State Horticultural Show Hemer 2010

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State Horticultural Show Hemer 2010
Hemer-LGS-Entrance AreaStadt1-Asio.JPG
place Hemer , North Rhine-Westphalia
opening April 17, 2010
Opened by Jürgen Rüttgers ,
Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia
graduation October 24, 2010
surface 32 ha
Investments 29.95 million euros
Visitors 1,050,326
Season tickets 27,081
Reuse Parking area

The State Horticultural Show Hemer was the 15th State Horticultural Show (also: LGS or LaGa) of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and took place together with five other State Horticultural Shows in Germany in 2010. It was open in Hemer from April 17 to October 24, 2010 and had the motto “Magic of Transformation”. The LGS Hemer was the first state horticultural show in the Sauerland and thus the first horticultural show in NRW on hilly terrain.


Task of the Blücher barracks and application phase

The Blücher barracks before their closure

On November 1, 2004, the then Federal Defense Minister Peter Struck announced the new deployment concept for the Bundeswehr . For the city of Hemer, this meant that all troops and departments were relocated or dissolved. The first two conversion forums were held in December 2004 and May 2006. The closure of the Blücher barracks on the edge of the city center followed in November 2006 with the symbolic handover of the keys on October 2, 2007.

With the abandonment of the Hemer military site, which was created by the garrison contract of October 30, 1936, there were now 30 hectares of unused barracks with 39 buildings and open spaces that were not listed. The usage concept for the conversion provides for residential and commercial space development with a green belt. Since August 2006 there have been considerations to organize a state horticultural show with integration into the “Hemer Eastend” area concept.

After the general conditions for the organization of a state horticultural show had been positively assessed, the budget and finance committee unanimously commissioned the administration on October 24, 2006 to prepare application documents including a feasibility study. From the beginning of November 2006 to February 2007 there was a broad dialogue with the population. During this time there were also considerations to accommodate the local high school in part of the barracks buildings.

On February 27, 2007, the Hemer City Council decided to use the barracks grounds for a state horticultural show or to apply for one. The neighboring natural areas at Jüberg , the Felsenmeer nature reserve and the Heinrichshöhle should also be included . The following day the application documents were submitted to the Ministry of the Environment in Düsseldorf. The city of Zülpich was a competitor to host the State Garden Show 2010 in North Rhine-Westphalia . The responsible evaluation committee visited Hemer on April 24th and Zülpich on April 27th, 2007 in order to get an idea for their selection recommendation.

On May 2, 2007, NRW Environment Minister Eckhard Uhlenberg announced the bid for Hemer to host the 2010 State Garden Show in Düsseldorf. It was granted to the city of Hemer in accordance with the ministerial circular on the "Public invitation to tender for state horticultural shows in North Rhine-Westphalia from 2008 to 2017" on January 26, 2006. As a justification, Uhlenberg cited that the unique chance of conversion and the urgency of time, together with a convincing concept, were decisive.

Organization and construction of the garden show

Construction work on the sky mirror and the multifunctional hall

The city of Hemer is the sponsor and, together with the State Working Group on Horticulture and State Maintenance North Rhine-Westphalia (LAGL), based in Cologne, also organizes the State Horticultural Show. The city is thus responsible for the overall financing of LGS. The Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH was founded on June 20, 2007 for the implementation and organization with a share capital of 30,000 euros, whereby the city of Hemer took over a capital contribution of 20,000 euros and the LAGL one of 10,000 euros. The object of the company is the preparation, implementation and handling as well as the dismantling of the State Garden Show in Hemer.

Peter Friedrich, first alderman and building department of the city of Hemer, as well as qualified engineer Heiner Pierenkemper were appointed managing directors. On April 1, 2010, Ralf Schweinsberg was appointed to succeed Peter Friedrich as managing director. Schweinsberg had already been employed as an authorized signatory on February 2, 2010. The head of the Hemeraner building regulations department, Werner Fingerhut, was appointed as the first authorized signatory of the State Horticultural Show on November 2, 2007. Both representatives of the city of Hemer and the LAGL NRW sit on the supervisory board. The Arnsberg district government , the responsible NRW Ministry for the Environment and Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and the Friends' Association send advisory members. The Supervisory Board consists of 15 voting members and 10 advisory members.

On November 13, 2007, the Friends of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 e. V. together with 136 founding members to support the GmbH. In the run-up to the State Horticultural Show, the Friends' Association awarded sponsorships for trees, benches and play equipment. He was also looking for volunteers for the event and collected donations at public events. In the successor park, the development association, which accepted its 1000th member on the last day of the LGS event, will take care of the maintenance of the themed gardens.

In May 2008, the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers took over the patronage for the LGS.

"Am Himmelsspiegel"

In the presence of Environment Minister Uhlenberg, the groundbreaking ceremony took place on October 16, 2008 on the city terrace area with the planting of an emperor lime tree ( Tilia × europaea 'Pallida'). After that, the paths and streets in the city center and on the 32 hectare state horticultural show site were renewed before the first planting work began. Season ticket sales began on November 24th, 2008. On the first day, 100 season tickets were sold, at the end of May 2009 the 10,000 tickets were available. Buyer firm. Until the autumn of 2009, the Landesgartenschau GmbH and the Friends' Association offered regular site tours around the site.

The Genuss am Felsenmeer cooperative , which was prepared in September 2009 and is based in Hemer, was able to prevail against four competitors in the tender for the catering business at the State Garden Show and was awarded the contract on October 19, 2009. During the period of the State Garden Show, she was responsible for the entire catering , which is stipulated in a catering contract between LGS GmbH and the cooperative. The cooperative was entered in the cooperative register of the Iserlohn district court on November 5, 2009. By the end of January 2010, it had taken on 120 employees. There were kiosks and cafés at eleven different locations during the State Garden Show.

