Olsenbande (Norway)

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The Norwegian Olsen Gang films usually always start here when Egon Olsen is released from the Oslo Botsfengselet “Botsen”. When he is released, Egon usually walks along the avenue leading to the entrance and main gate of the prison.

The Olsen Gang ( Norwegian : Olsen Gang ) is a Norwegian film series of crime comedies , which were produced from 1969 to 1999 in Norway based on the model of the Danish Olsen Gang as remakes . The Norwegian actor Arve Opsahl played the leading role as Egon Olsen, Sverre Holm as Benny Fransen, Carsten Byhring as Kjell Jensen and Harald Heide-Steen junior as Dynamit-Harry and Aud Schønemann as Valborg Jensen.

History and background to the Norwegian Olsen Gang

The Danish Olsen Gang , here on Mallorca while filming the film The (probably) last prank of the Olsen gang , was the model for the Norwegian Olsen gang

Origin of the Olsen Gang in Denmark

The Norwegian Olsenbande film series consists largely of remakes or is based on the original Danish film series of the same name, Olsenbande, and has been remade in Norway with a total of fourteen episodes. The Danish actors Ove Sprogøe (Egon Olsen), Morten Grunwald (Benny Frandsen) and Poul Bundgaard (Kjeld Jensen) as well as Kirsten Walther as Yvonne Jensen played the leading roles in the Danish original version of the Olsen Gang .

In Denmark, at the end of the 1960s, the Danish screenwriter Henning Bahs had the idea of ​​making a heist film about a gang of thugs called "Olsen Gang". Bahs invented a story about three crooks who have everyday worries similar to those of any "normal" person. With his friend, director Erik Balling, he wrote the screenplay for the film Die Olsenbande (working title: Perlemørderne ). They chose Ove Sprogøe , Morten Grunwald and Poul Bundgaard as the three main characters in the gang . Balling and Bahs had made several films with these actors before. Some of these films are also considered from forerunners of the Olsen Gang . These included: caliber 7.65 - thieves greetings from Copenhagen , Slå først, Frede (in German : Schlag first, Frede ), 1965; Slap af, Frede (in German: Relax, Frede ), 1966; Martha , 1967.

After completion, the first film about the Olsen Gang in Denmark had its premiere on October 11, 1968. Due to the unimagined success, they continued the film with Die Olsenbande in der Klemme in 1969 . Thanks to its great success, the first film was also sold abroad, for example to the GDR and Poland in 1970 and to Sweden in 1971 .

Start of the Olsen Gang in Norway

The first Danish Olsen Gang film was not so easy to adapt in Norway. Originally it was planned to include the Danish Olsen Gang as an import in the Norwegian film distribution. The Norwegian screenwriter and director Knut Bohwim was asked in advance by the Norwegian distributor Harry Ottersen Norenafilm how he would assess the chances of the first Danish film The Olsen Gang. After a thorough examination of the subject, he came to the conclusion that although the basic idea and the concept or the script by Erik Balling and Henning Bahs were excellent, the film would probably not be such a great public success when imported into Norway like the original in Denmark. One of the reasons he gave was the frequent use of national symbols , such as B. the Dannebrog and the strong connection to Copenhagen and Denmark as a whole; in addition, the Danish humor has to be adjusted a little. Based on this analysis, a decision was made in Norway against a direct takeover of the Olsen Gang . But Knut Bohwim came up with the idea of ​​creating a Norwegian version as a remake using the original Danish scripts with well-known Norwegian actors.

The takeover of the Danish Olsen Gang in Norway at that time was received as follows in an article at the Hausgesund Festival in 1990:

“Imports from Denmark are being examined - the Danish films were originally supposed to be distributed in Norway as well. A Norwegian distributor, Harry Ottersens Norenafilm, showed an interest in it, but was not sure to what extent the specifically 'Danish' type of humor, these films, would be received by the Norwegian audience, and therefore first examined the marketing opportunities. One turned u. a. to Knut Bohwim (who a few years earlier had founded a small film company with the director Knut Anderson and Mathis Mathiesen, which had founded 'Teamfilm'). “When Knut Bohwim was asked to evaluate a Danish film that Harry Ottersen wanted to import from Norenafilm to show in Norway, he luckily saw what could be done with this gang. Knut Bohwim said: 'No, it won't work - but if we did a Norwegian version it would be something completely different.' And so it happened then, as known. Since then, the Olsen Gang films have appeared as punctual as the seasons, a total of thirteen times.

- Haugesund Festival Avisen, in: Haugesund, 22 August 1990

He adapted the templates so well to the national circumstances that the remakes were received with great enthusiasm in Norway and thus became his greatest success. Role names, locations and national symbols were "Norwegianized" for this. The location of the Norwegian Olsen Gang was simply moved from Denmark to Norway, or from Copenhagen to Oslo and the Danish national symbols were replaced by Norwegian ones, and the films were also adapted to the local customs in many other places.

Already in 1968 Bohwim made a crook film called Sus og Dus på byen , with Carsten Byhring, Arve Opsahl and Aud Schønemann. They were two little gangsters about the same as in the Olsen gang who lived on the east side of Oslo. In contrast, the roles were distributed a little differently here. The later Kjell actor Carsten Byhring was the leading head of the gang and the later Egon Olsen actor Arve Opsahl, the practical part. Knut Bohwim took over these actors for his Norwegian remake of the Danish Olsen gang . Originally it should be like in his previous film, that Byhring plays the role of Egon and Opsahl embodies a role of the other two gang members. But after Opsahl watched the Danish Olsen version for the first time together with Bohwim and the other actors involved, he said: "It is me who plays him (Egon) here ". Byhring then got the role of the nerve bundle Kjell Jensen and Aud Schønemann got the role of Kjell's wife Valborg Jensen. Sverre Holm also accepted by phone and accepted Bohwim's offer to play Benny Fransen.

Filming began immediately afterwards, and the first Norwegian Olsen Gang film actually became a huge box-office hit. The Norwegian actors initially assumed (similar to the Danish actors in the original version) that this would be the first and last time they would play a part in an Olsen Gang film. The first Norwegian Olsen film, Olsen Gangs , premiered on August 11, 1969.

The films about the Norwegian Olsen gang did not receive very good financial support overall, so that Knut Bohwim had to mortgage his house in order to be able to produce more films about the Olsen gang. This was the case from the first Olsen Gang operasjon to the thirteenth Olsen film - in the period from 1969 to 1984. The films did not always get good reviews, but in spite of all that they always had a very high number of visitors in the cinema and correspondingly high audience ratings on TV. In Norway, too, they made do with additional advertising income through product placements for the vehicles used in the films, because cars from the Japanese manufacturer Toyota were preferably used for the vehicles of the opponents and secondary people . The corresponding supports were also listed in the credits for the films. Knut Bohwim also directed the first film and most of the other films. Exceptions to this were the second (directed by Ove Kant ) and the sixth Norwegian Olsen Gang film (with Knut Andersen as director). But Bohwim was the producer of these two films, as well as most of his Olsen gang's films.

The names of the protagonists of the Danish Olsen Gang films have been Norwegianized for this purpose. While the main character's name remained Egon Olsen , the names changed from Benny Frandsen to Benny Fransen , from Kjeld Jensen to Kjell Jensen and from Yvonne to Valborg Jensen . The Jensens' son is called Basse Jensen , played by Pål Johannessen , instead of Børge in the Norwegian version . The characters of the powerful arch-enemies of the Olsen gang Bang-Johansen and Hallandsen also occur with the Norwegians. The docile supporters of the powerful enemies of the Olsen Gang, the stupid pig (Danish: Boffen ), was according to the Norwegian translation to Biffen . In twelve Norwegian Olsen Gang films, the investigating police officer and opponent of the gang is Detective Inspector Viggo Hermansen , played by Sverre Wilberg , instead of Inspector Mortensen and Detective Inspector Jensen , as in the Danish version . The role of his assistant Holm was taken over again with the same name. The Norwegian torsion bar used the sets built for the Danish films several times. In addition, entire Danish film sequences were sometimes used, B. in the ninth film all scenes with Bjørn Watt-Boolsen . As the only actor in the Danish Olsen Gang, Ove Verner Hansen regularly appeared in front of the camera for the Norwegian productions as Stupid Pig and therefore holds the unique record of 16 Olsen gang appearances. Another special feature of the Norwegian films is the character of Dynamit Harry, who appears here six times (compared to two appearances in Denmark) and was played by Harald Heide-Steen junior .

Further development of the Olsen Gang in Norway

Logo from Teamfilm A / S

Based on the Danish Olsen Gang, the Danish scripts by Henning Bahs and Erik Balling were used in almost all of the films . The first Norwegian Olsen Gang film is also the only one that is largely unchanged in the plot and in the dialogues with the Danish original (apart from small changes due to the Norwegian adaptation). In the second Norwegian Olsen film that followed, which was adopted relatively unchanged, the film title was changed; Original: Olsen-banden på spanden ( The Olsen gang in a tight spot ) and Norwegian remake: Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry , with inclusion in the film title of Dynamit-Harry, who also appears much more often in the Olsen films in the Norwegians. In the following episodes, an increasing independence with corresponding differences to the original in the plot and dialogues can be ascertained, which finally led to a separate Norwegian Olsen Gang film in 1984 ... men Olsen Gang var ikke død! (..but the Olsen Gang was not dead!) with a script written by the Norwegians Knut Bohwim and Gustav Kramer . One of the reasons was because in Denmark, where the scripts and templates for the Norwegian films came from, 1981 with Die Olsenbande flies over the plank and Die Olsenbande flies over all mountains (which in Norway became a twelfth film ( Olsenbandens aller siste kupp ) were summarized) the film series ended for the time being. After that, the Danish makers planned never again to make a film about the Olsen Gang, while in Norway the idea of ​​going on was kept alive, but this failed mainly because of funding. The director of the Norwegian Olsen Gang , Knut Bohwim , had already written a script himself in 1983, which was published in advance in a comic in the same year under the title Olsen Gang raner hurtigruta ( The Olsen gang plunders the Hurtigruten ). After that, more stories about the Olsen gang were written, which were also to be made into a film, but all of them were only published as comics (until 1988). When the Norwegian Kjell actor Carsten Byhring died in 1990 , all plans for further Olsen sequels were also given up in Norway for the time being, as one could not imagine a film without his part.

When the decision was made in 1998 in Denmark to make another final film, Norway did not want to be inferior and at this point in time the appropriate funds for film production could be obtained. For the sake of simplicity, as well as for practical and financial reasons, it was decided in Norway to use the Danish script again for the last film, Olsenbandens siste stikk , even if only partially, or to use it as a template. This time, for the first time, the same film production company, Nordisk Film A / S, appeared as a producer as in Denmark, while all previous thirteen Norwegian Olsen films were filmed by Team Film A / S. At the same time, the same film sets and the film studio in Valby were used again in some cases . B. the scenes were created inside the state-of-the-art state incinerator.

The production of the last Olsen Gang film also posed other problems in Denmark and Norway. In Denmark, the role of Yvonne had to be removed from the film because of the death of the leading actress Kirsten Walther , in Norway the role of Kjell (Kjeld), played by Carsten Byhring, who died in 1990, was affected. The actress Aud Schønemann , who played his wife Valborg (Yvonne), was still alive at the time. The Norwegians made do with it by reintegrating Dynamit Harry, played by Harald Heide-Steen junior , into the film, which had already been seen there much more often than in the Danish Olsen Gang.

The Norwegian film production company Teamfilm A / S acquired the Norwegian rights to the Olsen Gang in 1968 and held them until 1984, but sold them later. Eventually, after a long odyssey of resale, they came back into the hands of the Danish film company Nordisk Film, where the original versions of the gang were made. The fourteenth and final Norwegian Olsen film of the senior gang was therefore produced directly by Nordisk Film, as were the following seven other Norwegian Olsen gang junior films (2001-2010).

Main characters and main actors

Egon Olsen

Arve Opsahl , alias Egon Olsen (1921–2007), around 1963.

