Arrondissement of Dole

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Arrondissement of Dole
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department law
Sub-prefecture Dole
Residents 106,339 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 60 inhabitants / km²
surface 1,769.49 km²
Communities 190
INSEE code 391

Location of the Dole arrondissement in the Jura department

The Arrondissement Dole is an administrative unit of the Jura department in the French region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté . The main town (seat of the sub-prefecture ) is Dole .

It consists of eight cantons and 190 municipalities. On May 1, 2006, the then canton Chaumergy moved from the arrondissement Dole to the arrondissement Lons-le-Saunier , the canton Villers-Farlay from the arrondissement Lons-le-Saunier to the arrondissement Dole.



The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Dole are:

1. Abergement-la-Ronce (39001) 2. Abergement-le-Grand (39002) 3. Abergement-le-Petit (39003) 4. Abergement-lès-Thésy (39004)
5. Aiglepierre (39006) 6. Amange (39008) 7th Annoire (39011) 8. Arbois (39013)
9. Archelange (39014) 10. Aresches (39586) 11. Asnans-Beauvoisin (39022) 12. Audelange (39024)
13. Augerans (39026) 14. Aumont (39028) 15. Aumur (39029) 16. Authume (39030)
17. Auxange (39031) 18. Balaiseaux (39034) 19. Bans (39037) 20. Barretaine (39040)
21. Baverans (39042) 22. Belmont (39048) 23. Bersaillin (39049) 24. Besain (39050)
25. Biarne (39051) 26. Biefmorin (39054) 27. Bracon (39072) 28. Brainans (39073)
29. Brans (39074) 30. Bretenières (39077) 31. Brevans (39078) 32. Buvilly (39081)
33. Cernans (39084) 34. Chaînée-des-Coupis (39090) 35. Chamblay (39093) 36. Chamole (39094)
37. Champagne-sur-Loue (39095) 38. Champagney (39096) 39. Champdivers (39099) 40. Champvans (39101)
41. Chatelay (39117) 42. Châtenois (39121) 43. Chaussenans (39127) 44. Chaussin (39128)
45. Chaux-Champagny (39133) 46. Chemin (39138) 47. Chêne-Bernard (39139) 48. Chevigny (39141)
49. Chilly-sur-Salins (39147) 50. Chissey-sur-Loue (39149) 51. Choisey (39150) 52. Clucy (39155)
53rd Column (39159) 54. Courtefontaine (39172) 55. Cramans (39176) 56. Crissey (39182)
57. Dammartin-Marpain (39188) 58. Damparis (39189) 59. Dampierre (39190) 60. Darbonnay (39191)
61. Dole (39198) 62. Dournon (39202) 63. Éclans-Nenon (39205) 64. Écleux (39206)
65. Étrepigney (39218) 66. Evans (39219) 67. Falletans (39220) 68. Fay-en-Montagne (39222)
69. Foucherans (39233) 70. Fraisans (39235) 71. Frasne-les-Meulières (39238) 72. Gatey (39245)
73. Gendrey (39246) 74. Geraise (39248) 75. Germigney (39249) 76. Gevry (39252)
77. Grange-de-Vaivre (39259) 78. Gredisans (39262) 79. Grozon (39263) 80. Ivory (39267)
81. Ivrey (39268) 82. Jouhe (39270) 83. La Barre (39039) 84. La Bretenière (39076)
85. La Chapelle-sur-Furieuse (39103) 86. La Châtelaine (39116) 87. La Ferté (39223) 88. La Loye (39305)
89. La Vieille-Loye (39559) 90. Lavangeot (39284) 91. Lavans-lès-Dole (39285) 92. Le Chateley (39119)
93. Le Deschaux (39193) 94. Le Fied (39225) 95. Lemuy (39291) 96. Les Arsures (39019)
97. Les Essards-Taignevaux (39211) 98. Les Hays (39266) 99. Les Planches-près-Arbois (39425) 100. Longwy-sur-le-Doubs (39299)
101. Louvatange (39302) 102. Malange (39308) 103. Marnoz (39315) 104. Mathenay (39319)
105. Menotey (39323) 106. Mesnay (39325) 107. Miéry (39330) 108. Moissey (39335)