Organization of the state horticultural show

For the opening, children from Hemeran let out colorful balloons.

The construction work was fully completed by the opening of the state horticultural show. The Jübergturm was the last construction project to be completed and officially approved the evening before the opening. The Hemer State Horticultural Show 2010 was opened on April 17, 2010 with an ecumenical service and a ceremony. Greetings from NRW Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers , Hemeraner Mayor Michael Esken and Heinz Herker , Chairman of the LAGL, were integrated into a supporting program. In the evening there was an open-air concert followed by a fireworks display on the forum square. On the opening weekend, 29,300 visitors came to the site.

Halfway through the horticultural show, a so-called “mountain festival” took place on July 20, 2010 with free admission. By then, more than 490,000 people had already visited the state horticultural show. This means that the minimum number of visitors specified in the feasibility study had already been reached. With 20,443 visitors, October 3rd was the day with the most visitors.

The state horticultural show ended with a ceremony in front of 10,000 visitors on October 24, 2010. The guests included Minister-President Hannelore Kraft , North Rhine-Westphalia Transport Minister Harry Voigtsberger , State Parliament President Eckhard Uhlenberg and Arnsberg District President Gerd Bollermann . As part of the celebrations, Zülpich's Mayor Albert Bergmann accepted the official State Horticultural Show spade as the organizer of the upcoming State Horticultural Show 2014 . The final fireworks display was dedicated to two Hemeraner pyrotechnicians who were killed in an explosion while preparing a fireworks display in Hanoi . Both were employed at the state horticultural show and, among other things, also designed the fireworks music on the LGS site.

Re-use of the state horticultural show

The future of the site as a park was defined in the feasibility study. Consultations in the city council began on July 13, 2010 to develop a concrete concept. The resolutions of September 14, 2010 then provided for the majority of the site to be converted into a city park, which continues to cost admission. Theme gardens, playgrounds, the Jübergturm and the maze should therefore remain. Resolutions were also passed on the fence line, the planting plan and the construction of the path.

The part of the state horticultural show area, which was reopened as a city park in 2011, was named Sauerlandpark Hemer on December 14, 2010 . The park was continued by a GmbH in continuation of the LGS. The first managing director of Sauerlandpark Hemer GmbH was First Alderman Guido Forsting . The park opened for the first time on April 16, 2011. The city of Hemer, as the sponsor of the state horticultural show, is responsible for the follow-up costs of the subsequent use concept of the state horticultural show, which ended on October 24, 2010.


The state horticultural show was divided into three areas. In the central barracks complex, the cultural quarter , the focus was on information and culture, while the eastern part could be used as a rock park for sporting activities. The Park of the Senses in the south was connected to the sea ​​of ​​rocks and should provide relaxation.

The center for security and disaster control technology (ZSK) is housed in the former technical area of ​​the Blücher barracks, which was not used by the state horticultural show . In addition, the rainbow school for language-impaired children has moved into a former barracks building.

Cultural quarter

Himmelsspiegel and Grohe Forum
Island summer theme garden

The center of the cultural quarter was a forum square called “Himmelsspiegel”, into which an 845 square meter and around 2.5 centimeter high water surface was integrated. Fountains can set the water in motion. Water- permeable natural stone was laid on the sky mirror in order to dry the area, which is officially called Blücher- Platz after the state horticultural show, within 20 minutes. Then it offers space for around 9,000 spectators at cultural events.

A multifunctional hall was built at the southern end of the former parade ground, the stage of which can be used for open-air events on the forum square as well as for concerts and lectures in the interior. The hall, which costs 6.5 million euros, offers space for 500 spectators in the stands and a further 2,000 in the interior and, after the state horticultural show, is to be primarily available to schools and local sports clubs. The hall is named after the sponsor “ Grohe Forum ” and is heated with geothermal energy .

Among other things, a new memorial room for the victims of the main camp Stalag VI A , the largest prisoner-of-war camp in the German Reich from 1943 onwards , was created in the four large barracks blocks themselves . In addition to a new Stalag model, modern media were integrated. The establishment cost 46,000 euros and was financed by the Münster Museum Office, the NRW Foundation and the Hemeraner Verein für Zeitgeschichte. Adjacent was a traditional room of the Bundeswehr , which reminded of the previous use of the site as a Blücher barracks . The rooms were also used for workshops, seminars and art exhibitions. The LGS-GmbH office and the city archive are also located in this complex.

To the east of the main building, 15 themed gardens were created, which were designed by various gardeners and landscapers from the region. In addition, there is a 1000 square meter integrative water playground as well as a flower hall with changing exhibitions, a rose garden and a tree nursery. The churches redesigned a former ABC practice room. Renamed "Paradiesunddas - House of Churches", the room was designed for around 50 people, who were mainly able to attend church services, prayers or concerts there.

Rock park

East view of the Jübergturm

In a line of sight from the forum, at the end of the Himmelsleiter , a lookout tower was built on the Jüberg , which has become the city's new landmark. The " Jübergturm " was financed by the foundation of the Stadtsparkasse Hemer . Originally, the Sparkassenstiftung's board of trustees chose a concrete structure that was not well received by the population and that Mayor Michael Esken rejected for reasons of nature conservation. Finally, the committee decided to conduct a public consultation on two revised drafts. The actual runner-up dropped out of the competition at this point without a reason. The winning concrete design was converted into a wooden structure by the architects and just barely won the survey. As this design turned out to be too expensive in the course of 2009, the second-placed tower by the Stuttgart architects Birk und Heilmeyer was finally implemented.