Egon is the boss and the brains of the Olsen gang, so the gang is named after his last name. According to the Norwegian Olsen Gang Chronology , he was born on March 13, 1923 in the place Kløfta , the Norwegian municipality Ullensaker in Fylke Akershus . Egon's trademarks are a bowler hat , a pinstripe suit and a cigar. He also has a considerable repertoire of swear words . His plans are ingenious and surefire, but often the coup still goes wrong because of a small detail. Olsen is a typical antihero and an eternal loser, but despite all that, he always remains a stand-up man .

The first time he went to jail was when he doped a horse for a horse race, which went completely wrong. He later founded the Olsen Gang with his cronies Benny and Kjell in order to make money quickly through minor criminal acts without the corresponding work. His first really big coup came in 1969 when he and Benny and Kjell planned to steal the famous Emperor's essay from a German art exhibition in Oslo. At first everything seemed to work out quite well until Kjell's eldest son Birger brought the booty back to the police. In the beginning, Egon also regularly went to brothels in his free time at Cafe Lefsa , where he visited his girlfriend, the puffmother Connie. In 1970, after a failed bank robbery, he met the social worker Bodil Hansen, with whom he had fallen a little in love. The social worker convinced Egon to finally become an honest citizen of society. He broke away from his gang and took up a regular job in the Ringnes Brewery , which she had arranged for him. But when Benny and Kjell also started working there, it wasn't long before all three lost their jobs again. The following job in a cleaning company also went wrong. A crown jewel or diamond theft by an American gang, into which Egon and his cronies were involuntarily drawn, returned them to their old habits. In 1972 Egon was able to prove his skills in opening Franz Jäger safes from Berlin for the first time in a former German bunker. From then on, he used this specialty for cracking safes of this brand, with a stethoscope and a sure instinct on the combination lock. Olsen was jailed mostly every year during the 1970s and early 1980s after a failed plan. The exact number of his sentences cannot be determined. At the end of the tenth film, Egon is ceremoniously welcomed by the prison director for his tenth imprisonment in Botsfengselet . In the latter films by the Norwegian Olsen Gang, Egon's advancing age and his allegedly associated reduced mental sanity are often discussed. Although Egon Olsen is quite successful, his views and criminal methods are often referred to as antiquated by both his gang members and their opponents. After his last arrest in 1984, he lost contact with Benny and Kjell. After his release, he lived for some time in the Solgløtt nursing home in Oslo . In 1999, however, the gang got back together after Egon appeared as a guest on a television show. Egon Olsen was hired by State Secretary Hallandsen to procure the highly explosive Wandenberg documents for him - in spite of his outdated methods or precisely because of this. After the very last successful coup of the Olsen gang, he went to Spain with Benny, Valborg and Dynamit-Harry to enjoy his old age together with them. He then lived there in the villa of Kjell and Valborg's son Basse Jensen.

Benny fringes

Sverre Holm , alias Benny Fransen (1931–2005), around 1981.

Benny is the driver of the Olsen Gang. He not only drives cars, but also, for example, motor boats, small locomotives, cranes and tanks. Benny always wears a brown checked jacket and pants that are too short, yellow socks and a slouch hat. Benny has a loose mouth and a mostly prancing gait. He has a crescent-shaped piece of brass with which he can easily open doors, automatons or simple locks for the gang. In 1969 he met the top model Ulla and also has a child with her. A year later he was separated from her again and again led a life as a bachelor with his brother Dynamit-Harry in the Olsen gang. Benny and his younger brother Harry grew up together as orphans because their parents died very early. They spent their childhood after the death of their parents with an aunt in an area east of Oslo. In 1972 Benny met the unmarried and no longer very young Ragnar Quist at a ball when the lights went out during this event. Benny became engaged to Ragna and wanted to marry her because she seemed to be a good match too. Ragna's father was the owner of a grocery store, so Benny got a job as a junior chef there and Kjell got a job as a warehouse manager. One evening when Kjell and Benny were bottling caustic soda in the warehouse, Egon and Dynamite-Harry accidentally broke into Quist's office and opened his safe. The new owner suspected Benny and Kjell, and they ended up in jail. They were then freed by Egon and later rehabilitated, but their relationship with Ragna fell apart anyway after Benny discovered that the Quists were in fact deeply in debt. Benny also had a sister who was good friends with Valborg. Benny stayed in contact with his brother Harry until 1984. After he recognized Egon on a TV show, the Olsen gang found their way back together. In 1999 he moved to Spain with the rest of the gang, after the Olsen gang's last successful coup.

Kjell Jensen

Carsten Byhring alias Kjell Jensen (1918–1990), around 1967. Since he died in 1990, Dynamit-Harry had to become active again in the last fourteenth film.

Kjell is a bit corpulent, but a sincere and a very timid man, also a family man, and the only married member of the gang. Family life is most important to him and he is always concerned about his wife Valborg, he almost always follows her or subordinates himself to her. Kjell is also always skeptical of Egon's plans and for good reason. Egon's plans usually got off to a good start, but always ended in catastrophe. The coups of the Olsen Gang are not always compatible with his conscience. For him, the crimes are only a means to enable his wife Valborg to have a better or often wasteful lifestyle and also to support his family. Kjell's main job in the band's coups is usually to get all the items the Olsen gang needs to carry out the corresponding plan. He always carries the appropriate utensils with him in his midwife's bag. Other of his trademarks are a brown worn jacket, a flat cap, bow tie and a pair of sneakers. Kjell's fearful and hesitant nature as well as his addiction to snacking often endanger a coup of the gang.

Kjell has been married to Valborg since 1957 and has three children: Birger, Basse and their little brother. Kjell always tries as best he can to earn enough money for his family. In 1962 he also had his own little shop selling ballpoint pens. But business didn't go well for long ... Kjell also tried to sing for alms in backyards from time to time, but usually came home with just a 5-Øre and a trouser button. In 1970 he got a job at the Ringnes Brewery with Benny and Egon, but soon lost the job. In 1982 he and his wife Valborg celebrated their silver wedding anniversary or their 25th wedding anniversary. With 12 million kroner, they were able to leave for Monte Carlo with the Olsen gang. The money was taken from them by Biffen (stupid pig) and as a result they were again destitute. Kjell then tried again with honest work at the Norwegian brewery company Bryggeriforeningen . He died in 1990 and left his wife Valborg as a widow.

Valborg Jensen

Aud Schønemann (1922–2006) alias Valborg Jensen with her husband Jan Pande-Rolfsen , 1970

Valborg is Kjell's wife and the only one who dares to say things, although she sometimes contradicts Egon when she disagrees with him. She would love to spend the money from Egon's plans before it was even captured. She has a penchant for fancy fashion, a loose mouth and her desire is to travel to the south.

She married Kjell Jensen in 1957 and had three children with him: Birger, Basse and their little brother. Apart from her middle son Basse, the other two children can no longer be seen later and obviously no longer live with her. In 1969 there was a bit of trouble in their marriage, so she moved with the children to her mother for a while, but then reconciled with Kjell. In 1978 she obtained her driving license from the Larsen Driving School. As part of their driving school lesson, there was a subsequent chase of the vehicle of the “Stupid Pig” and “Master Hansen”. In 1984 she got a job as a cleaning lady in the Munch Museum in Oslo , whereupon she began to paint or copy pictures in the Munch style in her free time. She eventually painted so well that Egon implemented a plan to replace the real Munch paintings with Valborg's copies. They then also tried to sell the Munch paintings to a French art lover. Valborg has been widowed since 1990 after Kjell died in 1990. She then lived alone as a widow in the Kampen district of Oslo. After the last successful coup of the Olsen gang, she moved with Egon, Benny and Dynamit-Harry to live with their son Basse in Spain.

Valborg was called Yvonne in the Danish version and was portrayed by Kirsten Walther .

Basse Jensen

Basse is the son of Valborg and Kjell. His distinguishing marks are dark hair, usually long in puberty, and glasses. He was born in 1959 and was named after Kjell's father, Basse. As a child he was there for the first time in 1969 when the Olsen Gang wanted to implement their plan to steal the Kaiseraufsatz. Right from the start, Basse was an indispensable helper of the Olsen Gang because of his quick perception and shrewdness. His mother Valborg does not like this because she wants to enable him to live as good a middle class life as possible. In 1974 he helped Egon, Kjell and Benny free from prison. In 1975, Basse helped the gang with another coup and in 1978 he helped steal the Ming vase. In the same year he married a young girl named Gry who was expecting a child. Later that relationship broke up and he married another young girl. He later also traded in diamonds and spent some time in Dartmoor prison in Devon, England. He eventually moved to Spain with his mother and the rest of the Olsen gang.

Basse Jensen was called in the Danish version of the Olsen Gang, Børge Jensen and was played there by Jes Holtsø .

Birger Jensen

  • Kjell's eldest son Birger , played by Stein Thorsrud in the first Olsen film; Olsen gangs from 1969. The role names of Kjell's sons "Basse" and "Birger" were only finally determined after the second film.

In the first Olsen gang film, he returns the Kaiser essay stolen by the Olsen gang to the police and collects a finder's fee for it.

Dynamite Harry

Dynamit-Harry (Dynamitt-Harry) is Benny's brother and the bottle's best friend. The extremely good-drinking demolition engineer was initially completely unable to blast anything, but when he was sober he was much too nervous and too scared. Harry started his own small explosives company in the 1960s, but he gave it up around 1970 after things went wrong. In 1973 he screwed up Egon's plan by being drunk and then became a teetotaler, or he tried to get dry. Egon had to go to jail for Harry at the time, for which he later apologized to him. But he actually has a lot of respect for Egon himself. Egon also stayed with him for a while after Benny and Kjell broke up with him. After a ride in a beer truck, Harry relapsed and became a drinker again. In 1977 he helped the Olsen Gang as an alleged railway employee in their big coup on the rails. Then he decided to leave the Olsen gang and also renounce dynamite. Harry fell asleep drunk in a container and ended up in the United States. In the USA he then attended appropriate courses in the field of computer science. After completing his IT training there, he became a “master of the keyboard” and thereby became the ultimate specialist in crime using the latest computer technology. He then came back to Norway as data Harry to rob the World Bank with the Olsen Gang. When this coup failed too, he started working with dynamite again and got a job as a dynamite demolition manager at Oslo-Fornebu Airport . With a helicopter 'borrowed' from there he also rescued Egon Olsen, who was a helicopter pilot from the roof of the SAS Scandinavian Airlines hotel. After the last successful coup, he moved to Spain with the gang in 1999.

Café host Hansen

Willie Hoel (1920–1986) played host Hansen in two films, and later he also appeared in other roles in the Olsen Gang films.
  • The host Christian Hansen of cafes Lefsa is of Willie Hoel played

The café host Hansen (Kafèvert Hansen) is the host of the café Lefsa with an attached brothel and was mostly like a father for the Olsen gang. The Olsen Gang initially met for their plan discussions in the first two films in his establishment. Furthermore, the gang could usually have their drinks written on at his place in the pub. In 1970, however, when Egon did honest work for a short time, he did not allow anything to be written. After American gangsters shot up his shop, Egon also becomes an undesirable person.

Hansen founded Café Lefsa in the 1960s and ran it until the early 1970s. In 1972 his location was closed, but the reasons are not known. Connie, Egon's girlfriend, and the photo model Ulla, Benny's fiancée, also lived on the second floor, where the adjoining brothel was. For Valborg this place was therefore a rather disreputable place. She resented her husband Kjell when he met the Olsen gang there.

