List of national roads in China

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The national  roads of China ( Chinese  國 道  /  国 道 , Pinyin Guódào , English National Highway - "national road") are highways on which a general speed limit of 100 km / h applies and which, unlike the highways in China, are mostly toll-free. The numbering starts with the letter G followed by three digits, e.g. B. G318 . The G stands for g uójiā - 國家  /  国家 , i.e. nation or national.

The numbering is as follows:

  • Five main north-south and seven east-west main routes were previously designated with the zero and two digits (e.g. G010), but these are now designated as motorways (e.g. G15).
  • With the exception of road G112 , which begins in Tianjin , all national roads in the 100 series (e.g. G102, G106) start in the capital Beijing and lead from there in all directions.
  • National roads of the 200 series lead from north to south.
  • National roads of the 300 series lead from east to west.

List of all Chinese national roads

Typical milestone from Beijing counted on the G106
Road number plate on the G109 / GZ25 on Lake Qinghai

Previous 000 series


  • The 000 series of national highways had five north-south connections and seven east-west connections. Roads that ended in “0” were north-south and those that ended in “5” were east-west.
  • These roads are now run as a motorway and therefore have a new name.
  • Where roads with G0xx numbers have been replaced by motorways, numbers with the format GZxx are used on the signs next to the new Gxxx numbers. So is z. B. the G109 (old G025) signposted at least in the province of Qinghai as GZ25.

Previous numbering:

100 series

200 series

300 series

See also