Students from the Friedrich-Leopold-Woeste-Gymnasium designed a sculpture path to the Jüberg after public funds to pay professional artists were not approved. The affected artists were compensated through settlement agreements in individual cases , some of the works were still exhibited on the LGS site. So-called QR-Art, which uses current technologies in the field of mobile communications, could be seen on the dye plants that were set up between the sky stairs and the skate park. The Hemeraner artist Frank Haase has included the QR code in his art, which can be scanned in using a mobile phone to receive an animation or text with reference to the corresponding image.

Forest playground Zwergengold

In addition to the Gardens of the Generations , the 4500 square meter Rollgarten skate park was built in this area between the former barracks and Ennertsweg , which is used for competitions and championships during and after the state garden show. The facility is one of the largest in Germany and is divided into a beginner and a professional area. The former Bundeswehr sports field on Ennertsweg will in future be used as a pure athletics stadium. The forest playground "Zwergengold" is also part of the rock park. The complex refers to a legend that surrounds the sea of ​​rocks.

In addition, the so-called city ​​mosaic was located in this area , in which the districts, neighboring and partner cities presented themselves with different gardens. Agriculture in the region presented itself at the eastern end of the area with a panoramic terrace and a replica “cowshed”, in which the agricultural district association offered catering and sales. A petting zoo was built in the area behind the Jübergturm.

Park of the Senses

Garden of the air . In the background: the Ethiopian round hut on the right, the entrance to the city mosaic on the left.

In the Park of the senses different are in nine cabinets stern sense of man addressed. Basins were installed in the “garden of the air” , which both visitors and the wind can play. Typical African coffee ceremonies were held regularly in an Ethiopian round hut. The “garden of inner balance” has hammocks, and a wooden ear tube was installed in the sound garden. There is a balance course in the “Garden of the Sense of Balance”, herbal shelves are in the “Culinary Garden” and in the “Scent Garden” there are oversized scented balls. The “garden of light” is designed with light walls of different colors, in the “touch garden” different everyday objects can be felt. The Park of the Senses is a themed garden that deals with human perception. In Hemer, the complex is surrounded by a meadow of wild flowers and orchards .

Hans Prinzhorn Maze

The hedge maze is dedicated to Hans Prinzhorn . It covers an area of ​​1925 square meters and is made of hornbeams . The external dimensions are 55 by 35 meters. The gravel paths are 637 meters long. The shortest route to the viewing platform in the middle measures 179 meters, the longest 383 meters. There are a total of 1728 ways to reach the destination. The maze is to remain beyond the period of the state horticultural show and will be maintained by the LWL Clinic Hemer , also named after Hans Prinzhorn .

As an extension of the Park of the Senses, the sea of ​​rocks adjoins the area in the southeast. A viewing platform and an 80-meter-long bridge will be permanently preserved, and a wooden walkway that runs directly between the rocks could be accessed during the state horticultural show before it fell into disrepair. The construction should neither attack the geotope nor the biotope and instead make the traces of the former mining clearer again.


Ostenschlahstraße , access road to the State Garden Show

The infrastructure in downtown Hemer was expanded in order to cope with the expected flow of visitors. Among other things, the connection between the former barracks and the main road was improved and a new road connecting Hemer and Deilinghofen was created . The Ostenschlahstraße as the main access route was renewed and retained its alley character. A facade competition also beautified the streetscape.

In addition, Hademareplatz was redesigned into a car park and a new street parallel to Bahnhofsstraße was created with Seuthestraße. A retail park will be built in this area during and after the state horticultural show . A water ribbon leads from Hademareplatz over Ostenschlahstrasse to the sky mirror of the State Garden Show. Existing playgrounds in the city center and on Ostenschlahstrasse have been redesigned and modernized.

Special train to the State Garden Show on July 17, 2010 with the historic VT 23 rail bus

In the course of the state horticultural show, the inner city Peace Park with its historical monuments was also converted. Among other things, new paths were laid out and the pond system was embellished. The bus station received a modernization in early 2010, which included new paving and the construction of new pavilions.

Since Hemer no longer had a train station, train passengers from the train station in the neighboring town of Iserlohn and from Schwerte train station could take a shuttle bus to the LGS. A reactivation of the Hemer stop was only realized for special train traffic. After the big event, the route to Hemer will be given up again. Parking spaces have been set up in the downtown Hemeran area, in the northern area of ​​the former barracks and on the former military training area near Deilinghofen . On the occasion of the state horticultural show, a branch of the RuhrtalRadweg was inaugurated with the butterfly route . The route leads from Fröndenberg via Menden to the LGS and from there via Iserlohn-Kalthof back to the Ruhr.


The total budget of the Hemer State Horticultural Show 2010 consisted of three households. Construction work was financed through an investment budget (asset plan ) , the success plan was used to hold the major event. A job overview was the third part of the business plan. About 28.8 million euros could be used via the asset plan. More than 13 million euros were covered by funding from the European Union , the NRW Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Construction . As further grants accounted for a good one million euros, the city of Hemer invested almost ten million euros. To finance urgent work, the city of Hemer had to take out a loan of six million euros in April 2009. For this, the credit line was exceeded by four million euros after approval by the supervisory authority.

For the years 2009 to 2011, the 2009 business plan contained an expense after input tax of just under 10.7 million euros compared to income of 6.3 million euros. The city of Hemer should therefore carry a deficit compensation of around 4.4 million euros. Due to a legal dispute and higher business expenses, the deficit increased to seven million euros by the beginning of 2010. The Hemeran city council accepted the business plan of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH in its meeting on January 19, 2010 against the votes of the UWG . For the city of Hemer as the sponsor of the state horticultural show, the city council issued a constitutional resolution on March 23, 2010 on an emergency budget for 2010 with a deficit of 21.9 million euros, which, according to the majority of the council, cannot be attributed to the state horticultural show.

