Anjou (wine region)

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The Anjou wine-growing region is part of the large Loire wine-growing region . In the area, which geographically corresponds to the old province of Anjou , dry white wines , sparkling wines , dry red wines and semi-dry and sweet rosé wines are offered.


The vineyards are distributed over almost the entire Maine-et-Loire department and 14 municipalities in the Deux-Sèvres department and 9 municipalities in the Vienne department.

Approved municipalities in the Maine-et-Loire department

Note: The municipalities in italics are allowed in the Anjou-Villages appellation.

Allonnes , Les Alleuds , Ambillou-Château , Angers , Antoigné , Artannes-sur-Thouet , Aubigné-sur-Layon , Beaulieu-sur-Layon , Bellevigne-en-Layon , Blaison-Saint-Sulpice , Bouchemaine , Brain-sur-Allonnes , Brézé , Brigné , Brissac-Quincé , Brossay , Cernusson , Les Cerqueux-sous-Passavant , Chacé , Chalonnes-sur-Loire , Le Champ-sur-Layon , Champtocé-sur-Loire , Charcé-Saint-Ellier-sur-Aubance , Chaudefonds-sur-Layon , Chavagnes , Chemellier , Chemillé-en-Anjou , Cizay-la-Madeleine , Cléré-sur-Layon , Concourson-sur-Layon , Corzé , Le Coudray-Macouard , Courchamps , Coutures , Denée , Dénezé- sous-Doué , Distré , Doué-la-Fontaine , Epieds , Faveraye-Mâchelles , Faye-d'Anjou , Fontaine-Milon , Fontevraud-l'Abbaye , Forges , La Fosse-de-Tigné , Gennes-Val-de-Loire , Huillé , Ingrandes , Jarzé-Villages , Juigné-sur-Loire , La Jumelière , Louerre , Louresse-Rochemenier , Luigné , Lys-Haut-Layon , Martigné-Briand , Mauges-sur-Loire , Meigné , Montfort , Montilliers , Montreuil- Bellay , Mon tsoreau , Mozé-sur-Louet , Murs-Erigné , Notre-Dame-d'Allençon , Noyant-la-Plaine , Orée d'Anjou , Parnay , Passavant-sur-Layon , La Possonnière , Le Puy-Notre-Dame , Rablay -sur-Layon , Rochefort-sur-Loire , Rou-Marson , Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné , Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou , Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg , Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire , Saint-Georges -sur-Loire , Saint-Georges-sur-Layon , Saint-Germain-des-Prés , Saint-Jean-des-Mauvrets , Saint-Just-sur-Dive , Saint-Lambert-du-Lattay , Saint-Macaire-du -Bois , Saint-Melaine-sur-Aubance , Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne , Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire , Saint-Sigismond , Saulgé-l'Hôpital , Saumur , Savennières , Soucelles , Soulaines-sur-Aubance , Souzay -Champigny , Tancoigné , Tigné , Trémont , Turquant , Les Ulmes , Varennes-sur-Loire , Varrains , Vauchrétien , Le Vaudelnay , Les Verchers-sur-Layon , Verrie , Verrières-en-Anjou , and Villevêque .

Authorized municipalities in the Deux-Sèvres department

Argenton-l'Église , Bouillé-Loretz , Bouillé-Saint-Paul , Brion-près-Thouet , Cersay , Louzy , Mauzé-Thouarsais , Saint-Cyr-la-Lande , Saint-Martin-de-Mâcon , Saint-Martin- de-Sanzay , Sainte-Radegonde , Sainte-Verge , Thouars and Tourtenay .

Approved municipalities in the Vienne department

Berrie , Curçay-sur-Dive , Glénouze , Pouançay , Ranton , Saix , Saint-Léger-de-Montbrillais , Ternay , Les Trois-Moutiers .


Appellations Anjou / Rosé d'Anjou / Anjou-Gamay

All three appellations are permitted in all of the municipalities mentioned above.

Appellation Anjou Villages

46 communes (those in italics in the list of communes) have the area-specific appellation, which has had the status of an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée since November 14, 1991 . These communities generally have slate soils. In addition, the vineyards are ideally aligned with the sun.

Only dry red wines of the Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon grape varieties are permitted.

Appellation Cabernet d'Anjou

Cabernet d'Anjou has had the status of an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée since May 9, 1954.
