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City of Radevormwald
Coordinates: 51 ° 14 ′ 35 ″  N , 7 ° 22 ′ 29 ″  E
Height : 330 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 36  (Dec 10, 2004)
Postal code : 42477
Area code : 02195
Feckinghausen (Radevormwald)

Location of Feckinghausen in Radevormwald

Partial view of Feckinghausen
Partial view of Feckinghausen

Feckinghausen is a village in Radevormwald in the Oberbergischer Kreis in the North Rhine-Westphalian administrative district of Cologne in Germany .

Location and description

It is located in the north of the urban area directly on the border with Breckerfeld . The neighboring towns are Obernhof , Lambeck , Lambecker Mühle , Wönkhausen , Vor der Heide , Filde , Filderheide , Husmecke , Niederklütingen , Oberklütingen and Schiffahrt (the latter three to Breckerfeld).

Feckinghausen can be reached via an access road that branches off from Bundesstraße 483 in Freudenberg and also connects to Obernhof.

The place, which is divided into two settlement areas, is crossed by a source brook from the east-running Heilenbecke brook , which is also called Lambecke in the upper reaches . The Wiehenberg also rises to the east with a height of 352.5  m above sea level. NHN .

Politically, the place is represented by the direct candidate from electoral district 170 in the city council of Radevormwald.


1315, the town was first mentioned in documents namely "Count Adolf VI. Of Mountain acquires by Gottfried von Sayn among others, the free goods Groten and Lutteken Eckinchusen."

Spelling of the first mention: Groten u. Lutteken Eckinchusen

Web links

Commons : Radevormwald-Feckinghausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Topographical Information Management TIM-online, provided by the Cologne District Government
  2. ^ Stadt Radevormwald, public announcement of October 20, 2008; Allocation of electoral districts for the election of the Radevormwald city council (municipal elections 2009)
  3. ^ Klaus Pampus: First documentary mentions of Oberbergischer places (= contributions to Oberbergischen history. Special volume 1). Oberbergische Department 1924 eV of the Bergisches Geschichtsverein, Gummersbach 1998, ISBN 3-88265-206-3 .