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Coat of arms of Srch
Srch (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Pardubický kraj
District : Pardubice
Area : 843 ha
Geographic location : 50 ° 5 '  N , 15 ° 46'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 5 '6 "  N , 15 ° 45' 48"  E
Height: 235  m nm
Residents : 1,658 (Jan 1, 2019)
Postal code : 533 45 - 533 52
License plate : E.
Street: Pardubice - Opatovice nad Labem
Railway connection: Pardubice – Liberec
Status: local community
Districts: 3
Mayor : Lukáš Panchártek (as of 2018)
Address: Pardubická 100
533 52 Srch
Municipality number: 575682
Website :
Aerial view
Pernstein Fountain

Srch ( German  Sirch ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located six kilometers north of the city center of Pardubice on the city limits and belongs to the Okres Pardubice .


Srch is located on a hill in the Pardubická kotlina ( Pardubice Basin ). To the west of the village run the state road I / 37 and the Pardubice – Liberec railway line , to the east the state road II / 324 between Pardubice and Opatovice nad Labem . In the north rises the Cháby (229 m nm), east the striking Kunětická hora (307 m nm) with the castle of the same name . Towards the south-west is the Pohránovský rybník pond fed by the Velká strouha ditch.

Neighboring towns are Malá Čeperka, Podůlšany , Hrobický Dvůr and Čeperka in the north, Hrobice , Dříteč , Na Sibiři and Němčice in the north-east, Hradiště na Písku in the east, Psinek , Nové Hradiště and Brozany in the south-east, Staré Hradištice in the south, Staré Hradištín , Stará Kolonie, Rybitví and Horka in the southwest, Pohránov and Boudy in the west and Stéblová in the northwest.


Srch is probably a foundation of the Opatowitz Benedictine monastery . After the monastery was looted and burned down by the Hussites under Diviš Bořek von Miletínek in 1421 , the latter seized the extensive possessions.

The first written mention of Srch took place in 1436, when King Sigismund transferred large parts of the former monastery property to Diviš Bořek, who formed the Kunburg domain . At the end of the 15th century Wilhelm von Pernstein acquired the dominions of Pardubitz and Kunburg and united them. He had several large ponds built around the village. Wilhelm von Pernstein bequeathed his Bohemian goods to his younger son Vojtěch in 1521 , after his death they passed to his brother Johann in 1534 . In 1548 he left his son Jaroslav in high debt. On March 21, 1560 Jaroslav von Pernstein sold the entire rule of Pardubitz to King Ferdinand I. His successor Maximilian II transferred the administration of the royal lords to the court chamber .

In 1835, the in consisted Chrudim district located on swampy ground village Srch of 36 houses, where 261 people lived. The school was under government patronage. There were several springs in the village, one of which was vaulted and did not freeze over even in the harshest winter; Their water is said to have been fed into the Pardubice Castle through pipes . The parish was Kunietitz . Until the middle of the 19th century, Srch remained subordinate to the Imperial and Royal Chamber of Commerce Pardubice.

After the abolition of patrimonial Srch formed from 1849 a community in the judicial district of Pardubitz . From 1868 the municipality belonged to the political district of Pardubitz . In 1869 Srch had 347 inhabitants and consisted of 47 houses. The large fish ponds were drained in the second half of the 19th century and the pond sites were converted into farmland. In 1900 436 people lived in the village, in 1910 there were 444. In 1930 Srch had 488 inhabitants. In 1949 Srch was assigned to the Okres Pardubice-okolí; since 1960 the community belongs again to the Okres Pardubice . In 1961 Pohránov was incorporated. On April 30, 1976 Hrádek and Stéblová were incorporated. The district of Stéblová broke away on November 24, 1990. At the 2001 census, 696 people lived in Srch's 222 houses. Due to the designation of an extensive residential area, the core town has grown rapidly since the turn of the millennium. Today the village has 1,600 inhabitants and consists of 630 houses, 500 of which are in Srch, 79 in Hrádek and 51 in Pohránov.

Community structure

The municipality of Srch consists of the districts Hrádek ( Hradek ), Pohránov ( Pohranow ) and Srch ( Sirch ), which also form cadastral districts.


  • Pernstein Fountain ( Studna pánů z Pernštejna ), laid out in 1515 under Wilhelm von Pernstein, according to legend, its water was pumped in wooden pipes under the Elbe to the fountain on Pardubice Ring and Pardubice Castle. The fountain is protected as a cultural monument.
  • Wooden bell tower on the village square, the figuratively decorated village bell dates from 1771
  • Baroch nature reserve , northeast of the village. The pond and swamp area is the best preserved remnant of the large Velká Čeperka pond. The Cháby, rising northwest of the Baroch, used to form a large peninsula in the Velká Čeperka.
  • U Pohránovského rybníka natural monument, alluvial forest area around the pond of the same name, southwest of Srch


Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)
  3. ^ Johann Gottfried Sommer : The Kingdom of Bohemia; Represented statistically and topographically. Volume 5: Chrudimer Kreis. Prague 1837, p. 73