List of Heads of State 1925

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◄◄1921192219231924List of Heads of State 1925  | 1926  | 1927  | 1928  | 1929  |  | ►►
Other events



North America

Central America

South America


East, South and Southeast Asia

  • China
    • Head of State: Provisional President Duan Qirui (1924–1926)
    • Head of Government:
      • Provisional President Duan Qirui (1924–26 December 1925)
      • Prime Minister Xu Shiying (December 26, 1925–1926)

Middle East

Central Asia

Australia and Oceania


  • Albania
    • Head of State: President Ahmet Zogu (February 1, 1925–1939) (1922–1924 and 1925 Prime Minister, 1928–1939 King)
    • Head of Government:
      • Prime Minister Iliaz Vrioni ( 1920–1921, 1924, 1924–6 January 1925)
      • Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu ( 1922–1924 , January 6, 1925– January 30, 1925) (President 1925–1928, King 1928–1939)

Individual evidence

  1. The Federal Council is the collective head of state in Switzerland. The Federal President has the role of primus inter pares