Kaňovice u Luhačovic

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Kaňovice coat of arms
Kaňovice u Luhačovic (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Zlínský kraj
District : Zlín
Area : 460 hectares
Geographic location : 49 ° 7 '  N , 17 ° 42'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 6 '33 "  N , 17 ° 41' 58"  E
Height: 260  m nm
Residents : 290 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 763 41
License plate : Z
Street: Biskupice - Bohuslavice u Zlína
Status: local community
Districts: 1
Mayor : Jiří Mikel (as of 2010)
Address: Kaňovice 49
763 41 Biskupice u Luhačovic
Municipality number: 585327
Website : www.kanovice.cz

Kaňovice (German Kanowitz , formerly Kaniowitz ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located ten kilometers northeast of Uherský Brod and belongs to the Okres Zlín . Since 1994 a part of the village with valuable building stock of the rural way of life has been protected as a rural monument protection area.


Kaňovice is located in the southwest of the Vizovice Mountains . The village is located in the valley of the Kaňovický brook at the confluence of a small tributary. To the north rises the Kamenná (483 m), in the southeast of the Kopec (337 m), south of the Březí (376 m) and in the northwest of the Za Dvorem (410 m) and the Doubí (429 m).

Neighboring towns are Hřivínův Újezd , Vrchy and Březůvky in the north, Na Lysá and Ve Stráních in the Northeast, Ludkovice and Horni Dvur in the east, Luhačovice in the southeast, Biskupice and Maršov in the south, Seče and Dobrkovice in the southwest, Velký Ořechov in the west and Zlámanec , Paseky and Doubí in the northwest.


Archaeological finds prove an early settlement of the community area. When the road to Hřivínův Újezd ​​was being built at the beginning of the 20th century, a prehistoric furnace was uncovered. Bronze objects were also found in all the hallways of the village. The ash pits and larger ceramic shards found in 1910 could not be evaluated because the landowners backfilled or destroyed them out of ignorance.

The first written mention of the Macek and Kačna von Kaňovice owned estate Canouicz was in 1362. Between 1376 and 1378 Macek von Kaňovice, who also called himself von Kaňovec , was the sole owner of the estate. In 1381 the Kanouicz manor belonged to the von Sternberg estates along with Zlín , Světlov and Lukov . In 1407 the place was called Kanyowicz . The following owners of the Kaniowicze estate were from 1466 Jirschik Orzechowsky von Honbitz, from 1499 Onšík Kužel from Bélkovice on Bílovice , from 1600 the Janauer von Strachnow auf Nedachlebice and the lords of Bardodej and from 1603 the Birstein family from Bojišov. A church and a pastor in Kaniowicze have been documented since 1493. Benedict Palastaj von Kasejov on Slavičín and his wife Elisabeth von Zayer, who had owned the estate since 1617, were expropriated after the battle of the White Mountain and Kaniowicze was sold to Karl von Liechtenstein . His heirs sold the estate to Count Franz Serényi de Kis Sereni in 1629. The church probably went extinct during the Thirty Years War. and the village was then parish to Ořechov . The place name Kaniowitz was in use since 1718 . Until the middle of the 19th century, the estate remained subject to Count Serényi on Luhačovice .

After the abolition of patrimonial Kaňowice formed from 1850 a municipality in the district administration and the judicial district Uherský Brod . Since 1872 the place is called Kaňovice . In 1902 a one-class village school was established in Kaňovice. In 1942 a wooden chapel was built on the site of the old cemetery, which had previously stood in Marie Čižmářová's garden in Březůvky . It was consecrated on November 14, 1943. In 1946 the village was electrified. After the Second World War, the wooden chapel turned out to be too small and from 1951 a larger, bricked-in chapel was built. From 1960 the community belonged to Okres Gottwaldov, which has been called Okres Zlín again since 1990 after the political change . The primary school was closed in 1975 and a kindergarten opened in its building after a reconstruction in 1976. Between 1976 and 1991 Kaňovice was merged with Hřivínův Újezd ​​to form a municipality Hřivínův Újezd-Kaňovice . In a referendum in 1991, the residents of Kaňovice decided to go independent.

Local division

No districts are shown for the municipality of Kaňovice. The Seče settlement belongs to Kaňovice.


  • Mariahilf Chapel, built 1951–1952
  • Farm No. 16, the clay-wood construction was built in 1788. After the death of Alois Duda, the property fell to the state and was used for recreational purposes. Due to the progressive decline of the cultural monument, the municipality acquired the homestead in 2005. Reconstruction work was carried out in several stages between 2006 and 2009.
  • Fruit kiln and several historical storehouses and chambers

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)