August Bercht

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Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht (born July 30, 1790 in Niederwerbig near Treuenbrietzen , † May 29, 1861 in Darmstadt ) was a German publicist, poet and historian.


August Bercht was born as the son of pastor Johann Christoph Valentin Bercht (1749–1800) from Barby and Johanna Charlotte Bercht, nee. Kypke (1759-1818) was born in Grünewalde near Schönebeck . His father was pastor in Niederwerbig from 1779 to 1793, and then pastor in Kreuma until his death . August Bercht's brother Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Bercht (1797–1875) lived in Dresden and Zarrentin .

Training and activity as a private tutor

August Bercht attended the Pforta state school from 1803 and enrolled on May 21, 1808 to study philology and history at the University of Leipzig , where he received his doctorate in 1810. phil. received his doctorate. For joint processing of the Jablonowskischen Society of Sciences price set task to Leipzig " Des annalists Wittekind life, writings which existing manuscripts, editions and a new functional edition of his Annals " was awarded the prize in 1810 to Bercht and Georg Ludwig Adolph Eduard from the Brincken (1791–1869) awarded from Clausthal. Both winners were members of the historical society founded by Hans Karl Dippoldt .

After his university visit, Bercht became tutor to the family of Count Friedrich Abraham Wilhelm von Arnim-Boitzenburg (1767-1812) in Berlin. During this time he “more or less associated with Schleiermacher , Hemdorf , Rühs , Reimer , Buttmann , Eiselen , Hofprediger Sack , Bernhardi , Stägemann and other honorable men of a liberal direction”.

Wars of Liberation

In 1813 Bercht joined the Lützow Free Corps . The Jewish doctor Salomon Friedrich Stiebel (code name: Baer) and the pedagogue Wilhelm Heinrich Ackermann served in the same corps , with whom he took part in commemorative celebrations of volunteers in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main a quarter of a century later . He also knew the "Lützower Jäger" Friedrich Froebel . August Bercht took part in the Battle of Waterloo ( Belle Alliance ) and in 1815 was a lieutenant in the 2nd West Prussian Regiment in the occupation forces in Paris . Together with Eugen von Vaerst , he was quartered at Maréchal d'Empire François-Christophe Kellermann . Bercht wrote a few poems about events in the wars of liberation , which were printed in anthologies and school books.

Journalistic activity in Paris, Koblenz and Bremen

August Bercht was editor of the Deutsche Feldzeitung in Paris , which he and Friedrich Christoph Förster edited at the instigation of General August Neidhardt von Gneisenau . After the second issue, the paper was discontinued at the instigation of the Allied police chief in Paris, Justus von Gruner . Bercht became an employee of Josef Görres' Rheinischer Merkur in Koblenz . In February 1816, on the recommendation of Görres and Ernst Moritz Arndt , he was hired by the Bremen ambassador at the Federal Assembly in Frankfurt am Main (later mayor) Johann Smidt as editor of the state-owned Bremer Zeitung , paid 1,000 Reichstalers annually by the Bremen Senate and on 5 February 1817 by appointment as "extraordinary professor of philosophy" equal to the teachers at the learned school . "Recover, Doctor, editor of the newspaper Bremer" lived in the Knochenhauerstraße no. 40 .

Brecht took a more nationally liberal line, but mostly limited himself to the reproduction of news from other newspapers, which he occasionally glossed over. Nevertheless, there were soon official complaints from other states ( Denmark , Kurhessen , Spain , Hanover , France , Hamburg, etc.) to the Bremen Senate about individual reports in the Bremer Zeitung . A contribution by Bercht from 1817 on the 13th article of the German Federal Act ("A state constitution will take place in all federal states ") was misunderstood as an official statement and influenced the debate in the Bundestag and the constitutional efforts in Bavaria and Württemberg (" Württembergischer Verfassungsstreit ") . This and other articles by Bercht had caused offense, especially in Austria , and the Bremer Zeitung had been placed under censorship there in the spring of 1818. With Joseph Anton Pilat from the Oesterreichischer Beobachter , a mouthpiece for the Austrian State Chancellor Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich , Bercht fought “a real press feud”.

After a complaint by the Prussian ambassador to the Hanseatic cities, Count August Otto von Grote , Bercht received a severe reprimand on December 31, 1817, which he had to print in the newspaper. Through an article in No. 111 of April 21, 1818, Bercht completely incurred the displeasure of Johann Smidt, who therefore clashed violently with the Austrian ambassador to the German Confederation in Frankfurt, Johann Rudolf von Buol-Schauenstein . On December 30, 1818, on the proposal of the Scholarchen (school senator) Gottlieb Friedrich Carl Horn (1772–1844), general instructions for the type of editorial management were issued and a new, more restrictive contract was concluded with Bercht. Ultimately, under pressure from Metternich, Bercht's commitment in Bremen ended in 1819 , and he accepted an external, lower-paid job. Bercht's successor at the Bremer Zeitung was Karl Iken .

Intermezzo as a teacher in Kreuznach

Bercht was appointed in August 1819 by Director Gerd Eilers with the consent of the Upper President of the Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine Province in Koblenz, Karl von Ingersleben, as a teacher of the upper classes at the newly organized Royal High School (today: High School on the City Wall ) in Kreuznach . His annual income should be 2,800 francs (equivalent to around 800 Reichstalern) with free apartment and garden. A few weeks after its introduction, however, in November 1819, at the instigation of the chief director of the Prussian Police Ministry Karl Albert von Kamptz and following instructions from Police Minister Wilhelm zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein , Interior Minister Friedrich von Schuckmann and Education Minister Karl vom Stein zum Altenstein as " Demagogue ”dismissed. Bercht were accused of some articles in the Bremer Zeitung that were judged to be "anti-Prussian" (including about the Wartburg Festival ). He was also confused with the fraternity member Karl Friedrich Bercht (1801–1861) and wrongly even suspected that he had been in agreement with Karl Ludwig Sand , who had murdered the writer August von Kotzebue in March 1819 .

The responsible government and school councilor Friedrich Lange in the Koblenz consistory was interrogated for three hours by an examining magistrate on the matter in December 1819 on the basis of 49 questions submitted from Berlin. Investigative proceedings against Eilers were soon closed. Eilers, who campaigned for Bercht with his superiors, took him - although District Administrator Ludwig Philipp Hout (1775–1846) wanted to forbid this - as a "friend" in his official apartment.

