Joe Scarborough

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Joe Scarborough (2017)

Charles Joseph "Joe" Scarborough (born April 9, 1963 in Atlanta , Georgia ) is an American television presenter and politician . Scarborough is the presenter of Morning Joe , a political talk and news show on US news broadcaster MSNBC . Before that he hosted Scarborough Country and worked as a lawyer. From 1995 to 2001 he was a Republican Member of the House of Representatives of the United States .

Origin and education and family

Joe Scarborough was born in the state of Georgia. He attended religiously influenced Catholic High School (Catholic High School) in Pensacola ( Florida ). 1985 Scarborough earned a Bachelor Accounts at the University of Alabama , five years later, in 1990, a JD Accounts at the Law Faculty of the University of Florida ( University of Florida College of Law ). Scarborough is committed to the Baptist direction of Protestantism.

In 1986 he married for the first time. The marriage to Melanie Hinton had two sons, one of whom has Asperger's Syndrome . In 1991, Scarborough was licensed to practice as a civil law attorney in Florida. He also taught at a high school. He also produced CDs with his band Dixon Mills .

In October 2001, Scarborough married Susan Waren. Waren is a former employee of Jeb Bush , then governor of Florida. The marriage resulted in a daughter in 2003 and a son in 2008; the marriage was divorced in January 2013. In May 2017, it became known that he was engaged to his colleague Mika Brzezinski . The couple married in Washington, DC on November 24, 2018.

Political career

Politically, Scarborough first emerged at the end of 1993 when he took part in the organization of a citizens' initiative against a massive increase in property tax in his hometown of Pensacola. In the course of this campaign, Scarborough made numerous contacts that helped him to further develop his political career. The following year Scarborough won the Republican Party's nomination for the 1st Congressional Constituency of Florida. In the election, Scarborough, who received 61% of the votes cast, won against Democratic contestant Vinnie Whibbs , the Pensacola prosecutor. Scarborough became the first Republican to represent the district in Congress since it was founded. His election is commonly seen in the context of the Republicans' landslide victory in this year's House of Representatives elections .

In the House of Representatives, Scarborough succeeded the Democratic MP Earl Hutto . Committees of which he was a member were the Armed Services Committee , the Legal Affairs Committee, the Education Committee and the Government Reform Committee . In 1998 he took over the chairmanship of the Civil Service Committee .

In 1996 Scarborough was re-elected with 72% of the vote. In the elections of 1998 and 2000, he was the only actual candidate who ran in the 1st congressional district of Florida - as the "opposing candidate" there were only blank spaces in the ballot paper in which the voter could enter names at will. Together with about 40 other young Republican MPs, Scarborough formed the union of the New Federalists ( New Federalists ), a group that was particularly concerned with the demand for drastic cuts in government spending , after the abolition of government agencies for trade, education, energy and housing Urban planning excelled. He was also appointed by Newt Gingrich to lead a Republican working group on educational issues. In this capacity, he stated that his goal was to move as much power and money as possible, currently in Washington, to the individual classrooms in the organization of the teaching.

In the US Congress, Scarborough supported, among other things, a bill that would force the US government to withdraw from the United Nations after a transitional period of four years , as well as various bills against abortion : such a law that it becomes one Independent criminal offense declared harming a fetus in the course of another crime (such as assaulting the mother) in order to emphasize the personality of the fetus and thus its status as an independent victim. Scarborough voted in 1995 for the Medicare Preservation Act, which provided drastic cost reductions in healthcare, and in 1996 for the Small Business Job Protection Act, which raised the minimum hourly wage to $ 5.15. The American Conservative Union gave it a 95% rating. His votes on questions of the economy, social affairs and foreign policy are particularly conservative. On the other hand, he is considered to be moderate in environmental matters and in questions of human rights.

In May 2001, Scarborough announced that he would give up his seat in Congress on September 6, 2001 in order to spend more time with his family. He submitted his resignation on September 5, 2001. He then joined Fred Levine's Florida law firm and also took on assignments from the law firm Beggs and Lane . In 2002 Scarboroughs was appointed to The President's Council on the 21st Century Workforce , which was supposed to deal with the development of the US labor market in the 21st century and - based on its findings - to draw up recommendations for action for the government's future labor market policy.

Scarborough processed his experiences as a young Republican MP in the Clinton Congress in the book Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day , published in 2004 , a mixture of experience report and political reflection, in which he in particular the, in his opinion, irresponsible spending policy of the two criticized large parties.

In July 2017, Scarborough left the Republican Party due to his party's passive attitude towards US President Donald Trump .

Journalist and presenter

In April 2003, Scarborough began working as a full-time television presenter for the cable broadcaster MSNBC. There he initially received the program named after him, Scarborough Country , an information program that offered a mixture of clips on current topics, discussions with prominent guests and personally colored comments from Scarborough. A three-hour radio program that Scarborough received in 2005 and that was broadcast on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. (East Coast time), he gave up after a few months because not enough national radio stations could find a license for the format.

In May 2007, Scarborough became one of four rotated hosts of the morning news program Morning on MSNBC . In July of the same year this slot was cut with the program Morning Joe on Scarborough. The show achieved an average audience rating of around 550,000 viewers per program at times and was the third most successful program of this format after the competing programs Fox and Friends on Fox News and American Morning on CNN. His co-host here is Mika Brzezinski . In addition to his work as a presenter of his own program, Scarborough regularly appears as a guest commentator or panelist (panel discussion) in other news programs, such as Hardball with Chris Matthews or Race for the White House , as well as in entertainment formats such as Real Time with Bill Maher or The Colbert Report , on.

He is also a regular contributor to the Washington Post .

In 2019, Scarborough was criticized for spreading its view that Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Russian backers for whom there is no evidence.


  • Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day. The Real Deal on How Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Other Washington Barbarians are Bankrupting America , 2004, ISBN 978-0060749842 (Hard Cover)

Web links

Commons : Joe Scarborough  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files


  1. SCARBOROUGH, Charles Joseph - Biographical Information. Retrieved October 22, 2017 .
  2. Quiet divorce ... After 12-Year Marriage , TMZ, October 10, 2013
  3. ^ 'Morning Joe' co-hosts Scarborough and Brzezinski are engaged , The Hill, April 5, 2017
  4. Emily Jane Fox: Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Tie the Knot in a Secret Ceremony . In: The Hive . ( [accessed November 29, 2018]).
  5. ^ Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough Is Leaving the Republican Party , TIME , July 11, 2017
  6. Joe Scarborough. Retrieved April 25, 2018 .
  7. Isobel van Hagen: MSNBC News Host Joe Scarborough Criticized For Tweeting Conspiracy Theories Following Jeffrey Epstein's Apparent Suicide. In: Newsweek . August 10, 2019, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  8. Morgan Gstalter: Scarborough Criticized for retweeting account Claiming 'no way' Epstein's death suicide thing. In: The Hill . August 12, 2019, accessed June 6, 2020 .