Route national 5bis

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
National route 5bis in France
N 5bis
Basic data
Overall length: 57 + 58/53 km

Regions :

Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
Department of Seine-et-Marne
Street as D 305
Locality Brie-Comte-Robert D 319 (formerly N 19 )
crossing D 402 & D 619 (formerly N 447 )
Locality Réau
Locality Pouilly-le-Fort
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty until 1949
Locality Melun D 306 & D 605 (formerly N 5 ) / D 636 (formerly N 36 )
D 471 (formerly N 371 ) / D 346 & D 408 (formerly N 446 )
Street as D 606
Locality Melun (south) D 372 (formerly N 372 )
Locality La Rochette
Locality Fontainebleau D 607 (formerly N 7 ) / D 152 (formerly N 51 )
Locality Avon
Street as a D 302 by
Locality Moret-sur-Loing D 302 A (formerly N 5bis A )
crossing D 403 (formerly N 375 )
crossing D 605 & D 606 (formerly N 5 )
via N 5
department Yonne
Street as D 606 A
Locality Sens D 660 (formerly N 5 & N 60 ) / D 939 (formerly N 439 )
Street as D 606
Locality Rosoy
Locality Villeneuve-sur-Yonne
Locality Armeau
Street as D 959
Locality Villeclen
Locality Saint-Aubin-sur-Yonne
Locality Joigny D 606 (formerly N 6 ) / D 943 (formerly N 443 )
Street as D 943
Locality Laroche-Saint-Cydroine
Locality Migennes
Locality Esnon
Locality Brienon-sur-Armançon
Locality Avrolles D 905 (formerly N 5 )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from 1949
Locality Melun D 306 & D 606 (formerly N 5 ) / D 636 (formerly N 36 )
D 471 (formerly N 371 ) / D 346 & D 408 (formerly N 446 )
Street as D 605
Locality Sivry-Courtry
Locality Le Châtelet-en-Brie
Locality Pamfou
Locality Valence-en-Brie
Locality Montereau-Fault-Yonne D 411 (formerly N 51 ) / D 403 (formerly N 375 )
crossing D 606 (formerly N 5 )

The N5bis was a French national road laid down in 1824 between Brie-Comte-Robert and the N5 south of Montereau-Fault-Yonne. It goes back to the route impériale 6bis. In 1829 the section between Sens and Avrolles was added because the N5 was re-routed on this section. Their total length was 115 kilometers. In 1949, the section between Sens and Avrolles was split between the N6 and N443. It also swapped its route with the N5 between Melun and the junction south of Montereau-Fault-Yonne. In 1973 the section taken over from the N443 was graduated and in 2006 that from the N6. In 1978 it was renumbered to N105. Until 2006, because of the parallel A105 motorway, the N105 was also graduated except for a short stretch near Melun.

N 5bisa

The N 5bis A was a branch of the N5bis from 1933 to 1973, which ran from it within Moret-sur-Loing to the train station. Today it is number D302 A .

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