Mayor Franz Xaver Buhs and the Kreuznach city council made written submissions to the Berlin ministers for Bercht. He was finally assigned two of the guaranteed annual salaries as a severance payment from State Chancellor Karl August von Hardenberg , after which he was “privatized” for some time in Kreuznach. In the summer of 1822 he visited Strasbourg and Kassel .

Stay in Switzerland

Since 1823 Bercht was a history teacher at the grammar school in Basel and in the summer semester read for four hours on European history at the University of Basel . In 1824 he worked at an educational institute for girls of all classes in Hofwil in the canton of Bern , which was founded by Margaretha von Tscharner (1778-1839), the wife of Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg .

Teacher and publicist in Frankfurt am Main

August Bercht lived in Frankfurt am Main in 1825 in the house of doctor Adolph Schmidt at Grosse Sandgasse 4 (K 53) . In 1827 he married Christiane Caroline Hergenhahn (1790-1857) from Usingen , daughter of Judicial Counselor Johann Carl Salomon Hergenhahn (1762-1806) and his wife Johannette Wilhelmine Christiane Vigelius (1768-1805). She was a sister of the Nassau lieutenant general Karl Friedrich Hergenhahn (1793–1868) and the liberal politician August Hergenhahn (1804–1874). Caroline Hergenhahn ran a private school for girls in the Weißen Hirsch at Großer Hirschgraben 3 (F 63) in Frankfurt am Main from 1824 to 1844 . The school, at which August Bercht also taught, and the boarding school were financially successful. Successors of “Frau Dr. Bercht ”as headmistresses of the school were (Dorothea) Louise Bickel, a daughter of court preacher and superintendent Johann Daniel Karl Bickel , and from 1857 Louise Schierenberg, née. Des Coudres († around 1875).

From 1830 Bercht was together with Friedrich Christoph Schlosser (1776–1861) editor of the journal Archive for History and Literature , to which Friedrich Kortüm (who, like Bercht, had been a teacher in Hofwil), Joseph von Aschbach , Georg Gottfried Gervinus , Christoph Rommel , Heinrich Schäfer , Friedrich Funck , Adolph Schottmüller (Müller) (1798–1871), Eduard Prätorius (1807–1855), Gustav Adolf Harald Stenzel and Friedrich Wilhelm Carové contributed. The magazine was discontinued in 1835, a planned continuation as the New Archive for History and Literature did not materialize. In 1837 Bercht took part in a call for subscriptions to the impartial universal church newspaper for the clergy and the educated world class of Protestant, Catholic and Israelite Germany . In 1837 he was one of the directors of the Frankfurter Kunstverein and corresponded with the inspector of the Städel Art Institute, Johann David Passavant . In 1843 Bercht entered the album amicorum of 17-year-old Fanny (Henrietta Franziska Angelina) Hauchecorne, later Schorn (1826–1909).

Editor of the Rheinischer Beobachter in Cologne

In the summer of 1842, the Prussian minister of education, Friedrich Eichhorn , contacted the Bonn university curator Moritz August von Bethmann-Hollweg , the Bonn law professor Clemens Theodor Perthes and senior president Eduard von Schaper in order to promote the establishment of a government-loyal newspaper in the Rhine province . It should have the "stamp of a freely moving conservative Prussian newspaper" and publish critical contributions to its credibility. In March 1844, the Berlin government councilor in the Ministry of Culture, Gerd Eilers, brought up August Bercht as editor for the project, whom he knew from Bremen and Kreuznach. By cabinet order of April 26, 1844, at the suggestion of Minister of Education Eichhorn, Bercht was appointed extraordinary professor of education at the University of Bonn with an annual salary of 800 thalers without any lecture obligation. In May he accepted the position. In fact, Bercht worked from 1844 to 1848 as editor of the journal Rheinischer Beobachter in Cologne, which was subsidized by the Prussian government with 3,000 thalers . His "Frau Professor Caroline Bercht" was allowed to continue as a boarding school in Cologne as a boarding school for young girls of higher rank , which she had previously run in Frankfurt am Main .

At the beginning of 1846 Bercht tried unsuccessfully to reach a mutual tolerance agreement with the Catholic-oriented Koblenzer Rhein- und Mosel-Zeitung of the publisher Rudolph Friedrich Christian Hergt . In June 1846 Bercht met in Cologne for a conversation with František Palacký during his trip to Germany.

Ferdinand Lassalle , who briefly thought in connection with the so-called cassette affair, "Bercht ... would be for us", criticized Arnold Mendelssohn and Karl Grün in November 1846 for having sent him articles from Paris; Bercht “totally changed the color” within two days. In the divorce process of Lasalle's client and later partner Sophie von Hatzfeldt , the opposite party used a reason for divorce and a. submitted that the Countess - in order to correct a "humiliating article" in the Rheinischer Beobachter - gave the editor Bercht her "prodigality complaint" (accusation of wasting her property by her husband) for inspection in the fall of 1846 and thus "injures graves / gross insults “(A reason for divorce according to Art. 231 of the Civil Code ).

Bercht was attacked by the publicist Ernst Dronke , a member of the Union of Communists , “as an unconditional police plaqueur and denunciator of the free press”. Karl Marx made fun of the communism of the "Rheinischer Beobachter" (on No. 206) and did not mention the editor by name, but only the "Herr Konsistorialrat ". National liberal journalists and the Catholic press saw the Rheinischer Beobachter as an uncritical, anti-constitutional or Protestant organ of government. From the Christian-conservative side "his all too frequent reports on Jewish affairs" were reprimanded. The early anti-Semite Heinrich Eugen Marcard was one of the newspaper's correspondents in Danzig. Caused a stir in 1847 the placement of one of Bercht did not see through the alleged advertisement for "gross C snips" (meaning: C ensur-scissors) in the Rheinische observers , by the Cologne C ensor Councilor Albert Wenzel (1800-1871) and President of the Government Karl Otto by Raumer as “Factory von Wen dt und Zel le” by the “ Remuar brothers ” (“Raumer” backwards).

