Morašice v Železných horách

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Morašice coat of arms
Morašice v Železných horách (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Pardubický kraj
District : Pardubice
Area : 446.6931 ha
Geographic location : 50 ° 0 ′  N , 15 ° 29 ′  E Coordinates: 50 ° 0 ′ 7 ″  N , 15 ° 29 ′ 10 ″  E
Height: 258  m nm
Residents : 80 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 535 01
License plate : E.
Street: Zdechovice - Litošice
Status: local community
Districts: 1
Mayor : Jiří Drechsler (as of 2017)
Address: Morašice 59
535 01 Přelouč
Municipality number: 573035
Website :
Place view
Fallen memorial

Morašice ( German  Moraschitz ) is a municipality in Okres Pardubice in the Czech Republic . It is located seven kilometers southwest of Přelouč .


Morašice is located in the valley of the Morašický creek in the Chvaletická hornatina ( Chwaletitzer hill country ) belonging to the Iron Mountains ( Železné hory ). To the east rises the U Bláta (289 m nm), in the southeast the Velká Ruda (327 m nm) and southwest of the Boleman (324 m nm). The Morašice game reserve is located southeast of the village.

Neighboring towns are Řečany nad Labem and Spytovice in the north, Škudly and Kozašice in the Northeast, Jankovice , Seník and Krasnice the east, Litošice , Vápenka, Semtěš and Obícka the southeast, Myslivna, Pazderna, Bílé Podolí , Koukalka and Brambory in the south, Vinice, Hajný , Svobodná Ves , Horka I and Borek in the southwest, Horušice in the west and Katovna, Zbraněves and Zdechovice in the northwest.


The village is probably a foundation of the Cistercian monastery Sedletz and came to secular owners after its destruction by the Hussites . The oldest written mention of Morašice was in 1487 as the possession of the Kolín Castle ; at that time the village already had 106 residents. Later the village was attached to Gut Neuhof . In a list of all former possessions, rights and income of the monastery submitted to King Ferdinand I by Sedletz Abbot Georg in 1534 , the village of Morašice was listed alongside other villages belonging to the Neuhof estate. After the monastery received its Neuhof possessions back, the Neuhof dominium fell to the Kolín royal cameraman in 1522, with the exception of the village of Neuhof and the Kačina meadows and forests. The abbot Anton pledged Neuhof and the surrounding area to Ignaz Martinic , who finally bought the property from the over-indebted Cistercians. In 1553 the villages of St. Jakob ( Jakub ), Cirkwitz , Lischitz ( Lišice ), Zaboř , Moraschitz, Kobylnitz ( Kobylnice ), St. Katharina ( Svatá Kateřina ) and St. Nikolai were again part of the Neuhof dominion. Ignaz Martinic's sons sold the estate to Karl von Zerotein on Chotusitz in 1569 . After numerous changes of ownership, the estate came to the Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin family in 1764 . Morašice then always remained attached to the allodial rule Neuhof , but was separated from its territory by the rule Sehuschitz and lay on the border of the Caslaver Kreis to the Chrudimer Kreis .

In 1840, the village of Moraschitz or Morassice, surrounded by swamps and extensive forests, consisted of 33 houses in which 186 people, including nine Protestant and one Jewish family, lived. There was an inn and a stately hunter's house in the village. The parish was Zdechowitz .

After the abolition of patrimonial Morašice formed a municipality in the judicial district of Časlau from 1849 . From 1868 the municipality belonged to the Časlau district . The volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1914. From 1919 the Prague Iron Industry Company operated a quarry near Morašice. In 1923 Morašice consisted of 44 houses and had 221 inhabitants. In 1932 the ceremonial unveiling of the monument to the fallen took place in the village square. The road from Zdechovice via Morašice to the Hegerhaus Vedralka was built in 1939. After the end of the Second World War and the expulsion of the Germans , numerous residents left the village in 1946 as part of the policy of repopulating the border areas . In 1948 Morašice was connected to the electricity network. In 1949 Morašice was assigned to the Okres Přelouč. This was lifted in the course of the territorial reform of 1960, since then the community has belonged to Okres Pardubice. Between 1961 and 1990 Morašice was incorporated into Zdechovice. Between 1972 and 1973, the inn was under the action z rebuilt. The municipality has had a coat of arms and a banner since 2016.

Community structure

No districts are shown for the municipality of Morašice. The Myslivna single-layer belongs to Morašice.


  • Stone cross on the village square, erected in 1891
  • Bell tower in the village square, the bell was cast in 1896
  • Memorial to those who fell in World War I, unveiled in 1932. The monument, which was in danger of collapsing due to the weather, was re-erected in November 2016.
  • Morašice game reserve, mainly wild boar and mouflon are kept there

Web links

Commons : Morašice  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)
  3. ^ Johann Gottfried Sommer , Franz Xaver Maximilian Zippe: The Kingdom of Böhmen. Statistically and topographically presented, vol. 11 Caslaver Kreis , Prague 1843, p. 333
  4. Archived copy ( memento of the original from April 6, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /