Solo: A Star Wars Story

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German title Solo: A Star Wars Story
Original title Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo-a-star-wars-story-tall-A (cropped) .png
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2018
length 135 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 10
Director Ron Howard
script Lawrence Kasdan
Jonathan Kasdan
production Kathleen Kennedy
Allison Shearmur
Simon Emanuel
music John Powell
John Williams (Original Star Wars - theme music and Han Solo topic )
camera Bradford Young
cut Pietro Scalia

Solo: A Star Wars Story (or Solo for short ) is an American space western film in the Star Wars universe from 2018. The film is the second offshoot of the A-Star after Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Wars Story Series . The Director led Ron Howard , the writer wrote Lawrence Kasdan and his son Jonathan Kasdan . Kathleen Kennedy , Allison Shearmur and Simon Emanuel are producers of the film.

The film is about the character Han Solo from the Star Wars film series, invented by George Lucas . The film begins just under 14 years before the events of Star Wars (1977), in which the character (played by Harrison Ford ) first appeared. Alden Ehrenreich took on the role as the young Han Solo.

The international launch date was May 25, 2018, 41 years to the day after Star Wars was released in 1977. In Germany, the film was released one day earlier. The world premiere took place on May 10th at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles , the European premiere took place at the Cannes International Film Festival on May 15, 2018. Shooting began in January 2017, at that time with Phil Lord and Christopher Miller as directors had to leave the project in June 2017 after creative differences with the head studio Lucasfilm and were replaced by Ron Howard.


Less than five years after the galactic empire came to power, most of them live in poverty and hopelessness. On Corellia , a planet in the core worlds of the galaxy, the White Worms crime syndicate, led by Lady Proxima, controls parts of the underworld. The young Han lives in the slums of the capital Coronet , who dreams of escaping this life and the oppression of the empire together with his girlfriend Qi'ra and traveling the galaxy as a pilot. On Lady Proxima's orders, he is to procure large quantities of Coaxium, which is extremely valuable in the whole galaxy, a liquid fuel that hyperspace drives require and that is dearly traded on the black market. Han only succeeds in capturing a small glass column of this liquid, with which he wants to buy the passage into orbit and thus the escape from the planet. After he and Qi'ra managed to flee from the mercenaries of Proxima, the two are separated at the spaceport, which is controlled by the empire. Qi'ra is captured by the White Worms mercenaries, while Han can only leave Corellia by signing up for the Imperial Aviation Academy.

Three years later, Han is part of the Imperial Army after being kicked out of the Academy by disobedience and disobedience. During a combat mission on the planet Mimban, Han accidentally meets the villain Tobias Beckett, who has mingled with the imperial units with a small group of like-minded people and wants to steal equipment and a ship for a planned raid. Beckett, however, refuses to accept Han's offer of help and ensures that he is captured as a deserter and thrown into a pit where a beast is supposed to kill him. This beast is the Wookiee Chewbacca , whom Han is able to convince after a brief fight to escape from the pit together. Upon realizing this, Beckett lets his crew, Val and Rio Durant, convince him to add Chewbacca and Han to the team, and together they escape the battle.

Beckett's gang plans to hijack parts of a freight train on the planet Vandor-1 that is carrying large quantities of refined coaxium. To do this, they want to uncouple a wagon from the train and transport it away with the hijacked imperial ship using a towing cable. The raid does not go as planned, however, as they are stopped by a villain named Enfys Nest and her crew, who also want to steal the valuable Coaxium. As a result of a brief but violent argument in which Beckett's girlfriend Val and Rio Durant die, both Beckett and Enfys Nest's team manage to attach trailing cables to the car. However, both have to give up the coaxium in order to avoid a collision of their spaceships with a mountain range, where the wagon including the coaxium is lost in a large explosion.

After the failed attack, Beckett reveals that the robbery of the Coaxium was to be carried out on behalf of the powerful crime syndicate Crimson Dawn, headed by Dryden Vos. To avoid persecution, Beckett, Han and Chewbacca decide to visit Dryden Vos and negotiate a solution. On his spaceship, Han is surprised to meet his childhood sweetheart Qi'ra, who has become a high-ranking member of the organization. Han, Beckett and Chewbacca succeed in negotiating with Dryden Vos to get a reprieve, even if the latter wanted to have the trio killed for their failure, as he would have to answer to an even higher-ranking criminal if he failed. In order to guarantee the success of the new plan, Qi'ra joins the troops on Vos' orders as a supervisor. Since the plan is to steal unrefined coaxium from Kessel's mines , they need an extremely fast ship to get it to a facility on the planet Savareen as soon as possible before the highly unstable liquid explodes. Han tries to win the necessary spaceship in a round of sabacc, a card game that he loses to the cardsharps Lando Calrissian , who has hidden additional cards in his sleeve and by this fraud prevents the Millennium Falcon from passing into Hans' possession. Lando is still ready to join the quartet with his droid L3-37.

To reach the planet Kessel, you have to fly on a special route that leads through a thick fog and is at least 20 parsecs long. After landing at a mine, Han, Chewbacca, Beckett, Qi'ra and L3-37 infiltrate the facility and instigate an uprising of the workers and droids trapped in the camp, as a result of which they obtain the desired amounts of coaxium - despite heavy firefights with the guards of the mine - can bring falcons aboard the Millennium . However, L3-37 is severely damaged in the process. Before the group can escape through the nebula, they are caught by an Imperial Star Destroyer. Since Lando takes care of the "dying" L3-37 in shock, Han takes command of the falcon and decides to take a new, basically impossible route away from the known route to flee from the Imperial TIE fighters and the cargo to be delivered on time to Savareen. To do this, they load the L3-37's navigation system into the Falken's on-board computer . Han, with Chewbacca as a co-pilot, manages to fly the way back with just over 12 parsecs, an enormous shortcut, and to escape from the Imperial troops.

Once on Savareen, they connect the Coaxium in time to refine it before Lando flies away with the falcon . The remaining quartet is already awaited by Enfys Nest's gang, who had attached a tracking device to Lando's ship. They claim the Coaxium, but to the surprise of Beckett, Han, Qi'ra, and Chewbacca, Enfy's Nest isn't just another villain. She doesn't want to sell the Coaxium to the Crimson Dawn, but rather use it against them. Han likes this plan, whereupon he decides to fool Dryden Vos with fake Coaxium. Beckett, however, does not support this plan and leaves the others. When Dryden Vos arrives with his ship on the planet, he sees through Han's plan, since he was warned about this by Beckett. He has Enfy's nest surrounded by his mercenaries and believes he is victorious. But Han saw Beckett's betrayal coming and actually got the real Coaxium aboard the ship. While Enfys Nest's people overwhelm the mercenaries, Beckett decides to kill Dryden Vos' guards and take the Coaxium. He forces Chewbacca to bring it off the ship with him. As a result, a fight develops between Han, Qi'ra and Dryden Vos, at the end of which Qi'ra knocks down and kills her boss. Han then goes after Beckett, while Qi'ra promises to follow him immediately after taking Dryden Vos' possessions to help finance their escape together.

Han catches Beckett a little later and kills him abruptly before Beckett can fire the fatal shot himself. Together with Chewbacca, he takes possession of the coaxium and brings it back to Enfys Nest. Meanwhile, Qi'ra contacts the real leader of the Crimson Dawn, the former Sith Lord Maul . He sees Qi'ra as Dryden Vos' legitimate successor and asks her to go to Dathomir, Maul's home planet, from which he heads the syndicate. Qi'ra then leaves the planet with Dryden Vos' ship, leaving Han behind. This gives the Coaxium to Enfys Nest, who tries to persuade him to join their cause and a small rebel cell. But Han and Chewbacca refuse. They visit Lando Calrissian one more time and challenge him to another game of sabacc. Since Han Solo can steal Lando's hidden card unnoticed, he wins the game fairly and becomes the new owner of the Millennium Falcon . Han Solo and Chewbacca then leave the planet on board the ship for Tatooine to offer themselves as a smuggler to the criminal leader of a notorious criminal organization.

Classification in the Star Wars universe


Solo: A Star Wars story is by Rogue One: A Star Wars story the second spin-off film of the Star Wars -Universums represents The action begins about five years after the events of. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith , to whose end the Galactic Empire under the leadership of the Emperor and his disciple, Darth Vader , took control of most of the worlds in the galaxy. The plot spans three years and ends about ten years before the events of Rogue One and Star Wars (1977), in which the character of Han Solo first appeared.

