Administrative division of Moscow Oblast

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The Moscow Oblast in the Federal District Central Federal District of the Russian Federation is divided into 36 Rajons and 36 urban districts (as of 2014). The administrative headquarters are located in the Russian capital Moscow , which itself does not belong to the oblast, but forms an independent federation subject that is surrounded by the oblast except in the southwest.

Five of the city districts are made up of closed cities and settlements (SATO). The Rajons are divided into a total of 114 urban parishes (gorodskoje posselenije) and 193 rural parishes (selskoje posselenije).

The last major change came when on July 1, 2012 the urban districts of Shcherbinka and Troitsk as well as a total of 3 urban and 15 rural municipalities of the Leninsky, Naro-Fominski and Podolski districts, as well as smaller territories of the Krasnogorski and Odinzowski districts, to the federal subject city ​​of federal importance Moscow were handed over. The area of ​​the oblast was reduced by about 1,480 km², corresponding to 3.2%, and the population decreased by about 235,000, corresponding to 3.3%.

City districts

No. Urban district Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Other localities Number of
Number of
1 Balashikha 225,381 218.59 1,031 215.494 9,887 Tschornoje 1 12
2 Bronnizy 21,102 22.16 952 21,102   1
3 Khimki 207.425 110.2 1,882 207.425   1
4th Dolgoprudny 90,956 31.01 2,933 90,956   1
5 Domodedovo 135.405 816.26 166 96,145 39,260 Galt Chino , Ilyinskoye , Rastunowo 1 139
6th Dzerzhinsky 47.163 15.69 3,006 47.163   1
7th Dubna 70,663 63.36 1,115 70,663   1
8th Elektrogorsk 22,480 39.21 573 22,480   1
9 Elektrostal 155.196 51.45 3,016 155.196   1
10 Fryazino 55,381 9.18 6,033 55,369 12   1 1
11 Ivanteevka 58,626 14.59 4.018 58,626   1
12 Jubilee 33,237 2.96 11,229 33,237   1
13 Klimovsk 56,186 17.27 3,253 56,186   1
14th Kolomna 144,589 67.12 2.154 144,589   1
15th Korolyov 183,402 52.52 3,492 183,402   1
16 Kotelniki 32,338 14.3 2,261 32,338   1
17th Krasnoarmeisk 26,294 156.39 168 26,294   1
18th Krasnosnamensk 36,103 5.83 6,193 36,103   1
19th Lobnya 74,252 29.62 2,507 74,252   1
20th Lossino-Petrovsky 22,550 9.16 2,462 22,550   1
21st Lytkarino 55,237 17.29 3,195 55,237   1
22nd Molodyoshny 2,920 5.92 493 2,920   1
23 Orechowo-Sujewo 120,670 36.38 3,317 120,670   1
24 Podolsk 187.961 40.39 4,654 187.961   1
25th Protvino 37,308 26.69 1,398 37,308   1
26th Pushchino 20,332 17.84 1,140 20,332   1
27 Reutov 87,314 8.92 9,789 87,314   1
28 Roshal 21,272 34.99 608 21,272   1
29 Zheleznodorozhny 131,257 25.55 5,137 131,257   1
30th Zhukovsky 104,736 47.23 2,218 104,736   1
31 Serpukhov 127.041 37.51 3,387 127.041   1
32 Zvenigorod 16,395 48.1 341 16,395   1
33 Svyosdny Gorodok 6.332 3.18 1.991 6.332   1
34 Chernogolovka 22,450 61.68 364 20,983 1,467   1 9
35 Vlassicha 26,359 4.11 6,413 26,359   1
36 Vozhod 2.007 15.95 126 2.007   1


