Andreas Scheuer

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Andreas Scheuer, 2017

Andreas Franz Scheuer (born September 26, 1974 in Passau ) is a German politician ( CSU ). He has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2002 . On March 14, 2018, he was appointed Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the Merkel IV cabinet.

From 2009 to 2013 he was Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development and from December 15, 2013 to March 13, 2018, Secretary General of the CSU. He has been the district chairman of the CSU Lower Bavaria since February 19, 2016 .

Life and work

School and study

After graduating from high school in 1994 at the Leopoldinum Gymnasium in Passau, Scheuer completed a teaching degree at the University of Passau , which he completed in 1998 with the first state examination for teaching at secondary schools . He then completed a master’s degree with a major in political science and a minor in sociology and economics (title of the thesis: election campaign of the CSU - a consideration using the example of the media tours of the prime minister and party leader Dr. Stoiber ).

In 2004 he was awarded the "minor doctoral degree" in philosophy at the Charles University in Prague for the work The Political Communication of the CSU in the Bavarian System , prepared under the supervision of Rudolf Kučera . This academic degree, which today belongs to the so-called 2nd Bologna level ( master's level), is no longer equivalent to a doctorate today, in contrast to 2004 , but entitles its holder to use the title PhDr. Notwithstanding this - and although in Germany this is only permitted in the area of ​​the federal states of Bavaria and Berlin - Scheuer added the addition Dr. Ahead. When Dr. Andreas Scheuer also campaigned for the 2005 Bundestag election . Criminal investigations into Scheuer's possible abuse of an academic title were stopped by the Passau public prosecutor in 2006.

Plagiarism allegations were brought against Scheuer in mid-January 2014 . In his work on obtaining the PhDr. he is said to have largely taken over a longer text passage from the Federal Agency for Civic Education without having indicated this. After reporting on these discrepancies, Scheuer announced that he would refrain from using the doctoral degree (both “PhDr.” And “Dr.”). Charles University announced on January 21, 2014 that it had not found any suspicious parts of the work in a plagiarism check using software. At the beginning of October 2014, the ethics committee of Prague University rejected the plagiarism allegations. According to further studies by the university, Scheuer took over three text passages without the necessary labeling, but this does not constitute a systematic intention to deceive: “In the context of the entire work, the commission regards these sections as a summary and not as a serious violation of ethical rules. “In this context, Scheuer announced that he will continue to lead the PhDr. or Dr. will renounce.


Scheuer is a Roman Catholic. His first marriage was divorced in 2011. His second marriage to a TV journalist in 2013, which resulted in a daughter born in 2013, ended in May 2018 with a separation.

Political career

Andreas Scheuer at the CSU party conference in Munich., 2016

Political party

Scheuer joined the Junge Union (JU) and the CSU in 1994 . From 1997 to 2003 he was chairman of the JU district association Passau-Stadt and was a member of the state board of JU-Bavaria from 2001 to 2007. From December 2003 to July 2007, Scheuer was chairman of the Lower Bavaria JU district association. He was deputy chairman of the CSU district association Passau-Stadt and has been a member of the CSU district committee in Lower Bavaria since 2001 . He has been a member of the Passau City Council since 2002.

On December 15, 2013, Scheuer was unanimously elected by the party executive as the new general secretary of the CSU . Since March 2014 he has also been a representative of his party on the ZDF television council .


Scheuer has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2002 . He retired in 2002 on the national list Bavaria as well as 2005, 2009, 2013 and 2017 as directly selected delegates of the constituency Passau in the Bundestag one. In the 2005 election it reached 58.5%, in 2009 46.5% 2013 59.8% and in 2017 47.5% of the primary vote .

After the federal election in 2009 , Scheuer was Parliamentary State Secretary in the Merkel II cabinet until 2013 at the Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Development .