The city reckoned with up to 700,000 state horticultural show guests, so that part of the costs should also be covered by the entrance fees. The LGS business plan for 2010 described this assessment of the number of visitors as not dubious. According to this, an average of around 3,660 paying visitors were expected at the state horticultural show every day. Overall, the Hemer State Horticultural Show in 2010 recorded 1,050,326 visitors on the final day.

In a panel discussion on October 7, 2010, Mayor Esken presented to the public the costs of the state horticultural show for marketing and press at around 1.3 million euros.


Focus on Africa

Due to the soccer World Cup taking place in South Africa at the same time , the State Garden Show chose Africa as its partner continent. The event period was originally to be divided into five sections, which were to be devoted to different regions of the continent in the form of exhibitions, seminars and conferences:

  • North Africa with the themes of courtyards , architecture and construction
  • West Africa with the subjects of crops and trade relations
  • East Africa with the themes of parkland, ecotourism
  • South Africa with the themes of raw materials and manufacturing
  • Central Africa with the topics of health, energy and climate

After the event manager of the state horticultural show had been changed, the supervisory board reduced most of the Africa events to a period around the soccer world championship. According to the motto “magic of transformation”, the focus should be on the change to which the continent submits. The program was supported by African ambassadors and awarded the "UN World Decade for Sustainable Development" by the German Commission for UNESCO . In May, for example, an economic forum was held, which should result in ongoing economic relations between South Westphalia and Africa. For June 2010 the Africa festival was AfriCAN! Magic planned, which would include concerts by African musicians such as Manu Dibango . Due to a lack of visitor interest, the festival was canceled in advance.

However, some events with a focus on Africa took place: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia organized the Mpumalanga Forum in Hemer and Ethiopian coffee ceremonies were regularly held in an African round hut in the Park of the Senses. The Menden-Hemer-Balve Adult Education Center had included weekend courses on African languages ​​in its program in view of the Africa issue.

Flower shows

Flower hall

Eleven flower shows were organized as part of the state horticultural show. The flower hall, which was already used at the 2009 Federal Garden Show in Schwerin, was built at the foot of the Himmelsleiter . In 2011 the flower shows of the Federal Horticultural Show in Koblenz took place in it. The shows, which were adapted to the respective season, could be seen for eleven to 20 days. The partnership with this continent should also be underlined by various plants from Africa.

An arboretum with 22 different tree species in the area of ​​the themed gardens expanded the horticultural exhibition area of ​​the state horticultural show. The selected plants also include trees from other continents, such as the bluebell tree , a trumpet tree and a hop beech . Local tree species such as oaks , ash trees and plane trees were also planted.

The flower shows during the State Garden Show Hemer 2010:

image title running time Main plants
Hemer-Landesgartenschau-Flower Show Azaleas2.JPG At the opening, abundance of flowers and blaze of color to get in the mood for the next 191 days April 17th to May 2nd Azaleas
Hemer-LGS-BlumenschauOrchideen1-Asio.JPG Treasures of nature, orchids, tropical plants, minerals and jewelry May 6-16 Orchids
Hemer State Garden Show Flower Show Coffee.JPG Coffee with cream - Ethiopia the coffee country and everything blooming in white May 20th to 30th coffee
Hemer-Landesgartenschau-Flower Show Wohnkultur.JPG African home decor - living with plants and flowers from African countries June 3rd to 20th North African ornamental plants
Hemer-LGS-BlumenschauSavanne1-Asio.JPG Survival artists from African countries - and healing herbs from African medicine men June 24th to July 4th Savannah and medicinal plants
Hemer-LGS-BlumenschauRosen1-Asio.JPG Majesty begs you - roses from their most beautiful side July 8th to 18th Roses
Hemer-Landesgartenschau-Blumenschau Bonsai2.JPG Small trees really big - Bonsai-Bamboo-Ikebana July 22nd to August 8th bonsai
Hemer-LGS-BlumenschauStauden1-Asio.JPG From the sunny and shady sides - the splendor of shrubs in the garden August 12-22 Perennials
Hemer-LGS-BlumenschauChrysanthemen1-Asio.JPG Chrysanthemums harbingers of autumn August 26th to September 5th Chrysanthemums
Hemer-Landesgartenschau-Flower Show Heide.JPG Common heather - grasses - juniper September 9-26 Heather
Hemer-Landesgartenschau-Flower Show Erntedank.JPG Finally, the best of everything - fruits - vegetables - fruits - flowers - plants September 30th to October 24th agricultural plants

Theater and concerts

Ballet at the opening of the State Garden Show

The regional bands Extrabreit , Zoff and the Pee Wee Bluesgang opened the open-air season in May under the motto “We rock the beds” in front of almost 3,000 spectators. The band Luxuslärm , which also comes from near Hemer, performed twice at the state horticultural show. In May the five musicians and the No Angels were part of the main groups at the birthday party of the local radio station Radio MK , in July they performed together with school bands from the Friedrich-Leopold-Woeste-Gymnasium .

The city of Iserlohn organized the songwriting festival WortKlang 2010 in Hemer. In this context, Jan Delay , Culcha Candela , Klaus Doldinger performed together with Sasha and Detlev Jöcker in Hemer in June. Over 10,000 visitors followed the four-day festival on the Corpus Christi weekend.

Supertramp member Roger Hodgson and Suzi Quatro came together for a concert in July. 2200 spectators gathered on the forum square. The best-attended single concert during the State Garden Show was the performance of the band Silbermond , which attracted 9,000 spectators on July 30th. The Counts , The Governes , The Lords and The Rattles organized an oldies festival in August, for which around 1,300 tickets were sold. As another main act, Unheilig performed in front of 7,500 spectators on the open-air stage of the Grohe Forum on September 17th .

Pop singers and groups also played at the State Garden Show. The Hemer Sandy Wagner started together with Bernhard Brink on May 1st. Once a month, the WDR 4 Schlagergarten takes place on Forumplatz, to which Gaby Albrecht , Gaby Baginsky , Hein Simons , Monika Martin , Michael Holm and Andreas Martin come to Hemer. Over 10,000 visitors flocked to the Himmelsspiegel for WDR 4 Flower Sunday on August 8th, the following singers and music groups performed: Spielmannszug TV Sundwig , Iserlohner Stadtmusikanten, Sandy Wagner, Birgit Langer , Chris Roberts , Die Junge Zillertaler , Gerrit Winter , Andrea Jürgens , Die Cappuccinos , Michelle , Rüdiger Wolff , Lena Valaitis , Johnny Logan , the Ethel Caffie-Austin Singers , Tony Marshall , Destivo , Heino , Stefanie Hertel , Stefan Mross , Michael Hirte .

Blues and jazz groups such as the JugendJazzOrchester NRW or the Big Daddy Wilson Trio performed regularly as part of the Musikzeit concert series . On October 15th there will be a concert by soul singer Sydney Youngblood in the Grohe Forum.

The first concert in the interior of the Grohe Forum took place on April 18, when the Big Band of the State Police Orchestra of North Rhine-Westphalia was playing there. The Amadeus Guitar Duo performed in front of over 500 spectators on April 22nd at a free concert organized by the sponsoring association of the State Horticultural Show. This was followed by the opening concert of the Hemer Orchestra Association on April 28th, to which around 1,400 spectators came to the State Garden Show. A recording of the concert was later released on CD. The band Corvus Corax , accompanied by a Philharmonic orchestra, performed the Cantus Buranus on May 22nd on Himmelsspiegel. The Philharmonie Südwestfalen played an open air in Hemer on June 30th, after they had already arranged the musical ceremony for the LGS opening. A concert by Justus Frantz and the Philharmonic of Nations on July 17th saw 750 spectators.

The opera “ Der Freischütz ” by Carl Maria von Weber was presented on September 9th in a concert performance by the Hagen Theater . The most popular orchestral concert was the fifth Hemeraner fireworks music "Unter Donner und Blitz" with the participation of the string orchestra of the Hemer Music School on September 11th, for which 3100 tickets were sold. One day later, the orchestra performed again at the state horticultural show as part of the music school day in the Arnsberg region. A total of more than 600 participants organized a whole series of concerts that day.

Los Cantos del Pueblo

At a trumpet meeting on May 24th, over 1000 wind players played on the forum square. Choirs of the Iserlohn Singing Circle organized a coffee concert on May 30th, for which they formed a mixed project choir with 450 participants. Around 1000 singers took part in the two-day choir meeting in NRW . Performances by regional choirs, marching bands and hunting horn players complete the calendar of events. Cantos del Pueblo from Peru performs up to four times a week in the Park of the Senses and can use around 120 instruments.

Theater projects could also be seen at the State Garden Show: The youth welfare office of the city of Hemer organized the theater project Time Travel , which premiered in November 2009. The Hemer Music School brought the musical Graslöwe , which is dedicated to ecological topics, on stage. In addition, the vampire musical "Draculas Drangsal" from the Woeste-Gymnasium, the theater parade of the Menden Theater am Ziegelbrand and a musical by the Beckum music club were implemented.


Open Segway Polo European Championship 2010 on the sports field of the State Garden Show

With a multifunctional hall, an athletics stadium and a skate park, there were sports facilities on the state horticultural show grounds, which were also included in the program.

With over 1500 participants, a star run at the state garden show organized by the TuS Iserlohn running club was one of the largest of its kind in Germany to date. In Balve, Frönsberg, Menden and Iserlohn a total of 775 runners and another 745 walkers from Iserlohn took to the track on April 25th.

17 athletes took part in the preliminary round of the German Stihl Timbersports Championship on July 10th . In front of around 5000 spectators, in addition to the winner and later title holder Robert Ebner, nine other athletes qualified for the championship competition, which was held on August 7th at the Tripsdrill adventure park .

"Team Austria" won the title at the first European Segway Polo Championship , which took place in July on the sports field of the State Garden Show. The "Hemer Butterflies" competed as hosts with two teams and took fifth and sixth place. Participants included Apple founder Steve Wozniak , who played the “Funky Move Turtles” for a team.

In February 2010, the State Garden Show entered into a cooperation with the Iserlohn Roosters ice hockey club , whose roots lie in Deilinghofen . The players Michael Wolf and the native Hemeraner Christian Hommel have been appointed godparents and ambassadors of the LGS. The Roosters celebrated their season opening 2010 with around 3000 fans on the LGS sports field, and they are also organizing a State Horticultural Show Cup 2010 as part of the preparation for the season . The Krefeld Penguins celebrated the tournament victory in the ice rink on the Seilersee , Iserlohn took third place.

The COS-Cup , the official German skateboard championship, made a stop in the Rollgarten at the state horticultural show from August 13th to 15th . Thomas Weber won the competition and Benjamin Dittrich from Hemeran, who also gave training lessons in the skate park during the LGS, came twelfth. A total of 44 skaters took part in the tour stop in Hemer.

