and 0.4-0.6 km wide. The course of the watercourse is meandering, in the low water period the river is 15-20 m wide. About 57% of the annual runoff falls on the spring flood. The maximum high water is reached in the first 10 days of April and has an average height of 4.2 m above the low water level. The river freezes for the first 10 days of December and opens again in late March. The spring ice drift takes about 4 days. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in" River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper «- Chapter: 1.3.1 Surface water resources Section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Vichra page 32 - accessed at: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/upper-dnieper-river-basin )

    Other rivers in the Sosch catchment area

    The Chmara is a left tributary of the Sosh and has a catchment area of ​​980 km² and a length of 82 km.

    The Chmara flows through the area of ​​the Glinka and Pochinkovsky districts. The source is located in the east of the Pochinkovskaya highlands 1.5 km southwest of the village of Yasenok in the Glinka district. The mouth of the Chmara is northwest of the village of Bazylevka in the Pochinkowski district. The direction of flow of the river changes several times from west to south and back. In the upper reaches of the Chmara flows in a narrow valley, which then widens to a width of 6-8 kilometers.

    The Uza is in the right tributary of the Sosch with a length of 76 km. Its catchment area is 944 km². It begins 1.2 km southwest of the village of Berezovka in the Buda-Koshelevo district and flows into the Sosh on the edge of the Bobovichi farm in the Gomel region. It flows through the Dnepri lowlands. Its valley is trapezoidal with a width of 0.6 to 1.5 km. In the upper and lower reaches of the river there are floodplains (floodplains) on both sides at a width of 200–700 m. The bed is fully canalized. The bank of the river is steep up to 3.5 m.

    The Lipa is a right tributary of the Sosch with a length of 62 km. Its catchment area is 577 km². The mean water flow velocity is 2.4 m / s. It begins 1 km southeast of the village of Vuhly, in the Rogachevskiy district and flows about 3.5 km east of the village of Erapolle. The valley has a trapezoid shape and a width of 1 to 3.5 km. It is overgrown with linden trees. The floodplains are broken, present on both sides in the upper, middle and lower course and up to 3 km wide. The Lipa receives several small rivers and canals. The main tributaries are the Hlina and the Prudovka.

    The Chachora is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 56 km. The catchment area is 551 km². The average annual water runoff at the estuary is 3.2 m³ / s. The average gradient is 0.7 ‰. It begins 2 km northeast of the village of Lesavaya Buda in Karmianskaha Raion, its mouth is on the eastern edge of the city of Chechersk. It flows through the Dnepri lowlands. The main flood usually takes place from the 2nd of March to the beginning of the 3rd decade of April. The valley in the upper reaches less pronounced with a width of 0.5-0.6 km. The banks are mostly open, moderately steep and rise slowly with a height of 7-10 m, sometimes up to 15 m. There are floodplains on both sides with a width of 200–500 m which drains meadows. The main part of the river is canalised with a width of 3–6 m in the upper reaches and 7–10 m in average. In the lower reaches it is 15 m wide. The water height is 1–1.5 m. - The main tributaries are Dulepa and Lyubitsa on the right and Hlybokaja on the left.

    The Syanna is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​543 km² and a length of 59 km.

    The Syanna has an annual water discharge of 3.4 m³ / s at the mouth. The average gradient of the watercourse is 0.8 m / km. It begins on the eastern edge of the village of Keile, 3 km northwest of the former village of Ushakow. Then flows mainly through the Orsha-Mogilew Depression. The valley is trapezoidal, with a width of 0.3 km to 1 km in the upper part of the river. This is followed by a branch that flows together again (with a width in the upper part of 30-60 m, in the lower part of 300-500 m), sometimes it flows over meadows. The bed from the source for 15.8 km in the lower and middle course of the sinuous to very sinuous and is partly canalized. The canal width of the upper course is 5-10 m below the place of the saw in the Cherikov district and narrows in the lower course to 5-6 m.

    The Zerucha is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​525 km² and a length of 57 km.

    26% of the area of ​​the valley is forested. The spring is located 2 km southeast of the village of Achovaje. The Zerucha flows into the Sosch 3.5 km west of the village of Cierucha. Over a length of 2 km there are floodplains (floodplains) partially drained. The bed is channeled in the upper and middle course, the width is up to 10 m. The bank is partly steep, with a height of 3 m. Mainly the water runoff takes place in spring and corresponds to 55% of the annual runoff. It is used as a water recovery system.

    The Pokaz is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​504 km² and a length of 76 km.

    The average annual runoff of water in the estuary is 2.9 m³ / s. The average gradient is 0.6 ‰. The river begins at the western edge of the city Niaŭmiesny in Rajon Krasnapolsk , the muzzle is 1 km to the northwest of the village of Pietra Pollie in Vietka District . It flows through the Chachorskaya plain . The valley is by and large in the shape of a trapezoid (with a width of 0.5–1.5 km), in the upper reaches the bed merges with the flood plain of the Sosch. The slope is moderately steep to steep, at a height of 15 to 20 m, in the middle of the course it is open. The floodplains are on both sides, the average width at the lower reaches is 0.3–0.5 km, in the area of ​​the mouth 1–1.3 km. The main part of the river course in Chechersk Raion is canalized for a distance of 3.3 km, in other places it is very meandering, especially the middle course. The width of the river at low water is 0.5–2.5 m in the upper reaches and 10–12 m in the middle and lower reaches. After the village of Chacherskaga in Pokot Rajon the edge is steep, in the upper reaches it has a low, swampy steep edge. The highest floods are in early April, the average height above the lower reaches of 2.8 m. He freezes in the first week of December. The ice drift lasts until the beginning of the third decade of March. The river receives water from a number of drainage canals.

    The Labschanka is a left tributary of the Sosh and has a catchment area of ​​489 km² and a length of 54 km. “It begins near the village of Nedved in the Klimavichy district and flows through the Krytschau district . [..] Its main tributaries are Sobolevka , Perevolochnya , Borowka (left) and Renta (right). The valley is 1 to 1.2 km wide. The floodplains are double-sided and 20-60 km wide in the upper reaches and 200-500 m wide for the rest of the length. The river is channeled in individual sections. The banks are naturally steep. A floodplain occurs near the town of Klimovichi and the municipality of Yanovka. ”( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences (Ukraine) : in "River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper" - Chapter: 1.3.1. Surface water resources Section: Belarus / Second order tributaries - Labschanka page 31 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/ upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    The Tschornaja Natapa is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 49 km. Its catchment area is 464 km². The annual water runoff at the estuary is 2.8 m³ / s. The average gradient is 1.1 ‰. Important tributaries are Bielaja Natapa (left) and Myartvitsa. The river begins 2 km north of the village of Pyachkavichy in Mstislav district, its mouth is 1.5 km south of Sialiec in Mstislavskii district. It flows through the Gorky-Mstislavl and Orsha-Mogilev plains. It is canalised over a length of 2.4 km.