Statements as CSU General Secretary

On the free movement of workers

In connection with the introduction of full freedom of movement for Bulgarians and Romanians on January 1, 2014, he said:

“Poverty immigration is a problem. The total increase in immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania since 2007 has been 141 percent. (...) But we have to remove the wrong incentives in advance that people are attracted to the services of our social system and come here for that alone. "

A fact check by the ZDF news program today came to the result that Romanians and Bulgarians did not achieve above-average values ​​among foreign immigrants in any of the Germany statistics shown, as shown by the figures on unemployment and Hartz IV receipt. Measured against the total population, however, they are above average. According to the final report of the State Secretaries' Committee on "Legal issues and challenges in the use of social security systems by members of the EU member states", the proportion of Hartz IV recipients among Romanians and Bulgarians living in Germany was 12.9% (in April 2014) Share of the total population at 7.5%. The committee made proposals on how individual cases of social abuse could be prevented in the future.

On the refugee crisis

In the context of the refugee crisis in 2015 , Scheuer demanded that refugees who came to Germany must recognize the German dominant culture , which he described as Christian-Jewish-Western culture. In the Regensburg press club he said on September 15, 2016:

"Sorry for the language, the worst thing is a Senegalese who plays football and is ministerial, who has been there for over three years - because you will never deport him again. But the right of asylum is not made for him, he is an economic refugee. "

The chairman of the German Bishops' Conference , Cardinal Reinhard Marx , and EKD council chairman Heinrich Bedford-Strohm were "shocked and annoyed" by this statement. Scheuer was criticized for these statements from his own party out of concern for the votes of Christian or socially committed voters. Scheuer's resignation from the office of General Secretary was demanded by the opposition, on social media and a comment in the Süddeutsche Zeitung . Scheuer rejected the criticism and pointed out that it had been misinterpreted and misquoted (up to September 20, 2016, Scheuer was quoted as saying that “the worst” was “a Senegalese who played football and played ministerial”. “He was here for three years - as an economic refugee - We'll never get rid of it. ”The quotation was later corrected into the version listed above). Horst Seehofer announced that he saw no reason to dismiss Scheuer as general secretary of the CSU. In 2018, Scheuer spoke out in favor of faster consequences against asylum seekers without protection rights and offenders within them and criticized the behavior of these deportees. He also expressed his lack of understanding of demonstrations at airports against such deportations.

To left and right-wing extremism

In 2014, Scheuer declared Islamophobic rallies by the Pegida association that his party was distancing itself from the organizers of these and right-wing extremists within the movement. At the same time, citizens' concerns have to be taken seriously. Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas had previously described the demonstrations as "a shame for Germany". Scheuer rejected this as defamatory and referred to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of assembly .

Scheuer criticized Bodo Ramelow's ( Die Linke ) election as Prime Minister of Thuringia in December 2014 as a “day of shame for reunified Germany” and described him as a “top agent of an ex- Stasi connection”. After more than 100 police officers were injured in rioting by autonomous groups in Berlin-Friedrichshain in the summer of 2016 , Scheuer demanded to show strength against such "public enemies". Inviting arsonists and “car torchers” to discussion groups is a political declaration of bankruptcy. The city should not sink into the "left violence chaos". According to a report in the Bavarian State Newspaper , Scheuer and other CSU politicians accused red-green and red-red-green state governments of being “completely blind in the left eye” after serious riots at the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017 .

Acting as Federal Minister and criticism

Transport policy

Speed ​​limit on highways

Scheuer is considered an opponent of speed limits on German motorways. Considerations passed on to the press by the National Platform Future of Mobility , which he himself set up , to introduce general speed limits for reasons of climate protection , he described in January 2019 as being "against all common sense" and spoke of an "repeatedly warmed up agenda" (see also Article section discussion about a general speed limit on German motorways ). His statement made in this context that the German autobahns are “the safest roads in the world” could not be statistically proven, according to an article by the ARD online portal faktenfinder , even though Germany is internationally in the top area with regard to road safety. His statement that there were hardly any routes on which one could "drive freely" was refuted by the Federal Highway Research Institute, which was subordinate to him. Scheuer also rejected higher taxation of diesel fuel . In January 2020, Scheuer criticized the ADAC for no longer wanting to clearly commit itself to taking a clear position on the issue of a speed limit, which in turn earned him criticism from the SPD and the Greens.