A Montgolfiade with night glow and mass starts was planned next to the state garden show, but could not take place for safety reasons.

At the Radio MK run on October 3, around 2200 participants competed on the sports field of the state horticultural show. The five-kilometer circuit led through the Felsenmeer and the LGS site. In addition to the “fun run” over a lap, in which (Nordic) walkers also took part, a ten-kilometer run was also organized. From October 16 to 23, the North Rhine-Westphalian individual chess championships took place on the LGS grounds, in which 16 men and two women took part. Martin Molinaroli won the tournament and qualified for the German championships.

The German matches at the 2010 World Cup were broadcast on a large screen on the forum square. Roundtables with players from Borussia Dortmund and with the BVB council of elders were the result of a cooperation between the LGS and the Bundesliga club. Archery workshops and tai chi courses were also held regularly over the entire LGS period .


The entire region presented itself to the public at the state horticultural show. In addition to concerts and events from Hemeraner clubs, cities in the region organized a theme day, such as Plettenberg , Altena and the Upper Volmetal . The Märkische Kreis was presented through a performance show, and in September the district organized a cultural weekend. The neighboring cities of Menden (Sauerland) and Balve as well as Iserlohn designed plots in the city mosaic. The city of Iserlohn also hosted the Wortklang 2010 songwriter festival on the State Horticultural Show. The WDR Siegen studio festival and a Radio MK festival also took place at the state horticultural show. At the first NRW Seniors' Day, musical performances were combined with information and action stands. Delegations from Hemer's partner cities were received at Pentecost.


The church participated by the ecumenical project "Paradiesunddas" at the State Garden Show 2010. The project took the Protestant churches Hemer, Deilinghofen and Ihmert together with the parish of Iserlohn, the Pastoralverbund the Catholic parishes in Hemer, together with the Dean's Office Märkisches Sauerland , the free Protestant parish Hemer, the old Catholics Dortmund / Hemer and the CVJM Hemer participated. The church's calendar of events included concerts and readings as well as weekly church services and daily evening prayers. On September 11th the “Day of the Churches” with over 100 program items took place at the State Garden Show.

Light garden

As part of the “green classroom”, offers were made to school classes of all ages. On all 89 school days during the State Garden Show, eight to ten program items were planned in the areas of “Nutrition / Health”, “Environment” and “Creativity”. Following the LGS, the Mendener Arche Noah Nature Conservation Center will continue to look after the green classroom. The project of the dye gardens ("Seven European Gardens") by Peter Reichenbach, which is part of it, was awarded a certificate from the German Commission for UNESCO . In 2010 the garden was one of the 365 places in the land of ideas .

Between September 17th and October 4th, the grounds of the state horticultural show were illuminated until midnight after dark. Buildings and plants were illuminated in different colors and a slide show was shown on a water screen in the sky mirror.


State horticultural show logo

The logo of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 was a flying butterfly designed by the agency plakart from Neuenrade . The butterfly symbolizes the motto “The Magic of Transformation”, which was to move into the city of Hemer and the state horticultural show area. Tricolor wings illustrate the triad of body, mind and soul, which the LGS concept also took up. A green wave stands for the Sauerland on the one hand, but also for the sea ​​of ​​rocks on the other . Twenty agencies took part in the competition with their own designs.


Mascot caterpillar

At the closing ceremony of the LGS Rietberg in October 2008, when the state horticultural show spade was handed over, the mascot of the state horticultural show Hemer was presented as a snap -mouth figure . According to the motto “magic of transformation”, it was a caterpillar with a green belly, yellow back, reddish hair, googly eyes, as well as freckles and a single tooth. The caterpillar designed by the infographic designer Sonja Heller was created by the puppeteer Bodo Schulte .

In November 2008, a name for the mascot was sought in cooperation with the local newspaper . The name "Raudi Raupe" was chosen. The mascot was launched as a cuddly toy in autumn 2009. Raudi Raupe was represented as a so-called walk-act figure on the state horticultural show . At the graduation ceremony on October 24th, the caterpillar transformed itself virtually into a butterfly.


Reiner Hänsch , lead singer of the Iserlohn group Zoff , composed the song "Dein Tag" for the state garden show, which was presented at the beginning of May 2009. The song was linked to the official advertising slogan that the Landesgartenschau GmbH had been broadcasting on the radio since 2009: “Pick the day!” Ingo Düe from Menden wrote an unofficial title for the Landesgartenschau. With the song "Blossom of the Sauerland" the singer also appeared at official events in the city of Hemer.

Reactions and criticism

In Hemer, the contract to host the State Garden Show triggered a mood of optimism and euphoria. For the first time ever in the history of the state horticultural shows in North Rhine-Westphalia, a city council had voted unanimously for the application. Not least because of the state horticultural show, the re-election of the Mayor of Hemeran Michael Esken in August 2009 was considered undisputed even before the start of the election campaign. After all, he actually won the mayoral election in 2009 with 76.1 percent of the vote . Only occasionally was there criticism of the costs of the major event, which lasted several months. Outside of Hemer, the state horticultural show was seen as a great opportunity. Within South Westphalia , the state horticultural show was the forerunner of the 2013 Regional .

The event planning for the Hemer State Horticultural Show was criticized in January 2010, which was primarily directed against the event manager of LGS GmbH. An external report identified weaknesses in this area. The lack of communication with clubs and concert organizers who were supposed to take part in the garden show was criticized. The integration of the topic of Africa and the costs of the projects are therefore also weak points. The supervisory board decided on the consequences on January 13, 2010 and filled the event manager post with Oliver Geselbracht from Osnabrück.

