Huaxing Automobile Group

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Huaxing Automobile Group Corp.
legal form Corp.
founding 1990
resolution 2000
Seat Beijing , People's Republic of China
Branch Automobile manufacturer

Huaxing Automobile Group Corp. was a manufacturer of automobiles from the People's Republic of China .

Company history

The Beijing company started manufacturing automobiles in 1990. The brand name was Huaxing . Production ended in 2000. There were connections with Guizhou Youngman Yunque Automobile Company , Hainan Auto Works, and Xima Auto Refit Works .


One model was the YM 6390 . This copy of the Toyota Starlet was 387 cm long. A four-cylinder engine from Jilin with 797 cc displacement powered vehicles.

Other model names mentioned were HXJ 7080 and RK 5010 .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g George Nicholas Georgano (Ed.): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile . Volume 2: G-O . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , pp. 725 (English).
  2. ^ D'Auto (Dutch, accessed February 27, 2016)
  3. Allcarindex (English, accessed on February 27, 2016)