Financing of the road expansion in favor of Bavaria

In the period from 2014 to 2018, the Federal Ministry of Transport financed the expansion of the roads in Bavaria, far ahead of other federal states. Of the more than 1.6 billion euros that the ministry under Andreas Scheuer was able to distribute during this time, 551 million euros flowed into the state's highways. In the same period, 317 million euros were transferred to North Rhine-Westphalia and 171 million euros to Baden-Württemberg for the same purpose. The money came from funds that were not called for grants for railway companies, the construction of cycle paths or transport research.

According to the ministry, the high grants for Bavaria were justified by the fact that the administration there was more efficient and could therefore invest additional money in road construction projects that were already planned. The ministry itself specified the underlying problem in an article on the reform of the federal highway administration, which has been implemented since 2017 : The financial and personnel situation of the federal states would differ, and some states were making significantly slower progress than others with the planning and implementation of important new road construction projects. Funds that the federal government wanted to make available to a state for a specific project could not have been used in some cases because the responsible road construction administration had not yet finished planning. Therefore, at the end of the year, unused federal funds instead often flowed to countries in which various projects only had to be implemented.

Health hazard from nitrogen oxides

In the debate about the health risk to the population through nitrogen oxides , Scheuer spoke after a softening of the demanded by the former president of the German Society for Pneumology , Dieter Köhler , in a "statement on health risks from environmental air pollution, especially fine dust and nitrogen compounds (NO x )" existing limit values ​​for an examination of these and announced that the doctors' initiative would be the subject of the next EU transport ministerial council. Köhler had previously raised allegations of "artificial excitement" as well as scientific negligence in the discussion. Köhler's letter was supported by 131 other pulmonologists and scientists on this subject. The Federal Association of Pulmonologists, Sleep Physicians and Ventilators made it clear in a press release that the objections put forward by Koehler did not represent the opinion of the majority of German pulmonologists. Minimizing the effects of air pollutants jeopardizes efforts to minimize the risks and dangers of air pollution. International scientists, including fourteen representatives from the Forum of International Lung Societies (FIRS), agreed with this assessment. A few weeks later, Köhler admitted errors in his calculations, but stuck to the basic statement that the limit values ​​for diesel driving bans in cities were not sufficiently scientifically justified. The federal government is working on a draft law that adheres to the limit value of 40 micrograms per m³, according to which driving bans as the most intrusive countermeasure are only considered if 50 micrograms per m³ are exceeded. The EU Commission supports the draft law.

In August 2018, editors of the political television magazine Frontal21 applied for urgent legal protection, among other things, for the Federal Ministry of Transport to answer whether Scheuer had claimed in May 2018 that he could charge Daimler AG alone 3.75 billion euros in fines for the diesel scandal. In February 2019, the Berlin Administrative Court granted the request for the right to information in the first instance, but an appeal was filed against this.

Deutsche Bahn

In view of serious punctuality and reliability problems, Scheuer asked Deutsche Bahn for faster improvements for the passengers and spoke of a "citizens' railway " in this regard. Large construction sites lead to disruptions, better coordination and considerable investments in digital interlocking and control technology are necessary. However , he was cautious about a possible sale of the DB subsidiary Arriva .

Driving services

In November 2018, Scheuer announced in the news magazine Focus that he wanted to create the conditions for approval of the controversial Uber transport service . One cannot exclude a single provider when it comes to mobility. At the same time, he admitted that the opening of the market would have an impact on the taxi industry. He must also take such interests into account.