    The Uts is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​433 km² and a length of 75 km.

    The Uts flows through the Southern Province

    The average annual runoff of water in the estuary is 1.5 m³ / s. The average gradient is 0.6 ‰. The river begins 1.7 km northwest of the village of Lukyanavka in Dobrush Raion, in its mouth is near the village of Tereshkovichi in Gomel Oblast. It flows through Gomel Polesia. The highest flooding occurs at the end of March, the average height is 2.4 m. The river freezes in late December and the ice drifts into the second decade of March. The valley is trapezoidal. The width of the river is 300–600 m, at the source 150 m at Poyma, changing with a width of 200–300 m; The flood can flood for up to 2 weeks to a depth of 0.4–0.8 m. At the source the river is channeled for 2 km. The width of the river at low water is 10–18 m. The bank is low, swampy, mostly steep and sloping.

    The Berezina is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​354 km² and a length of 31 km.

    The Berezina runs through the Chislavichsky rajon in the Smolensk region. The spring is located in a swamp near the village of Dolgiy Most in Hislavichi district. It flows in Sosh near the village of Chislavichi . The Berezina has the following tributaries: on the left - Hanyutina, on the right Duchovja, Trachotinka

    The Kasaljanke is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 34 km. Its catchment area is 352 km². The average annual discharge of the water at the mouth is 1.8 m³ / s. The average gradient is 0.8 ‰. It begins on the southwestern edge of the village of Malaya Zimnitsa in Slavgorod district, the mouth is 1 km from the village of Korma in the Litvinovichi district. It flows through the southwestern edge of the Orsha-Mogilew plain. The valley has the shape of a trapezoid in the lower reaches, with a width of 0.9 to 1.5 km. The floodplains along the river are regularly flooded on both sides in the upper reaches, in the dry state the valley has a width of 0.2-0.9 km. The river bed is canalized over a length of 17.5 km, the rest is less meandering. The width of the river at low tide is on average between 8-10 m.

    The Soshenka is a left-hand tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​294 km² and a length of 44 km.

    The Vudaga is a right tributary of the Sosh with a length of 37 km. The catchment area is 261 km². The source of the river is located 2 km north of the village of Sielischcha, the mouth is located north-east on the outskirts of the city of Tscherykau . The valley in the upper reaches not very pronounced, below the village of Žytnioŭ trapezoidal, on a width of 400 to 600 m, which grows to 1 km up to the mouth. The steep bank is on one side with a width of 100-150 m. The river bed of the Vudaga is meandering. The tributaries of the Vudaga are Kaziol (left) and Malaja Vudažka (right).

    The Sponka is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​218 km² and a length of 23 km.

    The Jelnja is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​170 km² and a length of 30 km.

    The Rossascha is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​135 km² and a length of 24 km.

    The Skveretjanka is a left tributary of the Sosh and has a catchment area of ​​130 km² and a length of 20 km.

    The Piastschanka is a right tributary of the Sosch with a length of 18 km. Its catchment area is 126 km². It begins in the north of the village of Kabina. It flows into the Sosch about 2.7 km south of the village of Rudnya. The river is channeled almost everywhere.

    The Gorna is a right tributary of the Sosch with a length of 20 km. Its catchment area is 109 km². The average gradient of the watercourse is 1.8 m / km. It begins 2 km south of the village of Bagdanavichy, its mouth is 3.5 km southeast of the village of Vornovka. From the source to the village pond near Rossokha it is canalised over 11.3 km.

    The Belitsa is a left-hand tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​108 km² and a length of 20 km.

    The Malatoŭka is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 23 km. Its catchment area is 107 km². The average gradient of the watercourse is 1.6 m / km. The flowing water begins 1 km northwest of the village Myshkina, its confluence with the Sosh is near Podluchi. The catchment area is in the Goracka-Mscislawskaje plain . A main tributary is the Galkavski (left side).

    The Kliapinka is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​101 km² and a length of 23 km.

    The Dobrassch is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 23 km. Its catchment area is 87 km². The average gradient of the watercourse is 1.3 ‰. Its source is 2 km northwest of the village Darlivoe, its mouth is on the southern outskirts of Krytschau . It flows through the Orsha-Mogilev plain. The river is channeled from the source at Kastsyushkavichy (at 8.8 km) to 1.8 km before the mouth.

    The Galba is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​84 km² and a length of 23 km.

    The Gníva is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​74 km² and a length of 15 km.

    The Hudobychka is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​64 km² and a length of 15 km.

    The Jakuschowka is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​63 km² and a length of 20 km.

    The Wydra is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​62 km² and a length of 12 km.

    The Byalyanka is a right-hand tributary of the Sosh with a length of 14 km. Its catchment area is 57 km². The average gradient of the watercourse is 1.1 m / km. It begins on the western edge of the village of Komarovka, its mouth is 1 km east of Bel Ortes 1. It is canalised in the upper and middle reaches over a length of 10 km. A tributary is the Ryshta stream (left side).

    The Dzyawíza is a left tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​53 km² and a length of 16 km.

    The Avsivina is a right tributary of the Sosch with a length of 18 km. Its catchment area is 48.5 km². The average gradient is 1.4 ‰. It begins in the village of Krasnaya Kosa in Slavgorod district and flows into the Sosh in the village of Studenec in the Korma district. From the mouth to the village of Labyrovka it is canalised over a length of 5.4 km.

    The Daraschjwel is a left-hand tributary of the Sosch and has a catchment area of ​​33 km² and a length of 13 km.

    The Wolschas is a right-hand tributary of the Sosch with a length of 80 km. The average gradient of the watercourse is 0.7 ‰. Its source is a swamp in the northeast of the village of Dovgavichy.

    As well as the small river Schawuníza.

    Bjaresina catchment area

    It runs in north-south direction through the cities of Baryssau , Babrujsk and
    Swetlahorsk, among others

    The catchment area of ​​the Bjaresina has a size of 24,500 km² and is the fourth largest right-hand catchment area in the area of ​​the Dnepr.

    The main river of the catchment area rises in the north of Belarus on the Belarusian ridge . The source of the Bjaresina is located in the Bjaresina National Park near the town of Lepel . The Bjaresina flows through the area in a north-south direction through the towns of Baryssau , Babrujsk and Swetlahorsk . West of Homel it opens in the Homelskij Rajon in the Dnepr .

    The catchment area is to be divided into two areas. The first area consists of the tributaries of the Bjaresina. The second area from the Swislatsch and its tributaries. The latter has an area of ​​5200 km². It thus makes up one fifth of the area.