The police

Viggo Hermansen

Viggo Hermansen (also referred to as Karl Leopold Hermansen in a film) began his career with the Norwegian criminal police as a simple officer. Like his assistant Holm, he is dressed in a striking brown check. In the case of minor offenses he always suspected the Olsen gang at first, but in the case of larger crimes, his superior answered: "This cannot have been committed by a Norwegian." Later he rose to the position of detective inspector and began to occupy himself with other things than hunt down simple petty criminals, thieves and robbers. He found them almost sympathetic, including the Olsen Gang, because he was of the opinion that the “big criminals” should always be let go anyway. In contrast to the first films, Hermansen wants to have as little inconvenience as possible whenever possible and therefore prefers to put off a quiet service according to the rules. In the film Olsenbanden for full musikk , he was finally awarded the Order of St. Olav , and in the film Olsenbanden møter Kongen & Knekten , he was arrested in a straitjacket because of a "small" misunderstanding. He was later rehabilitated and brought back. Hermansen was demoted in 1978 because of his incompetence and transferred to the mounted police, where he also had to clean horse stables, among other things. But in 1979 he got his old job back as a detective inspector. In the film Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder , Hermansen then had to do with a case about a film role with secret data on Norwegian oil production in the North Sea, which the Olsenbande was after. At the end of the film, when he arrested a suspect with no evidence, he was again released from the police force. When he released Egon Olsen in his last official act, Olsen got a mixed up suitcase with his fishing equipment. Instead, Hermansen traveled with Egons 100 million Deutschmarks to Canada to his sister. In 1981 Hermansen was even put out of action by Benny using a cannon barrel. In the 1982 film Olsenbandens aller siste kupp , he was brought back into the police force, but now only as an assistant to Holm, who had now taken over his job as chief. In the same film, he wants to go into early retirement, but when they leave for Monte Carlo, he says goodbye to the Olsen gang with a police orchestra as the supposed “savior of world peace”. In 1984 he was (again or still) on duty when the Olsen Gang wanted to commit a theft in the Munch Museum. At the end of the film, he arrested Egon, this time as a suspected illegal sex video producer, and then later actually retired. His former subordinate colleague Holm then finally took over his part.

Walter Holm

Like his boss Hermansen, he is also dressed in eye-catching brown checks. Holm is a very ambitious employee who does everything for his career and wants to clarify everything at all costs. He even knows the Justice Minister Mona Røkke personally and even uses her first name Mona on a duo. His overzealous ambition and his good relationships will help him later in his further career spurts, or save him any inconvenience, in contrast to Hermansen.

Holm first appeared in the sixth film Olsenbandens siste bedrifter as Hermansen's assistant in the police service. He became a permanent employee of Hermansen in 1977. He got his first own case in the film Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry på sporet von Hermansen, when Valborg reported the theft of “her” property in Spain. He finally arrested Biffen, the “stupid pig”, as the alleged thief of Egon's money. Holm was eventually promoted and got a higher position in the 1978 film Olsenbanden + Data - Harry sprinkler verdensbanken , while Hermansen was transferred to the police stables. In the 1982 film Olsenbandens siste stikk , he takes over from Hermansen as a detective, while Hermansen becomes his assistant. In the last Olsen Gang film in 1999, he had a new subordinate in Gran, the second degree assistant. Holm now developed similar quirks to Hermansen earlier - he wants to have as little inconvenience as possible, while Gran wants to solve cases quickly and impetuously. Holm would also like to retire early. Holm is finally getting early retirement from the new State Secretary Grønn-Larsen for his help with the Wandenberg documents.

Assistant 2nd degree Gran

The police assistant 2nd degree Gran is in 1999 in the last film of the Olsen gang of Holm employees. After Holm retired in 1999, he took over his position. Before that, he had to accompany the dismissed and sentenced State Secretary Hallandsen to the Norwegian province of Flekkefjord .

Police chief

The old police chief appears in the first two films as Hermansen's immediate superior. Since the actor Georg Richter died in 1972 , a new police chief was introduced in 1973 in the fourth film, Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry går amok .

The opponents of the Olsen Gang

In most of the films, the Olsen gang had other opponents besides the police. In the beginning it was only criminals who carried out their deeds more or less openly, like the Mafia boss Serafimo Motzarella, played by Andy Andersen , but later they came up against much more powerful opponents.

Ivar Nørve (* 1941) played the Hallandsen twice.

Bang-Johansen and Hallandsen

Bang-Johansen and Hallandsen are two not entirely honest business people who often work together, including as directors of the insurance company "Hoher Norden" (Høye Nord) in 1982. They usually represent honorable politicians in public and portray themselves as loyal business people, but in Reality under the hand of tax evasion, embezzlement or illegal arms trade, or they also represent multinational finance capital and the so-called “multinational consortia”. They often try to outsmart the Olsen Gang, just like depriving them of their rightful share. Hallandsen becomes increasingly nervous and insecure when something goes wrong, which can lead to fainting or even a nervous breakdown if things don't go as planned. Bang-Johansen is the strict, cynical and smart part and always determined to achieve his goals at all costs. In the last film, Olsenbandens siste stikk , Bang Johansen was played by Hallvard Flatland, while Hallandsen, the State Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice , was played by Nils Ole Oftebro. Hallandsen was relieved of his post after failing to get hold of the said Wandenberg documents and was transferred to Flekkefjord in Norway as a punishment .

Stupid pig (biffen)

Ove Verner Hansen in October 2013 in Copenhagen

The “stupid pig”, Benny also sometimes referred to him as “Råtassen” (racket), mostly acts as the compliant henchman of the capital criminals Hallandsen and Bang-Johansen. Biffen's only job is usually to get rid of Egon and take away the stolen money from him. He is also very resourceful, but Benny and Kjell can thwart his plans and always save their boss at the last second.

Biffen had his first appearance in 1975 in Olsenbandens siste bedrifter (played by Torgils Moe), where he is supposed to get rid of Egon Olsen for good and take the Bedfort diamonds from him again.

Biffen (Ove Verner Hansen) came back to Norway in 1977 on behalf of the dubious international concern Multi Scan . His first mission was to take away the 90 million in Spain from the Olsen Gang. In Norway, he then exchanged the money for Multi-Scan for gold bars. Then he also tried to send Egon by parcel to Australia to get rid of him. Ultimately, however, he failed across the board and was even arrested as an alleged thief of Egon's money. Later, the "stupid pig" worked with Master Hansen, Egon's worst enemy. Around 1982 he worked as a security guard for the insurance company "Hoher Norden" (Høye Nord) and received several orders from there to remove Egon Olsen for good. Once he wants to blow up Olsen and another time he wants to dissolve him in acid. The "stupid pig" then followed the Olsen gang to Monaco and again took his prey from Egon on a luxury yacht. From 1984 he worked at the Oslo amusement park Tivoli and was commissioned to fetch the stolen Munch paintings of the Olsen Gang from Valborg's studio. But since there were only Valborg's copies there, he was slapped and fired by his client. For this he took revenge on Egon, kidnapped him and wanted to cut him in half on a sawed-up virgin utensil with the help of a circular saw . Benny and Kjell saved him again in time. Biffen's subsequent fate is not known.

König and Knappe as well as Jenny

Henki Kolstad played the role of squire and master Hansen in the Olsen Gang.

The king and squire (Kongen og knekten): Victor Emanuel Jensen and Emil Boldoni, better known as the king and the squire, are the rivals of the Olsen gang. First, in 1974, they took the booty, the silver dishes of a rich official, from the Olsen gang. Shortly afterwards, after a successful big coup by the Olsen Gang to transport money to the Fellesbanken , the king and the squire stole their loot again, this time with the help of Jenny. Benny had observed and identified Jenny as the little girl from the swimming pool in Oslo's Frognerbad, but too late. Jenny is the king's niece and squire's sister. Egon took the money from the king, but after a few days Jenny got it back. With the money from the Olsen Gang, she then moved on to Mallorca forever. The king and squire, who had checked into the Oslo Grand Hotel as “millionaires”, now had to work off their debts there as rags-to-riches. In the 1990s, the king and squire came to the Solgløtt nursing home in Oslo . Egon lived in the same home until 1999, when he found his way back to his gang.

Master Hansen

  • Master Hansen is also played by Henki Kolstad

Master Hansen (Mester Hansen) is real name Arnold F. Hansen and was born on February 29, 1922. He is the self-proclaimed archenemy of Egon Olsen. According to his own statements, he first met Egon around 1968 and has been enemies with him for over 10 years. Why he hates Olsen is not known, only that at the time of the reunion in 1978 he finally wanted to get revenge on him. Master Hansen tried several times to get rid of Egon with the help of his helper Biffen (stupid pig). At the end of the film Olsenbanden og Data-Harry sprenger verdensbanken he is arrested and even wants to take on all the coups that the Olsenbande has committed in order to present himself to the police as a more successful criminal. Egon Olsen, who comes along, goes too far. His “professional honor” does not allow this, so he confesses to all deeds. By confronting Master Hansen, Data Harry decided to become old Dynamite Harry again.


Plot scheme of the films

The main residence of the Norwegian Egon Olsen , the Oslo State Prison Botsfengselet . Analogous to the Danish Olsen Gang, Benny and Kjell greet him with
little flags when he is released at the prison gate .

The Norwegian Olsen Gang films, like their Danish models, are not a film series, so the actions of the individual films do not build on each other. For this, however, a similar pattern of action is repeated over and over and varied anew. Occasionally there are small inconsistencies between the individual films. Due to the changed order compared to the Danish Olsen Gang, there are sometimes further inconsistencies in the Olsen Gang chronology.

The Norwegian Olsen Gang has its home in Oslo and most of the action takes place there. Kjell and Valborg Jensen's apartment in Oslo's Kampen district is the home of the Olsen Gang . The house there is in Ullensaker Gata 1 A and the corresponding apartment is on the ground floor. In the first two films they meet for their meetings at the host Christian Hansen of Cafe Lefsa with an attached brothel. The gang leader in every film is always Egon Olsen. Often, however, the gang's coups go wrong. While Benny and Kjell usually escape the chasing police, Olsen is caught and arrested more often. Egon's second home is therefore the Botsfengselet prison in Oslo . With a new plan under his arm for new coups, he then returns after his release. Analogous to the Danish Olsen gang, Benny and Kjell greet him with flags when he is released at the prison gate . Then they drive together with Benny's car to Kjell's home, where Egon announces his new plan over a round of beer. Usually, Kjell's wife Valborg wants to decide what the allegedly stolen money should then be used for. At the beginning of the film, the gang sometimes starts with a minor break-in in order to get enough start-up capital for the bigger main coup. Almost every film ends with Egon being arrested again or someone else appropriating the Olsen gang's booty and disappearing.

A very common phenomenon with the Olsen gang is that the gang's vehicles run out of fuel (mostly gasoline or diesel ). This does not only affect Benny's car, but also the stolen vehicles, as well as the petrol engine hammer in film 3, or even a “borrowed” motorboat. For this reason Egon usually asks: “What's going on now?” To which Benny replies, “Yes, the devil. We're out of gas. The day before yesterday I refueled for a fiver! ”Another well-known phenomenon is that Valborg immediately starts making plans for what the prospective money will be used for and, if she wants to travel,“ she never has to wear anything ”. Valborg's financial planning also begins before the gang's planned coup has even begun or the booty can be obtained. Benny also has a crescent-shaped piece of brass, which he uses to help the gang to raise start-up capital as well as directly in a corresponding coup, with which he can crack locks, parking meters, doors, gas pumps and cigarette machines, among other things.

The Olsen gang's target is usually a safe from the Franz Jäger company from Berlin, which can almost always only be opened by a real expert like Egon Olsen.