After various differences between the Upper Presidents of the Rhine Province Schaper and Franz August Eichmann and Berlin ministries about the political orientation of the newspaper and an internal audit report on its desolate economic situation, the Rheinische Beobachter , who last had around 500 to 600 subscribers, had to receive a subsidy of 18,000 Thalers required annually, its publication after the March Revolution and the resignation of Eichhorn cease on March 31, 1848. The end of the newspaper, which had been printed by Wilhelm Clouth (1807–1871), was viciously commented on by the liberal and radical democratic press. The rival Kölnische Zeitung published an " invitation to the funeral of the Blessed Rhenish Observer ". The teachers Matthias Hollenberg (1796-1856), Martin Ricken (1824-1880), Johann Adolf Hollenberg (1826-1907), Ludwig Susen and the student Wilhelm Adolf Hollenberg (1824-1899) - friends of Friedrich Wilhelm Dörpfeld , who likely to was involved in the advertisement, - on the other hand, on April 8, 1848 in Duisburg, they gave up a serious thank you to Bercht as an advertisement in the Kölnische Zeitung .

Private owner in Neuwied and Koblenz

A move to Berlin planned by Bercht in the autumn of 1848 was prevented by the acting minister of education, Adalbert von Ladenberg . After 1848 Bercht lived as a privateer in Neuwied and Koblenz. He received his previous professor's salary - initially at a reduced level from 1849 to 1851 - as a waiting allowance . He lived in Koblenz at Neustadt 16 and Kastorpfaffenstraße 8 . Shortly before Bercht's death, Hans Hugo von Kleist-Retzow , Upper President of the Rhine Province from 1851 to 1858, concluded a speech in the Prussian mansion with a passage from his “wonderful” poem Den Manen Blucher's Scharnhorst's and Gneisenau's .

August Bercht died in the house of his daughter Marie Catharine in Darmstadt at Neckarstrasse 8 (E 141) . Professor Karl Steinhart commemorated him on November 23, 1861 at the annual Ecce death celebration for the deceased alumni of the Pforta State School.


Marie Catharine von Hombergk zu Vach , b. Bercht (* March 22, 1828 in Frankfurt am Main; † September 27, 1901 in Darmstadt), ⚭ October 13, 1853 in Koblenz, the Grand Ducal Hessian Court Judge Adolf Georg Friedrich Christian von Hombergk zu Vach and Freienstein (* June 29, 1821 in Darmstadt ; † October 22, 1864 in Gießen), son of court court director Friedrich Christian Gustav von Hombergk zu Vach and Johannette Sophie Lehr, was the only surviving daughter of Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht and Caroline Christiane Hergenhahn. Together with Luise Büchner she was active in the Alice - Association for women's education and acquisition in Darmstadt, at times its president (chairwoman), holder of the Cross of Merit for women and virgins and since 1896 holder of the Knight's Cross First Class of the Grand Ducal Hessian Order of Ludewigs .

The fraternity member Karl Friedrich Bercht (1801–1861) from Dahme or Annaburg , son of the pastor Johann Gottfried Bercht (* around 1759; † 1837) from Barby, enrolled in Leipzig in 1820 (theology student), arrested in 1823 and consilium abeundi , 1826 by the royal Higher Regional Court in Breslau under the chairmanship of Friedrich Wilhelm von Falkenhausen (1781–1840) sentenced to 14 years imprisonment, pardoned in 1829/30, 1839 teacher at the Military Boys Education Institute in Annaburg (until 1847), 1842 in Magdeburg certificate of eligibility pro ministerio , pastor in Bethau and Naundorf since 1847 , was a relative (cousin) of Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht. But this himself was not a “national German fraternity member”. The Berlin authorities apparently initially confused the two people.


  • Employment of Prof. Dr. Berchts at the Gymnasium in Kreuznach , 1819; Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage, Brandenburg-Prussian House Archive (Rep. 192 Nl Wittgenstein, Wilhelm Ludwig Georg zu, VII K No. 1 d).
    • Culture Minister Karl vom Stein zum Altenstein: Rescript on the prohibition of the employment of Prof. Bercht
    • District Administrator Ludwig Philipp Hout to Minister of the Interior Wilhelm zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein: Bercht has already taken over the position, (Kreuznach), November 15, 1819
    • Director Dr. Gerd Eilers to District Administrator Hout: Praise for Bercht, (Kreuznach), November 15, 1819
    • Altenstein to the consistory in Koblenz: Bercht's employment (he was editor of the Bremer Zeitung ) is prohibited , November 22, 1819.
  • 3 letters from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Friedrich Wilhelm Thiersch , Kreuznach, Frankfurt, 1820–1849; Bavarian State Library Munich (Thierschiana I.87)
  • Letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Georg Franz Burkhard Kloss dated August 23, 1833; Bavarian State Library Munich (Signature: Autogr. Bercht, Gottlob Friedrich August)
  • Letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Wilhelm Ernst Weber from November 23, 1833 from Frankfurt am Main; Leipzig University Library (autograph collection Kestner / II / A / IV, folder 131, sheet no.1)
  • The Minister Eichhorn , v. Bülow , v. Bodelschwingh and Graf v. Arnim to King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. On the establishment of a governmental newspaper in the Rhine Province. Berlin 1844 April 19 . In: Joseph Hansen (Ed.): Rhenish letters and files for the history of the political movement , Vol. I. (Publications of the Society for Rhenish History 36.1). Baedeker, Essen / Leipzig 1919 (= reprint Droste, Düsseldorf 1997), no. 275, pp. 647–653 ( digitized version of the Mannheim University Library)
  • The Minister of Culture Eichhorn to the Minister of the Interior, Count v. Arnim. Berlin 1844 June 7 . In: Joseph Hansen (Ed.): Rhenish letters and files for the history of the political movement , Vol. I. (Publications of the Society for Rhenish History 36.1). Baedeker, Essen / Leipzig 1919 (= reprint Droste, Düsseldorf 1997), No. 277, pp. 655–657 ( digitized version of the Mannheim University Library)
  • Letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Heinrich Künzel from September 9, 1844 from Frankfurt am Main; University and State Library Darmstadt (Signature: Nachlass Künzel Br./2/II/22)
  • Letter from Ferdinand Lassalle to Arnold Mendelssohn and to Karl Grün, after mid-November 1846. In: Gustav Mayer (Hrsg.): Postponed letters and writings from Ferdinand Lassalle , Vol. I Letters from and to Lassalle until 1848 . DVA / Julius Springer, Berlin 1921, No. 91, pp. 287–290 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Karl Marx: The Communism of the "Rhenish Observer" . In: Deutsche-Brusser-Zeitung , No. 73 of September 12, 1847 = Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Works , Vol. IV. Dietz, Berlin 1972, pp. 191-203