Timeline of films and series in the Star Wars universe
films and series fictitious calendar (in years)
33 32 31 30-24 23 22nd 21st 20th 19th 18th 17-15 14th 13 12 11 10 9 8-7 6th 5 4th 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4th 5 6-7 8th 9 10 11-31 32 33 34 35 36
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones.
Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker
Rogue One
a R1
a S.
The Clone Wars (+ movie )
The Mandalorian
Rebels b
33 32 31 30-24 23 22nd 21st 20th 19th 18th 17-15 14th 13 12 11 10 9 8-7 6th 5 4th 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4th 5 6-7 8th 9 10 11-31 32 33 34 35 36
Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I-III)
Original trilogy (Episodes IV – VI)
Sequel Trilogy (Episodes VII-IX)
A Star Wars Story Films

The consequences of the series The Powers of Fate take place at different times, so that a list in the table is not meaningful. Also not listed miniseries, short stories, comics, books and other ancillary works of the official Star Wars - canon and the theme park Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (between VIII and IX). The fictitious calendar of the Star Wars universe is used for the schematic classification of the actions . This differentiates between the years before the Battle of Yavin (VSY) and after the Battle of Yavin (NSY). The Battle of Yavin IV marks the end of Star Wars (1977), in which Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance destroy the first Death Star .


main characters

Minor characters

  • Val ( Thandie Newton ), Beckett's partner and lover.
  • L3-37 ( Phoebe Waller-Bridge ), a female programmed droid. She is the co-pilot of Lando Calrissian and fights for the equality of droids.
  • Dryden Vos ( Paul Bettany ), a senior member of the Crimson Dawn . He punishes everyone with death who disappoints him.
  • Enfys Nest ( Erin Kellyman ), the leader of the Sky Dogs . She and her gang try to thwart Dryden Vos' plans. She is the rival of Tobias Beckett.
  • Rio Durant ( Jon Favreau ), Beckett and Val's partner. His dream is to get rich so that he can open his own canteen.
  • Maul ( Ray Park ), a former Sith student of Darth Sidious . He's actually the leader of Crimson Dawn.
  • Lady Proxima ( Linda Hunt ), a human trafficker who, with her gang, is making the lives of Corellia residents hell. She often punishes Han for not obeying her orders.


  • Corellia , known throughout the galaxy for its huge shipyards, where the Millennium Falcon and numerous star destroyers were built, is the birth planet of Han Solo .
  • Mimban , a planet in the expansion region of the galaxy, on which the galactic empire wants to secure control of the valuable raw material mining in the planetary mines.
  • Vandor-1 , a largely snow-covered planet where Beckett and his gang attempt to attack and loot a freight train.
  • Kessel , famous for its numerous spice mines. The work in the mines is characterized by slave labor, including Wookiees.
  • Savareen is a desert planet that still has large oceans. It is a remote and neglected planet in the galaxy.


Project development and pre-production

Star Wars inventor George Lucas , 2011.

The first ideas for a young Han Solo came during the preproduction of Revenge of the Sith . Screenwriter and Star Wars inventor George Lucas toyed with the idea of showing Solo as a child on the planet Kashyyyk , raised as a father figure by Chewbacca . For this reason he would have appeared during the Battle of Kashyyyk, which is shown in the film. However, these ideas did not make it into the final film, Han Solo did not become part of the plot, only Chewbacca had brief appearances as a supporting character.

After Revenge of the Sith was published, George Lucas began planning a real-life TV series that would be called Star Wars: Underworld . The plot of this series was to take place between the events of Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars , in which Han Solo made his first appearance. Since the series should have the criminal underworld as the main theme, the authors developed ideas for Han Solo's first encounters with Chewbacca and the villain Lando Calrissian . However, the series never went into production and the plans were ultimately discarded.

In October 2012, Star Wars inventor George Lucas sold his production company Lucasfilm , and with it, among other things, the rights to Star Wars , to Disney , whereupon a new Star Wars trilogy (the so-called Sequel trilogy ) was announced. Lucas had previously spoken to Kathleen Kennedy and Lawrence Kasdan about his ideas for further Star Wars films, including offshoots from the main saga. Kasdan was unsure at first whether he would take part in the making, but decided to work on the proposed film about a young Han Solo because he was his favorite character.