The 14 films

No. Original title German title or translation based on: Film premiere in Norway Crimes of the Olsen Gang action
1 Olsen gangs also Olsen gangs
- Operasjon Egon
The Olsen Gang: Operation Egon the first Danish film: The Olsen Gang
* Premiere in Denmark : October 11, 1968, length: 77 minutes
11th August 1969 Burglary in a tobacco shop, theft of the Imperial Tower and multiple car thefts Length: 82 minutes
The Olsen gang breaks into a tobacco shop, where only Egon is caught and has to go to prison in Oslo . When Olsen is later released, he has a plan: They want to steal an art object, the so-called Kaiseraufsatz from the legacy of the Hohenzollern family , from a German art exhibition in Oslo and then move to Mallorca. After the art theft was successful, her car was left on the way to the airport. The Kaiseraufsatz then ends up in the pram of Kjell's offspring and his wife Valborg takes it with her. When the Olsen Gang got the stroller back, however, it was empty. Benny had lost a picture of himself and his girlfriend Ulla at the scene and that's why the police are after them. Benny and Kjell are reconciled with their partners and Kjell's eldest son Birger gives the Kaiser essay to the police for a finder's fee. Hermansen is demoted, but Egon Olsen has to go back to jail.
2 Olsen Gang and Dynamitt-Harry The Olsen Gang and Dynamite Harry the second Danish film: Die Olsen Gang in der Klemme
* Premiere in Denmark : October 3, 1969, length: 105 minutes
August 10, 1970 Diamond theft and multiple car thefts * Length: 100 minutes
The Olsen gang raids a savings bank - which is already being cleared out by someone else. Egon is arrested, and when he is released again he - inspired by the social worker Bodil Hansen - wants nothing more to do with crime. This gives him and later also Kjell and Benny a job in the Ringnes brewery . However, they are fired again when Egon makes a mess there. In their next job, as cleaning staff in the "Norwegian National Bank", they unwittingly witness a robbery and are suspected of stealing the Norwegian crown jewels and diamonds stored there. The police are looking for the Olsen gang but want to prove their innocence on their own and take revenge. After they manage to get the cello case with the prey, they are also hunted by the responsible American gangsters. Bodil Hansen finds a topic for her doctoral thesis with the American mafioso Serafimo Motzarella and contacts him. She also persuades him to face the police. Motzarella then admits to the police that she stole the crown jewels, but at the same time negotiates a deal to sell them. Bodil Hansen goes to America with Motzarella and the allegations against the Olsen gang are dropped. Egon is arrested by Hermansen because of the many small offenses, such as damage to property, violations of the traffic regulations, etc., which are said to have occurred during the chase.
3 Olsen gangs tar gull The Olsen Gang wins gold the third Danish film: The Olsen Gang in Jutland
* Premiere in Denmark : October 8, 1971, length: 96 minutes
September 9, 1972 Car theft, recovery of gold bars and counterfeit money from a restricted military area, attempt to redeem counterfeit money * Length: 94 minutes
Egon acquired a treasure map for a former German bunker in prison. The Olsen Gang travels to the Norwegian province of Sørlandet to find this old general treasure from the Second World War . At the same time another pair of crooks is also after the Nazi gold. After their vehicle breaks down in Sørlandet, they meet the scrap dealer Mats Matsen. The scrap dealer lends them the necessary equipment, but later also wants half of the treasure. Ultimately, the Olsen gang succeeds in recovering the entire treasure in the form of a box with gold bars and a suitcase full of dollar bills. Matsen takes his stake and keeps the gold and the Olsen gang gets the dollars. When the dollar was exchanged for Norwegian kroner, it turned out that the banknotes were counterfeit. Egon Olsen is arrested as the alleged owner of counterfeit money .
4th Olsen gangs and Dynamitt-Harry went amok The Olsen Gang and Dynamite Harry are running amok the fifth Danish film: The Olsen Gang runs amok
* Premiere in Denmark : October 5, 1973, length: 97 minutes
November 29, 1973 Theft of daily income from the Colosseum cinema in Oslo and 6 million kroner in black money . * Length: 102 minutes
The Olsen Gang wants to steal the daily income from the Oslo cinema Colosseum. When Benny's drunken brother Dynamit-Harry appears, the coup goes wrong and Egon is caught and has to go to jail. After Olsen is released, he is only expected by Harry, who has stopped drinking after his panned robbery. Benny and Kjell want nothing more to do with Egon and Harry. Benny has meanwhile become engaged to the unattractive daughter of a shopkeeper and wants to marry her and is employed there as a junior manager and Kjell as a warehouse manager. Dynamit-Harry offers Egon a collaboration for this. The planned break leads to Quist's shop, of all places. But there is nothing in the safe. Benny and Kjell, who happen to join, are caught by Quist, who are supposed thieves, and are arrested by the police. With the help of Kjell's son Basse, Kjell and Benny are freed. Now the Olsen Gang is tackling Egon's grand plan to steal the 6 million crowns of black money from the windy entrepreneur Hallandsen, who is also hot on the heels of the police. In between, Egon is interrupted during his coup when the Quist family reappear. Egon now sets out on his own to get the money, which he even manages. Only at the end Olsen has to hide in a fish cold store when he escapes. When Benny and Kjell discover that the Quist are completely broke, they join them again and, with Harry's help, can save Egon at the last moment. The police, who stormed the Hallandsen office at the same time, did not enter the safe and therefore got Egon Olsen as an expert. Benny and Kjell are scared to throw the money in a rubbish bin at the police station, which, of all things, is picked up. The money is burned in the waste incineration plant because Benny and Kjell are late. After his service, Egon is brought back to the airport and the Olsen gang also manage to escape to Mallorca , albeit penniless.
5 Olsenbanden møter Kongen & Knekten The Olsen Gang meets König & Knappe the fourth Danish film: The Olsen Gang and their big coup
* Premiere in Denmark : October 6, 1972, length: 94 minutes
15th August 1974 Silverware, 4 million crowns * Length: 93 minutes
The Olsen gang steals silver from a rich official and soccer fanatic during a soccer game. An opposing gang consisting of the "King" ( Kongen ) Victor Emmanuel Jensen (Arthur Jensen), the "Knappen" ( Knekten ) Emil Boldoni and his sister Jenny takes away the booty from them. Egon Olsen is also caught because of a transmission disorder by the apartment owners and is then arrested. Immediately after his release, Egon pulls off another big coup with his cronies, which includes 4 million tax dollars. After the coup is successful, the Olsen gang hides the loot in a swimming pool, where the “king”, however, snatches the loot for himself. Egon tricked him again with the help of the police and got back his loot, which was in a bank locker. Subsequently, the gang now wants to move to Mallorca, but the police with detective Hermansen are on their heels. Hermansen makes himself impossible and is arrested and put in a straitjacket. After they tricked the police and shook Hermansen off, Jenny is on to them. She triggers the Olsen gang's suitcase of money at Oslo airport, under false pretenses, before the gang can escape. When Egons tries to take the suitcase from her, he is arrested and has to go back to prison. Jenny flies to Mallorca with the money, while Emil and Victor Emmanuel have to work off their debts in the Oslo Grand Hotel as dishwasher. The police pays Valborg for the damage that the squire (Emil) caused to her apartment, assuming it was Hermansen.
6th Olsenbandens siste berifter The last deeds of the Olsen gang the sixth Danish film: The (presumably) last prank of the Olsen Gang
* Premiere in Denmark : September 26, 1975, length: 100 minutes
7th August 1975 Attempted theft of the daily income and burglary in Schweinhansen's office and theft of Bedtford diamonds and 70 million crowns of black money * Length: 91 minutes
The Olsen Gang is destitute in Mallorca and therefore needs some money. Egon has a plan: Corresponding parties and slaughter festivals are organized for Scandinavian tourists in Mallorca, where a lot of money is turned over on these days. In order to get their money back, they want to steal the income from the Norwegian party organizer "Schwein-Hansen" in Mallorca. At the crucial moment, Valborg comes and wants to introduce Egon to her holiday acquaintance - the toreros believed are in truth police officers. Egon is caught red-handed and transferred to Norway. Egon is released again, he wants nothing more to do with Benny and Kjell. Olsen now works for the outwardly honorable businessman Holm-Hansen jr., For whom he fetches the Bedford diamonds, which are sought after worldwide, from a Swiss Franz-Jäger safe. But this leaves Egon through the Swiss middleman, Mr. Conceive Ziegelhof and deprive him of his due share. When he receives the diamonds from Egon Olsen, Ziegelhof triggers the alarm and leaves Egon behind. Egon is still able to flee from the arriving police and smuggles himself back to Oslo as a stowaway on a train. With the help of his cronies, he now wants to get his share himself and avenge himself for the shame. Holm-Hansen Jr., for his part, wants to sell the Bedfort diamonds to an Arab sheikh for a profit, which the Olsen gang knows how to prevent. They steal the diamonds from Holm-Hansen and want to blackmail him with them. When Egon Holm-Hansen wants to hand over the diamonds, they are suddenly no longer there because Valborg has switched the pockets. Holm-Hansen assigns Biffen , the "stupid pig", to destroy Egons, but Benny and Kjell can save him in time before he is drowned. To get the diamonds back, Benny and Kjell disguise themselves as policemen and go with Egon to see Holm-Hansen on the basis of an alleged confession. The ruse succeeds through the distraction and the Olsen gang can get the sheikh's sum of money. They put the diamonds back in his safe, so that Holm-Hansen is arrested by the police. The Olsen Gang managed to escape to Mallorca, this time with the appropriate means.
7th Olsen gangs for full music The Olsen Gang at full speed the eighth Danish film: The Olsen Gang sees red
* Premiere in Denmark : October 1st, 1976, length: 101 minutes
December 26, 1976 Burglary of a baron's town house and castle, theft of the Ming vase * Length: 91 minutes
After Egon got out of prison, he and Benny and Kjell stole a valuable Chinese vase from the Ming dynasty on behalf of Baron von Løvenvold. At the handover, Egon is arrested and it turns out that Egon has been tricked again. The stolen Ming vase was a fake. The baron wants to secretly sell the real vase and collect the insurance money in addition. Benny and Kjell then try a small coup themselves but fail. Then Valborg takes the initiative, since her Basse wants to get married and his future wife Gry is already pregnant, money has to be found as soon as possible. Valborg wages a war with the authorities, whereupon Egon is released but becomes his guardian. Egon's new plan is to get the vase again. At first, the castle seems to have been broken into, but on the way back Egon gets lost in the dark cellar and falls into an old trap with the vase. After Benny and Kjell have freed him, he plans to break into the National Theater in Oslo , where a handover is to take place to the Danish businessman von Mengel and who want to get the vase as well as the money that is to be paid for it. During the performance, where the overture to the play Elverhøj by Friedrich Kuhlau is being performed as a guest performance in the Oslo National Theater, the Olsen gang works their way to the beat of the music with the help of nail irons, hammers, jigsaws and explosives into the auditorium, where they make their way unnoticed can steal the money and the Ming vase. After Basse and Gry have married successfully in the presence of the Olsen gang, Egon wants to give the young bride and groom a “morning gift”. Since there is a reward offered for the right Ming vase, he drives the bride and groom to redeem it. Clumsy Gry drops the vase and the extra money is gone. After the bride and groom left for their honeymoon, the Olsen gang discovered that Basse's friend Gry had taken the suitcase with her instead of the luggage. As a result, the Olsen gang comes away empty-handed again, but Valborg promises Egon to look after him even more as his guardian in the future. This is too much for Egon Olsen and prefers to go back to prison voluntarily.
8th Olsen gangs and Dynamitt-Harry på sporet The Olsen Gang and Dynamite Harry on the tracks the seventh Danish film: The Olsen Gang sets the course
* Premiere in Denmark : September 26th, 1975, length: 100 minutes
October 14, 1977 Burglary and attempted theft in Mallorca , severe impairment of rail traffic, theft of a shunting locomotive and attempted theft of gold bars from a safe wagon. * Length: 98 minutes
The Olsen gang enjoys their luxury stay in their villa in Mallorca. However, their millions are taken away from them by the stupid pig (Biffen). In a subsequent attempt to get the money back, Egon is arrested by the Spanish police and extradited to Norway. After Egon's release, the Olsen Gang wants to get back their lost millions and the hunt then continues in Norway. As Egon found out in prison, the money has meanwhile been invested in gold bars and is in a Franz Jäger vault. During his stay in prison, Egon also studied the entire timetable for the Norwegian State Railways . The Olsen gang succeeds in stealing the Franz-Jäger-Safe with gold bars, but the reloading goes wrong due to the old age of the truck that Benny procured. During their escape from the police, the Olsen gang had to have the gold bars placed on the collapsed vehicle. The gold is then returned to the wagon. After he found him in a marshalling yard, Egon is knocked down by the stupid pig and is supposed to be sent to Australia in a wooden box by post . Benny and Kjell free him again in time. This time with the help of Dynamite Harry they try again to steal the car. In the case of the theft, however, it turns out that the Norwegian state railway has now switched to the summer schedule and Egon's rehearsed schedules are useless. Egon then quickly shuts down the entire control system of the railway by means of a short circuit to a switch box. The Olsen gang can continue unhindered in the gold bar wagon. Biffen, but takes up the chase with his pickup truck, is picked up by Dynamite Harry's diesel locomotive. After the police arrive, the Olsen gang flees and the stupid pig, who is the culprit, is arrested. Kjell's wife Valborg, but had reported the theft of the money to the police in Mallorca and also passed on Egon's information that the value is now in the said wagon as gold. On this basis, as well as the personal description of the stupid pig, the Olsen Gang gets the gold back. After they finally have their loot back, the gold is exchanged according to plan, for a share majority and Egon becomes chairman of the supervisory board. When a tax investigator demands a back payment and fees for untaxed black money in the amount of 270 million Norwegian kroner and 35 ore , Egon has to pass. In the end, Egon is arrested for tax evasion.