109. Molain (39336) 110. Molamboz (39337) 111. Molay (39338) 112. Monay (39342)
113. Monnières (39345) 114. Montbarrey (39350) 115. Monteplain (39352) 116. Montholier (39354)
117. Montigny-lès-Arsures (39355) 118. Montmarlon (39359) 119. Montmirey-la-Ville (39360) 120. Montmirey-le-Château (39361)
121. Mont-sous-Vaudrey (39365) 122. Mouchard (39370) 123. Mutigney (39377) 124. Neublans-Abergement (39385)
125. Neuvilley (39386) 126. Nevy-lès-Dole (39387) 127. Offlanges (39392) 128. Orchamps (39396)
129. Ougney (39398) 130. Ounans (39399) 131. Our (39400) 132. Oussières (39401)
133. Pagney (39402) 134. Pagnoz (39403) 135. Parcey (39405) 136. Peintre (39409)
137. Peseux (39412) 138. Petit Noir (39415) 139. Picarreau (39418) 140. Plasne (39426)
141. Pleure (39429) 142. Plumont (39430) 143. Pointre (39432) 144. Poligny (39434)
145. Pont-d'Héry (39436) 146. Port-Lesney (39439) 147. Pretin (39444) 148. Pupillin (39446)
149. Rahon (39448) 150. Rainans (39449) 151. Ranchot (39451) 152. Rans (39452)
153. Rochefort-sur-Nenon (39462) 154. Romain (39464) 155. Romange (39465) 156. Rouffange (39469)
157. Saint-Aubin (39476) 158. Saint-Baraing (39477) 159. Saint-Cyr-Montmalin (39479) 160. Saint-Lothain (39489)
161. Saint-Loup (39490) 162. Saint-Thiébaud (39495) 163. Saizenay (39497) 164. Salans (39498)
165. Saligney (39499) 166. Salins-les-Bains (39500) 167. Sampans (39501) 168. Santans (39502)
169. Séligney (39507) 170. Sermange (39513) 171. Serre-les-Moulières (39514) 172. Souvans (39520)
173. Tassenières (39525) 174. Tavaux (39526) 175. Taxenne (39527) 176. Thervay (39528)
177. Thésy (39529) 178. Tourmont (39535) 179. Vadans (39539) 180. Vaudrey (39546)
181. Vaux-sur-Poligny (39548) 182. Villeneuve-d'Aval (39565) 183. Villerserine (39568) 184. Villers-Farlay (39569)
185. Villers-les-Bois (39570) 186. Villers-Robert (39571) 187. Villette-lès-Arbois (39572) 188. Villette-lès-Dole (39573)
189. Vitreux (39581) 190. Vriange (39584)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the area of ​​the 67 municipalities Abergement-le-Grand , Abergement-le-Petit , Abergement-lès-Thésy , Aiglepierre , Arbois , Aresches , Aumont , Barretaine , Bersaillin , Besain , Biefmorin , Bracon , Brainans , Buvilly , Cernans , Chamole , Chaussenans , Chaux-Champagny , Chilly-sur-Salins , Clucy , Colonne , Darbonnay , Dournon , Fay-en-Montagne , Geraise , Grange-de-Vaivre , Grozon , Ivory , Ivrey , La Chapelle -sur-Furieuse , La Châtelaine , Le Chateley , La Ferté , Le Fied , Lemuy , Les Arsures , Les Planches-près-Arbois , Marnoz , Mathenay , Mesnay , Miéry , Molain , Molamboz , Monay , Montholier , Montigny-lès-Arsures , Montmarlon , Neuvilley , Oussières , Picarreau , Plasne , Poligny , Pont-d'Héry , Pretin , Pupillin , Saint-Cyr-Montmalin , Saint-Lothain , Saint-Thiébaud , Saizenay , Salins-les-Bains , Thésy , Tourmont , Vadans , Vaux-sur-Poligny , Villerserine , Villers-les-Bois and Villette-lès-Arbois from the arrondissement Lons-le-Saunier is assigned to the Arrondissement of Dole.

Former parishes since the nationwide reorganization of the arrondissements

2019: Dampierre , Le Petit-Mercey

supporting documents

  1. Arrêté préfectoral no 06/058 du 9 mars 2006 portant modification of the limites territoriales des arrondissements de Lons-le-Saunier et de Dole (Jura) ( Memento of December 4, 2008 in the Internet Archive )