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Coat of arms of Kostěnice
Kostěnice (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Pardubický kraj
District : Pardubice
Area : 576 ha
Geographic location : 50 ° 1 ′  N , 15 ° 54 ′  E Coordinates: 50 ° 0 ′ 34 "  N , 15 ° 54 ′ 13"  E
Height: 235  m nm
Residents : 550 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 530 02
License plate : E.
Street: Hrochův Týnec - Dašice
Railway connection: Česká Třebová – Praha
Status: local community
Districts: 1
Mayor : Václav Pulkrábek (as of 2018)
Address: Kostěnice 8
530 02 Pardubice
Municipality number: 575232
Website : www.kostenice.cz
Chapel of Our Lady
Fire department depot

Kostěnice (German Kostenitz , also Koschtienitz ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located ten kilometers southeast of the city center of Pardubice and belongs to the Okres Pardubice .


Kostěnice is located on the Kostěnický creek in the Pardubická kotlina (Pardubice Basin). The railway line Česká Třebová – Praha runs on the northern edge of the village . To the west of the village is the Ohrádka pond.

Neighboring towns are Cihelna and Dašice in the north, Hedčany, Prachovice and Moravanský in the north-east, Platěnice and Moravany in the east, Bělešovice, Nové Holešovice and Bořice in the south-east, Podbor, Stíčany and Dvakačovice in the south, Úhřetice , Úhřetická Lhotaice in the south and Mnětice in the west and Žižín, Pod Dubem, Zminný and Malolánské in the northwest.


Archaeological finds prove an early settlement of the area. During the construction of the connecting line to the Daschitz sugar factory, a bronze knife from the Hallstatt period , which can be assigned to the Silesian-Platenitz culture ( slezskoplatěnická kultura ), was found.

The first written mention of the place took place on September 4, 1398, when Budiš of Dašice sold his heavily indebted goods Dašice and Kostěnice to his main creditor Boček of Podebrady . At the beginning of the 15th century, the Vladiken von Barchov acquired the Dašice and Kostěnice estates. Between 1448 and 1450 the Kostěnice manor was briefly separated from Dašice and was managed by the Vladiken Hotart of Kostěnice. The knight Čeněk von Barchov auf Dašice has been documented as the owner since 1463. During the Bohemian-Hungarian War in 1469 he fought against the Hungarian troops who were encamped at Hrochův Týnec and plundered the area. On June 10, 1491, he was a witness when Wilhelm von Pernstein bought the Pardubice estate from Jiřík Pardubický von Miletínek and Jeník von Mečkov. The further expansion of the united dominions of Pardubitz and Kunburg through the purchase of further goods under Wilhelm von Pernstein led to disputes with Čeněk Dašický von Barchov, since his goods set Pernstein's expansion efforts limits. In 1501 citizens of Pardubice sued Čeněk Dašický for allegedly unlawful collection of tolls in Dašice and Kostěnice. On December 28, 1502, Čeněk Dašický von Barchov compared himself with Wilhelm von Pernstein and waived his toll rights; In 1507 he sold him the Dašice fortress with the villages of Dašice, Koštěnice, Platěnice, Ostřetín , Hedčany and Veliny for 8000 Czech groschen. The Dašice estate was then united with the Pardubice and Kunburg rulers. In 1513 Wilhelm von Pernstein renounced his right to revert in Dašice, Prachovice, Platěnice, Hedčany, Moravany and Kostěnice. In the vicinity of Kostěnice he had the four ponds Bahenec , Kozlovec , Bělečko and Husojedský created . Wilhelm von Pernstein bequeathed his Bohemian goods to his younger son Vojtěch in 1521 , after his death they passed to his brother Johann in 1534 . In 1548 he left his son Jaroslav in high debt. On March 21, 1560 he sold the entire Pardubitz reign to King Ferdinand I.

His successor Maximilian II transferred the administration of the royal lordships to the court chamber . The first Kammerurbar from 1563 shows that the rule was reorganized through a system of 24 Rychta ( Scholtiseien ); the Rychtář in Dašice was also responsible for the lower jurisdiction for the villages Kostěnice, Hedčany, Komárov, Prachovice, Hostovice and Uhřetická Lhota . When the Swedish army moved from Vysoké Mýto to Pardubice, Kostěnice was devastated in October 1645. At the end of the Thirty Years War, three of Kostěnice's farms were in desolation. At the beginning of the 18th century the village consisted of 16 farms, three chalets and a forge. The main sources of income were agriculture and home weaving. The ponds were drained in the 18th and 19th centuries.

In 1835, the in consisted Chrudim District village located Koschtienitz even Kostenitz , Kosstěnice or Koste Nice called, consists of 40 houses in which 336 people, including two Protestant families lived. The children were educated in Hostowitz. The parish was Daschitz . In 1842 a school was set up in a private house in Koschtienitz . Traffic on the Česká Třebová – Praha line began in 1845. Until the middle of the 19th century, Koschtienitz remained subordinate to the kk cameraman Pardubitz.

After the abolition of patrimonial Koštěnice formed from 1849 a municipality in the judicial district of Holitz . In 1852 the construction of a school house began, which was inaugurated on September 25, 1853. From 1868 the municipality belonged to the political district of Pardubitz . In 1869 Koštěnice had 464 inhabitants and consisted of 75 houses. In 1870, the Agricultural Share Sugar Factory in Daschitz ( Rolnický akciový cukrovar v Dašicích ) was built northwest of the village near the railway . The volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1884. At the end of the 19th century, the Dašice nádraží settlement was built at the Daschitz train station . In 1900 there were 501 people living in the village, in 1910 there were 503. In 1923 the name of the municipality was changed to Kostěnice . In 1930 Kostěnice had 559 inhabitants. In 1949 Kostěnice was assigned to the Okres Holice. Since 1960 the community has belonged again to Okres Pardubice . In the 2001 census, there were 518 people in the 156 houses in Kostěnice.

Community structure

No districts are shown for the Kostěnice municipality. The settlements Cihelna and Kostěnice nádraží belong to Kostěnice.


  • Our Lady Chapel, built in 1909. It was re-consecrated in 1991 by Bishop Karel Otčenášek .
  • Memorial to the fallen of the First World War
  • several wayside crosses


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.uir.cz/obec/575232/Kostenice
  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)
  3. ^ Johann Gottfried Sommer : The Kingdom of Bohemia; Represented statistically and topographically. Volume 5: Chrudimer Kreis. Prague 1837, p. 81