National route 4

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route national 4 in France
N 4
Basic data
Overall length: 304 / 449.5 (up to / from 1949) km

Regions :

Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Route before commissioning of the expressway sections with today's names
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from 1949
Paris department
Street as D 123
Junction Porte de Bercy ( boulevard périphérique )
Department Val-de-Marne
Locality Charenton-le-Pont D 6 (formerly N 5 )
Locality Saint-Maurice
Street as D 4
Locality Joinville-le-Pont D 86 (formerly N 186 )
D 86 B (formerly N 186 A )
crossing D 3 (formerly N 303 )
Locality Champigny-sur-Marne
Locality Chennevières-sur-Marne
Locality Ormesson-sur-Marne
Locality La Queue-en-Brie
Department of Seine-et-Marne
Street as D 604
Locality Pontault-Combault
crossing Francilienne
Street as N 4
Street as D 350 expressway N4 in the southern course
Locality Ozoir-la-Ferrière
crossing D 471 (formerly N 371 )
Locality Gretz-Armainvilliers
Street as D 216 E
Locality Tournan-en-Brie
Street as N 4
Street as D 604 through (1962-1973 as N36 A )
Locality Fontenay-Trésigny D 436 (formerly N 36 )
crossing D 402 (formerly N 368 )
Locality Rozay-en-Brie
Locality Vaudoy-en-Brie
Locality Concrete Bazoches
Locality Courtacon
Locality Cerneux
Locality Sancy-lès-Provins
Locality Montceaux-lès-Provins D 403 (formerly N 375 )
department Marne
Locality Courgivaux D 375 (formerly N 375 )
crossing D 934 (formerly N 34 )
Locality Esternay
Locality Mœurs-Verdey D 373 (formerly N 373 )
Locality Sézanne D 951 (formerly N 51 ) / D 373 (formerly N 373 )
Locality Linthes
Locality Connantre
Street as D 5 E through
Locality Fère-Champenoise
Locality Connantray-Vaurefroy
Locality Sommesous D 977 (formerly N 77 )
Locality Soudé-Sainte-Croix
Locality Cool ones
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty until 1949
department Marne
Street as D 1
Locality Châlons-en-Champagne D 3 (formerly N 3 )
N 44 / D 977 (formerly N 77 )
Street as N 44
Locality Chepy
Locality Pogny
Locality Omey
Locality La Chaussée-sur-Marne
Street as N 4
Locality Vitry-le-François N 4 (until 1949 N 34 ) / N 44 (from 1949) / D 982 (formerly N 382 ) / D 396 (formerly N 396 )
Locality Marolles
Locality Vauclerc
Locality Thiéblemont-Farémont
Department Haute-Marne
Locality Perthes
Street as VC & D 384 through
Locality Saint-Dizier N 67 / D 384 (formerly N 384 )
D 635 (formerly N 401 )
Meuse department
Street as a D 604 by
Locality Ancerville
Locality Aulnois-en-Perthois
Street as a D 604 by
Locality Stainville D 997 (formerly N 397 )
Locality Nant-le-Petit
Locality Maulan
Locality Ligny-en-Barrois N 135 & D 966 (formerly N 66 )
Locality Saint-Aubin-sur-Aire
Locality Saulx-en-Barrois D 958 (formerly N 58 )
Locality Ménil-la-Horgne
Locality Void-Vacon D 964 (formerly N 64 )
Locality Pagny-sur-Meuse
Street as D 636
Department Meurthe-et-Moselle
Street as D 400
Locality Lay-Saint-Rémy
Locality Foug
Locality Ecrouves
Locality Toul D 960 (formerly N 60 )
D 904 (formerly N 404 ) / D 908 (formerly N 408 )
D 909 (formerly N 409 ) / D 611 (formerly N 411 )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Expressway N4 interrupted by A31 and A33 to Hudiviller
Locality Gondreville
crossing A33(formerly N 4bis )
Locality Laxou
Locality Nancy D 570 (formerly N 57 ) / D 974 (formerly N 74 )
Locality Jarville-la-Malgrange
Locality Laneuveville-devant-Nancy
Locality La Madeleine
Locality Saint-Nicolas-de-Port
Locality Varangéville
Locality Dombasle-sur-Meurthe
crossing A33(formerly N 4bis )
Locality Hudiviller
Locality Lunéville D 590 (formerly N 59 ) / D 914 (formerly N 414 )
Locality Marainviller
Locality Thiébauménil
Locality Bénaménil
Locality Ogéviller D 992 (formerly N 392 )
Locality Herbeviller
Locality Domèvre-sur-Vezouze D 935 (formerly N 435 )
Locality Blâmont D 993 (formerly N 393 )
Street as N 4
Département Moselle
Locality Saint-Georges
Locality Héming D 955 (formerly N 55 )
Street as D 955
Locality Bébing
Locality Sarrebourg
Street as D 104 E
Locality Réding
Street as N 4
Locality Mittelbronn
Street as D 604
Locality Phalsbourg D 661 (formerly N 61 )
Locality Danne-et-Quatre-Vents
Department Bas-Rhin
Street as D 1004
passport Col de Saverne (385 meters)
Locality Saverne D 421 (formerly N 421 )
Locality Otterswiller
Street as a D 259 by
Locality Marmoutier
Locality Singrist
Locality Wasselonne
crossing D 422 (formerly N 422 )
Locality Marlenheim
Locality Furdenheim
Locality Ittenheim
Locality Wolfisheim
Locality Eckbolsheim
Locality Strasbourg D 468 (formerly N 68 )
D 392 (formerly N 392 )
EU border crossing France - Germany
Street as B28
Locality Ulm