9 Olsenbanden + Data – Harry sprenger verdensbanken The Olsen Gang and Data Harry blow up the World Bank the ninth Danish film: The Olsen Gang strikes again
* Premiere in Denmark : September 30, 1977, length: 97 minutes
September 18, 1978 Burglary into the Storting and the World Bank, theft of 10 million US dollars from the World Bank * Length: 102 minutes
The Olsen Gang plans to break into the Norwegian parliament, the Storting , on the day of the Oslo Russian Celebration . However, Egon forgot a number in the combination of digits, whereupon the plan fails. He is finally surprised and has to go to jail. When he comes out of the Botsfengselet again , he finds out that Benny and Kjell are working for a new boss, Data-Harry (Data-Harry). Daten-Harry, formerly Benny's brother Dynamit-Harry, studied computer science there after a stay in the USA and now carries out crimes with the help of the most modern computer technology. Egon has to join Harry involuntarily, but he thwarts his first joint coup with a simple nail. Afterwards he is now implementing his plan with Benny and Kjell: The so-called Butterberg is to be sold from Norway to Russia and the Olsen gang wants to steal the black money flown in. At first the plan succeeds, but the Storting representative and diplomat Smith-Nilsen and the fraudulent businessman Hallandsen commission the master Arnold F. Hansen, who, together with the stupid pig, takes the money from the Olsen gang again. Egon is therefore forced to team up with Data Harry in order to break into the Oslo branch of the World Bank. The coup of the Olsen gang succeeds and when the two gangs meet again, only Hansen and the “stupid pig” are arrested. Hansen even takes all the plans carried out by Egon or the Olsen Gang on his head in order to cash in on Egon's fame. Hermansen doesn't really believe him and therefore lets the search continue for Egon. Egon steps in to prevent Master Hansen from gaining the fame he deserves. The money from the World Bank is lost, however, because Valborg quickly washed it in a washing machine after Benny and Kjell had to hide it there.
10 Olsenbanden and Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder The Olsen Gang and Dynamite Harry to new heights the tenth Danish film: The Olsen Gang goes up on the roof
* Premiere in Denmark : October 6, 1978, length: 102 minutes
7th September 1979 Burglary into the office of the old Holmenkollen ski jump and theft of an explosive microfilm and 100 million DM * Length: 100 minutes
Due to an amnesty , Egon Olsen is released prematurely from prison against his will and therefore has no plan of his own and, contrary to his original plan, has to participate in Benny's coup at the Holmenkollen ski festival in Holmenkollen . Egon purposely screwed up Benny's plan and was able to go back to prison. After he is released, he naturally has a plan: steal a microfilm containing sensitive information and documents about investigations into promising undersea oil deposits in the Norwegian North Sea. Egon then wants to sell this to the windy businessman Brock Larsen, who in turn for 100 million DM to a German consortium, of which the Olsen Gang would still receive 10%. The acquisition of the film succeeds, but Olsen is fooled again when it is handed over. From Roy, Brock Larsen's assistant, Roy, Egon is also to be finally eliminated as an unwelcome confidante, whereby Benny and Kjell can save him at the last second. The Olsen Gang then outsmarted the Black Baron who wanted to buy Brock Larsen's film and got hold of the film again. Brock Larsen then reports Olsen to the police, which is what they are looking for. Egon offers the film to Brock Larsen again and is supposed to present it to the German financial consortium himself. Due to an unfortunate circumstance, the film was swapped with Kjell and Valborg's vacation pictures and Egon is captured by Brock Larsen on the roof of the Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel in Oslo. Egon is supposed to unpack where the film has remained in a short period of time, otherwise he will be pushed down with the car of the hotel. With the help of Dynamite Harry and his borrowed helicopter, his buddies can save him in time. At the same time they steal 100 million DM from Brock Larsen's safe. After the helicopter lands, however, Egon is arrested with the captured suitcase. In the meantime, the archive manager of the oil ministry made a complaint to Detective Inspector Hermansen about the theft of the microfilm by Brock Larsen, whom he suspected of being behind the scenes. However, Hermansen finds no evidence from Brock Larsen, since the film and the 100 million DM cannot be found and is dismissed from the police force. As a last official act, Olsen also releases. By mixing up the suitcases that looked the same, Hermansen got Egon's suitcase and went to live with his sister in Canada. When Egon notices at Kjell's house that he has no money again and instead only Hermansen's fishing equipment, he decides to go to prison again. In anger, Olsen throws in a window with displays of the Porsgrunn -Porselænsfabrik and is then arrested as requested. In Oslo's Botsfengselet prison, on the occasion of his tenth imprisonment (analogous to the anniversary of the 10th Norwegian Olsen gang film), Egon is received by a prison band and greeted personally by the prison director.
11 Olsen gangs gir seg aldri! The Olsen Gang never surrenders! the eleventh Danish film: The Olsen Gang never surrenders
* Premiere in Denmark : December 26, 1979, length: 105 minutes
August 25, 1981 Theft of sensitive documents, Egon is arrested for allegedly fraud, tax evasion and bankruptcy delay * Length: 101 minutes
Egon is picked up from prison by Benny alone this time. Valborg's sister is expecting a child and she has committed to help her, and therefore urgently needs a larger injection of funds. Furthermore, Valborg tries to get everyone to renovate her sister's apartment and the gang's plan meetings take place there. Egon had last attended a training course for managers in prison and now, after his release, he wants to buy shares in the renowned Oslo department store Steen & Strøm . The majority of the shares belong to the holding company TeamFinans . The Olsen Gang is supposed to provide a certain trade balance for the people behind the company, Hallandsen and Bang-Johansen. In return, Egon is to receive the majority of shares in the department store Steen & Strøm . Egon is set up again and the hunt for the files finally leads the Olsen gang to London . The then stolen red suitcase with the relevant explosive files falls into the hands of the police through a carelessness on the part of Egon. To get back to the suitcase, Benny and Egon "get" a tank from the Norwegian army . In the meantime, Kjell is in the hospital with Valborg to wait for her nephew to be born. With the help of their stolen tank, Benny and Egon can drive undetected through the police barrier directly in front of the house of the Norwegian minister, where Detective Inspector Hermansen is also with the corresponding red suitcase. After they were able to KO Hermansen with the help of the cannon barrel of their tank , they finally come back to the files. But the hunt is ultimately in vain - the scandal hushed up by Hallandsen has been exposed and the shares and balance sheets are no longer worth anything. Last but not least, Egon Olsen was arrested as the alleged owner of non-existent companies for fraud, tax evasion and bankruptcy by detective assistant Holm.
12 Olsenbandens aller siste kupp The Olsen Gang and their very last coup the twelfth Danish film: The Olsen Gang flies over the plank and the thirteenth Danish film: The Olsen gang flies over all mountains
* Premiere in Denmark : October 16, 1981, length: 90 minutes and December 26, 1981, length: 96 minutes
17th September 1982 Theft of illicit money and sensitive documents * Length: 101 minutes
Egon is released from prison and never wants to return to prison because he is threatened with admission to the psychiatric ward. Olsen is therefore planning his irrevocable final coup. This time they want to get the misappropriated black money from the safe of the insurance company "Hoher Norden". The theft seems to succeed at first, but the money is taken from Egon. The next chance comes when Vice Director Hallandsen wants to take the money abroad on a business trip to Paris. The Olsen gang stole his red suitcase and trench coat. But there is no more money in the suitcase, instead it contains some explosive documents that prove that the company is involved in illegal arms deals of international size. Egon wants to sell the papers to the director, is outwitted and handed over to the "stupid pig" (Biffen) for disposal. Benny and Kjell can save him at the last second by dissolving him in acid. After another hunt, the Olsen gang can get the red suitcase back into their possession. However, Valborg followed up on her threat and left Kjell and due to a misunderstanding, Egon was arrested as a "threat to world peace", which later turned out to be in his favor and he was released as the "savior of world peace". After Egon was arrested, Kjell and Benny discover the embezzled 5 million in Hallandsen's coat. The Olsen Gang then heads south. Her former adversary, Detective Inspector Hermansen, solemnly conducts a police orchestra and bids farewell to the now rich Olsen gang at Oslo Airport as the “savior of world peace”. What the Olsen Gang did not notice yet, in the cockpit of the plane is their greatest enemy, the stupid pig (Biffen). The plane with the Olsen Gang takes off and flies towards Monaco ...
13 ... men Olsenbanden var ikke død! ... But the Olsen gang wasn't dead! Own Norwegian sequel and script (by Knut Bohwim ), without a Danish template September 6, 1984 Colliery bouncing on a luxury yacht in Monte Carlo, breaking into the Munch Museum, art theft, counterfeiting of works of art and illegal art trade, Egon is arrested as an alleged illegal sex video producer. * Length: 89 minutes
After the last successful coup, the Olsen Gang moved from Norway to Monte Carlo and what they didn’t suspect at first, the Biffen, Stupid Pig followed them there as their pilot. There they enjoy their life as millionaires on a luxury yacht. The stupid pig, however, with the help of diving equipment, takes the money from the Olsen gang from Egon during a nap on the yacht. When they are supposed to pay for their luxury stay with their captain, he has no more money. The police called in arrests Olsen, while everyone else escapes. When Egon was released in Norway, he initially had no plan. In the meantime, Valborg has discovered her artistic streak and is busy painting pictures by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch . She also works as a cleaner at the Munch Museum in Oslo . The Olsen Gang therefore decides to steal a copy of the well-known picture The Scream and exchange it for a copy of Valborg. They then want to sell the real work of art to a French art collector. Despite some difficulties and confusion between the real picture and Valborg's fake, everything goes almost according to plan. However, the art lover wants a respite for the handover. In the meantime, the stupid pig is reactivated in Oslo, he tries to steal the pictures of the Olsen gang. When that doesn't work, he kidnaps Olsen and tries to kill him again. However, Benny and Kjell can save him again at the last second. When the stolen picture is handed over to the French art lover, the Olsen gang is surprised by Hermansen, who is carrying out a sex video raid nearby. After the subsequent chase, however, Egon von Hermansen is arrested and has to go back to the Oslo prison .
14th Olsenbandens siste stikk The very last trick of the Olsen Gang the fourteenth Danish film The (really) very last trick of the Olsen Gang
* Premiere in Denmark : December 18, 1998, length: 101 minutes (Denmark)
February 19, 1999 Burglary in Bang-Johansen company, attempted theft of his black money, burglary into the Ministry of Justice and the state extermination facility, theft of the Wandenberg documents * Length: 90 minutes
A red suitcase appears in Oslo containing the highly explosive Wandenberg documents. Department head Hallandsen is supposed to get hold of the corresponding Wandenberg documents and destroy them inconspicuously. To do this, he instructs his deputy Grønn-Larsen, who initially fails. At the same time, a talk show is being filmed in the Norwegian television studio in Oslo, featuring Egon Olsen, who has lived in Oslo's “Solgløtt” nursing home for 14 years. His former buddies Benny and Dynamit-Harry, but also Grønn-Larsen, see the TV show. Thereupon they go to see or meet Egon Olsen again. In the meantime, Olsen comes to the film studio through a maze in the building, into the props room, where he sees his old suit and bowler hat between the costumes. He dresses accordingly and flees. After Benny and Dynamit-Harry have found each other again, they go to Kjell's wife Valborg together. In their apartment he finds out that Kjell has died since 1990 and that Valborg is a widow. But Egon has a plan: the black money from Bang-Johansen, which is said to be one of the last Norwegian Franz-Jäger safes. Grønn-Larsen just missed Egon in front of the television studio. He therefore decides to go to the police for more information about Egon Olsen. Grønn-Larsen learns from Holm, who is waiting for his early retirement and who has taken over from Hermansen, that Egon will sooner or later appear at the only remaining Norwegian safe under the Franz-Jäger-Berlin brand. He also learns that it is in Bang-Johansen's former company and then goes there. In Bang-Johansen's company he surprises the Olsen gang red-handed at their coup. Bang-Johansen, who is also about to repeat his black money, also shows up there, with police assistant Gran on his heels, who wants to arrest him for fraud. By virtue of his office, Grønn-Larsen Bang Johansen runs the black money and takes Egon Olsen with him to fulfill his assignment. Egon manages to get the documents, but he is tricked into again. Benny finds Egon after a failed attempt at murder by Grønn-Larsen. Hallandsen and Grønn-Larsen bring the suitcase with the Wandenberg documents to the safest waste incineration plant in the country. Of course, Olsen has a plan for this too, and the Olsen gang succeeds in getting the suitcase back. Hallandsen then collapses and is replaced by his deputy Grønn-Larsen. He negotiates a new handover with Egon Olsen and the Olsen gang receives 15 million crowns in return. Hallandsen is transferred to Flekkefjord as a punishment and Grønn-Larsen can now dispose of Wandenberg documents himself. Holm can take early retirement for his with help and detective assistant Gran will be his successor. The Olsen gang finally settles with their money to Spain to spend their old age. They move in with Kjell and Valborg's son Basse, who owns a stately villa there.