On February 6, 2013, Disney's CEO Bob Iger confirmed that in addition to a new trilogy, several spin-off films were planned, which from April 2015 initially went under the name Star Wars Anthology and later A Star Wars Story . At the same time, Entertainment Weekly reported that one of these films would revolve around a young Han Solo and would be placed between the acts of Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars . At CinemaCon in April 2013, the plan was also announced that a new Star Wars film would be planned every year from 2015 , with a switch between the episodes and offshoots. After The Force Awakens (2015), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) and The Last Jedi (2017), Solo: A Star Wars Story is the fourth film since Disney took over the Star Wars brand.

Lawrence Kasdan (2015) wrote the script together with his son Jon Kasdan .

The initially circulating rumors about the subject of the film were confirmed in July 2015. Lucasfilm announced that the second offshoot of the Star Wars saga would focus on a young Han Solo. The publication date was given as May 25, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller would direct and Lawrence Kasdan and Jon Kasdan would write the script . It's already Lawrence Kasdan's fourth Star Wars script after The Empire Strikes Back , The Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, each with the character Han Solo starring. He suggested that the head studio Lucasfilm develop it together with his son Jon, since working on the script of The Force Awakens would have exhausted him. The studio agreed to the proposal, they worked on finalizing the script for almost three years. They were inspired by the works Die Schatzinsel , Heat , Merciless , The Big Lebowski , Miller's Crossing and Gangster No. 1 .


A list of actors who would be considered for the role of young Han Solo was released in January 2016. It featured Miles Teller , Ansel Elgort , Dave Franco , Jack Reynor , Scott Eastwood , Logan Lerman , Emory Cohen and Blake Jenner , among others . On a later list, which contained only a few actors who would be eligible for the role, in March 2016 were Alden Ehrenreich , Reynor Cohen and Taren Egorton. Four months later, at the Star Wars Celebration in July 2016, Alden Ehrenreich was officially confirmed as actor for the role of Han Solo. Also Anthony Ingruber , best known in fan circles, who reenacted scenes by Harrison Ford from Star Wars in a YouTube video in 2008 and thus got a role in the drama Adaline Forever After (2015), in which he played a young Harrison Ford in numerous Flashback played, auditioned for the role, but failed to convince Lord and Miller. Over 3000 actors auditioned for the role during the casting process . Harrison Ford, who had portrayed Han Solo in all previous films, was contacted several times after the completion of the script and during filming and asked for advice, which both Kathleen Kennedy and Alden Ehrenreich and the later hired director Ron Howard described as very helpful. Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian and Emilia Clarke in the female lead were announced that same year. Woody Harrelson was acted as Han Solo's mentor from January 2017 and was confirmed for this role a short time later. As one of the few actors who previously appeared in Star Wars films, Joonas Suotamo took on the role of Han Solo's later friend and co-pilot Chewbacca, whom he had already appeared in The Force Awakens (together with long-time Chewbacca Starring Peter Mayhew ) and The Last Jedi played.


Chris Miller and Phil Lord (2015) remained involved in the film as executive producers after their release as directors .

Filming began in January and February 2017 at Pinewood Studios in London , where a large number of earlier Star Wars films were made. In May the film was shot in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands ( Spain ). During the filming, Pietro Scalia was hired as a film editor , replacing Chris Dickens in this role. After filming in Spain, the film was shot in northern Italy. The Monte Piana and the Three Peaks of the Sesto Dolomites as well as ditches near Cortina d'Ampezzo , which were carved out of rock formations during the First World War , served as the backdrop. In June, a few weeks before the scheduled end of filming, there were further drastic layoffs. Lucasfilm and directors Lord and Miller jointly announced the split due to creative differences. They were reportedly fired because Kennedy and Kasdan disapproved of their way of filming. Kennedy and Kasdan expected a far more serious film, while Lord and Miller envisioned a great deal of improvisation on the sets as well as a very comedy-like film. This led to major deviations from Kasdan's originally planned script, who was dissatisfied with the collaboration. They also shot numerous scenes from only a few perspectives, which severely restricted the subsequent film editing and the possible options for changing individual scenes afterwards. Lord and Miller, on the other hand, were dissatisfied, feeling that Kasdan's role would approach that of an additional director and hinder their own work. After the split, additional days of shooting were planned.