  • (lost) Siege of Massily by Julius Caesar . no year (before 1810)
  • (with Christian Wilhelm Wiesand) De diversis iuris naturae principiis dissertatio historico-critica , quam… publice defendet Guilielmus Wiesand… socio Augusto Berchtio. Gottfried Bruder, Leipzig 1810
  • History of Count Egmont . In addition to a description of the jubilee celebrations at the University of Leipzig, excellent December 4th. in 1809 , by Hans Karl Dippoldt. J. C. Hinrichs, Leipzig 1810 ( digitized version of the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library)
  • (with Georg Ludwig Adolph Eduard von den Brincken) De Witechinda Corbeiensis vita et scriptis annaliumque codd. et edd. cum consilio novae editionis parandae (1810). In: Acta Societatis Iablonovianae nova , Vol. 3. Kühn, Leipzig 1812, pp. 128–187 ( digitized version of the Biblioteka Narodowa - National Library Warsaw)
  • The memory of Koerner and his companions who died . In: Karl Ludwig von Woltmann (Ed.): Deutsche Blätter Vol. 1, from November 26th 1813, p. 392
    • So sleep gently now . In: Karl Streckfuß (Ed.): Theodor Körner's all works , vol. IV. Nicolai, Berlin 1853, p. 303f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Braga . Carpenter, Düsseldorf 1814
  • In Franconia! (written a few days before the Battle of the Belle Alliance ) (1815). In: Friedrich Christoph Förster (Ed.): Contributions to recent war history , Vol. II. Maurer, Berlin 1816, pp. 219–221 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Consolation . In: Harmonia. Fatherland and war poems of the Germans. Handbook on Aesthetic and Moral Education for Budding Officers. A chrestomathy . Joseph Lindauer, Munich 1817, p. 222f ( full text in the Google book search)
  • The warrior to the scribes (wrongly attributed to Friedrich Christoph Förster). In: Friedrich Raßmann (Ed.): Sonnets of the Germans , Vol. III. Friedrich Vieweg, Braunschweig 1817, p. 285 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
    • The warrior to the scribe in Paris . In: Friedrich Christoph Förster (Ed.): The singer's journey. For friends of poetry and Mahlerey . Maurer, Berlin 1818, p. 232f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
  • The marshal on the grave of Emperor Karl , Die Kriegsleut 'in the Parisian picture room , The singer Harm , The languishing boy , Sehnsucht , The warrior to the scribes in Paris and on the Rhine . In: Friedrich Christoph Förster (Ed.): The singer's journey. For friends of poetry and Mahlerey . Maurer, Berlin 1818, pp. 41f, 57–61, 153f, 188f, 231–233 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Flower greeting , affection , hymn , Hölty , Ernst Schulze and melancholy . In: Pocket book for social pleasure . Johann Friedrich Gleditsch Nachf. / Carl Gerold , Leipzig / Vienna 1822, pp. 3, 90, 98–102 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • Superintendent Fouquet , his trial and imprisonment. A contribution to the history of Ludwig XIV. In: Archive for history and literature 1 (1830), pp. 129–192 ( full text in the Google book search).
    • (reprinted in :) Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff (Ed.): Encyclopedia of German National Literature or biographical-critical lexicon of German poets and prose writers since the earliest times together with samples from their works , Vol. I. Wigand, Leipzig 1835, p. 215 –229 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • About some places in Heeren's works and a review in the Göttingen advertisements . In: Archive for History and Literature 1 (1830), pp. 287–295 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • About Bignon's history of France from 18th Brümaire (1799) to the Peace of Tilsit . In: Archive for History and Literature 1 (1830), pp. 296–305 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • The peace negotiations at Lüneville after Bignon . In: Archive for History and Literature 1 (1830), pp. 306–316 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • The death of Paul I after Bignon . In: Archive for History and Literature 1 (1830), pp. 317–330 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • The prisoner in the iron mask . In: Archive for History and Literature 2 (1831), pp. 193–239 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • A few more things that don't need answers . In: Archive for History and Literature 2 (1831), pp. 333–338 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • Official contributions to the latest history of the Canton of Bern . In: Archive for History and Literature 3 (1832), pp. 358–406 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • The third of February . In: Magdeburgische Zeitung of February 12, 1838, p. 9f
    • The Manen Blücher's Scharnhorst's and Gneisenau's . In: Songbook of the Volunteers of 1813, 1814, and 1815 and their continuing comradeship . W. Clouth, Cologne 1839, No. XXXIV, pp. 66–71 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
    • To Cologne. February 3, 1838 . In: Hans Ferdinand Maßmann (ed.), Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (preface): Wächterlieder am Rheine , Vol. I. Christoph Wetzstein, Schweinfurt 1841, pp. 24–28 ( full text in the Google book search)
    • Poem to the departed heroes Scharnhorst, Blücher and Gneisenau . In: Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 51–56 ( full text in the Google book search)
    • and further prints under the titles Toast , Preussens Helden o. Ä., also included in various school reading books
  • The celebration of the volunteers in Frankfurt am Main on December 11, 1838 . Naumann, Frankfurt am Main 1839
  • Toast . In: The third commemorative celebration of the Frankfurt volunteers (on December 11, 1841) . In: Didaskalia. Blätter für Geist, Gemüth und Publicitäts , No. 349, from December 15, 1841, pp. 306–308, especially pp. 307f ( full text in the Google book search)

As editor / editor

  • Bremer Zeitung . Johann Georg Heyse , Bremen 1816–1819 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • Article in the Bremer Zeitung from March 1818 (excerpt). In: Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 60–64 ( full text in the Google book search)
    • Article in the Bremer Zeitung of April 21, 1818. In: Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Carlsbad resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, esp. Pp. 379f ( digitized version )
  • Friedrich Christoph Schlosser, Gottlob August Bercht (ed.): Archive for History and Literature 1 (1830) ( full text in the Google book search); 2 (1831) ( full text in Google book search); 3 (1832) ( full text in Google book search); 4 (1833) ( full text in Google book search); 5 (1833) ( full text in Google book search) and 6 (1835) ( full text in Google book search). Heinrich Ludwig Brönner / Sigmund Schmerber, Frankfurt am Main 1830–1835
  • Anonymous: The war system in monarchies. A handbook for officers. From the papers left by a German veteran . Hermann / Suchsland, Frankfurt am Main 1841 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • (Excerpts from it) Soldier pictures . In: The border messengers . Journal for Politics, Literature and Art 2 (1842), pp. 687–701 ( digitized version of the State and University Library Bremen)
  • Rhenish observer . Wilhelm Clouth, Cologne 1844–1848


  • Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff: G. August Bercht . In: ders .: Encyclopedia of German National Literature or biographical-critical lexicon of German poets and prose writers since the earliest times together with samples from their works , Vol. I. Wigand, Leipzig 1835, p. 215 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Gerd Eilers: On the judgment of the Eichhorn Ministry, from a member of the same . Dümmler, Berlin 1849, pp. 186–192, 201 and 210 ( digitized version of the Frankfurt University Library)
  • Gerd Eilers: The appointment of Professor Bercht leads the grammar school and myself into the enclosure of the hunt for demagogic ideas and activities. Description of the political party struggles in the years 1818–1820 . In: ders .: My walk through life. A contribution to the inner history of the first half of the 19th century , vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 31–81, especially pp. 44–81 ( full text in the Google book search)
    • (Excerpt reprinted in) Hermann Keipp (Ed.): On the inner history of Prussia , part II. In: Berliner Revue 10 (1857), pp. 138–145, especially pp. 142–144 ( full text in the Google book search)
  • Theodor Creizenach : In memory of Dr. A. Bercht . In: Neues Frankfurter Museum , No. 71 of June 26, 1861, p. 564 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Philipp WaltherBercht, Gottlob Friedrich August . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, p. 352.
  • Heinrich Tidemann : The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbad resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394 ( digitized version )
  • Gustav Sasse: Bremen's newspaper system until 1848 . (diss. phil. Leipzig 1932). C. Schünemann, Bremen 1932, pp. 38-47
  • Heinz Starkulla:  Bercht, August. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955, ISBN 3-428-00183-4 , p. 64 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Herman van Nuffel: Lamoraal van Egmont in de geschiedenis, literatuur, beeldende kunst en legende . (Anciens pays et assemblées d'États 46). Nauwelaerts, Löwen 1968 (2nd ed. 1971), pp. 91, 98-101 and 131-135
  • Lothar Dittmer: Civil servant conservatism and modernization. Investigations into the history of the Conservative Party in Prussia 1810–1848 / 49 . (Studies in Modern History 44). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, esp. Pp. 201–214 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  • Bruno Jahn (edit.): The German-language press. A biographical-bibliographical handbook , vol.IK G. Saur, Munich 2005, p. 78 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  • Nicola Wurthmann: Senators, friends and family. Rule structures and self-image of the Bremen elite between tradition and modernity (1813–1848) . (Publications from the State Archives of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen 69). Staatsarchiv, Bremen 2009, pp. 201, 228, 329, 332–340, 342, 406 and 408 ( limited preview in the Google book search)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. From 1763 in Schulpforta, 1771 in Wittenberg by the dean Johann Friedrich Hiller doctorate degree, 1779 ordained in Wittenberg.
  2. ^ Daughter of escort Johann Friedrich Leberecht Kypke (1728–1767) from Grünewalde and Marie Dorothee Charlotte Koch from Zerbst; see. Heinrich Kypke: Short Chronicle of the Kypke Family . o. O. 1900/04, pp. 84f, 87 and supplementary booklet pp. 12 and 15.
  3. ^ Günter Weimer (ed.): As memórias de Joahann Carl Dreher e de Heinrich Georg Bercht . Escola Superior de Teologia e Espiritualidade Franciscana, Porto Alegre 1988, p. 90.
  4. Father of Johann Ludwig Heinrich Bercht (1834–1908), emigrated to South America in 1854, from 1870 Argentine Consul General in Vienna, grandfather of Adolf Heinrich Bercht , Mayor of Klagenfurt; Anton Kreuzer: Carinthian. Biographical sketches . Kärntner Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft 1999, pp. 103-105 and 139-141.
  5. Leipziger Zeitung No. 256 of December 30, 1818, p. 2992 ( Google Books ).
  6. ^ State and learned newspaper of the Hamburg impartial correspondent no. 204 of December 22, 1820 ( Google Books ).
  7. a b Registered in Leipzig on May 6, 1809; later Braunschweig secret chamber councilor and provost of Clus and Brunshausen, acquired Gebesee Castle in 1850 .
  8. ^ From Grimma (1783–1811), studies in Leipzig and Jena, 1809 curator of the Leipzig University Library, 1810 professor of history at the Danzig high school.
  9. Jenaische Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung 7.4 (1810), Sp. 684 ( Google Books ).
  10. Ludwig Friedrich Hemdorf (1774–1816), philologist, since 1796 sub-rector at the Köllnisches Gymnasium in Berlin, 1810 professor for classical philology at the Berlin University, later in Breslau and Halle.
  11. a b Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, p. 48.
  12. Dietmar Grypa (arrangement): Complete edition of the correspondence by Leopold von Ranke , Vol. I. de Gruyter, Berlin 2016, p. 1174.
  13. ^ A b cf. Karl Immermann : The festival of the volunteers in Cologne on the Rheine, February 3, 1838 . J. P. Bachem, Cologne 1838, pp. 25, 58, 72 and 89 ( full text in the Google book search) = Karl Leberecht Immermann, Robert Boxberger (Ed.): Memorabilien , Vol. II. (Immermann's Werke 19). Gustav Hempel, Berlin 1883, pp. 159–202, esp. Pp. 183 and 198 ( full text in the Google book search).
  14. a b cf. Der Adler vol. 3, no. 300, from December 17, 1839, p. 1163 ( full text in the Google book search).
  15. ^ August Neuhaus: Excerpts from the letters of the Lützow hunter Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel from the campaign of 1813/14 to Prof. Christian Samuel Weiss . In: Mitteilungen aus dem Germanisches Nationalmuseum (1913), pp. 99–169, esp. Letter of September 28, 1813, p. 149.
  16. Allgemeine Zeitung , No. 282, of October 9, 1815, p. 1133 ( Google Books ).
  17. a b c Friedrich Christoph Förster: Modern and recent Prussian history , vol. V. Gustav Hempel, Berlin 1866, p. 1241 ( Google Books ).
  18. a b Bruno Jahn (arrangement): The German-language press. A biographical-bibliographical handbook , vol. IK G. Saur, Munich 2005, p. 78 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  19. Karl Goedeke, Herbert Jacob (ed.): Outline for the history of German poetry from the sources , Vol. VIII. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2011, p. 187.
  20. ^ Lothar Dittmer: Official conservatism and modernization . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, p. 203, note 667.