    The tributaries of the Bjaresina are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Psel

    Catchment area of ​​the Psel

    The Psel has a length of 717 km. The catchment area has a size of 22,800 km² and a water flow rate of 55 m³ / s (measured 36 km from the mouth) and is therefore the fifth largest catchment area in the area of ​​the Dnepr.

    The tributaries are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Teteriw

    Catchment area of ​​the Teteriw

    The Teteriv does not flow directly into the Dnepr, but flows into the Kiever reservoir , its length is 365 km. The Teteriw has a water catchment area of ​​15,100 km² and is thus the sixth largest catchment area of ​​the Dnepr basin. In 2011 the average long-term water runoff was 33.2 m³ / s, 40 m³ / s at the river mouth. High floods are typical of the Teteriw area. The maximum discharge of 591 m³ / s was recorded on April 5, 1996 in the Ivankov station, the lowest discharge was recorded in September 2009 and was 5.40 m³ / s.

    Irscha catchment area

    The Irscha is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​3,070 m² and a length of 136 km. The catchment area is characterized by many other streams and rivulets: right sided Безіменна, Поромівка, Тростяниця, Здрівля, Візня and left side Безіменна, Радич, Іршиця, Лемля, Короща, Буломарка, Злобич, Веснач, Перегорщ, Глиник, Збічна, Папоротня, Рожеженська, Різня

    The Irscha has a depth of 30 cm to 4.5 m. The water volume is often formed by snow and rain. The water is used for both industrial and domestic water supplies.

    Catchment area of ​​the Sdwysch

    The Sdwysch is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​1,775 m² and a length of 145 km. The valley is trapezoidal with a width of up to 4 km and a river basin depth of 25 m. In the upper reaches there are numerous floodplains and wetlands up to 1 km wide. The course of the river is moderately winding and is up to 20 m wide. The river bed is usually 1–2 m deep, the drainage slope is 0.59 m / km. The river freezes by the end of November and thaws by mid-March. The Sdwasch is the recipient of a broad drainage and humidification system. Some reservoirs were built to regulate the flow. Part of the right bank of the Sdwysh in the lower reaches of the protected forest management Dniprovsko-Teterivskoho.

    Hujwa catchment area

    The Hujwa is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​1,505 m² and a length of 97 km. The slope of the river valley is 0.9 m / km. The valley is V-shaped for a considerable length, the width up to 2 km. The upper course is littered with floodplains. There is a generous winding, the bed is up to 20 m wide, the average depth is 1.2 m. The river was bordered to fill the Andruzhiv reservoir (ukr. Андрушівське водосховище). It is used for technical water supply, irrigation, fish farming.

    Catchment area of ​​the Hnylopjat

    The Hnylopjat is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​1,312 m² and a length of 99 km. The slope of the river is 1.1 m / km. The valley is swampy and 3 km wide. On the bank there are deposits of gneiss and granite. The winding of the stream is generous and has a width of up to 20 m. There are some ponds and about 10 built reservoirs. The average long-term discharge is 3.68 m³ / s. The river is used for drinking water supply and technical water supply for drainage of adjacent areas.

    Important tributaries of the Hnylopjat are: left side П'ятка, Терехівка, Вовчиця, Глибока Долина, Гнилоп'ятка, П'ятка, Гриньківка, Руда Кам'янка and right side Безіменна, Безіменна, П'ятигірка, Бобрик, Писарівчина, Гнилуха, Троянівка, Пікаліївка.

    Other rivers in the Teteriw catchment area

    The Mika is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​791 m² and a length of 42 km. Tributaries of the Mika are: on the right Свинолужка and on the left Бистріївка.

    The Lisowa Kamjanka is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​602 m² and a length of 32 km. The valley is trough-like with a width of up to 4 km, the river has a depth of up to 20 m. There are floodplains in the upper reaches of the Lisowa Kamjanka. The average width is up to 5 meters. The slope of the river is 1.6 m / km. In the lower reaches around Zhytomyr the river is channeled.

    Important tributaries of the Lisowa Kamjanka are: on the left Печеринка, Міхіченка, Лісна and on the right ороблівка, Безіменна, Синяк, Крошенка.

    The Bilka is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​354 m² and a length of 40 km. The valley is trapezoidal with a width of 2 km, the bed is 20 m deep. The river is slightly winding and 5 m wide, partially channeled in the upper and middle rivers. The slope of the river is 1 m / km.

    The Iv'yanka is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​333 m² and a length of 34 km. The river valley is trapezoidal and 2.5 km wide, the river bed up to 20 m deep, in the middle and upper reaches the area is swampy. The average width is 10 m. The river is used for agricultural purposes and several ponds have been built.

    The Tschereva is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a catchment area of ​​333 m² and a length of 30 km.

    The Lisowa is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​268 m² and a length of 33 km.

    The Dubovets is a right tributary of the Teteriv with a catchment area of ​​262 m² and a length of 32 km.

    The Kodra is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​260 m² and a length of 26 km. The river has the following designated tributaries: Гульву, Тростянку, Сильню, Требухівку, and many other unnamed rivulets.

    The Teteriwka is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​244 m² and a length of 27 km. The gradient of the river is 2.2 m / km, the river valley has a width of 1.6 km. The floodplains are up to 200 m wide. Several ponds were built on the river, the largest of them near Bejimivtsi village.

    The Virva is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​146 m² and a length of 33 km. The slope of the river is 1.4 m / km.

    The Ternyava is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​122 m² and a length of 13 km.

    The Ibr is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​114 m² and a length of 16.25 km. The slope of the river is 3.4 m / km. Important tributaries of the Ibr are: Безбантий on the left, Гібра and Зелений on the right.

    The Hlybochok is a right tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​92.8 m² and a length of 21 km.

    The Koshta is a right tributary of the Teteriv with a catchment area of ​​70.9 m² and a length of 41 km. The slope of the river is 2.5 m / km.

    The Synka is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​47.1 m² and a length of 10 km.

    The Liubša is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​46 m² and a length of 11 km. The width of the river bed is 2 m, the width of the floodplain is 100 m.

    The Miroc is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a catchment area of ​​25.4 m² and a length of 11 km. The maximum depth of the Miroc is 4 meters, the width of the river is 3.5 meters. The amount of water in the river depends on small tributaries that essentially replenish its water. There are several reservoirs that were created mainly for agriculture and fish farming. Although the length of the river is quite small, it is of great importance for the development of the region's economy.

    The Schiika is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 22 km.

    The Gluchiwka is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a length of 20 km.

    The Ruda is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 16 km.

    The Hočeva is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 15 km.

    The Budychyna is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 15 km.

    The Bobrivka is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a length of 12.5 km.

    The Kalinowka is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a length of 11 km.

    The Godinka is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 10.7 km.

    The Parnya is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 8.3 km.

    The Perebegla is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 7.2 km.

    The Zamoček is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 6.7 km.