Car toll in Germany and withdrawal requests

Scheuer came under public criticism in June 2019 when the European Court of Justice banned the plans for the car toll in Germany and it subsequently became known that Scheuer, despite the ongoing legal proceedings, had long-term contracts with private companies to set up the Had signed the toll infrastructure. The contracts each contained provisions on compensation for lost profits, for which, according to estimates, between 300 and 600 million euros could be paid to the state treasury after the car toll was not introduced, without having to provide anything in return. Furthermore, in August 2019, Sven-Christian Kindler ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) made the allegation that Scheuer had “deliberately lied to parliament and the public about the real costs”. There are 2.08 billion euros from the federal budget available for the introduction of the car toll. According to confidential documents, the actual offer would be a good billion above the budget approved by the Bundestag, while the actual contract amount would be less than 2 billion euros, including through additional variable remuneration. According to Hartmut Bäumer ( Transparency International , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), the actual costs for the federal government were disguised by Scheuer by postponing part of the federal government's expenditure into the future and taking some of the tasks off the bidders for the toll procedure federally owned Toll Collect had been outsourced so that the bidders could have submitted cheaper offers. The public was not informed about it. This could be considered corruption .

Before the start of the committee of inquiry, Scheuer rejected calls for resignation from the opposition, various journalists and academics. Scheuer said the Bundestag and Bundesrat had decided on the car toll. He had the duty to implement these and to secure income for the state and the taxpayer. The operators have no right to compensation. Before the award was made, the Ministry of Transport and Finance agreed and the risk of a negative decision by the ECJ was also classified as low by external consultants. According to a representative survey by the polling institute YouGov, 60 percent of Germans called for Scheuer to resign, 13 percent were against. Chancellor Angela Merkel, on the other hand, defended the minister, saying that Scheuer was doing a very good job.

In December 2019, allegations were made against Scheuer of obstructing the committee of inquiry. Officials of the Federal Ministry of Transport had transported files on the car toll from the Bundestag and classified them as confidential classified information. The Ministry of Transport justified this by stating that all files that had been available to the Transport Committee were now also available to the Committee of Inquiry. After the taking of evidence in the investigative committee was public, a change in the classification of some of the files was made in order to protect sensitive data. The chairman of the committee of inquiry, Udo Schiefner (SPD), sees open questions and announced a corresponding clarification. The data classified as confidential were forwarded to the committee via the secret protection agency as classified information. Records could be classified as not uncommon.

Also in December 2019, the amount of compensation claims by the toll operators became known. These demand 560 million euros from the German state. Scheuer, on the other hand, had made it clear several times that the operators were not entitled to compensation from the Federal Government's point of view.

The Berlin public prosecutor's office published on February 11, 2020 that there were insufficient suspicions of breach of trust in connection with the toll contracts against Scheuer and, accordingly, no investigation had been initiated. In mid-November 2019, two members of the Bundestag left a complaint that Scheuer had embezzled tax money and that the violations of public procurement and budget law found by the Federal Audit Office weighed heavily.

Formal error in an ordinance on road traffic regulations

In July 2020 the interior ministers of the federal states suspended the implementation of the amendment to the road traffic regulations of April 20, 2020 due to a formal error. Among other things, this amendment will tighten the rules for driving bans when exceeding the speed limit. A spokeswoman for the Federal Minister of Justice said: “The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure bears sole responsibility for this procedure .” For Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), responsibility for the reform failure lies solely with Andreas Scheuer. In the Weser-Kurier, Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) was quoted as saying: "It takes special chutzpah to use the sloppiness in the implementation of the regulation in order to undo an unpleasant regulation." ( Peter Mlodoch : Weser-Kurier) The correspondent Dirk Rodenkirch from SWR wrote on ARD-online: “The formal error itself is just one more point in Scheuer's personal list of defects. Dealing with it also shows a bad political style. "(ARD-online)

Ever since the plans for the StVO amendment became known, the ADAC has criticized the undifferentiated tightening of the punishment for speeding violations through higher fines and faster driving bans. In July 2020, the association then described the legal uncertainty caused by the formal error as a "jumble". Already three weeks after the change in the law came into force, Scheuer said that some regulations were disproportionate and announced that the BMVI was working on revising the sanctions, in particular the one-month driving ban for a single speed limit of 21 km / h in town and 26 km / h outside town (previously 31 or . 41 km / h).

Climate protection

In March 2019, the leading article of the news magazine Der Spiegel took the view that the climate protection paper, which the experts appointed by Scheuer had presented and which would essentially focus on incentives, would miss the agreed climate targets in the transport sector by almost half. In September 2019, Der Spiegel reported that the Federal Ministry of Transport's budget should promote climate protection through investments of 30 billion euros by 2030 and an additional 1.5 billion euros annually for rail transport.