  21. ^ Rolf Engelsing: Mass audience and journalism in the 19th century in Northwest Germany . Duncker and Humblot, Berlin 1966, p. 168.
  22. Caspar Hinrich Schreiber Witwe (ed.): New Bremisches address book for the year 1817 . Carl Schünemann, Bremen 1817, p. 26 ( digitized version ).
  23. The house was owned by Christine Elisabeth Höpken († 1823), widow of the merchant Georg Wilhelm Papendieck (1763–1806) from Hanover.
  24. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, especially p. 369.
  25. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311-394, esp. Pp. 370 u. ö. with examples.
  26. Bremer Zeitung , issue no. 329 of November 25, 1817 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich) and ö .; Nicola Wurthmann: Senators, friends and family. Rule structures and self-image of the Bremen elite between tradition and modernity (1813–1848) . (Publications from the State Archives of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen 69). State Archives, Bremen 2009, p. 336.
  27. ^ Friedrich von Gentz : Against the Bremer Zeitung . In: Der Oesterreichische Beobachter , No. 154 of June 3, 1818, pp. 834–838 ( digitized version of the Austrian National Library Vienna) = Gustav Schlesier (Ed.): Smaller writings by Friedrich von Gentz , Vol. II. Heinrich Hoff, Mannheim 1839, pp. 45-59 ( Google Books ).
  28. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, especially p. 378.
  29. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, especially p. 376.
  30. Bremer Zeitung , issue No. 111 of April 21, 1818 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  31. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, especially pp. 379–387.
  32. Heinrich Tidemann: The censorship in Bremen from its beginnings to the Karlsbader resolutions in 1819 . In: Bremisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, 30 (1926), pp. 311–394, especially pp. 388–394.
  33. ^ Andreas Schulz: Guardianship and protection. Elites and citizens in Bremen 1750–1880 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2002, p. 308f ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  34. Jump up ↑ Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und schultten Dinge , No. 120 of October 7, 1819, p. 6, and No. 121 of October 9, 1819, p. 6 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich); in detail Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 44–81.
  35. Bremer Zeitung , issue No. 329 of November 25, 1817 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  36. Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 58f and 71f.
  37. Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, esp. Pp. 64, 70 and 72f.
  38. Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 50, 59 and 74.
  39. The petition to Police Minister Wilhelm zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein is printed by Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, pp. 74-77.
  40. Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, p. 78.
  41. ^ Leipziger Literatur-Zeitung , No. 250, from October 1821, Sp. 1993f ( Google Books ).
  42. ^ Letter from Josef Görres to Jakob Grimm of August 20, 1822 from Strasbourg; Joseph von Görres, Max Tau (ed.): A selection from his writings . German Book Association, Berlin 1931, section letters from friends ( digitized in the Gutenberg project).
  43. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung 1.98 (1823), Col. 780; Andreas Staehelin: History of the University of Basel 1818–1835 . Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel 1959, pp. 90 and 184.
  44. a b c Otto Lutsch: The Kreuznacher Gymnasium under Eilers' direction (1819-1833) . (Supplement to the program of the Königl. Gymnasium zu Kreuznach 1903). Robert Voigtländer, Kreuznach 1903, p. 5 ( digitized in the Internet Archive); ( Digitized version of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Library Center in Koblenz).
  45. ^ Helene von Lerber: Margaretha von Fellenberg born. from Tscharner. The wife of Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg, 1778-1839 . In: Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde 6 (1944), pp. 213–229 ( digitized version of the ETH library in Zurich).
  46. ^ Letter from Friedrich Christoph Schlosser to Leopold Ranke dated February 10, 1825; Dietmar Grypa (arrangement): Complete edition of Leopold von Ranke's correspondence , vol. I. de Gruyter, Berlin 2016, no. 257, p. 743f ( Google Books ).
  47. ^ Karoline Bercht: Prospectus of an educational institution for the female youth . Frankfurt am Main 1828; Anna König (Ed.): Hundred years of women's work. From the history of a Frankfurt private school . Lyzeum Jost, Frankfurt am Main 1924, p. 7.
  48. Joseph Hansen (Ed.): Rheinische Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte der Politische Movement , Vol. I. (Publications of the Society for Rheinische Geschichtskunde 36.1). Baedeker, Essen / Leipzig 1919, No. 275, p. 652.
  49. ^ Heinrich Meidinger: Frankfurt's non-profit institutions. A historical-statistical representation of the charitable foundations . Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Main 1845, p. 361 ( Google Books ); Maria Rudolph: The women's education in Frankfurt am Main. History of the private, church-denominational, Jewish and municipal girls' schools. Historical representation of the Frankfurt girls' schools , vol. I. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1978, pp. 64f and 70.
  50. Married to Gotthilf August Benjamin Schierenberg from Horn since 1857 , lived in Meinberg from 1863 ; Hermann Jellinghaus: A. Schierenberg . In: Korrespondenzblatt des Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung 18.1 (1894/95), pp. 1–5, esp. Pp. 1f.
  51. See also letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Georg Gottfried Gervinus of May 28, 1847 from Berlin; Heidelberg University Library (Signature: Heid. Hs. 2524, 29).
  52. ^ Letter from Georg Gottfried Gervinus to Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann dated September 7, 1839 from Frankfurt am Main; Eduard Ippel (Ed.): Correspondence between Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Dahlmann and Gervinus , Vol. II. Dümmler, Berlin 1886, No. 20, pp. 176–179 and 553, esp. Pp. 177f.
  53. Ed. By Julius Vincenz by Paula Hoeninghaus . Frankfurt am Main, published No. 1–105 (1837–1837) (= new edition. As a web publication by the Duisburg Institute for Linguistic and Social Research and the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History. Duisburg, 2009) ( digitized ).