    The Cholodna is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a length of 6.7 km.

    The Ravka is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 6.1 km.

    The Kropyvnya is a left tributary of the Teteriv with a length of 4.3 km.

    The Velyki Lozy (also: Great Lozy) is a 4 km long tributary of the Teteriw. The slope of the river is 0.19 m / km. There are some nameless tributaries (brooks and rivulets) and 2 reservoirs.

    The Levcha is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 3.9 km.

    The Guče is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 2.5 km.

    The Olescha is a left tributary of the Teteriw with a length of 2.1 km.

    Worskla catchment area

    Worskla catchment area

    The Worskla with a catchment area of ​​14,700 km² has a length of 464 km and is therefore the seventh largest catchment area in the area. It does not flow directly into the Dnieper, but into the Kamjansk reservoir . The first third of the catchment area, seen from the source, is determined by tributaries on the right. The second and third thirds are characterized by sub-catchment areas on the left.

    Catchment area of ​​the Merla

    The Merla is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​2,030 km² and a length of 116 km. The valley is trapezoidal with high slopes, jagged on the right side. The valley has meadows. The course of the river is winding and branching in the lower part. The average width is 5-8 m, the maximum width is 20-25 m, near the mouth. The river is 0.5–1.5 m deep, lined with slopes up to 3 m high. The slope of the river is 0.8 m / km.

    The Kolomak catchment area

    The Kolomak is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​1,650 km² and a length of 102 km. The river valley is trapezoidal and not clearly delimited in the lower reaches. The width of the valley is 2.5–5 km, in individual sections up to 8 km wide. The side edges have a height of 30–45 m. The floodplains are bilateral, with a depth of 0.6–0.9 km. The river is moderately twisted, in the mountains with a width of 20–50 m, in some places up to 100 m. The depth is up to 6 m. The slope of the river is 0.62 m / km. In dry seasons, the upper reaches dry up. Several ponds were created. The Kolomak is used for irrigation.

    Worsklytsia catchment area

    The Worsklyzja is a right tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​1,480 km² and a length of 101 km. The gradient is 0.77 m / km. The valley is trapezoidal with a width of up to 4-5 km. The course is characterized by large turns. The floodplains, especially in the lower reaches, are swampy. The right bank is mostly steep, the left bank is often low.

    Other rivers in the Worskla catchment area

    The Poluzirya is a right tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​731 km² and a length of 70 km. The gradient is 1.2 m / km. The floodplains of the river are not particularly wide (only up to 500 m), mostly they are swamp-like. The river is moderately meandering and has an average width of two meters. There are numerous branched rinsale. 0.2 km² of the area consists of lakes. The river water is used by the population for local needs.

    The Velikii Kobeljachok is a right tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​587 km² and a length of 29 km. The valley of the river is deep, the right slopes are partly steep. The amount of water in the upper course is quite weak, in the lower course it is winding and branched. The floodplain is overgrown in many places. A reservoir was built near the village of Markovka.

    The Tahamlyk is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​525 km² and a length of 64 km. The slope of the river is 0.9 m / km. The valley is V-shaped with a width of 1 km, the depth of the valley is up to 30 m. The floodplains are up to 100 m wide. The river is very winding. In summer it dries up.

    The Kotelva is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​497 km² and a length of 31 km. The river valley is trapezoidal and up to 2 km wide and up to 30 m deep. The stream is moderately winding, its average width is 2 m, the slope of the river is 1.8 m / km. Several ponds were created.

    The Kustolovo is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​346 km² and a length of 60 km. The valley is flat and unstructured. The floodplains are overgrown on both sides. The river is moderately winding. It is usually poor in water and often drying out. Several ponds were created.

    The Ryabina is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​286 km² and a length of 37 km. The gradient is 1.0 m / km.

    The Bratenytsya is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​233 km² and a length of 30 km. The gradient is 1.6 m / km.

    The Rukav Kjseljcha is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​217 km² and a length of 16 km. The gradient is 0.13 m / km.

    The Grajvoronka is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​138 km² and a length of 35 km.

    The Vesela Dolyna is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​104 km² and a length of 18 km.

    The Berezowa is a left tributary of the Worskla with a catchment area of ​​61.5 km² and a length of 16 km.

    The Boromlja is a right tributary of the Worskla with a length of 50 km.

    The Chuchra is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 31 km.

    The Ochtyrka is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 28 km.

    The Ivany is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 26 km.

    The Oleschnja is a right tributary of the Worskla with a length of 25 km.

    The Gusynka is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 20 km.

    The Wismachka is a right tributary of the Worskla with a length of 9.2 km.

    The Bystra is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 3.2 km.

    The Dovbinka is a left tributary of the Worskla with a length of 2.8 km.

    The Kodenets is a right tributary of the Worskla with a length of 1.8 km.

    Inhulez catchment area

    Inhulez catchment area

    Inhulez with a length of 549 km and a catchment area of ​​13,700 km² (according to other sources 14,870 km²) and is thus the eighth largest catchment area in the area.

    Oril catchment area

    The Oril has a catchment area of ​​9,800 km². The main river of the catchment area, the Oril, is a left-hand tributary of the Dnepr and has a length of 346 km. The catchment area is the tenth largest in the area of ​​the Dnepr Basin.

    Rivers in the system

    Left tributaries are the Orilka , Bagatenka , Schiróka Kílchenka and Mokra Zaplawka.
    Right tributaries are the: Bagata , Berestowá , Orchik and Lipjánka

    Catchment area of ​​the Drut

    The catchment area of ​​the Drut with Aslik, Vabich and Greza

    The Drut square km with a catchment area of 5,020 and a length of 295 km, the 27-largest river basin in the river system. The source of the main river has its source in the West Russian Ridge , about 45 km west-southwest of Orsha .

    The Drut is the fourth largest tributary to the Dnepr. It begins on the Dnepr-Dvina watershed on a small swampy bed plate. It flows from the right into the Dnieper. The main tributaries are the Kryvája, Nyaroplya, Vabich and Orlyanka (left) and Oslik, Malysh and Dolzhanka (right) rivers. Over 30% of the water catchment area is covered by large forest areas. The forests are mixed, conifers predominate. Swamps, moors and swampy forests take up about 10% of the area. The course is strongly meandering and branches downstream after the tributary of the Vabich into many branches and a multitude of old arms, bays and small lakes. The small sand islands occur along the entire course. The predominant river width is 10–20 m in the upper area and 30–50 m in the middle and lower area, in some places 60–65 m. In front of the “Mogilev-Orsha railway bridge”, the Drut reaches a width of 130 m and approx. 900 m within reservoirs. The depth is 1–2.5 m, 5–6 m in ponds and pits. The ground is smooth, rarely stony. The bed is clogged with driftwood. On long stretches the embankments are steep, well overgrown and unstable in curves.