Web links

Commons : Landesgartenschau Hemer  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Westfälische Rundschau : "State Garden Show: Blooming gardens instead of dreary barracks" , published on June 5, 2009, accessed on October 30, 2009
  2. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and Zeitung : 191 days of success story: "We are happy and proud" (article from October 25, 2010)
  3. IKZ Hemer: "Closing the State Garden Show: LGS as a unique summer fairy tale" , published on October 23, accessed on October 26, 2010
  4. Of lasting value - 25 years of state garden shows in North Rhine-Westphalia  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , PDF file, accessed October 30, 2009@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  5. Federal Ministry of Defense: The stationing of the Bundeswehr in Germany (page 114) ( Memento of the original from January 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 4.5 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Project database for urban redevelopment in West North Rhine-Westphalia: Blücher barracks urban renewal area (PDF; 48 kB)
  7. Hans-Hermann Stopsack “Vom Amt zur Stadt, page 305”, Hemer 2000, self-published, ISBN 3-00-006685-3
  8. MBV NRW : Blücherkaserne conversion area  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. Environmental report on the 49th amendment to the zoning plan for the city of Hemer (page 7) (PDF; 361 kB)
  10. City of Hemer: Hemer applies for the State Horticultural Show 2010 - the first State Horticultural Show in the Sauerland (PDF; 126 kB)
  11. Joint press release by the mayor of Hemer and the school management of the Friedrich-Leopold-Woeste-Gymnasium  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  12. ^ City of Hemer: What happened so far (summer 2006 to February 2007) (PDF; 55 kB)
  13. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung : Zülpich also very professional (local edition April 27, 2007)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  14. State Horticultural Show Announcement (Page 6: Point 5.2 Award / Evaluation Committee)  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  15. a b c Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia ( circular of the Ministry for the Environment and Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection - II 5 - 2303.2.7. - from January 26, 2006 on "Public tenders for state horticultural shows in North Rhine-Westphalia from 2008 to 2017" (Ministerialblatt NRW from February 8, 2006, p. 57)
  16. Press release from the Ministry  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  17. a b c Commercial register → Joint register portal of the federal states: Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH, HRB 6310, Iserlohn District Court
  18. Company register: Publications accounting / financial reports and register announcements → Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH, HRB 6310, District Court Iserlohn
  19. Publication of the company register: Electronic Federal Gazette February 4, 2010 Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH, annual financial statements, HRB, publication period February 7, 2009 to February 7, 2010 (annual financial statements as of December 31, 2008)
  20. Home page: Hemer moves ( Memento of the original from March 26, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. Register of associations of the Iserlohn District Court: VR 1404
  22. Förderverein Landesgartenschau Hemer: Actions ( Memento of the original from May 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 7, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and newspaper: Prime Minister assumes patronage in 2010 (article from May 15, 2008)
  24. The first cut of the spade turned out to be a real planting pleasure for everyone  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  25. IKZ Hemer: Wonderful mood in winter white: season tickets for the State Garden Show
  26. IKZ Hemer: 10000th LGS season ticket for Christiane Eck
  27. City of Hemer: Gastronomy Cooperative Genuss am Felsenmeer  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  28. Company register: Publications accounting / financial reports and register announcements → Genuss am Felsenmeer eG, GnR 143, Iserlohn District Court
  29. IKZ Hemer: Everyone wants to participate , published on January 25, 2010, accessed on February 6, 2010
  30. Website of the Genossenschaft am Felsenmeer cooperative  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 19, 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  31. IKZ Hemer: “Jübergturm ready for LGS opening” , published and accessed on April 16, 2010
  32. Program flyer for the opening weekend
  33. IKZ Hemer: “A state horticultural show prelude under palm trees” , published and accessed on April 18, 2010
  34. IKZ Hemer: “LGS half-time balance: 'Have only luxury problems ...!'” , Published on July 16, accessed on July 17, 2010
  35. Press release of the State Horticultural Show Hemer 2010: "On the way to a million - LGS counts almost 960,000 visitors", published on October 4, 2010
  36. Session template TOP 7 No. 0288-08 / 2010 for the council meeting of the city of Hemer on July 13, 2010: "Landesgartenschau Hemer - conception for subsequent use" ( Memento of the original from January 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link became automatic used and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed September 8, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  37. IKZ Hemer: “Council vote: First decisions on the future of the LGS Park” , published on September 14, 2010, accessed on February 5, 2011
  38. Press release of the city of Hemer: "The state garden show becomes 'Sauerlandpark Hemer'"  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  39. Council resolution of January 13, 2011, Item 6 with organizational structure.
  40. IKZ Hemer: "New NRW Family Park: New logo and new events attract people to the Sauerland Park" , published on February 4, accessed on February 5, 2011
  41. IKZ Hemer: Over 500 laying the foundation stone for the new multifunctional hall
  42. Westphalian history: Information on Stalag VI A in Hemer
  43. DerWesten: "That is the real magic of transformation: State garden show in the prisoner-of-war camp Stalag VI A Hemer"
  44. IKZ Hemer: Exciting head-to-head race of the towers
  45. IKZ Hemer: Concrete tower cannot be built for nature conservation reasons
  46. WR Herdecke: Tower "made in Herdecke" dropped out of the competition
  47. "Sparkasse: New Jübergturm is being built" ( Memento of the original from March 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  48. IKZ and WR of March 6, 2010: "Camouflage brings a lot of trouble - sculptor complains against LGS"
  49. IKZ and WR comparisons with artists from March 20, 2010
  50. Frank Haase, Hemer: QR code art project at the Hemer State Horticultural Show ( memento of the original from May 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed May 20, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  51. IKZ Hemer: Märkische Bank becomes premium sponsor for the State Garden Show Hemer 2010