Ron Howard at the premiere for the film as part of the Cannes Film Festival in May 2018

Two days later, Lucasfilm announced that two-time Oscar winner Ron Howard would direct the three-and-a-half weeks of shooting as well as the scheduled re-shoots, which were scheduled for five weeks. Howard had previously worked with Lucasfilm twice before, as an actor in American Graffiti (directed, written and edited by George Lucas) and as director of Willow , in which Warwick Davis played a leading role, which he played for solo in one of his four roles already embodied in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), returned. Michael K. Williams was cut out of the film because he was not available for re-shoots due to scheduling reasons. British actor Paul Bettany took on his role . Ron Howard shot almost 70% of the film on the additional days of shooting, which significantly exceeded the previously scheduled time of five weeks. In October 2017, almost four months after Lord and Miller split, Howard announced on Twitter that filming was complete. At the same time, he revealed the official title as Solo: A Star Wars Story .


Stormtroopers, cast and crew at the premiere of the film as part of the Cannes Film Festival in May 2018

The marketing of the film began on February 4, 2018 than during the Super Bowl LII first moving pictures were shown in a short commercial. The next morning, the first trailer was released during the live broadcast of Good Morning America . Both trailers were viewed millions of times in the first few hours after their publication on the Internet. At the same time, the first character posters were revealed that focused on the four main characters Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Qi'ra and Chewbacca. A second trailer was released on April 9th, along with various TV commercials and the movie poster .

Film music

In July 2017 it was announced that John Powell would compose the score for solo. It is the second Star Wars film, after Rogue One , whose music is not from John Williams . However, he offered to write the theme for Han Solo and to provide Powell for his composition. Ron Howard confirmed that Powell would use the Han Solo theme newly composed by Williams. In an interview, Williams said he was "very happy" about Powell's participation in the film. He is "very excited" to hear the final soundtrack. Work on the soundtrack was completed in early March 2018. The recording began on March 10th at Abbey Road Studios in London and ended just under three weeks later.


As in previous Star Wars films, German dubbing was done by Film- & Fernseh-Synchron GmbH in Berlin. Björn Schalla wrote and directed the dialogue . Tobias Meister again spoke the character Maul, whom he lent his voice in 1999 in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and in the animation series The Clone Wars and Rebels .

role actor Voice actor
Han Solo Alden Ehrenreich Florian Clyde
Tobias Beckett Woody Harrelson Thomas Nero Wolff
Lando Calrissian Donald Glover René Dawn-Claude
Qi'ra Emilia Clarke Gabrielle Pietermann
Val Thandie Newton Nana Spier
L3-37 Phoebe Waller-Bridge Bianca Krahl
Dryden Vos Paul Bettany Timmo Niesner
Rio Durant Jon Favreau (voice) Hans Hohlbein
Enfy's Nest Erin Kellyman Giovanna Winterfeldt
Lady Proxima Linda Hunt (voice) Luise Lunow
Mouth Ray Park
( Sam Witwer , voice)
Tobias Master
Ralakili Clint Howard Santiago Ziesmer


source rating
Rotten tomatoes
IMDb (audience)
CinemaScore A-


The film received a good to mediocre rating from the extensive reviews. For Peter Bradshaw of the Guardian , the film is "fun-fueled pleasure with Howard at the wheel" and deserves full episode status within the franchise. ( " With Howard at the controls, the movie is a fun-fueled entertainment. ") The culture section editor Hannah Pilarczyk holds on Spiegel Online a "stand-alone film about the past life of the legendary smuggler" for a "really bad idea" because the Film doesn't fill a “narrative gap in the big 'Star Wars' epic” and Han Solo doesn't need a background story, which is a shame. In the Süddeutsche Zeitung, film critic David Steinitz complains about the "mimic range" of the main actor Alden Ehrenreich, and the story is also "bland and predictable". In the music magazine Rolling Stone, Sassan Niasseri praised Donald Glover's acting with the words: "Glover's Lando Calrissian has an authority that Ehrenreich lacks" and awards a rating of 2.5 out of 5 points. For editor-in-chief Peter Huth of the daily newspaper Die Welt , the film is at the same time “clever, funny and perfect in love with detail” and fails “because of its mediocre book and the conventional staging.” The plot is “almost provocative linearity” and a wild one Adventure story "without metaphysical superstructure, so power fuss and Jedi stuff, with a lot of visual value and backdrop, bizarre aliens, and everything please be rollercoaster compatible."