    The tributaries of the Drut are:

    • left: Kryvája, Nyaroplya, Vabich, Arliánka, Bolonowka, Greza, Uzbinka
    • right: Aslik, Maljsch, Wjadzierka, Daltschanka, Wieprjnka, Belaja, Dabrjcha, Kamnka

    The Kryvája is a left tributary of the Drut with a length of 46 km. Its catchment area is 242 km². The annual water discharge at the mouth is 3.8 m³ / s. The average gradient of the water surface is 0.8 ‰. It begins on the northern edge of the village of Romanovka in the Tolochin district and flows into the Drut on the edge of the village of Kazabrodde in the Krugloe district. It flows through the Orsha highlands. The valley has the shape of a large shaped trapezoid, the width in the upper reaches is 0.6–1 km. The river meadows are narrow and 200–500 m wide, the gradient along the bank changes, sometimes flat. Part of the bed is canalized more than 2.5 km from the bridge to the Minsk-Moscow highway to near the village of Zabolote, after which it is very tortuous. The width of the river at low currents is 5-8 m, downstream up to 10 m. The edge is steep and sloping, here and there with heights of 0.5–1 m. The river receives a lot of network-like artificial canals. A larger tributary is the Rzhavka.

    The Nyaroplya is 30 km long, according to other sources 25 km long and the left tributary of the Drut. The catchment area is 200 km². The average gradient of the watercourse is 1.6 m / km. It begins 1 km south of the village of Ilkavichy and flows 3 km northeast of the village of Kalinovka. With the exception of 2 km, the bed is channeled in the upper course. It flows through Lake Nyaroplya. A bigger tributary is the Zapakulka.

    The Vabich is 74 km long and the left tributary of the Drutsch, its catchment area has an area of ​​565 km². The annual water runoff at the estuary is 3.5 m³ / s. The average gradient of the watercourse is 0.6 m / km. It begins 1.7 km east of the village of Burovschina in Krugloe Rajon and flows 2 km east of the village of Prybor in the Belynichi region into the Drut. The main tributaries of the Vabich are: Charnavodka, Vasilevko, Limnichanka (left), Svyatsilavka (right). The Vabich flows through the Central Plateau, in Belarusian Цэнтральнабярэзінская раўніна . The upper part of the valley is indefinite, the middle and lower part trapezoidal, its width is 0.6 to 1 km. The banks are low and swampy. The floodplains exist on both sides with a width of 0.2 to 0.4 km. The bed has a winding width of 10-25 m, in the course of the upper stream the Vabich is canalized up to 24 km.

    The Arliánka is 24 km long and the left tributary of the Drut. Its catchment area is 106 km². The average gradient is 1.1 ‰. It begins in the village of Berezovka, and flows into the Drut 1.5 km southwest of the village of Maloje Zapatochcha. The Arliánka flows through the Central Plateau. The Arliánka is canalised 17.4 km, from the village of Stary Sinin to 1.3 km from the confluence with the Drut.

    Irpin catchment area

    With a catchment area of ​​3,340 km² and a length of 162 km, the Irpin is the 28th largest catchment area in the river system. The Irpin flows into the Kiev reservoir, “up to 2011 its average water volume was 7.85 m³ / s, 9 m³ / s at the river mouth. Adjacent catchment areas are Teteriw and Ivankov [..]. Both catchment areas have been changed significantly due to economic use and serve as water reservoirs. A pumping station pumps the Irpin into the Kiev reservoir [there is no longer any natural influence]. "( Prepared by the Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belarus) and the Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects of the Academy of Technological Sciences ( Ukraine) : in “River Basin Management Plan for upper Dnieper” - Chapter: 1.31. Surface water resources Section: Ukraine / Tributaries - Irpin page 37 - retrieved from: http://blacksea-riverbasins.net/en/pilot-basins/ upper-dnieper-river-basin)

    The tributaries of the Irpin are:

    Catchment area of ​​the Vyazma

    With a catchment area of ​​1,350 km² and a length of 147 km, the Vyasma is the 29th largest catchment area in the river system. The Vyasma rises 20 km north of the city of Vyasma . The height of the source is 255 m. The height of the confluence with the Dnieper is 186 m. The lowering of the catchment area in the course is 69 m.

    The right tributaries are: Chetwergowka , Mutenka , Bebrya , Kamenka , Sarogosch , Borowka , Bystren , Luschnya , Gorodenka .
    The left tributaries are: Boldan , Ulitsa , Moschenka , Rechta , Novosolka , Kitajka , Fefalowka .

    Basin of the Berezina

    The Berezina flows through the Predpolessky Province

    The catchment area of ​​the Beresina is physically and geographically determined by the Predpolessky Province .

    The Berezina has a length of 63 km and a catchment area of ​​938 km². The Berezina is one of the most important tributaries of the Dnepr. It begins at 1.0 km southwest of the city of Dokshitsa, in the Vitebsk region and flows through Minsk, Mogilev and Gomel and then finally into the Dnepr between the places Chlobin and Rechitza, 5 km southeast of Gorval.

    The main tributaries of the Berezina from the source to the mouth are: Gaina, with a length of 93 km, Usha, with a length of 89 km, Svisloch, with a length of 257 km, Bobr, with a length of 124 km, Kleva, with a length of 80 km, Olsa, with a length of 92 km and Ola with a length of 116 km.

    About 35% of the basin is occupied by forests. Large forests are concentrated in the upper part of the area, with the Beresina Biosphere Reserve, it includes the basins of the Gaina, Olsa and Ola rivers and the lower reaches of the Svisloch. Pine and fir trees predominate, in individual valleys oak and aspen forests or birch forests dominate. The lake share in the catchment area is approx. 1%. The largest lake in the basin is Palik. Man-made water bodies are the Zaslavsk reservoir and the reservoir chain Krinitsa, Drozdy, Chizhovsk and Osipovichi.

    The Beresina freezes in the first half of December and opens at the end of March. The maximum ice thickness is 60 cm. The spring ice drift lasts 4-7 days. A special feature is the flood in late autumn, when the ice contracts. The catchment area was redeveloped. On January 1, 2006, around 16% of the basin area was renovated and an approximately 15,700 km long open drainage network was built. Adjacent basins are also affected by the renovation. The catchment areas of the tributaries Ponya (29%), Plissa (27%), Ola (18%), Sved (30%) and Vedrich (25%) have been rehabilitated to this number. The course of the river is winding in a large arc. The river depth varies between 1.5–3 m and 5–7 m in the lower course. Behind Lake Medzozol, the course along the banks below the village of Brod is heavily overgrown with aquatic plants. The banks are steep and 1–2 m high.

