List of the Blessed and Saints / P

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The list of the Blessed and Saints is an alphabetical listing of persons venerated as blessed or holy by Christian denominations, mainly Catholics and Orthodox. For Protestant commemoration of saints, see Confessio Augustana , Article 21. For the Protestant churches, the persons are given from their official calendar of names or saints. The list is complete in terms of purpose; z. At the moment, however, still quite incomplete.

Surname comment Causes of
Remembrance day
Catholic orthodox evangelical Anglican
Pachomios Abbot in Tabennisi May 9th
May 15th
May 15 May 15th ( EKD )
January 17th ( ELCA )
Paleario, Aonio Humanist and martyr 3rd of July
Palladius Mission Bishop in Ireland July 6th
Pancras Märtyrer († 304) is added to the Eisheiligen counted 12th of May 12th of May 12th of May
Pantaleon Martyr, helper in need (* middle of the 3rd century, † 305)
Paraskeva Martyr, preacher († around 303) July 26 , October 28
Pascal, Blaise Religious philosopher († 1662) August 19th
Pasquali, Luigi Martyr († 1560) the 9th of September
Passavant, William Alfred Pastor in North America († 1894) November 24 ( ELCA ) January 3 ( TEC )
Patrick of Ireland Bishop , messenger of faith in Ireland († 461) 17. March 17. March March 17th
17. March
Patroclus of Troyes Martyr († around 259) 21th January 17th August
Paucker, Walther Pastor and Martyr († 1919) 6th January
Paul Miki and companions Martyrs in Japan († 1597), Franciscans and Jesuits 1627 1862 February 6th February 6th
Paul VI Pope 2014 2018 May 29th
Paula Elisabeth Cerioli Founder of the order († 1865) 1950 2004 23rd of December
Pauline von Mallinckrodt 1985 April, 30th
Paulinus of Nola June 22 June 22nd
January 23rd
June 22
Paul of Tarsus June 29th

Conversion :
January 25th
June 29th June 29th
Conversion :
January 25th
June 29th

Conversion :
January 25th
Paul of Thebes 15. January
Paul Josef Nardini Priest, founder of the Order of Mallersdorfer Sisters and social reformer 2006 January 27th
Pavel of Taganrog 1999 March 23
Payne, Daniel Bishop, first African American college president. November 2
Pazzi, Maria Magdalena de 25. May
Pelagius of Cordoba martyr June 26th
Penn, William Quaker, founder of Pennsylvania 30th July
Perels, Friedrich Justus Lawyer, martyr April 22
Perpetua Martyr in Carthage († around 203) 7th March February 1 , March 24 March 7th (EKD, ELCA, LCMS) 7th March
Peter Chanel first martyr in Oceania († 1841) 1889 1954 April 28 April 28
Peter Faber Jesuit 1872 2013 August 1st
Peter Friedhofen Chimney sweep and founder of the Barmherzigen Brüder von Maria-Hilf (* 1819 - † 1860) 1985 23rd June
Peter of Luxembourg French cardinal and bishop of Metz (* 1369 - † 1387) 1527 2nd July
Petri, Laurentius Reformer in Sweden, Archbishop of Uppsala October 27th ( EKD )
April 19th ( ELCA )
Petri, Olaus Reformer , deacon , pastor , poet October 27th ( EKD )
April 19th ( ELCA )
Peter apostle June 29th June 29th June 29
January 18
June 29th
Petrus Armengol 1686 April 27
Petrus Canisius Jesuit, Doctor of the Church , Counter Reformer († 1597) 1869 1925 December 21st (in Germany: April 27th )
Peter Chrysologus Archbishop of Ravenna, Doctor of the Church 30th July
Petrus Claver Jesuit, missionary, patron of Colombia 1888 the 9th of September September 9
( ELCA )
Petrus Damiani Bishop , Doctor of the Church († 1072) 21st of February
Philemon biblical person
possibly bishop of Kolossä
possibly martyr († 1st century)
22nd of November July 6 , 4 January
19 February
22 November
February 15
( LCMS )
Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel 1929 1970 October 19th
Philipp Rinaldi Salesians of Don Bosco 1990 December 5th
Philip apostle May 3rd 14th November May 3rd ( EKD )
May 1st ( ELCA , LCMS )
1st of May
Philip Deacon , legendary Bishop of Tralles and martyr October 11th October 1st,
January 4th
October 11 ( LCMS )
Philomena of Rome Martyr in Rome († 302?) August 11th
Philomena of Sanseverino Martyr 5th July
Phoibe Deaconess September 3 September 3 January 27 ( ELCA )
October 25 ( LCMS )
Pier Giorgio Frassati Italian Dominican - Terziar († 1925) 1990 July 4th
Pierina De Micheli Italian nun († 1945) 2010 July 26th
Pietro Berno Jesuit, missionary to India and martyr (1552–1583) 1893 July 27th
Padre Pio stigmatized Italian Capuchin (1887–1968) 1999 2002 September 23rd
Pionius Presbyter, martyr († March 12, 250?) March 11 March 11 March 11
Pirminius November 3rd November 3rd (only D) November 3rd
Pius I. Pope († 155) July 11th
Pius V. Pope († 1572) 1712 April, 30th
Pius IX Pope († 1878) 2000 April, 30th
Pius X. Pope († 1914) 1951 1954 August 21
Placidus of Disentis martyr July 12
Plato Kulbusch Bishop, martyr († 1919) 2000 jul. : January 1st
new : January 14th
Polycarp of Smyrna Bishop , martyr († around 155) February 23 February 23 February 23
February 23
Pontianus Pope , ( 230 - 235 ) 13 August
Pontius Pilate Roman prefect, († 39 ?) October 27
Porres, Martín de Dominican 1837 1962 November 3rd November 3 ( ELCA ) November 3rd
Primus of Rome June 9th
Priscilla and Aquila Messengers of faith in Ephesus and Rome 8th of July July 14th
February 13th
February 13 ( LCMS )
Pro, Miguel Religious, priest, martyr November 23 November 23 ( ELCA )
Prosper Tiro of Aquitaine Writer, patron saint of poets 25th June 25th June
Protasius of Lausanne bishop November 6th
Protasius of Milan martyr June 19th
Protus martyr September 11 24th of December
Pusei Kuropalates , martyr († 344 ) April 18 17th April 9th March
Pusinna Hermit April 23

See also

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