Feuchtwangen district court

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The Feuchtwangen regional court was an older Bavarian regional court that existed from 1808 to 1879 and was based in Feuchtwangen in what is now the Ansbach district . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .

In 1808, in the course of the administrative restructuring of Bavaria, the district court Feuchtwangen was established. This was added to the Rezatkreis , whose capital was Ansbach .


The Feuchtwangen regional court bordered the Ansbach regional court in the north-east, the Rothenburg regional court in the north, the Dinkelsbühl regional court in the south, the Herrieden regional court in the east and Württemberg in the west .


The district court was divided into 17 tax districts, which were administered by the Feuchtwangen Rent Office:

In 1818 there were 12,766 residents in the Feuchtwangen district court, who were divided into 2975 families and lived in 2,451 properties.

In 1820 1 municipal municipality and 22 rural municipalities belonged to the regional court:

  • Aichau with Ammonschönbronn, Beckenmühle, Böckau, Jacobsmühle, Leichsenhof, Lölldorf, Lassenmühle, Oberahorn, Schlötzenmühle and Unterahorn
  • Aichenzell with Esbach, Hammerschmiede, Herrnschallbach, Höfstetten, Kaltbronn, Mögersbronn, Sommerau, Überlagsmühle, Walkmühle, Winterhalten and Zehdorf
  • Banzenweiler with Biberbach, Georgenhof, Jungshof, Leiperzell, Krebshof, Krobshausen, Oberransbach, Oberrothmühle, Poppenweiler, Unterransbach, Unterrothmühle and Weiler am See
  • Breitenau with Banderbach, Eulenhof, Gehrenberg, Ratzendorf, Sperbersbach, Ungetsheim, Zischendorf and Zumhaus
  • Dentlein with Angerhof, Erlmühle, Eschenlach, Fetschendorf, Großohrenbronn, Kleinohrenbronn, Obermosbach, Ölmühle, Schwaighausen and Zinselhof
  • Dombühl with courtyards and Höfstettermühle
  • Dorfgütingen with Archshofen, Bonlanden, Bühl, Dornberg, Krebshäusermühle, Neidlingen, Rodenweiler and Zumloch
  • Elbersroth with Angerhof, Birkach, Bittelhof, Gimpertshausen, Gräbenwinds, Leukersdorf and Sickersdorf
  • Feuchtwangen with ants bridge, fall house, grinding mill and brick hut
  • Haundorf with Altersberg, Gumpenweiler, Holdermühle and Ransbach
  • Heilbronn with Herbstmühle, Lichtenau, Mezlesberg, Rißmannschallbach, Wüstenweiler and Zumberg
  • Sulz Monastery with Baimhofen, Binzenweiler, Bortenberg and Ziegelhaus
  • Krapfenau with Bernau, Hainmühle, Koppenschallbach, Oberlottermühle, Sankt Ulrich, Schönmühle, Unterlottermühle, Volkertsweiler, Wehlmäusel and Weikersdorf
  • Larrieden with Althinderhof, Heiligenkreuz and Neuhinterhof
  • Mosbach with Bergnerzell, Kühnhard, Reichenbach, Seiderzell and Tribur
  • Oberampfrach with Grimmschrecken, Heckelmühle and Schnelldorf
  • Oberschönbronn with Deffersdorf, Häuslingen, Lattenbuch, Limbach, Mittelschönbronn and Zirndorf
  • Thürnhofen with Kaierberg, Neumühle and Schindelmühle
  • Unterampfrach with Hilpertsweiler, Jockenmühle and Stollenhof
  • Vorderbreitenthann with Aichenmühle, Charhof, Charmühle, Glashofen, Hinterbreitenthann, Oberdallersbach, Steinbach, Tauberschallbach, Unterdallersbach and Wolfsmühle
  • Vineyard with Elbleinsmühle, Gindelbach, Gutenmühle, Vehlberg, Westheim and Windshofen
  • Wieseth with Forndorf, Höfstetten, Pflattermühle, Schnepfenmühle, Steigmühle, Untermosbach and Zimmerdorf
  • Wildenholz with Bottenweiler, Großmühlen, Steinbach and Waldhausen

Before 1846, Bottenweiler formed its own rural community with Mühlen and Waldhausen.

1846, the District Court Feuchtwangen was 5 1 / 4 square miles in size. There were 15,126 inhabitants, of which 1,617 were Catholics and 13,334 Protestants and 175 Jews. There were 180 localities: 1 town , 1 market , 12 parish villages , 3 church villages , 37 villages , 69 hamlets and 57 wastelands . There were a total of 24 municipalities: 1 urban municipality, 1 market municipality and 22 rural municipalities:

In 1858 the communities of Dombühl, Sulz Abbey and Wildenholz were handed over to the Schillingsfürst district court .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Eduard Vetter (Ed.): Statistical handbook and address book of Middle Franconia in the Kingdom of Bavaria. 1846, p. 104.
  2. a b Alphabetical list of all the localities contained in the Rezat district , p. 11f. of the second part.
  3. ^ Address and statistical handbook for the Rezatkreis in the Kingdom of Baiern , p. 35ff.