David Edelstein praises the "funny creatures", the set designs and the "mostly excellent" acting and describes the film on as:

"Good old-fashioned linear piece of storytelling, different in kind from the disjointed, multi-narrative shows of which Disney has made a specialty."

"Good old-fashioned linear piece of storytelling, unlike the disjointed, multi-narrative spectacles that Disney made their specialty."

- David Edelstein

In the monthly magazine Musikexpress, Daniel Krüger criticizes the "fear of fans who have been thinking about Han for years", as well as Lucasfilm's "greed for continuation". The principle of the film “works for a long time, corner points expected by fans are mixed with Heist elements in a setting that has not yet been seen in this genre”, but instead of a satisfactory ending, “in the final act, secondary scenes are opened up, followed by other Shouting Adventures for Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo. "

"This origins story represents a return to the saga's more humble, original space Western roots - one that places a premium on character development over kinetic, adrenaline-fueled action sequences."

"This genesis represents a return to the saga's more humble, original space-western roots - a story that prioritizes character development over kinetic, adrenaline-pumping action sequences."

- Michael Rechtsshaffen : The Hollywood Reporter

The portrayal of the three female characters in the film was also received critically. Solo does not give the female characters any tasks that go beyond the motivation of the male roles.

Gross profit

The pure production costs of about 250 million US dollars are revenue to the worldwide box office of about 393 million US Dollar against, of which about 213.7 million US dollars alone in the United States and Canada. In Germany, the film was seen by just under 1.36 million viewers in the cinema and grossed 14.6 million euros .