    Catchment area of ​​the Bobr

    The Bobr is a left tributary of the Berezina. It begins 1.5 km northeast of the village of Rafalovo (Tolochin district, Vitebsk oblast) and flows into the Berezina after 357 km near Chernyayevka (Borissov district, Minsk oblast). The main tributaries of the Bobr are Nacha (right side) and Motscha, Jelenka and Plisa (left side). The water catchment area of ​​the Bobr is asymmetrical, complexly shaped, broader in the middle course. The basin is almost evenly covered by forests and has no lakes, moss bogs predominate. The largest moors are located in the catchment area between the Motscha and Nacha rivers. The course of the river is freely meandering and strongly meandering and not branching. The banks are steep, slightly sloping or very steep. The river freezes in mid-December and opens in mid-March.

    Svisloch catchment area

    The Svisloch is a right tributary of the Bersina. It begins 1.5 km southeast of the village of Shapovaly and flows through the districts of Volochin, Minsk, Puchhowichi, Cherven and Osipowichi. The river is originally 257 km long, 297 km after the construction of the Drozdy and Krinitsa reservoirs. The catchment area is 5150 km².

    Its main tributaries are: Vyacha, which flows into the Zaslavsk reservoir, the Wolma and the Bolochanka (on the left), and Titowka, Talka and Sinjaja (on the right).

    The valley is most clearly spread out. In the upper reaches is 400–600 m wide and 1–2 km wide in the middle and lower reaches. The floodplains are double-sided, are 300–500 m wide in the upper reaches and up to 800–1000 m in the lower reaches. From the source of the river to the junction with the Viliya-Minsk canal system, the course is meandering and 3.5 m wide in natural conditions.

    Currently, the course of the river is part of a canal system on which the Zaslavsk reservoir lies downstream and is up to 20-25 m wide. Within the boundaries of the city of Minsk, the Svisloch makes eight curves. The edges are fastened in the city. In the middle and lower reaches the course is curved and deeply cut. The river is 25-30 m wide in this area up to 50 m downstream of the Osipowichi reservoir. The banks are steep and short.

    The natural regime of the river is regulated by reservoirs (Zaslavsk, Krinitsa, Drozdy, Chizhowsk, Osipowichi). The river is filled with water from the Wilija (river). Starting from the Drozdy reservoir, part of the river water is discharged into the Slepyansk water system. It is also planned to drain water into the 50 km long water ring around Minsk.

    Before the construction of the Vilia-Minsk water system, the river froze in mid-December. The flood lasted around 50 days. After the water system was built, the river regime was hardly studied in this regard.

    Artificial waters in the area are water reservoirs and fish ponds. The largest reservoirs are Zaslavsk, Krinitsa, Drozdj, Chischowsk, Vjacha. The course of the river meanders freely. Downstream, near Lake Komsomolskoye, the river is dammed. The bottom is smooth and sandy-muddy. The banks are steep and flat, mostly changing freely and swampy.

    • Tributaries of the Svisloch

    The Wolma is a left tributary of the Svisloch. The river begins with the melioration canal near the village of Korolev Stan in the Minsk district. It flows along the eastern slopes of the Minsk Plateau and the Central Berezina Plain - it flows through the Minsk, Smolewichi, Cherwen and Pushobichi regions. The estuary is 1 km from the village of Svetly Bor in the part of the town of Pushovichi.

    The most important tributaries of the Volma are Wotscha, Gat and Cherwenka (left side) and Sloust (right side). The catchment area is flat and hilly in the upper part, covered by mixed forests (41% of the area). The valley is trapezoidal and 400–600 m wide in the upper reaches and grows up to 3 km wide up to the mouth. Valley slopes are low and moderately steep, the river banks are mostly steep and pronounced 0.4–2 m high. About 20% of the annual runoff of water occurs in spring. Almost the entire floodplain was drained and plowed.

    The river is regulated by four weirs. The upper and middle sections of the watercourse were canalized in 1954, 1969, 1973 and 1984. The river is 3–4 m wide in the upper reaches, 8–10 m in the middle and up to 40 m wide at the river mouth. In 1989 the entire length of the river was deepened and the course was bordered in some parts. The river is used as a water receiver for drainage. Part of the river water is diverted to Svisloch for the ponds and feeds the ponds of the Wolma fish farm (Volma Rybkhoz OJSC) in Ozerny in Cherven Oblast. Carp, crucian carp and pike are bred in the ponds. In the area there is a forest with a hunting area along the shore 400 m south of the village of Ivanichi in Cherven Oblast. The Petrowichi reservoir is also located here in the course of the Wolma. In the vicinity of Smilowichi there are several recreational areas: e.g. B. Zerkalniye Prudy, Krany Bereg, Volma healing places. The nature reserve Juschnowsky and Wolma is located in the upper part of the catchment area of ​​the Wolma.

    River system

    Rivers not previously described in the article, some of which flow directly into the Dnepr.

    Left tributaries

    Басейн річки Самара.jpg
    Catchment area of ​​the Samara
    Басейн річки Сула.jpg
    Catchment area of ​​the Sula

    Sula , Psel , Samara , Kinska , Wjasma , Uchljasz , Oril , Babrouka , the Trubisch with a catchment area of ​​4,700 km², is fed by Kaniver reservoir, as well as the Nedrea with a catchment area of ​​810 km² which flows from the left into the Trubisch, as well as the Alta which also flows in Trubisch.

    In the catchment area of ​​the Dnieper flows the Baran, which flows into the Doms, which flows into the Dnieper.

    In the catchment area the Kovraets flows, which flows from the left into the Supij , which flows into the Dnieper.

    In the catchment area the Kostrya flows, which flows from the right into the Osma (Осьма), which flows into the Dnieper.

    In the catchment area flows the Lupe, which flows from the right into the Mereya (weisrus Myareya), which flows into the Dnepr.

    Right tributaries

    Dnepr Basin (Dnepropetrovsk Oblast)
    Kachowka Reservoir
    Dnepropetrovsk Oblast
    Source of Basawluk with mouth in Dnieper
    Dnepr Basin (Dnepropetrovsk Oblast)
    Kachowka Reservoir
    Source of the Mokra Surah with mouth in Dnepr
    Dnepr Basin (Dnepropetrovsk Oblast)
    Kachowka Reservoir
    Dnepropetrovsk Oblast
    Source of the Samotkan with mouth in Dnepr

    Bjaresina , near the source of the Dnieper brook, Stuhna , Ros , Tjasmyn , Basawluk , Adamenka , Lybid , Makranka , Mokra Sura , Samotkan , Wop

    In the catchment area of ​​the Dnieper, the Beresina flows with a catchment area of ​​938 km² and the Malaya Berezina with a catchment area of ​​360 km² which flows into the Berezina from the left.

    In the catchment area the Dernovka flows, which flows into the Adrov which flows into the Dnepr.

    In the catchment area the Desёnka (or Chertoroy) flows into the Dnieper.

