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Coat of arms of Duntzenheim
Duntzenheim (France)
region Grand Est
Department Bas-Rhin
Arrondissement Saverne
Canton Bouxwiller
Community association Pays de la Zorn
Coordinates 48 ° 43 '  N , 7 ° 32'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 43 '  N , 7 ° 32'  E
height 172-253 m
surface 6.21 km 2
Residents 643 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 104 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 67270
INSEE code
Website www.mairie-duntzenheim.fr

Template: Infobox municipality in France / maintenance / different coat of arms in Wikidata

Duntzenheim (Alsatian Dunzne , German Dunzenheim ) is a French commune with 643 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) in the Bas-Rhin department in the Grand Est region (until 2015 Alsace ). On January 1, 2015, Duntzenheim moved from the Arrondissement Strasbourg-Campagne to the Arrondissement Saverne .


Duntzenheim is about 23 kilometers from Strasbourg .


middle Ages

The village of Dunzenheim came under the rule of Lichtenberg when Elisabeth von Geroldseck Heinrich III. von Lichtenberg married. It was part of her dowry . The Dinghof in Dunzenheim, on the other hand, was probably a fiefdom of the Bishop of Metz . The village was temporarily jointly owned by those of Lichtenberg and those of Geroldeck before it finally came under the rule of Lichtenberg. Around 1330 there was a first division of land between Johann II. Von Lichtenberg , from the older line of the house, and Ludwig III. from Lichtenberg . The Lichtenberg rights in Duntzenheim fell into the part of the property that was administered by the older line in the future.

The village was in the office of Buchsweiler , which was created at the beginning of the 14th century as an office of the Lichtenberg rule. Anna von Lichtenberg (* 1442; † 1474), daughter of Ludwig V. von Lichtenberg (* 1417; † 1474), and one of two heirs with claims to the rule, married Count Philip I the Elder of Hanau-Babenhausen in 1458 (* 1417; † 1480). He had received a small secondary school from the holdings of the County of Hanau in order to be able to marry her. The county of Hanau-Lichtenberg came into being through the marriage . After the death of the last Lichtenberger, Jakob von Lichtenberg , an uncle of Anna, Philipp I. d. Ä. 1480 half of the Lichtenberg rule. The other half went to his brother-in-law, Simon IV. Wecker von Zweibrücken-Bitsch . The Buchsweiler office - and thus also Dunzenheim - belonged to the part of Hanau-Lichtenberg that Anna's descendants inherited.

Modern times

Duntzenheim was in a feud between his sovereign, Count Philip III. and some knights hit hard in 1516: Philip III. and one of his top officials, Albrecht von Berwangen, had fallen out. Berwangen had left the county because of outstanding payments to him, sued his sovereign before the Reichshofrat and Reichskammergericht and won the case. When the two of them met, Berwangen was left dead. Philip III pleaded for self-defense - not very credible due to the mutilated condition of the corpse. Finally he had to pay a fine of 500  florins to the family. But that was not enough for the brother of the dead man. He feuded the count in alliance with Franz von Sickingen and plundered the Hanau-Lichtenberg village of Duntzenheim.

Count Philip IV of Hanau-Lichtenberg (1514–1590), after taking office in 1538, consistently carried out the Reformation in his county, which now became Lutheran .

With France's reunification policy under King Louis XIV , the Buchsweiler office came under French sovereignty. After the death of the last Hanau count, Johann Reinhard III. In 1736, Hanau-Lichtenberg - and with it the office of Buchsweiler - fell to the son of his only daughter, Charlotte , Landgrave Ludwig (IX) of Hesse-Darmstadt . With the upheaval that began with the French Revolution , Duntzenheim became French.

Population development

year 1798 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2007 2012 2014
Residents 392 450 455 436 472 511 544 602 618 626


The Lutheran St. Martin Church from 1883 dates back to a building from the Reformation around 1545. It has elements of different styles. The foundations of the old western tower porch probably date from the Middle Ages and were revised in the 17th century, according to the traces on the western gate assessed by JM Bopp, probably in 1687. The tower shaft was raised in 1893 by the spire.


Agriculture has always played an important role.


  • Fritz Eyer: The territory of the Lords of Lichtenberg 1202-1480. Investigations into the property, the rule and the politics of domestic power of a noble family from the Upper Rhine . In: Writings of the Erwin von Steinbach Foundation . 2nd edition, unchanged in the text, by an introduction extended reprint of the Strasbourg edition, Rhenus-Verlag, 1938. Volume 10 . Pfaehler, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 1985, ISBN 3-922923-31-3 (268 pages).
  • M. Goltzené and A. Matt: From the history of the office Buchsweiler and the gentlemen from Hanau-Lichtenberg . In: Société d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie de Saverne et Environs (ed.): Cinquième centenaire de la création du Comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg 1480 - 1980 = Pays d'Alsace 111/112 (2, 3/1980), p 63-72.
  • Friedrich Knöpp: Territorial holdings of the County of Hanau-Lichtenberg in Hesse-Darmstadt . [typewritten] Darmstadt 1962. [Available in the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt , signature: N 282/6].
  • Alfred Matt: Bailliages, prévôté et fiefs ayant fait partie de la Seigneurie de Lichtenberg, du Comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg, du Landgraviat de Hesse-Darmstadt . In: Société d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie de Saverne et Environs (Eds.): Cinquième centenaire de la création du Comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg 1480 - 1980 = Pays d'Alsace 111/112 (2, 3/1980), p 7-9.

Web links

Commons : Duntzenheim  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/decret/2014/12/29/2014-1722/jo/texte
  2. Eyer, pp. 65, 106.
  3. Eyer, p. 163.
  4. Eyer, p. 112.
  5. Knöpp, p. 5.
  6. Eyer, p. 78.
  7. M. Goltzene and A. Matt: From the history of the Office Buchsweiler and the lords of Hanau-Lichtenberg . In: Société d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie de Saverne et Environs (eds.): Cinquième centenaire de la création du Comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg 1480 - 1980 = Pays d'Alsace 111/112 (2, 3/1980), p 63-72 (65).
  8. ^ Matt, p. 7.