Academy Awards 2019

Grammy Awards 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Certificate of Release for Solo: A Star Wars Story . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age rating for Solo: A Star Wars Story . Youth Media Commission .
  3. a b c ( Memento from February 21, 2017 in the web archive )
  4. "Star Wars Episode IX" moves to May. In: Blickpunkt: Film , April 26, 2017, accessed October 18, 2017 .
  5. ^ The Complete Del Rey Books Timeline. In: Random House Books. Retrieved May 26, 2018 (English).
  6. ^ Emil Fortune: Star Wars: Galactic Atlas . Ravensburger, 2017, ISBN 978-3-473-49038-7 (Original title: Star Wars: Galactic Atlas . Translated by Wolfgang Hensel).
  7. Jamie Lovett: Lucasfilm Reveals Official Timeline of the Star Wars Saga. In: August 24, 2019, accessed on August 29, 2019 .
  8. Jonathan W. Rinzler: The Art of Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith . Del Rey, 2005, ISBN 978-0-345-43135-6 , pp. 224 (English).
  9. Scott Collura: Is this the Star Wars Live-Action Show's Title? In: IGN. January 9, 2012, accessed January 17, 2018 (American English).
  10. Adam Chitwood: Scrapped Star Wars: Underworld Live-Action Series Would Have Featured Young Han Solo, Lando, and More. In: Collider. June 11, 2014, accessed January 17, 2018 .
  11. Devin Leonard: How Disney Bought Lucasfilm - and Its Plans for 'Star Wars'. In: Bloomberg. March 8, 2013, accessed January 17, 2018 .
  12. Josh Rottenberg: Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan on the past, present and future of 'Star Wars'. In: Los Angeles Times . December 3, 2015. Retrieved January 17, 2018 (American English).
  13. Rogue One Details Revealed at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. In: April 19, 2015, accessed January 17, 2018 .
  14. Anthony Breznican: 'Star Wars' spin-offs: A young Han Solo movie, and a Boba Fett film. In: Entertainment Weekly. February 6, 2013, accessed January 17, 2018 .
  15. ^ Dave McNary: Disney Brings the Force to CinemaCon. In: Variety. April 13, 2013, accessed January 17, 2018 .
  16. Bory's Kit: 'Star Wars' Han Solo Spinoff in the Works With 'Lego Movie' Directors (Exclusive). In: Hollywood Reporter. July 7, 2015, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  17. Christopher Miller and Phil Lord to Helm Han Solo Anthology Film. In: July 7, 2015, archived from the original on July 7, 2015 ; accessed on January 18, 2018 .
  18. ^ Anthony Breznican: How Treasure Island, The Big Lebowski, and Heat inspired Solo: A Star Wars Story. In: Entertainment Weekly . February 12, 2018, accessed February 13, 2018 .
  19. Justin Kroll: 'Star Wars' Han Solo Spinoff: Actor Shortlist Revealed (EXCLUSIVE). In: Variety. January 11, 2016, accessed February 18, 2017 .
  20. Bory's Kit: Disney's Young Han Solo Search Narrows to Final Shortlist of Actors After Screen-Tests (Exclusive). In: Hollywood Reporter. March 15, 2016, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  21. Joe Utichi: Alden Ehrenreich Introduced As Han Solo Stand-Alone Pic & 'Episode VIII' Teased At Star Wars Celebration. In: Deadline. July 17, 2016, accessed February 18, 2017 .
  22. Jon Kasdan : Anthony Ingruber DID audition for Chris & Phil. In: Twitter . May 31, 2018, accessed June 1, 2018 .
  23. Lizo Mzimba: Star Wars: Alden Ehrenreich to play young Han Solo. In: BBC. July 18, 2016, accessed February 18, 2017 .
  24. Anthony Breznican: Harrison Ford was a cover adviser to Solo: A Star Wars Story. In: Entertainment Weekly . February 7, 2018, accessed February 8, 2018 .
  25. Donald Glover Cast as Young Lando Calrissian in Upcoming Han Solo Star Wars Stand-Alone Film. In: February 21, 2016, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  26. Justin Kroll: Emilia Clarke Joins 'Star Wars' Han Solo Spinoff. In: Variety. November 18, 2016, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  27. Justin Kroll: Woody Harrelson Eyed to Play Han Solo's Mentor in 'Star Wars' Spinoff (EXCLUSIVE). In: Variety. January 3, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  28. ^ Woody Harrelson Signs on for Young Han Solo Film. In: January 17, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  29. ^ Graeme McMillan: Han Solo Spinoff Director Starts Movie With Greedo Shoutout. In: Hollywood Reporter. January 30, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  30. Fiona Govan: Star Wars spin off starts filming on a Spanish island in a galaxy far far away. In: The Local. May 18, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  31. a b c d Kim Masters: 'Star Wars' Firing Reveals a Disturbance in the Franchise. In: Hollywood Reporter. June 26, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  32. Star Wars crew in northern Italy to film Han Solo spin-off. In: The Local. May 10, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  33. ^ A Message from Lucasfilm Regarding the Untitled Han Solo Film. In: June 20, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  34. Borys Kit, Rebecca Ford: 'Star Wars': Han Solo Film Loses Directors. In: Hollywood Reporter. June 20, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  35. a b Brent Lang: 'Star Wars' Han Solo Spinoff: Lord & Miller Fired After Clashing With Kathleen Kennedy (EXCLUSIVE). In: Variety. June 20, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  36. Bory's Kit: 'Star Wars': Why the Han Solo Film Directors Were Fired. In: Hollywood Reporter. June 20, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  37. a b c Anthony Breznican: How the Han Solo film broke apart - with Ron Howard picking up the pieces. In: Entertainment Weekly. June 22, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  38. Borys Kit, Kim Masters: Ron Howard Steps in to Direct Han Solo Movie (Exclusive). In: Hollywood Reporter. June 22, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  39. ^ Ron Howard to Assume Directorial Duties on the Untitled Han Solo Film. In: June 22, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  40. ^ Ron Howard: I directed @WarwickADavis for the 1st time in 30 years today. In: Twitter. July 26, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  41. Antonia Blyth: Michael Kenneth Williams' Role Cut From 'Star Wars' Han Solo Movie Amid Reshoots. In: Deadline. August 22, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  42. Alex Osborn: Han Solo: Paul Bettany Joins Cast of Star Wars Spinnoff. In: IGN. September 1, 2017, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  43. Ben Fritz: Intrigue and Drama on the Han Solo Set. In: The Wall Street Journal . May 10, 2018, accessed on May 16, 2018 .
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