“Also popular in Norway - The popular series of Olsen Gang films (10 since 1969) form the basis of the comedy productions of the team film. The films are about three brothers, true knights of the sad figure, whose attempts at the 'big coup' always fail, but who in any case have the sympathy of the audience on their side. The charm of these films is based on their friendly humor and skilfully written scripts. The ingenious and funny burglaries deserve a special mention. Unfortunately, the scripts were not written by the Norwegians themselves, but bought by the Danish company Nordisk Films, which produced a similar series. The Norwegian versions differ from the original Danish versions only because of the cast and the fact that the plot has been moved to Norway. "

- Bo-Christiansen, in: Filming Den nya norska. Oslo, September 1982, pp. 24-25.

“Adorable, genuinely Norwegian - Basically, in my opinion, the films about the Olsen Gang were an enjoyable and adorable contribution to an entertainment industry where cynicisms and sadisms creep into us with seductive tricks. The Olsen Gang has something really Norwegian about it, although it was originally Danish (like Norway too). "

- arab In: Stavanger Aftenblad, Stavanger, September 1984

“Norway's answer to James Bond - It is fashionable to complain about the lack of potent producers who have an expert overview and the strength to be creative counterparts to filmmakers. But Norwegian film has been much more producer-directed than one would think. (...) The team film had Knut Bohwim and the cameraman Mathis Matthisen as the engines of the production. This company is often accused of being 'commercial', but it was their stated goal to finance ambitious productions from the surpluses of production films. It has more or less stuck to this throughout its entire production period - around 25 years in the original form of society. But even this milieu was probably plagued by the Norwegian conscience: Show and entertainment are just inferior to the serious, although the development of such a genre also requires cinematic 'musicality'. Knut Bohwim (20 credits and thus the 'hardest working' director in Norway) delivered his Olsen Gang films year after year, which were solid Norwegian editions of the Danish hit films. which always received fine reviews in their country of origin with their mixture of commedia dell 'arte, silent film imagery, folk comedy, smart special effects and the big man-addicted dream of the' big coup 'capitalism in a messed up edition, as it was said. In the Norwegian versions, popular actors Arve Opsahl, Carsten Bryhring and Aud Schønemann became real competitors of the James Bond series in the battle for the audience. The series also provides us with one of the few examples of Norwegian-made films that went down in folklore and everyday language, as is often the case with films and characters in the US and France. "

- Per Haddal, Nordisk Film 1967–1992, in: Sigurd Evensmo , Det store Tivoli, 1992, pp. 392–393.

“The Olsen Gang back with Papa - More than 5 million Norwegians have seen the Olsen Gang films after their premiere. We do not know exactly how many people later saw them on video, TV or cable. But there were no doubt quite a few. Now Egon, Benny, Kjell, Valborg, Dynamit-Harry and the others come back to the cinema - after the films returned to their father, to Knut Bohwim from the Kommunes Filmcentral (KF). (...) So now they can be seen again - in the distribution of the KF, which holds all 13 films. By the way, the films had to dance through something like a roundabout before the theatrical version received the distribution rights. It all started with Teamfilm selling its rights to VIP Scandinvia. Fortunately, he sold it on before it broke - the buyer was VCM, which in turn bought Triangelfilm. The rights were later sold to Polygram, which they in turn sold to Esselte, which they then left to their daughter FilmNet. KF has now acquired the rights to film exploitation from FilmNet. The films are back with their father. Because Knut Bohwim wasn't just the one who saw her opportunity at the time. He also directed 11 of the 13 films. "

- Olsenbanden tilbake in "fars" hus - Helmaks Kut, in: Haugesund Festival Avisen, Haugesund, 22 August 1990

Idioms and expressions

In the Norwegian Olsen Gang films, the main actors consistently used a multitude of swear words and idioms that appeared in almost all films and were varied over and over again, similar to their Danish pedant:

  • "Jeg har en plan!" (Egon) - "I have a plan!"
  • "Alt er taima og tilrettelagt" (Egon) - "Everything is planned and prepared"
  • "Helmaks, Egon!" (Benny) - literally: “Well, it works, Egon!” (Also translated “Mächtig powerful” and in the Danish original version: “Skidegodt!” = Shitty good)
  • «Amatører! Idiot! Pappskaller og hengerumper! » (Egon, to Kjell and Benny) - “Amateurs! Idiots! Cardboard heads and hanging asses! "
  • "Ingenious, Egon!" (Benny) - "Awesome, Egon!"
  • "Men fanken, er'ke mere bensin, jo" (Benny, the gang's driver) - "Hell, the gasoline has run out."
  • "Er'ke det fa'li '?" (Kjell) - "Isn't that dangerous?"
  • "Men hva med 'a Valbor'?" (Kjell) - "But what will Valborg say about that?"
  • «Varsko here!» (Dynamite Harry) - "Warning! Explosion! "/" It's burning! "(Warning call shortly before the explosion)
  • "He vi blitt millionærer igjen?" (Basse) - "Are we millionaires again?"
  • “Because you can do it yourself” (Egon) - “This time nothing can go wrong.”
  • «Hvis det er farlig, for ikke Kjell lov til å være med. Bare så du veit det! " (Valborg) - “If it's dangerous, Kjell is not allowed to participate. Just so you know, Egon! "
  • “Gi deg du 'a, Kjell. Clear vi kan rain med han Egon! » (Benny) - “Stop it, Kjell. Of course we can count on Egon! "
  • "Ha'kke en trå å ha på meg!" (Valborg) - "But I don't have anything to wear!"
  • «Klapp igjen brødsaksa di nå 'a, Kjell»! (Benny) - literally: “Close the bread box, Kjell.” (Translated: Just shut up, Kjell.)
  • «Steng av du 'a Kjell» (Benny) - "Shut the door, Kjell." (Literally: lock up, Kjell!)
  • «Hvor mye er det snakk om a? bare så jed vett å mye jed har å rutte med ”(Valborg) -“ How much is it? Just so I know what to expect. "

Transport and vehicles

Cars and trucks

As with their Danish models, the Norwegian Olsen Gang mostly used older and somewhat shabby road cruisers. In the first film it was an Kaiser De Luxe , in the second a Mercury Monterey 54B, then mostly old Chevrolets , but also an old Oldsmobile 98 De Luxe Holiday , an old Mercedes-Benz W 121 , a Ford Fairlane 500 and a Toyota Corona Mark II MX28 (Film 13) are also occasionally the Olsen Gang's official vehicle or Benny's cars. In order to get further financial support, one used for the vehicles of the opponents and secondary persons, as well as for cars parked at the roadside, preferably also cars of the Japanese vehicle manufacturer Toyota , such as Toyota Hiace , Toyota Crown and Toyota Cressida . But there were a few exceptions, like in the twelfth film Olsenbandens aller siste kupp from 1982, which was sponsored by Datsun . The corresponding support was listed in the credits for the films.

Movie title Car type Construction year Mark
01 - Olsen gangs Emperor De Luxe 1955 27 37-44
02 - Olsen Gang and Dynamitt-Harry Mercury Monterey 54B 1961 35 25-05
03 - Olsen gangs tar gull Chevrolet Bel Air 1954 34 33-63
04 - Olsen Gang and Dynamitt-Harry går amok Oldsmobile 98 De Luxe Holiday 1955 DA 94757
05 - Olsenbanden møter Kongen & Knekten Mercedes-Benz 190 1965 BC 17901
06 - Olsenbandens siste deprifter Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan 1956 DA 18317
07 - Olsen gangs for full music Chevrolet Impala 1959 RE 20846
08 - Olsen gangs and Dynamitt-Harry on sporet Chevrolet Impala 1959 RE 20846
09 - Olsenbanden + Data – Harry sprenger verdensbanken Chevrolet One-Fifty 1955 KT 24422
10 - Olsenbanden and Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder Chevrolet One-Fifty 1955 BL 14998
11 - Olsen gangs gir seg aldri! Ford Fairlane 500 1963 BC 25825
12 - Olsenbandens aller siste kupp Chevrolet Bel Air Four-Door Sedan 1956 C 28210
13 - … men Olsen gangs var ikke død! Mercedes-Benz S-Class W126 (rental car in Monte Carlo)
Toyota Corona Mark II MX28
2903 QV 78
DB 63757
14 - Olsenbandens siste stikk Chevrolet Two-Ten Four-Door Sedan 1955 BL 14998

Most of the Olsen Gang vehicles were actually driven by Benny. In addition to the cars listed here, the Olsen Gang also frequently used "borrowed" vehicles. In the first film, for example, when Benny's car was confiscated by the police as no longer roadworthy, the gang borrowed Hermansen's car and later the car of a broken-down elderly gentleman. In the first film, Egon also drives a vehicle, after Benny and Kjell gave up, shortly afterwards he falls back on a third-party piano transport truck Bedford TK.

In the second film, Dynamit-Harry drives a VW T1 bus himself and in the tenth film, Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder , he even flies a helicopter. Benny also drives a stolen Krauss-Maffei Leopard 1 tank in the eleventh film . In the third film, Olsenbanden tar gull , the Olsenbande stole a Ford Transit from a butcher in order to get to the former German bunker in Sørlandet , where a treasure is said to be located. In the ninth film Olsenbanden + Data – Harry sprenger verdensbanken , a Citroën Type H comes into play, which was first driven by Master Hansen and the Stupid Pig (Biffen), but then also by the Olsenbande themselves.


The Norwegian railroad is also used very often by the gang. In the first film, Olsen-Gangs , the Olsen Gang, after a chase on the street, drives black with an old steam train through the province in order to get on like this. Egon smashes a police VW Beetle belonging to his pursuer Hermansen through a decoupled wagon . In the third film, the Olsen gang travels back on a train while Egon has to go back to prison. In the sixth film, Olsenbandens siste bedrifter , Egon has to make his way through as a stowaway to Norway on a train from Zurich-Copenhagen-Oslo after he was tricked in Switzerland and had to flee. Furthermore, in the sixth film, Olsenbandens siste bedrifter, locomotives are also operated directly by the Olsenbande, for example Kjell's son Basse drives a "borrowed" shunting locomotive in order to be able to steal the Bedfort diamonds. In the eighth film Olsenbanden Dynamite-Harry på og sporet , which in particular mainly only on the tracks of Norges Statsbaner happening is by Benny a likewise "borrowed" lower rail tractor of the type Skd 206 controlled to the Franz Hunter safe car with the to steal gold bars inside. Dynamit-Harry also drives a large NSB Di 2 shunting diesel locomotive in the same film .

Film music

As with the Danish Olsen Gang films, the film music is an indispensable part of the Olsen Gang films. Bent Fabricius-Bjerre (1924–2020) originally composed a Dixieland melody for the first Danish film Die Olsenbande , which, according to Erik Balling's wish, could be varied "in all conceivable forms". Depending on the situation or mood within the film, it could be accelerated or slowed down and underlaid with instruments such as the accordion or castanets .

The Norwegian composer and musician Egil Monn-Iversen created his own film music and theme song for the first film Olsen Gang in the Norwegian Olsen Gang film series . This is also the only film from the entire Olsen Gang universe that does not use the score and the well-known Olsen theme song by Bent Fabricius-Bjerre. In all later Norwegian Olsen Gang films, including the much later Norwegian series Olsenbande Junior , only the score by Bent Fabricius-Bjerre was used and varied accordingly, up to an Olsenbande rock version in the film Olsenbanden Junior på rocker'n . For the Norwegian junior films, the music was once again published or marketed separately in the form of different songs and theme melodies on CD, ringtone and also as MP3 files, or via iTunes .

In addition to the title melody, which was used for the films from all over the Olsenbande universe, Fabricius-Bjerre composed or arranged a number of other melodies; For example, his adaptation of the Elverhøj overture by the Danish composer Friedrich Kuhlau was used in the two films Olsenbanden for full musikk and Die Olsenbande sees red , which were made almost simultaneously .

In the fifth film, Olsenbanden møter Kongen & Knekten , the Olsenbande theme song, which was used instrumentally several times, and the song "Har du aldrig set mig nøgen" (Have you never seen me naked), an originally French song, composed by Vincent Scotto , were played by the actors also sung as a song in some places in the film. These sung songs were later also in Norway again on a single - record released.

Olsen Gangs - Esso Musicparty 21

In Norway, together with the mineral oil company ESSO, several well-known pieces of music, film music, skits and excerpts from various well-known films, television and radio programs were marketed as advertising under the label Esso Musicparty , starting as music cassettes in an extra series numbered from No. 1. Under the title Esso Music Party No. 21 - Olsen Gang, an advertising music cassette was also released in Norway for the corresponding film music and sketches by the Norwegian Olsen gang:

page A
  1. happy Birthday
  2. Esso Music Party he Helmax
  3. Hold on tight
  4. Something should be done
  5. En fin gammal song
  6. Esso vinterdekk
  7. Vær deg sjæl
  8. Esso taverna
  9. No woman no cry
  10. All dealers join Esso butikk
  11. Shaddap you face
  12. Vi er popkjendiser
  13. Aksepterad
Side B
  1. Lay all your love on me
  2. Benny, Gjør bilen winter clear
  3. Green door
  4. 50,000 på en kveld
  5. Trickle trickle
  6. Esso frostveske passer til alle b
  7. Against the wind
  8. Sikkerheten i focus
  9. Leva livet
  10. Esso lås spray
  11. Wordy rappinghood
  12. Ingenting smører som Esso uniflo
  13. Lorelei

Other Norwegian film and television productions related to the Olsen Gang

Olsen gangs: Ruskenaksjonen 1976

Olsenbanden: Ruskenaksjonen 1976 ( The Olsen Gang: Waste Action 1976 ) is a promotional short film of Oslo - municipality on the theme "Keep the environment and nature clean" from the year 1976. The film can be seen in a cutout part on www.filmarkivet. no. It was directed by Knut Andersen .


The Olsen Gang is just about to carry out a small coup, in which they want to open a safe with supposed prey. Despite all his efforts, Egon does not manage to break into the safe on site this time. So you decide to take the safe home with you in Kjell's and Valborg's apartment. However, they then find out that the vault is empty. The stolen safe must be disposed of as quickly as possible and discreetly as possible. A campaign is currently underway in Norway against pollution of the landscape, illegal waste disposal and for the regulated disposal of waste and rubbish. Despite all this, Benny suggests illegal disposal in Oslo's Akerselva River , but Egon has another proposal for disposal of the Corpus Delicti . In the end, you decide on illegal garbage disposal in Grønmo and go out in the middle of the night and simply throw the safe in the countryside at the illegal garbage dump there. They are surprised by the police and Egon is arrested again. Benny and Kjell can escape in time. When the two of them got back home, Valborg was reading a brochure from the municipality on public waste disposal with appropriate deadlines, where garbage can be returned free of charge in Grønmo at any opening time.

Role list

Egon Olsen Arve Opsahl
Kjell Jensen Carsten Byhring
Benny fringes Sverre Holm
Valborg Jensen Aud Schønemann

Olsen gangs: Ruskenaksjonen 1979

Olsenbanden: Ruskenaksjonen 1979 ( The Olsen Gang: Waste Action 1979 ) is a promotional short film Oslo - municipality on the theme "Keep the environment and nature clean". Part of the film can be seen in part on www.filmarkivet.no. It was directed by Knut Andersen .


The Olsen Gang goes skiing in the Oslo forest area Oslo-Marka . In the fresh nature, in the middle of the winter landscape, you can enjoy a delicious meal on a set table and with the appropriate camping furniture. When the set camping table of the gang falls over due to a mishap, the entire set table is now lying around as garbage in the forest. But Egon has a plan and has thought of everything. He had brought large rubbish bags that the municipality had provided to collect rubbish. They clean up and collect everything on it and leave no waste in nature.

Role list

Egon Olsen Arve Opsahl
Kjell Jensen Carsten Byhring
Benny fringes Sverre Holm

Olsen gangs «får» phone

Olsenbanden "får" telefon ( The Olsenbande receives a telephone ) is a short advertising film from the Norwegian telephone company Televerket from 1979. It was directed by Knut Bohwim. The script was written by the Norwegian actor Benny Sverre Holm and the film was produced by the Norwegian Teamfilm A / S.


Egon Olsen is released from Botsfengselet prison in Oslo and received by Benny and Kjell in front of the prison gate. Kjell has a big problem because he really needs a phone for his apartment. But Egon already has a plan for this. They disguise themselves as civil engineering workers for the telephone company and enter the company building undetected via a road construction canal. In the building they break through another floor to get into the room with the Franz-Jäger safe. Egon then fetches the appropriate new phone from the safe. When he gets home, Kjell is proud to hand over the new phone to his wife Valborg when a Televerket employee comes out of the apartment. Valborg then tells the Olsen gang that they now have their own telephone connection with a new phone, whereupon the gang is speechless.

The following is displayed accordingly:

Televerket (Norwegian telephone company) has already invested 2.4 million crowns in 62,000 telephone lines. This year Valborg and 726,000 others (Norwegians) got a phone. "

Role list

Egon Olsen Arve Opsahl
Benny fringes Sverre Holm
Kjell Jensen Carsten Byhring
Valborg Jensen Aud Schønemann
Telephone company employee Ulf Wengård

Fengslet av Olsenbanden

Fengslet av Olsenbanden ( The Olsen Gang Prison ) - is a documentary film from 1999, with a length of 60 minutes, presented by the Norwegian television channel TV 2 , in connection with and at the same time as the re-release of the last Norwegian Olsen film Olsenbandens siste stikk has been. The documentary tells, among other things, how the Olsen gang came to Norway, and what has happened to the Olsen gang in Norway over the past 30 years, as well as what has been produced.

The film was produced by Bjørn Jansen and Hans Jorgen Brundtland , and the latter also wrote the script for it. The film includes interviews with the Norwegian actors of the Olsen Gang, such as: Arve Opsahl (Egon), Sverre Holm (Benny), Aud Schønemann (Kjell's wife Valborg), the director of the Norwegian Olsen Gang Knut Bohwim and the actor Nils Ole Oftebro (played the Hallandsen in the last film) and by Pål Johannessen (Basse, son of Kjell and Valborg).

Olsen Gang TV Show

  • 2008: Kvitt eller dobbelt ( Nothing or Double ) is a Norwegian TV show based on an episode about the Norwegian Olsen Gang , including a quiz for children and adults. The winner was the then 9-year-old Vetle Skifjeld Rasmussen from Skien capital of Telemark and the then 12-year-old Eirik Hallingstad Egeland from city Mandal in the province ( Fylke ) Vest-Agder .

Other remakes and adaptations

The Norwegian and Danish Olsen Gang films also have a Swedish sister film series, under the name Jönssonligan ( Jönsson gang ) with a total of seven episodes, which were also created, at least in part on the basis of the Danish scripts, or partly on different Olsen gangs -Films based. The corresponding films were Swedishized and they were cast with Swedish actors, such as Gösta Ekman the Younger in the leading role as Charles-Ingvar "Sickan" Jönsson (corresponds to the role of Egon Olsen), Ulf Brunnberg played Ragnar Vanheden (corresponds to the role of Benny Fransen , or Frandsen), Nils Brandt as Rocky (corresponds to the role of Kjell Jensen or Kjeld) and Björn Gustafson played the dynamite Harry.

Further continuation of the Olsen Gang in Norway

Ringstabekk Castle in
Municipality . In the films of the Olsen Gang Junior (Norway) this is a main location and there is also the Lykkebo children's home and the arrest and main residence of the Norwegian Egon Olsen -Junior.

On the basis of the senior gang one shot in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, each with a separate offshoot, with children and youth actors in the lead role. The corresponding characters were taken from the corresponding senior gangs, only that in these films the story of the gangs in their childhood is told ( prequel ). To this end, a Christmas series and a whole series of independent children's films were produced in which the corresponding characters from the Olsen Gang or the Jönsson Ligan are children. First began 1996 in Sweden a "youth version" of the Jönsson gang under the title Lilla Jönssonligan (small Jönsson gang, or Jönsson gang junior) with a total of four more episodes to make. In 1999 Denmark followed the example of a junior gang with the Christmas series Olsen-bandens første kup ( The Olsen Gang Junior and their first coup ) and the movie Olsen Gang Junior . The Christmas series was also remade in Norway, similar to senior gang, under the name of the same name Olsenbandens første kupp , as was the Danish Olsen junior film, but slightly changed under the title: Olsenbanden jr. går under vann ( The Olsen Gang Junior goes into hiding ). This was followed by several more independent sequels in Norway, without a Danish script, as the Olsen Gang Junior's own Norwegian film series . Together with the Christmas series, a total of seven episodes were shot in Norway from 2001 to 2010. As a result of sequels, a separate Olsen Gang Junior film series was created there without a Danish template, the parts of which are among the most successful productions in Norwegian film history:

Some Norwegian Olsen Gang Junior films were also shown publicly several times at the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck .

In the end credits of all Norwegian Olsen Gang Junior movies will always also in the credit note on it: a special thanks to Henning Bah and Erik Balling for the creation of the Olsen Gang - universe .