  54. Frankfurter Jahrbücher 10, No. 37, of December 23, 1837, pp. 267–269.
  55. ^ Letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Johann David Passavant, o. O. o. D; University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg Frankfurt am Main (Signature: Ms. Ff. JD Passavant).
  56. Named after her grandmother Anna Franziska Henriette Formey (1758–1830), daughter of Ludwig Leopold Wilhelm Hauchecorne (* 1791; † after 1870) and Amalie Dautzenberg (1799–1854), sister of Wilhelm Hauchecorne , since 1853 married to the later President of the Chamber Carl Schorn , art collector and patron.
  57. ^ Entry from April 12, 1843; University and State Library Bonn (Schorn estate; signature: S 2034 f, 16).
  58. In his town house Großer Hirschgraben 11-13 (F 66/67) in Frankfurt am Main he was a neighbor of Bercht; Krug's address book from Frankfurt am Main . Krug / Krebs, Frankfurt am Main 1844, p. 22.
  59. ^ A b Lothar Dittmer: Official conservatism and modernization . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, pp. 201 and 203.
  60. ^ Lothar Dittmer: Official conservatism and modernization . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, p. 210.
  61. a b Joseph Hansen (Ed.): Rheinische Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte der Politische Movement , Vol. I. (Publications of the Society for Rheinische Geschichtskunde 36.1). Baedeker, Essen / Leipzig 1919 (= reprint Droste, Düsseldorf 1997), no. 275, pp. 651–653, and no. 277, p. 655 ( digitized version of the Mannheim University Library).
  62. Allgemeine Zeitung , No. 143 of May 22, 1844, p. 1142 ( Google Books ); see. 148, May 27, 1844, p. 1183; No. 162 of June 10, 1844, p. 1294.
  63. a b Journalism on the Rhine . In: Gustav Kühne (Ed.): Europe. Chronicle of the Educated World (1847), pp. 253-255 ( Google Books ).
  64. ^ Official Journal of the Royal Government of Cologne 30 (1845), Item 15 of April 15, 1845, p. 135 ( Google Books ).
  65. ^ The question of parity in Prussia and the program of the new newspapers . In: George Phillips , Guido Görres (Ed.): Historisch -politische Blätter für das Catholic Deutschland 18 (1846), pp. 367–395, especially p. 380 ( Google Books ).
  66. Jiří Kořalka: František Palacký (1798-1876): the historian of the Czechs in the multi-ethnic Austrian state . (Studies on the history of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy 30). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2007 p. 251.
  67. Gustav Mayer (Ed.): Leftover letters and writings from Ferdinand Lassalle , Vol. I Letters from and to Lassalle until 1848 . DVA / Julius Springer, Berlin 1921, No. 91, pp. 287-290 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  68. ^ Memorandum to the Rhenish Court of Appeal in Cologne , in the matter of the divorce defendant Countess Sophia von Hatzfeldt, b. von Hatzfeldt-Schönstein, appellant, against her husband Count Edmund von Hatzfeldt , landowner on Calcum, divorce plaintiff and appeals . DuMont-Schauberg, Cologne undated [1850], pp. 14, 16, 52, 58–60 and 64 ( digitized version of the Frankfurt University Library).
  69. ^ Ernst Dronke: Berlin , Vol. II. Rutten, Frankfurt am Main 1846, pp. 87-90, especially p. 88 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  70. Deutsche-Brusser-Zeitung , No. 73 of September 12, 1847.
  71. See e.g. B. Ignaz Kuranda (ed.): Die Grenzboten , pp. 39–44, 89, 219, 223f, 353–359, 442–444, 544–548 and 587 ( Google Books ).
  72. See e.g. B. Rhein- u. Mosel-Zeitung , No. 243 of October 20, 1847, p. 417 ( Google Books ).
  73. Volksblatt für Stadt und Land for instruction and entertainment , No. 98 of December 6, 1845, column 1151f ( Google Books ).
  74. Georg Hirth (Ed.): German Parliament Almanach . 13th edition Hirth, Leipzig 1878, p. 189 ( Google Books ).
  75. Bärbel Holtz: Prussia's censorship practice from 1819 to 1848 in sources . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2015, pp. 916–919.
  76. ^ Lothar Dittmer: Official conservatism and modernization . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, pp. 213f.
  77. ^ François Melis: The printer of the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung". The unforeseen change of printer in the summer of 1848 . In: Walter Schmidt (Ed.): Democracy, Liberalism and Counterrevolution. Studies on the German Revolution of 1848/49 . Fides, Berlin 1998, pp. 273-320, especially p. 276.
  78. Die Deutsche Zeitung , No. 90 of March 30, 1848, p. 715, quotes the “Editor's Farewell Words” of March 28, 1848 ( Google Books ).
  79. Cf. u. a. Georg Weerth : Fragment of a warning about the " Neue Rheinische Zeitung " (beginning of September 1848). In: Bruno Kaiser (Ed.): Georg Weerth. Complete works in five volumes , Vol. IV. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1957, pp. 91–109 ( digitized from; see. Bruno Kaiser (Ed.): Weerths Werke , Vol. I. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1976, p. 260.
  80. ^ François Melis: The printer of the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung". The unforeseen change of printer in the summer of 1848 . In: Walter Schmidt (Ed.): Democracy, Liberalism and Counterrevolution. Studies on the German Revolution of 1848/49 . Fides, Berlin 1998, pp. 273-320, especially pp. 278f.
  81. ^ Also "Unterhollenberg" from Mülheim an der Ruhr, teacher in Meiderich since 1821, later in Schwanenberg; Wilhelm Hollenberg, Adolf Hollenberg: From the life of the teacher Matthias Hollenberg . Baedeker, Elberfeld 1904.
  82. ^ From Ruhrort, teacher in Alsum, married Katharina Wilhelmine Hollenberg (1831–1915) from Meiderich in 1851.
  83. From Meiderich, teacher in Burg, Ronsdorf-Heydt and Mülheim-Holthausen, senior seminar teacher in Rheydt, co-editor of the Evangelisches Schulblatt ( digital copy ); Theodor Hermann: Adolf Hollenberg . In: Evangelisches Schulblatt 51 (1907), pp. 397-418; see. P. 353 ( digitized version of the library for research on the history of education).
  84. From Meiderich, senior teacher at the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin, since 1865 director of the Royal Gymnasium in Saarbrücken, 1883 to 1890 (em.) Director of the Royal Gymnasium in Kreuznach; Dietrich Horn : Grammar School Director W. Hollenberg † . In: Evangelisches Schulblatt 43 (1899), pp. 456–457 ( digitized version of the library for research on the history of education).
  85. ^ Karl-Hermann Beeck: Friedrich Wilhelm Dörpfeld, adjustment in conflict . Luchterhand, Neuwied 1975, p. 12.