    In the catchment area the Vedrich flows into the Dnepr from the left.

    In the catchment area the Kolodnya flows from the right into Stroganka which flows into the Dnieper.


    The following large reservoirs are located in the catchment area of ​​the Dnieper

    The reservoirs are fed by rivers that cannot be assigned to a higher-level basin which flows into another river:

    • ShovtenkaKamjankaBasawluk → Kachowka Reservoir
    • Teretiv → Kiev Reservoir
    • Pripyat → Kiev Reservoir
    • Ush → Kiev Reservoir
    • Irpin → Kiev Reservoir

    The Kremenchuk reservoir is characterized by the Pywycha .

    Groundwater and hydrogeological characteristics of the catchment area

    The geotectonic structure of the Dnepr basin determines its hydrogeological properties. On the territory of Belarus these are two artesian basins, the Moscow basin (with the Orsha basin) and the Dnieper basin (with the Pripyat basin). The basin edges are attached to anticline parts and slopes of positive tectonic structures in crystalline foundation: the Belarusian and Voronezh anticlis, the Zhlobin and Braginzy-Loyev anticlines, and the Bobruisk outlines.

    The orsha is an artesian basin is the western part of Moscow's mega-basin. In Belarus it occupies the northern and northeastern part of the Dnieper basin. The layer of sedimentary rocks is 1,500–1,700 m thick. The active water exchange zone is from 300-350 m to 200 m thick (in the direction of the Chlobin elevation). It includes water-bearing horizons of Quaternary, Cretaceous, Middle Upper Devonian and Upper Proterozoic deposits.

    The Pripyat is an artesian basin which is located in the southern part of the Dnepr basin in Belarus and is connected to the Pripyat trough. Sedimentary rocks form the thickest layer in the basin - 6,200 m. The active water exchange zone extends to a depth of 200–300 m. It includes aquiferous horizons of Quaternary, Neogene, Paleogene, Cretaceous, Devonian, and Upper Proterozoic deposits.

