Music year 1540

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Music year 1540

The sordun - shown here on a picture from the Syntagma musicum by Michael Praetorius - is a woodwind instrument of the Renaissance . The sound is produced by a double reed that is connected to the instrument body by a bent brass tube. The wind instrument has two parallel, cylindrical bores that are drilled into a piece of wood and connected at the lower end by an arch. This means that the length of the sound tube is twice as long as the external dimensions of the instrument. The end of the sound tube is closed on the smaller instruments. The air exits through a hole on the side. The name Sordun goes back to Italian sordone, which is derived from sordo "quiet". This means the soft sound, which is less rich in overtones than in Rankett . In his Prattica di musica (1592), Lodovico Zacconi compares the sound with that of Cornamusen . Unlike the wind capsule instruments, however, the Sordun blows into the duodecime . Like other instruments of the Renaissance, the sordunes form an instrument family for different voices. Michael Praetorius describes five sizes in his Syntagma musicum: Cant (B2 - G4), tenor / alto (Es2 - C4), G-bass (C2 - A3), F-bass (B1 - G3) and large bass (F1 - D3) .


Instrumental works


Keyboard instruments

Different instruments

Vocal works




Organ by Hendrik Niehoff in Rotterdam

Instrument making


Date of birth saved

Exact date of birth unknown

Born around 1540

Born before 1540


Johann Böschenstein

Exact date of death unknown

Died around 1540

Died after 1540

See also

Portal: Music  - Overview of Wikipedia content on music

Web links

Commons : Music 1540  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files