No. Rajon Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Administrative headquarters Parish seats Number of
Number of
rural communities
1 Dmitrovsky 151,448 2,182.02 69 94,851 56,597 Dmitrov City: Dedenewo , Dmitrow, Ikscha , Jachroma , Nekrassowski
Country: Kamenka , Kostino , Kulikowo , Novosinkowo , sowchosa "Budjonnowez" , Rogachowo
5 6th
2 Istrinski 119,641 1,268.97 94 67,396 52,245 Istra City: Dedovsk , Istra, Snegiri
Country: Agrogorodok , Buscharowo , Glebowski , Kostrowo , Kursakowo , Lutschinskoje , Nowopetrowskoje , Onufrijewo , Pavlovskaya Sloboda , Pawlowskoje , Pokrovskoye
3 11
3 Yegorievsky 102,958 1,717.06 60 72.160 30,798 Yegorievsk City: Yegoryevsk, Ryazanovsky
Country: Yurzowo , Ramenki , Savvino
2 3
4th Kashirski 70,269 646.09 109 52,339 17,930 Kashira City: Kaschira, Oscherelje
Country: Bogatishchevo , Kamenka , Novosjolki , Sendikowo , Taraskowo
2 5
5 Klinski 127,779 2,019.62 63 94,338 33,441 Clin City: Klin, Reshetnikowo , Vysokovsk
Country: Nudol , Petrowskoje , Shevlyakovo , Subowo , Vosdvishenskoye
3 5
6th Kolomenski 44,856 1,112.28 40 3,845 41,011 Kolomna City: Peski
Country: Akatjewo , Biorki , Nepezino , Nischneje Choroschowo , Pestrikowo , Prowodnik , raduzhny , Sarudnja
1 8th
7th Krasnogorsky 179,872 224.99 799 153.352 26,520 Krasnogorsk City: Krasnogorsk, Nakhabino
Country: Ilyinskoye , Otradnoye
2 2
8th Leninsky 94,242 202.83 465 60,338 33.904 Widnoje City: Gorki Leninskiye , Vidnoye
Country: Izmailovo , Molokovo , Raswilka , sowchosa imeni Lenina , Wolodarskowo
3 11
9 Ljuberzki 265.113 122.31 2.168 261,549 3,564 Lyubertsy City: Kraskowo , Lyuberzy, Malachowka , Oktjabrski , Tomilino 5
10 Lotoschinsky 17,859 979.57 18th 5,558 12.301 Lotoschino City: Lotoschino
Country: Dory , Mikulino
1 2
11 Luzhovitsky 58,802 1,282.53 46 36,408 22,394 Luchowitsy City: Beloomut , Luchowizy
Country: Dedinowo , Fruktowaja , Gasoprowodsk , Golowatschewo , Krasnaja Poima , sowchosa "Astapowo"
2 6th
12 Moshaisky 72,745 2,627.28 28 34,717 38,028 Moshaisk City: Moshaisk, Uvarowka
Country: Borissowo , Borodino , Goretowo , Klementjewo , Mokroje , Poretschje , Sokolnikowo , Sputnik , Zwetkowski
2 9
13 Mytishchinsky 203.393 431.16 472 179,834 23,559 Mytishchi City: Mytishchi, Pirogowski
Country: Marfino
2 1
14th Naro-Fominski 150,822 1,547.44 97 122,785 28,037 Naro-Fominsk City: Aprelewka , Kalininez , Naro-Fominsk, Seljatino , Wereja
Country: Atepzewo , Tashirowo , Wesseljowo , Wolchonki
7th 7th
15th Noginski 203,609 893.9 228 156,769 46,840 Noginsk City: Elektrougli , imeni Vorowskowo , Noginsk, Obuchowo , Staraya Kupavna
Country: Aksyono-Butyrki , Bolshoje Bunkowo , Jamkino , Mamontowo , Stepanowo
5 5
16 Odinzowski 316.696 1,245.11 254 211,641 105.055 Odintsovo City: Bolschije Vjasjomy , Golitsyno , Kubinka , Lesnoi Gorodok , Novoiwanowskoje , Odintsowo, Saretschje
Country: Barwicha , Gorki-2 , Jerschowo , Letni Otdych , Matweikowo , Schaworonki , Stary Gorodok , Tschaszy , Uspenskoje
7th 9
17th Orechowo-Sujewski 121,916 1,821.28 67 64,960 56,956 Orechowo-Sujewo City: Dresna , Kurowskoje , Likino-Duljowo
Country: Avsjunino , Dawydowo , Demichowo , Ilyinsky Pogost , Kabanowo , Malaja Dubna , Novoje , Savinskaya , Sobolewo , Wereja
3 10
18th Osjorsky 35,752 549.06 65 25,800 9,952 Osjory City: Osjory
Country: Boyarkino , Klischino
1 2
19th Pavlovo Posadsky 83,520 566.34 147 68,663 14,857 Pavlovsky Posad City: Bolshie Dwory , Pavlovsky Posad
Country: Alferowo , Jewsejewo , Kusnezy , Rachmanowo
2 4th
20th Podolski 36,635 281.45 130 10,855 25,780 Podolsk City: Lwowski
Country: Bykowo , Dubrowizy , Schelesnodoroschny
1 10
21st Pushkinsky 177.510 571.47 311 153,850 23,660 Pushkino City: Aschukino , Lesnoi , Prawdinski , Pushkino, Selenogradski , Sofrino , cherkizovo