Effect of the Norwegian Olsen Gang

The Norwegian Olsen Gang is still very popular in Norway, similar to the Danish Olsen Gang in Denmark , Eastern Germany and Eastern Europe . Due to the continuation of the films in the form of a Norwegian Olsen Gang Junior children's film series up to the present day (2001-2010), the whole Olsen Gang universe is also popular with younger generations. The Norwegian Olsen Gang Junior films are among the most popular and successful children and youth films in Norway and have also contributed to the general popularity of the Olsen Gang and the so-called "Olsen Gang Cult" spreading to the younger generation in Norway . Similar to Denmark and Germany, there are also countless plays that revolve around the old as well as the young Olsen gang. Among other things, z. For example, the Norwegian high- speed restaurant chain Egon Restaurant has also successfully used the name Egon (Olsen).

Comic series

In Denmark in 1977 a comic album drawn by Otto Frello became the fourth Danish film by the Olsen Gang, as well as the title of the same name; The Olsen Gang and their great coup published in a relatively large number of copies. The album was published in 2008, as part of the 40th anniversary of the series, with extensive additional and background material also in German by the Holzhof Verlag .

The idea of ​​making a comic about the Olsen Gang film series in Norway did not come up until 1983. After the last Norwegian Olsen film Olsen bandens aller siste kupp was shot in 1982 for this film series in Norway and in Denmark with The Olsen Gang Flies Over All Mountains (1981 ) the Olsen Gang series had also officially ended for the time being, there were no more Danish templates from Henning Bahs and Erik Balling . The director of the Norwegian Olsen Gang Knut Bohwim therefore decided to write the script for his thirteenth film himself. His original screenplay was published in advance in a comic in 1983 , under the title: Olsenbanden raner hurtigruta (The Olsenbande plunder the Hurtigrute). This was also reprinted in several episodes in Norwegian newspapers and then published as a comic album, which was a great success in Norway. Major parts of the comic took place on a Hurtigruten ship , where the Olsen Gang carried out a daring coup. However, to implement the film project in this way would have been very time-consuming and dependent on greater financial support. Therefore, despite appropriate efforts, the script for the film could never be implemented in this way. The plot of the original script was therefore rewritten or heavily changed by Knut Bohwim and the Hurtigruten Cuop was omitted and shelved . In 1984 the independent sequel … men Olsenbanden var ikke død! turned. The texts for the comic were rewritten accordingly by Sverre Årnes (who later also wrote the texts for the comic continuations) and the drawings were designed by Håkon Aasnes both here and in the following editions . Furthermore, Bohwim also wanted to shoot independent Olsen Gang films as a sequel to the other published Norwegian Olsen comics, but he never got the appropriate financial means for pre-financing and could therefore not be realized.

Comic albums
  1. 1983: Olsen Gang raner hurtigruta (The Olsen Gang plunders the Hurtigruten), author: Knut Bohwim ; Scenario: Sverre Årnes ; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes .
  2. 1984: Olsenbanden og Hodeskallekuppet (The Olsenbande and the Death's Head Coup), author / scenario: Sverre Årnes; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes.
  3. 1985: Olsenbanden kupper smuglerskatten (The Olsenbande and the Smugglers' Treasure Coup), author / scenario: Sverre Årnes; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes.
  4. 1986: Olsenbanden Dobbeltgjengeren (The Olsenbande and the Doppelganger). Author / scenario: Sverre Årnes; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes, ISBN 82-535-0772-0 .
  5. 1988: Olsen Gang kupper Quruks stjerne (The Olsen Gang and the Quruks Star Coup), author / scenario: Sverre Årnes; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes, ISBN 82-535-1071-3 .



  • The Norwegian Olsen Gang films 1 to 13 were presented and presented in 1997 at the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck . The film has since been released on VHS , DVD and Blu-Ray . A German-language publication does not yet exist for these films.


  • Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! The Olsen gang slapstick comedy between slapstick subversion. Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 .
  • Norsk Filminstitutt: Knut B! Festschrift for the 70th birthday of Knut Bohwim. Oslo 2001, ISBN 82-8025-001-8 .
  • Frank Eberlein , Frank-Burkhard Habel : The Olsen Gang. The big book for fans. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-89602-056-0 . (expanded new edition 2000, ISBN 3-89602-346-2 )
  • Frank Eberlein: The large lexicon of the Olsen Gang. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-361-6 .
  • SEMIC / Nordisk Forlag: Olsen Gang raner hurtigruta. (The Olsen Gang plunders the Hurtigruten), Author: Knut Bohwim; Scenario: Sverre Årnes; Drawings: Håkon Aasnes. Oslo 1983.
  • Otto Frello , Guido Herda a. a .: The Olsen Gang and their big coup. Comic, with a lot of background information on the Olsen gang (including the Norwegian gang). Holzhof, Dresden 2008, ISBN 978-3-939509-95-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. forerunner. In: olsen-bande.com. July 11, 2008, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  2. Other films. In: olsenbandenfanclub.de. July 1, 2009, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  3. Literature: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 29.
  4. Literature: Frank Eberlein : Die Olsenbande. The big book for fans . Schwarzkopf and Schwarzkopf, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-89602-056-0 , p. 222.
  5. ^ In: Haugesund Festival Avisen, Haugesund, August 22, 1990; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 108.
  6. Frank Eberlein : The large lexicon of the Olsen gang . Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-361-6 , pp. 269-276.
  7. Literature Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 .
  8. Frank Eberlein: The large lexicon of the Olsen gang. Pp. 51/52.
  9. Frank Eberlein: The large lexicon of the Olsen gang. Pp. 184/185.
  10. Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , pp. 108-112.
  11. Literature: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 .
  12. a b Fakta om banden - I fra Dansk til Norsk ... In: olsenbandenfanclub.webs.com. Olsenbanden fanclub, July 11, 2010, archived from the original on June 5, 2010 ; Retrieved October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  13. Literature: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , pp. 108-112.
  14. Literature: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , pp. 108-112.
  15. In: Den nya norska filmen, Oslo, September 1982, pp. 24–25; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 111.
  16. Stavanger Aftenblad, Stavanger, September 1984; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 162.
  17. Per Haddal , Nordisk Film 1967–1992, in: Sigurd Evensmo, Det store Tivoli, 1992, pp. 392–393; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , pp. 111-112.
  18. Olsenbanden tilbake in "fars" hus - Helmaks Kut, in: Haugesund Festival Avisen, Haugesund, 22 August 1990; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 112.
  19. 1952 Kaiser De Luxe Four-Door Sedan [K5211]. in Olsen-banden, Kinofilm, 1969. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  20. Mercury 54B in movies and TV series. Olsen-banden og Dynamitt-Harry, movie, 1970. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  21. 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air Four-Door Sedan [2403]. in Olsen-banden tar gull, Kinofilm, 1972. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  22. 1955 Oldsmobile 98 De Luxe Holiday Coupe [3037]. in Olsen-Banden and Dynamitt-Harry går amok. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  23. 1966 Mercedes-Benz 190 [W110]. in Olsen-banden møter kongen og knekten, Kinofilm, 1974. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  24. 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan [2413]. Olsenbandens siste bedrifter, motion picture, 1975. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  25. 1959 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe [1837]. in Olsenbanden for full musikk, movie, 1976. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  26. 1959 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe [1837]. in Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry på sporet, Kinofilm, 1976. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  27. 1955 Chevrolet Two-Ten Four Door Sedan [2103]. in Olsenbanden og Data-Harry Sprenger verdensbanken, cinema film, 1978. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  28. 1955 Chevrolet Two-Ten Four Door Sedan [2103]. in Olsenbanden and Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder, Kinofilm, 1979. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  29. 1963 Ford Fairlane 500 Four-Door Sedan [54B]. in Olsenbanden gir seg aldri !, movie, 1981. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  30. 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan [2413]. 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air [2403] in Olsenbandens aller siste kupp, Kinofilm, 1982. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  31. 1984 Mercedes-Benz S-Class [W126]. in Men Olsenbanden var ikke død !, Kinofilm, 1984. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  32. 1975 Toyota Corona Mark II Stasjonsvogn [MX28]. in Men Olsenbanden var ikke død !, Kinofilm, 1984. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  33. 1955 Chevrolet Two-Ten Four-Door Sedan [2103]. in Olsenbandens siste stikk, Kinofilm, 1999. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  34. 1958 Bedford TK [W110]. in Olsen-banden, Kinofilm, 1969. In: imcdb.org. Internet Movie Cars Database, January 1, 2004, accessed January 14, 2012 .
  35. Description of Skd 206. Tekniske data. In: leopardmotor.com. Retrieved July 28, 2013 (Norwegian).
  36. Olsenbanden Jr. - Olsenbanden Jr. Første Hits. (No longer available online.) In: platekompaniet.no. July 1, 2011, archived from the original on January 3, 2014 ; Retrieved January 23, 2012 (Norwegian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.platekompaniet.no
  37. Olsenbanden jr på Rocker'n - Musikk fra Filmen Label - Syng med Oss! (No longer available online.) In: rockipedia.no. November 10, 2008, formerly in the original ; Retrieved September 7, 2012 (Norwegian).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.rockipedia.no  
  38. discogs.com: Olsenbanden Jr. - Olsenbanden Jr. På Rocker'n Label: Capitol Records - 7243 5982232. In: discogs.com. July 18, 2008, accessed October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  39. OsloSurf Det skjer i Oslo: OLSENBANDEN JR. FOR FULL MUSIC. In: oslosurf.com. November 15, 2009, accessed October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  40. Platekompaniet: Olsenbanden Jr. Olsenbanden Jr. På Rocker'n Label / Leverandør EMI Catalog & Marketing / EMI - order number 72435982232. In: platekompaniet.no. December 21, 2004, accessed October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  41. Olsen Gang - Esso Musicparty 21 (excerpt) on YouTube
  42. Olsen tied: Rusken-aksjonen 1976. In: filmrommet.no. Norsk Filminstitutt, July 11, 2010, accessed December 31, 2013 (Norwegian).
  43. Olsen tied: Rusken-aksjonen 1979. In: filmrommet.no. Norsk Filminstitutt, July 11, 2010, accessed December 31, 2013 (Norwegian).
  44. Olsenbanden «får» phone on YouTube
  45. Fengslet av Olsenbanden on YouTube
  46. Kvitt eller doubles! KD-deltagere 2008: Vetle Skifjeld Rasmussen. In: nrk.no. NRK , October 28, 2008, accessed December 31, 2013 (Norwegian).
  47. Kvitt eller doubles! KD-deltagere 2008: Eirik Hallingstad Egeland. In: nrk.no. NRK , October 28, 2008, accessed December 31, 2013 (Norwegian).
  48. til kvitt eller dobbelt! del 1. (No longer available online.) In: nrk.no. NRK , July 11, 2010, archived from the original on January 9, 2009 ; Retrieved October 15, 2013 (Norwegian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www1.nrk.no
  49. til kvitt eller dobbelt! del. In: nrk.no. NRK , July 11, 2010, accessed October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  50. Cinema program at the festival. In: .luebeck.de. Nordic Film Days Lübeck , November 1, 2004, accessed on January 23, 2012 .
  51. The Olsen Gang Junior goes into hiding . In: nordische-kinderfilme.luebeck.de. Nordic Film Days Lübeck , November 1, 2003, archived from the original on August 16, 2014 ; Retrieved January 23, 2012 .
  52. Cinema program at the festival. In: .luebeck.de. Nordic Film Days Lübeck , November 1, 2004, accessed on January 23, 2012 .
  53. Biography about Arne Lindtner Næss on nordische-kinderfilme.luebeck.de (German) ( Memento from July 20, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )
  54. Olsen Gang Products. In: olsenbandenfanclub.webs.com. Olsenbanden fanclub, July 11, 2010, archived from the original on January 3, 2014 ; Retrieved October 15, 2013 (Norwegian).
  55. ^ Aftenposten Weekend - Olsenbanden (Oslo, April 28, 1984)
  56. Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : “I have a plan!”. Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , pp. 8-9.
  57. The Olsen Gang and Dynamite Harry. In: .luebeck.de. Nordic Film Days Lübeck , November 1, 1997, accessed on January 23, 2012 (German, unknown language, English).