  52. IKZ Hemer: Noise protection wall to protect houses on new Deilinghofer Straße
  53. IKZ Hemer: “ Large agricultural show on the LGS panorama terrace ”, October 7, 2009, accessed on July 13, 2015
  54. City of Hemer: "Hedge cabinets enchant all the senses"  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  55. IKZ Hemer: Hans-Prinzhorn-Maze is the largest in NRW
  56. Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010: Numbers - data - facts  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  57. IKZ Hemer of April 9, 2010: Immerse yourself in the old rocky landscape
  58. IKZ Hemer: First borehole for viewing platform in the Felsenmeer
  59. “Facade and greening competition on Ostenschlahstraße”  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  60. Video: Reconstruction of the Peace Park as good as finished ( Memento of the original from February 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , published July 6, 2009, accessed February 23, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  61. IKZ Hemer: “ Bus station will be upgraded up to the State Garden Show ”, published on January 12, 2010, accessed on February 23, 2010
  62. Butterfly route to the Hemer State Garden Show  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed September 13, 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  63. a b Economic plan of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 ( memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed January 26, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  64. IKZ Hemer: " Budgetary Security Concept for the Period 2009-2014 ", published on June 8, 2009, accessed on January 2, 2010
  65. Business plan 2009 of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH of February 12, 2009 (PDF file; 894 kB), accessed on January 27, 2010
  66. IKZ Hemer: "UWG asks for understanding", published on January 23, 2010, accessed on January 26, 2010
  67. IKZ of March 24, 2010: “community of suffering” decides on emergency budget
  68. State Horticultural Show brochure Magic of Metamorphosis : data, figures, facts
  69. Explanation of the entrance fees under section 6.1 of the profit plan for the 2010 business plan.
  70. City of Hemer: More than 10,000 people are celebrating the final day of the LGS Hemer  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Published October 25, 2010, accessed November 1, 2010.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  71. ^ Landesgartenschau Hemer in the Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger from October 9, 2010: "BM presents figures from LGS surprise bag."
  72. "Due to lack of demand: AfriCAN Life music festival canceled", press release by the Landesgartenschau Hemer GmbH, published on June 8, 2010
  73. IKZ Hemer: "LGS: Afrika nur sehr klein" , published on June 9, 2010, accessed on June 14, 2010
  74. VHS courses: Other languages ( Memento of the original from July 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed January 9, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  75. IKZ Hemer: "WortKlang: A cultural festival for the whole region" , published on June 6, 2010, accessed on June 30, 2015
  76. a b Event calendar ( memento of the original from March 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the State Horticultural Show Hemer 2010, accessed on January 10, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  77. IKZ Hemer: " Rocktheater celebrated a successful premiere ", published on November 22, 2009, accessed on January 10, 2010
  78. ^ Theater Am Ziegelbrand Official homepage of the Theater Am Ziegelbrand
  79. site to star running Hemer 2010 , accessed September 14, 2010
  80. Press release from Stihl Timbersports : "Robert Ebner wins the preliminary round for the German championship in Hemer" , accessed on September 13, 2010
  81. IKZ Lokalsport: "Team Austria won the European championship title" , published on July 18, accessed on June 30, 2015
  82. City of Hemer: Wolf and Hommel appointed ambassadors for the State Garden Show  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , published February 8, accessed February 10, 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  83. IKZ: "Ice hockey: tournament balance is largely positive" , published on August 22nd, accessed on September 13th, 2010
  84. ^ Result of the COS Cup in Hemer , accessed on September 13, 2010
  85. Press release of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010: “Ballonfestival is canceled” (August 18, 2010)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed September 13, 2010@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  86. IKZ Hemer: “NRW Chess Championship: Martin Molinaroli is the new NRW master” , published on October 24th and accessed on October 26th, 2010
  87. Official website of the House of Churches ( Memento of the original from June 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  88. IKZ Hemer: Malkasten earth and science with red cabbage , July 7, 2009
  89. IKZ Hemer , print version of July 10, 2009; City mirror Hemer from July 8, 2009
  90. Germany - Land of Ideas: Färbergärten, Hemer ( Memento of the original from January 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed January 15, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  91. Motto and logo ( Memento of the original dated December 31, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  92. Information from the “plakart” agency on the LGS logo
  93. IKZ Hemer: A butterfly advertises the state horticultural show
  94. IKZ Hemer: Small, eaten caterpillar as the mascot of the garden show (online edition October 13, 2008)
  95. IKZ report on finding a name (November 25, 2008)
  96. IKZ Hemer: " Hemeraner Herbsttage: Sales start for hand puppet Raudi Raupe ", published on September 22, 2009, accessed on January 2, 2010
  97. "Dein Tag" is the official song of the Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 ( memento of the original from January 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  98. IKZ Hemer: “ Wonderful garden show, the greatest wish for 2010 ”, published on January 1, 2010, accessed on January 2, 2010
  99. IKZ Hemer: LaGa virus cannot be stopped
  100. IKZ Hemer: Hemer as the engine of the region
  101. IKZ Hemer: Projects worth millions for the future
  102. Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger from June 30, 2008 and Stadtspiegel Iserlohn / Hemer from July 9, 2008
  103. Preliminary final result of the mayoral election in Hemer ( Memento of the original from July 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  104. WP Balve: Balve at the State Garden Show in the boat
  105. IKZ Hemer: “ New LGS Event Manager: Building up tension after winter ”, published on February 26, 2010, accessed on February 27, 2010

Coordinates: 51 ° 23 ′ 10 ″  N , 7 ° 46 ′ 47 ″  E