  86. ^ A b Lothar Dittmer: Official conservatism and modernization . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1992, p. 214, note 714.
  87. ^ New address book for the city of Coblenz . Buet & Neinhaus, Koblenz 1852, p. 98; 1853, p. 77.
  88. ^ Meeting of March 11, 1861; Stenographic reports on the negotiations ... of the two houses of the state parliament. Herrenhaus , Vol. 1. R. Decker, Berlin 1861, p. 148 ( Google Books ).
  89. Address book of the capital and residence city of Darmstadt . Darmstadt 1860, p. 45; see. 1874, p. 82.
  90. Ecce quomodo moritur iustus - See how the righteous die ” from a Gregorian responsory for Holy Saturday ; see. Isa 57,1 Vul .
  91. Annual report on the Royal State School Pforta from Easter 1861 to Easter 1862 . Henrich Sieling, Naumburg 1862, p. Xi; here wrongly given "Bonn" as the place of death.
  92. 1838 matriculated in Gießen, court clerk access to the court, 1845 assessor at the regional court Freienstein zu Beerfelden, 1848 city court Darmstadt, 1850 assessor at the court court Gießen, 1856 court judge; Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (inventory S 1 biographical information, evidence in the Grand Ducal Hessian Government Gazette 1845, supplement 13, p. 128; 1848, supplement 68, p. 481; 1850, supplement 24, p. 234; 1856, supplement 2, p. 12 ).
  93. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (inventory G 18 Zivildiener-Witwenkasse-Kommission, No. 79/12; inventory G 28 Darmstadt, authorities and offices, local courts, No. F 1705/13 and No. F 978/2979).
  94. Justus Perthes (Ed.): Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen Häuser , Vol. 5. Justus Perthes, Gotha 1911, p. 449 ( digitized version of the University and State Library Düsseldorf).
  95. Kara Dawn Smith: A Legacy of Care: Hesse and the Alice Frauenverein, 1867-1918 . (diss. phil.). University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa 2010, pp. 91 and 103 ( PDF at Semantic Scholar).
  96. Jenny Hirsch : History of the twenty-five year effectiveness (1866 to 1891) of the… Lette Association . Buchdruckerei AG, Berlin 1891, pp. 96, 98 and 101f ( digitized version ).
  97. ^ Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (inventory S 1 Biographical Information, evidence in the Grand Ducal Hessian Government Gazette 1897, Appendix 1, p. 1).
  98. ^ Felix Stähelin: The beginnings of the Zofingerverein in the light of German police files . In: Centralblatt des Schweizerischen Zofingerverein 51 (1911), pp. 733–767, esp. Pp. 742f and 760ff.
  99. ^ Official Journal of the Royal Government of Merseburg , Item 8 of February 23, 1861, p. 42 ( Google Books ); Official Journal of the Royal Government of Magdeburg , N °. 9 of March 2, 1861, p. 90.
  100. ^ Hans Leonhardt: The oldest Leipzig fraternity (1818-1833) . R. Noske, Münster 1913 ( digitized in the Internet Archive); Wilhelm Bruchmüller: On the history of the Leipzig fraternity in the third decade of the 19th century . In: New Archive for Saxon History 41 (1920), pp. 246–277.
  101. 1779 Master's degree in Wittenberg, pastor in Dahme from 1791 to 1802, then in Annaburg, died there.
  102. ^ Interrogation of Heinrich Wilhelm Graf von Watzdorf because of fraternities at the Forest Academy in Tharand based on the testimony of the theology student Carl Friedrich Bercht in Berlin , (1819) 1824–1825; Main State Archives Dresden (Saxon State Archives, 10047 Dresden Office, No. 4040); see. Friedrich Zarncke: Fides • Constantia • Robur. The three friends from the grass bank and the denunciation protocol . In: ders .: Essays and speeches on cultural and contemporary history . Avenarius, Leipzig 1898, pp. 118-139, esp. 124 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  103. Knowledge of the members of the so-called Youth League on the basis of the investigations and files that took place at Cöpnik . Eduard Anton, Halle 1826, p. 6 ( Google Books ).
  104. Handbook of the Province of Saxony (1839), p. 83.
  105. ^ Andreas Schulz: Guardianship and protection. Elites and citizens in Bremen 1750–1880 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2002, p. 302 ( Google Books ; limited preview), suspects this.
  106. Gerd Eilers: My journey through life , Vol. II. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1857, p. 58.
  107. ^ Finding aid: "1823"; However, Bercht mentions the newly published volume 4 of the Archives for History and Literature from 1833 in the letter .
  108. ^ Heinrich Künzel (1810–1873) from Darmstadt, librarian, language teacher, translator, publicist and writer, after stays abroad teacher in Worms and Darmstadt.
  109. See Hans Karl Dippoldt in the foreword to the story of Count Egmont . J. C. Hinrichs, Leipzig 1810, p. Vi.
  110. ^ From Wittenberg (1784–1840), son of Georg Stephan Wiesand , enrolled in Wittenberg in 1800, doctorate in 1806, professor of law at the University of Leipzig from 1814 to 1818. The Oberhofgericht-Advocat and Konsistorialrat, also action consultant Dr. Wilhelm Wiesand was Richard Wagner's godfather in Leipzig in 1813 .
  111. ^ Ioannes Christianus Francke, Christianus Guilielmus Wiesand: De dote, in solutione matrimonii, ob adulterii suspicionen decreta, non retinenda . Henrich Grässler, Wittenberg 1810, p. 15 ( full text in the Google book search).
  112. ^ Collection of poems (based on the Nordic god of poetry).
  113. Field Marshal General Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher .
  114. About some pictures in the Museum Central des Arts de la République in the Louvre .
  115. a b Cf. Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren: My answer to the abuse of the secret councilor and professor Schlosser in Heidelberg, in the Heidelberg Yearbooks in the May issue of this year . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1831 ( full text in the Google book search); Georg Gottfried Gervinus: Historical letters , arranged by Heeren and the archives of Schlosser and Bercht. L. E. Lanz, Hadamar / Weilburg 1832 ( full text in the Google book search).
  116. Summary appreciation by Anonymus (= Theodor Creizenach): The fairy tale of the iron mask . In: Frankfurter Museum 2,14 (1856), p. 105f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  117. a b From 1813.
  118. See letter from Gottlob Friedrich August Bercht to Sigmund Schmerber (1801–1840) of June 10, 1838 from Frankfurt am Main; University and State Library Bonn (Schorn estate, signature: S 2034 f; collection of autographs; signature: Autogr).