    Individual evidence

    1. Коротка історія освоєння Дніпра // Яцик А. В., Яковлєв Є. О., Осадчук В. О. До питання щодо спуску Київського водосховища / За ред. А. В. Яцика. - К .: Оріяни, 2002. - Pages 6–12. - 400 прим. ISBN 966-7373-78-9 .
    2. a b Article Desna in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D024277~2a%3DDesna~2b%3DDesna
    3. Article Prypjat in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D092883~2a%3DPrypjat~2b%3DPrypjat
    4. a b Article: European waterways Pripyat
    5. Article Horyn in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D012027~2a%3DHoryn~2b%3DHoryn
    6. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    7. Article Styr in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D107181~2a%3DStyr~2b%3DStyr
    8. a b Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    9. Article Pzitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D094037~2a%3DPzitsch~2b%3DPzitsch
    10. Природа Белоруссии. Популярная энциклопедия . БелЭн, 1986, p. 149 ( google.ru ).
    11. Article Aressa in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D084924~2a%3DAressa~2b%3DAressa
    12. Article Usch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113663~2a%3DUsch~2b%3DUsch
    13. Горев Л. Н., Пелешенко В. И., Хильчевский В. К. Гидрохимия Украины. - К .: Вища школа, 1995. - 307 pages, (укр.) ISBN 5-11-004522-4
    14. Блакітная кніга Беларусі: энцыкл. ( Memento of the original from March 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. / Рэдкал .: Н. А. Дзісько, М. М. Курловіч, Я. В. Малашэвіч і інш .; Маст. В. Г. Загародні. - Мн .: БелЭн, 1994. - 415 pages, ISBN 5-85700-133-1 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / poseidon.by
    15. Беларуская энцыклапедыя: У 18 т. Т. 13: Праміле - Рэлаксін / Рэдкал .: Г. П. Пашкоў і інш. - Мн .: БелЭн, 2001. - Т. 13. - page 430. - 576 pages, - 10 000 экз. ISBN 985-11-0216-4 (Т. 13).
    16. Article Ubort in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113406~2a%3DUbort~2b%3DUbort
    17. Stwyha ( Memento of the original from November 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Retrieved November 26, 2015 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / uenc.ru
    18. Article Slutsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D103403~2a%3DSlutsch~2b%3DSlutsch
    19. Блакітная кніга Беларусі: энцыкл. / Рэдкал .: Н. А. Дзiсько i iнш. - Мн .: БелЭн, 1994. - 415 pages,
    20. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. Ч.
    21. Article Stochid in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D106596~2a%3DStochid~2b%3DStochid
    22. Article Turija in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113030~2a%3DTurija~2b%3DTurija
    23. Блакітная кніга Беларусі: энцыкл. / Рэдкал .: Н. А. Дзісько, М. М. Курловіч, Я. В. Малашэвіч і інш .; Маст. В. Г. Загародні. - Мн .: БелЭн, 1994. - 415 pages, ISBN 5-85700-133-1 ( Online  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and remove it then this note. )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / poseidon.by  
    24. Article Slavechna in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D103288~2a%3DSlawetschna~2b%3DSlawetschna
    25. Энцыклапедыя прыроды Беларусі. У 5-і т. Т. 4 / Рэдкал .: І. П. Шамякін (гал. Рэд.) І інш. - Мн .: БелСЭ, 1985. - Т. 4. - page 455. - 599 pages, - 10 000 экз.
    26. Природа Белоруссии: Популярная энциклопедия; Редкол .: И. П. Шамякин (гл. Ред.) И др. - 2-е изд, БелСЭ им. П. Бровки, Мн. 1989, стр. 176 (Priroda Belorussii: Populjarnaja ėnciklopedija; Ed. I. P. Šamjakin et al. - 2nd ed., BelSĖ im. P. Brovki, Mn. 1989, p. 176) ISBN 5-85700-001-7
    27. Блакітны скарб Беларусі: Рэкі, азёры, вадасховішчы / Маст .: Ю. А. Тарэеў, У. І. Цярэнцьеў - Мн .: БелЭн, 2007.-480 pages,
    28. Природа Белоруссии: Популярная энциклопедия / Редкол .: И. П. Шамякин (гл. Ред.) И др. - 2-е изд. - Мн .: БелСЭ им. П. Бровки, 1989. - page 176. - 599 pages, - 40 000 экз. ISBN 5-85700-001-7 .
    29. Природа Белоруссии: Популярная энциклопедия / Редкол .: И. П. Шамякин (гл. Ред.) И др. - 2-е изд. - Мн .: БелСЭ им. П. Бровки, 1989. - page 176. - 599 pages, - 40 000 экз. ISBN 5-85700-001-7 .
    30. Блакітная кніга Беларусі: Энцыкл. / БелЭн; Рэдкал .: Н. А. Дзісько і інш. - Мн .: БелЭн, 1994. (Blakitnaja kniga Belarusi: Ėncykl. / BelĖn, Red .: N. A. Dzis'ko et al. - Mn .: BelĖn, 1994)
    31. Блакітная кніга Беларусі: Энцыкл. / БелЭн; Рэдкал .: Н. А. Дзісько і інш. - Мн .: БелЭн, 1994. (Blakitnaja kniga Belarusi: Ėncykl. / BelĖn, Red .: N. A. Dzis'ko et al. - Mn .: BelĖn, 1994)
    32. Словарь названий гидрографических объектов России и других стран - членов СНГ / под ред. Г. И. Донидзе. - М .: Картгеоцентр - Геодезиздат, 1999. - Pages, 247. ISBN 5-86066-017-0 .
    33. Энцыклапедыя прыроды Беларусі. У 5-і т. Т.4. Недалька - Стаўраліт / Рэдкал .: І. П. Шамякін (гал. Рэд.) І інш. - Мн .: БелСЭ, 1985. - Т. 4. - page 524. - 599 pages, - 10 000 экз.
    34. Article Snow in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D103673~2a%3DSnow~2b%3DSnow
    35. Енциклопедія українознавства: Словникова частина: [в 11 т.] / Наукове товариство імені Шевченка; гол. ред. проф., д-р Володимир Кубійович. - Париж; Нью-Йорк: Молоде життя; Львів; Київ: Глобус, 1955–2003.
    36. Snow article in Russian Wikipedia
    37. Article Sudost in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D107420~2a%3DSudost~2b%3DSudost
    38. a b Article Nerussa in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D081345~2a%3DNerussa~2b%3DNerussa
    39. Article Bolwa in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D126258~2a%3DBolwa~2b%3DBolwa
    40. Bolwa article in Russian Wikipedia
    41. Article Oster in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D085488~2a%3DOster~2b%3DOster
    42. Географический энциклопедический словарь / Гл.ред. А. Ф. Трешников. - М .: Советская Энциклопедия, 1989. - 592 с.
    43. According to the Russian-language Wikipedia, the Института географии Российской Академии Наук (trans. Institute for Geography VB Sochava) refer to the source Книге Большому мертежушому ертежукому the () drawings.
    44. Article Seim in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D100794~2a%3DSeim~2b%3DSeim
    45. Сейм in Энциклопедия туриста. - М .: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 1993 - page 608, section 422–456
    46. Кудрявцев Н. В. Новля // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона: в 86 т. (82 т. И 4 доп.). - СПб., 1890–1907.
    47. According to Russian. Wikipedia taken from these two maps: Topographic Map - Square N-36-22 and Topographic Map - Square N-36-23 .
    48. "Каталог річок України" - Видавництво АН УРСР, Київ, 1957 and "Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР". - Ленинград, 1967
    49. Географічна енциклопедія України: у 3 т. / редколегія: О. М. Маринич (відпов. Ред.) Та ін. - К .: "Українська радянська енциклопедія" ім. М. П. Бажана, 1989.
    50. Материалы для географии и статистики России, собранные офицерами Генеральнаго Штаба. Черниговская губерния / Составил Генерального Штаба подполковник М. А. Домонтович. Глава I. Географическое и историческое описание. - СПб. Печатано в типографии Ф. Персона. 1865 г. Page. 31.
    51. a b Ubid article in Russian Wikipedia
    52. Ubid article in Ukrainian Wikipedia
    53. Географічна енциклопедія України: у 3 т. / редколегія: О. М. Маринич (відпов. Ред.) Та ін. - К .: "Українська радянська енциклопедія" ім. М. П. Бажана, 1989.
    54. Географічна енциклопедія України: в 3-х томах / Редколегія: О. М. Маринич (відпов. Ред.) Та ін. - К .: "Українська Радянська Енциклопедія" ім. М. П. Бажана, 1989. (укр.)
    55. Географическая энциклопедия Украины: в 3-х томах / Редколлегия: А. М. Маринич (отв. Ред.) И др .. - М .: "Украинская Советская Энциклопедия" им. М. П. Бажана, 1989.
    56. Барановська О. В. Білоус // Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine / National Academy of Ukraine Sciences, Наук. т-во ім. Шевченка, Координац. бюро енциклопедії сучасної України НАН України. - Редкол. І. М. Дзюба (співголова), А. І. Жуковський (співголова) (та ін.). - К .: [б. в.], 2003. - Т. 2: Б — Біо. 872 pages - 10 000 прим. ISBN 966-02-2681-0 , 832 pages
    57. Zamglaij article in Ukrainian Wikipedia
    58. Географічна енциклопедія України: у 3 т. / редколегія: О. М. Маринич (відпов. Ред.) Та ін. - К .: "Українська радянська енциклопедія" ім. М. П. Бажана, 1989.
    59. According to Russian. Wikipedia based on this map: Topographic Map - Square N-36-27 .
    60. Enziklopedija Smolenskoi Oblasti: Prismara
    61. Чернігівщина: Енциклопедичний довідник, К .: УРЕ і м. М. П. Бажана, 1990. - 784 pages
    62. Sneschety article in Russian Wikipedia (source no longer available there)
    63. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    64. From article Sosch in Belarus. Wikipedia
    65. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    66. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    67. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971
    68. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Описание рек и озёр и расчёты основных характеристик их режима. Т. 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. Ч. 1-2. - Л., 1971.
    69. Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Гидрологическая изученность. Том 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. М., 1963
    70. a b Ресурсы поверхностных вод СССР. Гидрологическая изученность. Том 5. Белоруссия и Верхнее Поднепровье. М., 1963. Стр.82.
    71. Беларуская энцыклапедыя: У 18 т. Т. 16: Трыпалі - Хвіліна / Рэдкал .: Г. П. Пашкоў і інш - Мн .: БелЭн, 2003. - Т. 16. - page 168. - 576 pages, - 10 000 экз. ISBN 985-11-0263-6 (Т. 16).
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    121. «Каталог річок України» pdf ( memento of the original from December 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - К .: Видавництво АН УРСР, 1957. - page 91. - (№ 1491). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / shron.chtyvo.org.ua
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    123. «Каталог річок України» pdf ( memento of the original from December 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - К .: Видавництво АН УРСР, 1957. - page 88. - (№ 1444). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / shron.chtyvo.org.ua
    124. «Каталог річок України». PDF ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - К .: Видавництво АН УРСР, 1957. - page 89. - (№ 1452). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / shron.chtyvo.org.ua
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    180. Энцыклапедыя прыроды Беларусі. У 5-і т. Т.1 / Рэдкал .: І. П. Шамякін (гал. Рэд.) І інш - Мн .: БелСЭ, 1983. - Т. 1. - Pages 390–391. - 575 с. - 10,000 экз.
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