Country: Jeldigino , Tarassowka , Zarjowo
7th 3
22nd Ramensky 256.375 1,397.46 183 145,512 110,863 Ramenskoye City: Bykowo , Ilyinsky , Kratowo , Ramenskoye, Rodniki , Udelnaja
Country: Dubowaja Roshcha , Elektroisoljator , imeni Telmana , Konstantinovo , Kuznetsovo , Nikonowskoje , Novoye , Ossetschenki , Ostrowzy , Retschizy , Rybolowo , Rylejewo , Sofjino , Uljanino , vereya
6th 15th
23 Russky 61,673 1,567.56 39 30,876 30,797 Rusa City: Rusa, Tutschkowo
Country: Beljanaja Gora , Dorochowo , Koljubakino , Nesterowo , Novowolkowo
2 5
24 Saraiski 41,912 967.68 43 24,645 17,267 Saraisk City: Saraisk
Country: Gololobowo , Karino , Mendjukino , Chulki-Sokolowo
1 4th
25th Schachowskoi 25,372 1,218.88 21st 10,728 14,644 Shakhovskaya City: Shakhovskaya
Country: Ramenje , Sereda , Stepankowo
1 3
26th Shaturski 72,087 2,640.15 27 39,604 32,483 Shatura City: Mischeronski , Shatura, Tscherusti
Country: Dmitrowski Pogost , Kriwandino , Pyschlizy , Radowizki
3 4th
27 Shcholkovsky 193,629 704.88 275 159,235 34,394 Shcholkovo City: Frjanowo , Monino , Sagorjansky , Shcholkowo, Sverdlovsky
Country: Biokombinata , Grebnewo , Medweschji Osjora , Ogudnewo , Trubino
5 5
28 Serebrjano-Prudski 25,843 877.38 29 9,705 16,138 Serebryanyye Prudy City: Serebrjanyje Prudy
Country: Motschily , Uspenski , Usunowo
1 3
29 Sergievo Posadsky 225,693 2,027.17 111 176.016 49,677 Sergiev Posad City: Bogorodskoye , Chotkowo , Krasnosavodsk , Peresvet , Sergiev Posad, Skoropuskowski
Country: Bereznjaki , Losa , Mostowik , Remmasch , Schemetowo , Selkowo
6th 6th
30th Serpuchowski 35.173 1,012.71 35 9.093 26,080 Serpukhov City: Obolensk , Proletarsky
Country: Bolshevik , Danki , Daschkowka , Lipitsy , Wassiljewskoje
2 5
31 Solnnogorsky 128,580 1,085.07 118 82.902 45,678 Solnnogorsk City: Andreevka , Mendelejewo , Povarovo , Rschawki , Solnechnogorsk
Country: Brjochowo , Kriwzowo , Lunjowo , Novaya , Peschki , Smirnowka
5 6th
32 Stupinsky 119.282 1,707.73 70 84,663 34,619 Stupino City: Malino , Michnewo , Schiljowo , Stupino
Country: Aksinjino , Leontjewo , Semjonowskoje
4th 3
33 Taldomski 48,553 1,427.02 34 37,772 10,781 Taldom City: Saprudnja , Severny , Taldom, Werbilki
Country: Jermolino , Kwaschenki , Novoguslevo , Tempy
4th 4th
34 Chekhovsky 115,301 865.85 133 65,802 49,499 Chekhov City: Stolbovaya , Chekhov
Country: Dubna , Nowy Byt , Troitskoye
2 3
35 Volokolamsky 53,244 1,683.51 32 26,538 26,706 Volokolamsk City: Sychovo , Volokolamsk
Country: Yaropolets , Kaschino , Ostaschewo , Spass , Terjajewo , Tschismena
2 6th
36 Voskressensky 153,600 812.48 189 121,533 32,067 Voskressensk City: Beloosjorski , Chorlowo , imeni Zjurupy , Voskressensk
Country: Aschitkowo , Fedino
4th 2

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c According to OKATO and OKTMO ( memento of the original from January 14, 2013 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. As of January 1, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b c d e f Population figures from October 14, 2010 ( Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , p. 12–209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation))
  3. a b Status: January 1, 2013 ( Moscow Oblast in the database of indicators of municipal entities on the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  4. apart from the (eponymous) administrative seat of the urban district, with at least 3000 inhabitants (as of 2010)
  5. ^ Cities and settlements of the urban type
  6. ^ Villages and rural settlements
  7. a b c d e SATO ("Closed City")
  8. Administrative headquarters of urban (gorodskoje posselenije) and rural communities (selskoje posselenije)
  9. a b c d does not belong to the Rajon, but forms an independent urban district