Arrondissement of Pontarlier

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Arrondissement of Pontarlier
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department Doubs
Sub-prefecture Pontarlier
Residents 113,678 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 55 inhabitants / km²
surface 2,050.88 km²
Communities 149
INSEE code 253

Location of the arrondissement of Pontarlier in the Doubs department

The district Pontarlier is a French administrative unit of the department Doubs within the region Bourgogne Franche-Comte . The capital (seat of the sub-prefecture ) is Pontarlier .

It comprises 149 municipalities in five constituencies ( cantons ). On January 1, 2009, the then cantons of Vercel-Villedieu-le-Camp and Pierrefontaine-les-Varans were transferred from the Arrondissement Besançon to the Arrondissement Pontarlier. The then canton of Le Russey came from the arrondissement of Montbéliard .



The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Pontarlier are:

1. Adam-lès-Vercel (25007) 2. Arçon (25024) 3. Arc-sous-Cicon (25025) 4. Arc-sous-Montenot (25026)
5. Aubonne (25029) 6. Avoudrey (25039) 7. Bannans (25041) 8. Belmont (25052)
9. Bians-les-Usiers (25060) 10. Bonnétage (25074) 11. Bonnevaux (25075) 12. Boujailles (25079)
13. Bouverans (25085) 14. Bremondans (25089) 15. Bretonvillers (25095) 16. Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois (25096)
17. Bugny (25099) 18. Bull (25100) 19. Chaffois (25110) 20. Chamesey (25113)
21. Chapelle-des-Bois (25121) 22. Chapelle-d'Huin (25122) 23. Châtelblanc (25131) 24. Chaux-lès-Passavant (25141)
25. Chaux-Neuve (25142) 26. Chevigney-lès-Vercel (25151) 27. Consolation-Maisonnettes (25161) 28. Courtetain-et-Salans (25175)
29. Courvières (25176) 30. Dommartin (25201) 31. Dompierre-les-Tilleuls (25202) 32. Domprel (25203)
33. Doubs (25204) 34. Épenouse (25218) 35. Épenoy (25219) 36. Étalans (25222)
37. Étray (25227) 38. Évillers (25229) 39. Eysson (25231) 40. Fallerans (25233)
41. Flangebouche (25243) 42. Fourcatier-et-Maison-Neuve (25252) 43. Fournets-Luisans (25288) 44. Frasne (25259)
45. Fuans (25262) 46. Gellin (25263) 47. Germéfontaine (25268) 48. Gilley (25271)
49. Goux-les-Usiers (25282) 50. Grand'Combe-Châteleu (25285) 51. Grand'Combe-des-Bois (25286) 52. Grandfontaine-sur-Creuse (25289)
53. Granges-Narboz (25293) 54. Guyans-Vennes (25301) 55. Hautepierre-le-Châtelet (25303) 56. Houtaud (25309)
57. Jougne (25318) 58. La Bosse (25077) 59. La Chaux (25139) 60. La Chenalotte (25148)
61. La Cluse-et-Mijoux (25157) 62. La Longeville (25347) 63. La Planée (25459) 64. La Rivière-Drugeon (25493)
65. La Sommette (25550) 66. Labergement-Sainte-Marie (25320) 67. Landresse (25325) 68. Laval-le-Prieuré (25329)
69. Laviron (25333) 70. Le Barboux (25042) 71. Le Bélieu (25050) 72. Le Bizot (25062)
73. Le Crouzet (25179) 74. Le Luhier (25351) 75. Le Mémont (25373) 76. Le Russey (25512)
77. Les Allies (25012) 78. Les Combes (25160) 79. Les Fins (25240) 80. Les Fontenelles (25248)
81. Les Fourgs (25254) 82. Les Grangettes (25295) 83. Les Gras (25296) 84. Les Hôpitaux-Neufs (25307)
85. Les Hôpitaux-Vieux (25308) 86. Les Pontets (25464) 87. Les Premiers Sapins (25424) 88. Les Villedieu (25619)
89. Levier (25334) 90. Longechaux (25342) 91. Longemaison (25343) 92. Longevelle-lès-Russey (25344)
93. Longevilles-Mont-d'Or (25348) 94. Loray (25349) 95. Magny-Châtelard (25355) 96. Maisons-du-Bois-Lièvremont (25357)
97. Malbuisson (25361) 98. Malpas (25362) 99. Métabief (25380) 100. Montbeliardot (25389)
101. Montbenoît (25390) 102. Mont-de-Laval (25391) 103. Montflovin (25398) 104. Montlebon (25403)
105. Montperreux (25405) 106. Morteau (25411) 107. Mouthe (25413) 108. Narbief (25421)
109. Noël-Cerneux (25425) 110. Orchamps-Vennes (25432) 111. Orsans (25435) 112. Ouhans (25440)
113. Ouvans (25441) 114. Oye-et-Pallet (25442) 115. Passonfontaine (25447) 116. Petite-Chaux (25451)
117. Pierrefontaine-les-Varans (25453) 118. Plaimbois-du-Miroir (25456) 119. Plaimbois-Vennes (25457) 120. Pontarlier (25462)
121. Reculfoz (25483) 122. Remoray-Boujeons (25486) 123. Renédale (25487) 124. Rochejean (25494)
125. Rondefontaine (25501) 126. Rosureux (25504) 127. Saint-Antoine (25514) 128. Sainte-Colombe (25515)
129. Saint-Gorgon-Main (25517) 130. Saint-Julien-lès-Russey (25522) 131. Saint-Point-Lac (25525) 132. Sarrageois (25534)
133. Septfontaines (25541) 134. Sombacour (25549) 135. Touillon-et-Loutelet (25565) 136. Valdahon (25578)
137. Vaux-et-Chantegrue (25592) 138. Vellerot-lès-Vercel (25596) 139. Vennes (25600) 140. Vercel-Villedieu-le-Camp (25601)
141. Vernierfontaine (25605) 142. Verrières-de-Joux (25609) 143. Ville-du-Pont (25620) 144. Villeneuve-d'Amont (25621)
145. Villers-Chief (25623) 146. Villers-la-Combe (25625) 147. Villers-le-Lac (25321) 148. Villers-sous-Chalamont (25627)
149. Vuillecin (25634)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the area of ​​the two former municipalities Charbonnières-les-Sapins and Labergement-du-Navois from the Arrondissement Besançon was assigned to the Arrondissement Pontarlier.

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons

until 2016: Verrières-du-Grosbois

until 2015: Athose , Chasnans , Hautepierre-le-Châtelet , Nods , Rantechaux , Vanclans

Individual evidence

  1. INSEE