The Route nationale 4 , N 4 or RN 4 for short , is a French national road that has been running since 1949 from the "Porte de Bercy" exit of the Paris ring road in Paris to the German border near Strasbourg and Kehl , where it joins the German B 28 to Ulm. In 2006, sections were downgraded, but most of them are still labeled N 4.


From 1824 to 1949, the N 4 national road began at an intersection with Route nationale 3 in Châlons-en-Champagne (then Châlons-sur-Marne). It emerged from the route impériale 5 and was 304 kilometers long. In 1949, the section Châlons-en-Champagne to Vitry-le-François was taken over by Route nationale 44 . The N 4 took over a short section of Route nationale 303 in Joinville-le-Pont in 1949 , the N 304 completely (Joinville-le-Pont - Esternay), as well as the section from Route nationale 34 from Esternay to Vitry-le-François. In 1957 it was extended via the D 123 and D 123 BIS from the N 186 in Joinville-le-Pont to the outskirts of Paris (Porte de Bercy).

  • D 123 / D 123 BIS Paris - Joinville-le-Pont
  • N 303 Joinville-le-Pont
  • N 304 Joinville-le-Pont - Esternay
  • N 34 Esternay - Vitry-le-François
  • N 4 Vitry-le-François - German border (B28)

In the course of time, four-lane expressways were created parallel to the N 4 as bypass roads, to which the N 4 was then relocated in order to relieve the places on the road from traffic.

In 1962 the N 4 was moved to the northern bypass around Fontenay-Trésigny. The street through the town then got the number N 36 A (today D 421). Between Ancerville and Saulx-en-Barrois, with the progressive road expansion and relocation to the new route, the old route was downgraded to the national road N 2004, which was downgraded to the department road D 604 since 2006. In 2009 the section between Hudiviller and Bénaménil was downgraded, as the national road N 333, the autoroute A 33 in eastern extension, already existed as an expressway on this section . This was renumbered at the same time to N4. Directly there afterwards until shortly after Blâmont the N 4 runs as a motorway-like road that bypasses several places. The places bypassed are listed below.

N 4 A

The N 4 A was set as a branch of the N4 at two different points. The first N4 A ran from the intersection of the N 4 / N 61 "Porte de France" in Phalsbourg to the center of the city. It existed from 1933 to 1973. The second N4 A was formed in 1950 from the part of the N 303 that ran between the N 34 in Vincennes and the N 186 in Joinville-le-Pont through the Bois de Vincennes . This was downgraded in 2006. Both roads are now municipal roads.

N 4 TO

The national road N 4 BIS was a bypass for the N 4 running through the city of Nancy, which opened in 1948. It branched off to the west of the city at Laxou and reached the N 4 again to the south-east at Dombasle-sur-Meurthe. Since 1958 the road has been numbered A 33 .

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