Survey results

In surveys, Scheuer is regularly voted the worst minister in the federal government.

Digital infrastructure

As Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer expanded the funding opportunities for broadband Internet access in schools and clinics. At the beginning of 2019, Scheuer called on the municipalities to make more efforts in expanding the 4G and 5G network and also emphasized the need to equip the rail network with fiber optic cabling . Equipping the trains must enable passengers to work undisturbed with nationwide mobile communications on the train. In an interview with the broadcaster n-tv , Scheuer made it clear that strict requirements for coverage in the area had been issued for 5G mobile communications. In rural areas in particular, politicians must react quickly to stagnant or lacking expansion. Germany has started the largest expansion program for high-speed Internet in Europe, and all necessary funding notices have been approved by the ministry. As a local politician, he is aware of the often protracted discussions when it comes to cell phone masts, but it must also be clear: "If you want cell phone, you also need transmitter masts on site."


Andreas Scheuer signing the coalition agreement for the 19th parliamentary term of the Bundestag, 2018

other activities

  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Reconstruction Loan Corporation
  • Member of the board of trustees of the Fresh Air Association for Children and Young People


  • The political communication of the CSU in the Bavarian system. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2005, ISBN 3-8334-2441-9 .
  • Human dignity in the more recent documents of the German Bishops' Conference . Approval work for the first state examination for teaching at Realschulen in Bavaria, Univ. Passau, 1998.

Web links

Commons : Andreas Scheuer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The new cabinet at a glance ,, accessed on March 14, 2018
  2. a b Armin Lehmann: The doctor-maker . In: Der Tagesspiegel . April 7, 2011. Retrieved May 12, 2017.
  3. Jan Friedmann, Oliver Trenkamp: Testing software does not detect any plagiarism in Scheuer's work . In: Spiegel Online . January 21, 2014. Retrieved May 12, 2017.
  4. Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science Berlin: Management of foreign university degrees, job titles and titles. (PDF), June 1, 2013, accessed on July 6, 2016 (page 2, point 3, paragraph 2): “Doctoral degrees from one of the countries listed under 1. that were awarded on the basis of a doctoral procedure for that no assignment to the 3rd level of the Bologna classification can be made (e.g. small doctoral degrees from the Czech and Slovak Republics) "
  5. Announcement of the German-Czech Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Equivalencies of Educational Certificates in the University Sector, from January 26th, 2009 - Article 6: Use of degrees and titles. (PDF; 60 kB) Federal Law Gazette 2009 Part II No. 5. In: Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, March 23, 2007, p. 3 , accessed on March 30, 2016 .
  6. Information sheet on managing foreign university degrees in Bavaria (PDF) Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art. June 2013. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014. Retrieved October 20, 2014.
  7. ↑ Maintaining foreign university degrees, job titles and titles. (PDF, approx. 40 kB) In: Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science, June 2013, p. 2 , archived from the original on January 2, 2014 ; accessed on March 30, 2016 .
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  9. ^ LG Düsseldorf · Judgment of February 18, 2009 - 12 O 284/06 . District Court Düsseldorf. February 18, 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2014.
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  11. CSU General Secretary Scheuer gives in . In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten . January 17, 2014. Retrieved May 15, 2019.
  12. The CSU is threatened with turbulence over its Secretary General's doctorate . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 16, 2014. Retrieved October 22, 2014.
  13. Opposition: Whoever cheats flies . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 17, 2014. Retrieved October 22, 2014.
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  17. Controversial doctoral degree: Testing software does not detect plagiarism in Scheuer's work . In: Spiegel Online . January 21, 2014. Retrieved October 23, 2014.
  18. Manuel Bewarder : CSU General has copied - but may keep the title. In: The world . October 6, 2014, accessed October 6, 2014 .
  19. lm / dpa: University of Prague acquits Scheuer of allegations of plagiarism. In: Passauer Neue Presse . October 6, 2014, accessed October 6, 2014 .
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